ReadFn.hs revision 34bff097c14521b5e57ce37279a34256e1f78aa5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : reading and parsing ATerms, CASL, HetCASL files
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(DevGraph)
reading and parsing ATerms, CASL, HetCASL files
module Driver.ReadFn where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.Parse_AS_Library
import Syntax.Print_AS_Library()
import Static.DevGraph
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import ATC.AS_Library()
import ATC.DevGraph()
import ATC.GlobalAnnotations()
import ATC.Sml_cats
import Common.ATerm.Lib
import Common.ATerm.ReadWrite
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.DocUtils
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Driver.Options
import System.Directory
import System.Time
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
read_LIB_DEFN_M :: Monad m => LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> HetcatsOpts
-> FilePath -> String -> ClockTime -> m LIB_DEFN
read_LIB_DEFN_M lgraph defl opts file input mt =
if null input then fail ("empty input file: " ++ file) else
case intype opts of
ATermIn _ -> return $ from_sml_ATermString input
ASTreeIn _ -> fail "Abstract Syntax Trees aren't implemented yet"
_ -> case runParser (library (defl, lgraph)) (emptyAnnos defl)
file input of
Left err -> fail (showErr err)
Right ast -> return $ setFilePath file mt ast
readShATermFile :: ShATermConvertible a => FilePath -> IO (Result a)
readShATermFile fp = do
str <- readFile fp
r <- return $ fromShATermString str
case r of
Result _ Nothing -> removeFile fp
_ -> return ()
return r
fromVersionedATT :: ShATermConvertible a => ATermTable -> Result a
fromVersionedATT att =
case getATerm att of
ShAAppl "hets" [versionnr,aterm] [] ->
if hetsVersion == snd (fromShATermAux versionnr att)
then Result [] (Just $ snd $ fromShATermAux aterm att)
else Result [Diag Warning
"Wrong version number ... re-analyzing"
nullRange] Nothing
_ -> Result [Diag Warning
"Couldn't convert ShATerm back from ATermTable"
nullRange] Nothing
fromShATermString :: ShATermConvertible a => String -> Result a
fromShATermString str = if null str then
Result [Diag Warning "got empty string from file" nullRange] Nothing
else fromVersionedATT $ readATerm str
readVerbose :: ShATermConvertible a => HetcatsOpts -> LIB_NAME -> FilePath
-> IO (Maybe a)
readVerbose opts ln file = do
putIfVerbose opts 1 $ "Reading " ++ file
Result ds mgc <- readShATermFile file
showDiags opts ds
case mgc of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (ln2, a) -> if ln2 == ln then return $ Just a else do
putIfVerbose opts 0 $ "incompatible library names: "
++ showDoc ln " (requested) vs. "
++ showDoc ln2 " (found)"
return Nothing
-- | create a file name without suffix from a library name
libNameToFile :: HetcatsOpts -> LIB_NAME -> FilePath
libNameToFile opts ln =
case getLIB_ID ln of
Indirect_link file _ ofile _ ->
let path = libdir opts
-- add trailing "/" if necessary
in if null ofile then pathAndBase path file else ofile
Direct_link _ _ -> error "libNameToFile"
-- | convert a file name that may have a suffix to a library name
fileToLibName :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> LIB_NAME
fileToLibName opts efile =
let path = libdir opts
file = rmSuffix efile -- cut of extension
nfile = dropWhile (== '/') $ -- cut off leading slashes
if isPrefixOf path file
then drop (length path) file -- cut off libdir prefix
else file
in Lib_id $ Indirect_link nfile nullRange "" noTime
readPrfFile :: HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> IO LibEnv
readPrfFile opts ps ln = do
let fname = libNameToFile opts ln
prfFile = rmSuffix fname ++ prfSuffix
recent <- checkRecentEnv opts prfFile fname
h <- if recent then
fmap (maybe [emptyHistory] id) $ readVerbose opts ln prfFile
else return [emptyHistory]
return $ Map.update (Just . applyProofHistory h) ln ps
readPrfFiles :: HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> IO LibEnv
readPrfFiles opts le = do
foldM (readPrfFile opts) le $ Map.keys le