ReadFn.hs revision 60e6795dd310e10194e12bb660575aadf941328b
{- |
Module : ./Driver/ReadFn.hs
Description : reading and parsing ATerms, CASL, DOL files
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2014
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck)
reading and parsing ATerms, CASL, DOL files as much as is needed for the
static analysis
module Driver.ReadFn
( findFileOfLibNameAux
, libNameToFile
, fileToLibName
, readVerbose
, guessXmlContent
, isDgXmlFile
, getContent
, getExtContent
, fromShATermString
, getContentAndFileType
, showFileType
, keepOrigClifName
) where
import Logic.Grothendieck
import ATC.Grothendieck
import Driver.Options
import Driver.Version
import ATerm.AbstractSyntax
import ATerm.ReadWrite
import Common.Http
import Common.FileType
import Common.Id
import Common.IO
import Common.IRI
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.LibName
import Common.Utils
import Text.XML.Light
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe
noPrefix :: QName -> Bool
noPrefix = isNothing . qPrefix
isDgXml :: QName -> Bool
isDgXml q = qName q == "DGraph" && noPrefix q
isPpXml :: QName -> Bool
isPpXml q = qName q == "Lib" && noPrefix q
isDMU :: QName -> Bool
isDMU q = qName q == "ClashResult" && noPrefix q
isRDF :: QName -> Bool
isRDF q = qName q == "RDF" && qPrefix q == Just "rdf"
isOWLOnto :: QName -> Bool
isOWLOnto q = qName q == "Ontology" && qPrefix q == Just "owl"
guessXmlContent :: Bool -> String -> Either String InType
guessXmlContent isXml str = case dropWhile isSpace str of
'<' : _ -> case parseXMLDoc str of
Nothing -> Right GuessIn
Just e -> case elName e of
q | isDgXml q -> Right DgXml
| isRDF q -> Right $ OWLIn $ if any (isOWLOnto . elName) $ elChildren e
then OwlXml else RdfXml
| qName q == "Ontology" -> Right $ OWLIn OwlXml
| isDMU q -> Left "unexpected DMU xml format"
| isPpXml q -> Left "unexpected pp.xml format"
| null (qName q) || not isXml -> Right GuessIn
| otherwise -> Left $ "unknown XML format: " ++ tagEnd q ""
_ -> Right GuessIn -- assume that it is no xml content
isDgXmlFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> String -> Bool
isDgXmlFile opts file content = guess file (intype opts) == DgXml
&& guessXmlContent True content == Right DgXml
readShATermFile :: ShATermLG a => LogicGraph -> FilePath -> IO (Result a)
readShATermFile lg fp = do
str <- readFile fp
return $ fromShATermString lg str
fromVersionedATT :: ShATermLG a => LogicGraph -> ATermTable -> Result a
fromVersionedATT lg att =
case getATerm att of
ShAAppl "hets" [versionno, aterm] [] ->
if hetsVersionNumeric == snd (fromShATermLG lg versionno att)
then Result [] (Just $ snd $ fromShATermLG lg aterm att)
else Result [Diag Warning
"Wrong version number ... re-analyzing"
nullRange] Nothing
_ -> Result [Diag Warning
"Couldn't convert ShATerm back from ATermTable"
nullRange] Nothing
fromShATermString :: ShATermLG a => LogicGraph -> String -> Result a
fromShATermString lg str = if null str then
Result [Diag Warning "got empty string from file" nullRange] Nothing
else fromVersionedATT lg $ readATerm str
readVerbose :: ShATermLG a => LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> Maybe LibName
-> FilePath -> IO (Maybe a)
readVerbose lg opts mln file = do
putIfVerbose opts 2 $ "Reading " ++ file
Result ds mgc <- readShATermFile lg file
showDiags opts ds
case mgc of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (ln2, a) -> case mln of
Just ln | ln2 /= ln -> do
putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "incompatible library names: "
++ showDoc ln " (requested) vs. "
++ showDoc ln2 " (found)"
return Nothing
_ -> return $ Just a
-- | create a file name without suffix from a library name
libNameToFile :: LibName -> FilePath
libNameToFile ln = maybe (libToFileName ln)
(rmSuffix . iriToStringUnsecure) $ locIRI ln
findFileOfLibNameAux :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFileOfLibNameAux opts file = do
let fs = map (</> file) $ "" : libdirs opts
ms <- mapM (existsAnSource opts) fs
return $ case catMaybes ms of
[] -> Nothing
f : _ -> Just f
-- | convert a file name that may have a suffix to a library name
fileToLibName :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> LibName
fileToLibName opts efile =
let paths = libdirs opts
file = rmSuffix efile -- cut of extension
pps = filter snd $ map (\ p -> (p, isPrefixOf p file)) paths
in emptyLibName $ case pps of
[] -> if useLibPos opts then convertFileToLibStr file
else mkLibStr file
(path, _) : _ -> mkLibStr $ drop (length path) file
-- cut off libdir prefix
-- | add query string for an access token before loading an URI
loadAccessUri :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Either String String)
loadAccessUri opts fn = do
let u = fn ++ case accessToken opts of
"" -> ""
t -> '?' : accessTokenS ++ "=" ++ t
putIfVerbose opts 4 $ "downloading " ++ u
loadFromUri u
downloadSource :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Either String String)
downloadSource opts fn =
if checkUri fn then loadAccessUri opts fn else do
b <- doesFileExist fn
if b then catchIOException (Left $ "could not read file: " ++ fn)
. fmap Right $ readEncFile (ioEncoding opts) fn
else return $ Left $ "file does not exist: " ++ fn
tryDownload :: HetcatsOpts -> [FilePath] -> FilePath
-> IO (Either String (FilePath, String))
tryDownload opts fnames fn = case fnames of
[] -> return $ Left $ "no input found for: " ++ fn
fname : fnames' -> do
mRes <- downloadSource opts fname
case mRes of
Left err -> do
eith <- tryDownload opts fnames' fn
case eith of
Left res | null fnames' ->
return . Left $ err ++ "\n" ++ res
_ -> return eith
Right cont -> return $ Right (fname, cont)
getContent :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath
-> IO (Either String (FilePath, String))
getContent opts = getExtContent opts (getExtensions opts)
-- URIs must not have queries or fragments as possible extensions are appended
getExtContent :: HetcatsOpts -> [String] -> FilePath
-> IO (Either String (FilePath, String))
getExtContent opts exts fp =
let fn = fromMaybe fp $ stripPrefix "file://" fp
fs = getFileNames exts fn
ffs = if checkUri fn || isAbsolute fn then fs else
concatMap (\ d -> map (d </>) fs) $ "" : libdirs opts
in tryDownload opts ffs fn
exitHets :: String -> IO ()
exitHets err = do
hPutStrLn stderr err
exitWith $ ExitFailure 2
{- | output file type, checksum, real file name and file content.
inputs are hets options, optional argument for the file program,
and the library or file name. -}
getContentAndFileType :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath
-> IO (Either String (Maybe String, Maybe String, FilePath, String))
getContentAndFileType opts fn = do
eith <- getContent opts fn
case eith of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right (nFn, cont) -> do
let isUri = checkUri nFn
f <- if isUri then getTempFile cont "hets-file.tmp" else return nFn
Result ds mr <- runResultT $ getMagicFileType (Just "--mime-type") f
Result es mc <- runResultT $ getChecksum f
showDiags opts (ds ++ es)
when isUri $ removeFile f
return $ Right (mr, mc, nFn, cont)
showFileType :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO ()
showFileType opts fn = do
eith <- getContentAndFileType opts fn
case eith of
Left err -> exitHets err
Right (mr, _, nFn, _) ->
let fstr = (if nFn == fn then fn else nFn ++ " (via " ++ fn ++ ")")
++ ": "
in case mr of
Just s -> putStrLn $ fstr ++ s
Nothing -> exitHets $ fstr ++ "could not determine file type."
keepOrigClifName :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
keepOrigClifName opts origName file =
let iTypes = intype opts
in case guess file iTypes of
ext@(CommonLogicIn _) -> case guess origName iTypes of
CommonLogicIn _ -> origName
_ -> origName ++ '.' : show ext
_ -> file