Options.hs revision 9f85afecbd79b3df5a0bb17bd28cd0b288dc3213
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Datatypes and functions for options that hets understands.
Copyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Datatypes for options that hets understands.
Useful functions to parse and check user-provided values.
module Driver.Options
( HetcatsOpts (..)
, AnaType (..)
, GuiType (..)
, InType (..)
, OutType (..)
, PrettyType (..)
, GraphType (..)
, SPFType (..)
, ATType
, Delta
, hetcatsOpts
, guess
, rmSuffix
, envSuffix
, prfSuffix
, removePrfOut
, hasEnvOut
, hasPrfOut
, existsAnSource
, checkRecentEnv
, downloadExtensions
, defaultHetcatsOpts
, hetsVersion
, showDiags
, showDiags1
, putIfVerbose
, doDump
, checkUri
) where
import Driver.Version
import Common.Utils
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.Amalgamate
import System.Directory
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.List
-- | short version without date for ATC files
hetsVersion :: String
hetsVersion = takeWhile (/= ',') hetcats_version
bracket :: String -> String
bracket s = "[" ++ s ++ "]"
-- use the same strings for parsing and printing!
verboseS, intypeS, outtypesS, skipS, structS, transS,
guiS, libdirsS, outdirS, amalgS, specS, recursiveS,
interactiveS, modelSparQS, connectS, xmlS, listenS,
applyAutomaticRuleS, normalFormS :: String
modelSparQS = "modelSparQ"
verboseS = "verbose"
intypeS = "input-type"
outtypesS = "output-types"
skipS = "just-parse"
structS = "just-structured"
guiS = "gui"
libdirsS = "hets-libdirs"
outdirS = "output-dir"
amalgS = "casl-amalg"
specS = "named-specs"
transS = "translation"
recursiveS = "recursive"
interactiveS = "interactive"
connectS = "connect"
xmlS = "xml"
listenS = "listen"
applyAutomaticRuleS = "apply-automatic-rule"
normalFormS = "normal-form"
genTermS, treeS, bafS :: String
genTermS = "gen_trm"
treeS = "tree."
bafS = ".baf"
graphS, ppS, envS, deltaS, prfS, owlS, omdocS, hsS, experimentalS :: String
graphS = "graph."
ppS = "pp."
envS = "env"
deltaS = ".delta"
prfS = "prf"
owlS = "owl"
omdocS = "omdoc"
hsS = "hs"
experimentalS = "exp"
tptpS, dfgS, cS :: String
tptpS = "tptp"
dfgS = "dfg"
cS = ".c"
showOpt :: String -> String
showOpt s = if null s then "" else " --" ++ s
showEqOpt :: String -> String -> String
showEqOpt k s = if null s then "" else showOpt k ++ "=" ++ s
-- main Datatypes --
-- | 'HetcatsOpts' is a record of all options received from the command line
data HetcatsOpts = HcOpt -- for comments see usage info
{ analysis :: AnaType
, guiType :: GuiType
, infiles :: [FilePath] -- ^ files to be read
, specNames :: [SIMPLE_ID] -- ^ specs to be processed
, transNames :: [SIMPLE_ID] -- ^ comorphism to be processed
, intype :: InType
, libdirs :: [FilePath]
, modelSparQ :: FilePath
, outdir :: FilePath
, outtypes :: [OutType]
, recurse :: Bool
, verbose :: Int
, defLogic :: String
, outputToStdout :: Bool -- ^ send messages to stdout?
, caslAmalg :: [CASLAmalgOpt]
, interactive :: Bool
, connectP :: Int
, connectH :: String
, uncolored :: Bool
, xmlFlag :: Bool
, applyAutomatic :: Bool
, computeNormalForm :: Bool
, dumpOpts :: [String]
, listen :: Int }
-- | 'defaultHetcatsOpts' defines the default HetcatsOpts, which are used as
-- basic values when the user specifies nothing else
defaultHetcatsOpts :: HetcatsOpts
defaultHetcatsOpts = HcOpt
{ analysis = Basic
, guiType = NoGui
, infiles = []
, specNames = []
, transNames = []
, intype = GuessIn
, libdirs = []
, modelSparQ = ""
, outdir = ""
, outtypes = [] -- no default
, recurse = False
, defLogic = "CASL"
, verbose = 1
, outputToStdout = True
, caslAmalg = [Cell]
, interactive = False
, connectP = -1
, connectH = ""
, uncolored = False
, xmlFlag = False
, applyAutomatic = False
, computeNormalForm = False
, dumpOpts = []
, listen = -1 }
instance Show HetcatsOpts where
show opts = showEqOpt verboseS (show $ verbose opts)
++ show (guiType opts)
++ (if interactive opts then showOpt interactiveS else "")
++ show (analysis opts)
++ showEqOpt libdirsS (intercalate ":" $ libdirs opts)
++ (if modelSparQ opts /= "" then showEqOpt modelSparQS (modelSparQ opts)
else "")
++ (if xmlFlag opts then showOpt xmlS else "")
++ (if connectP opts /= -1 then showOpt connectS else "")
++ (if listen opts /= -1 then showOpt listenS else "")
++ showEqOpt intypeS (show $ intype opts)
++ showEqOpt outdirS (outdir opts)
++ showEqOpt outtypesS (intercalate "," $ map show $ outtypes opts)
++ (if recurse opts then showOpt recursiveS else "")
++ (if applyAutomatic opts then showOpt applyAutomaticRuleS else "")
++ (if computeNormalForm opts then showOpt normalFormS else "")
++ showEqOpt specS (intercalate "," $ map show $ specNames opts)
++ showEqOpt transS (intercalate ":" $ map show $ transNames opts)
++ showEqOpt amalgS (tail $ init $ show $
case caslAmalg opts of
[] -> [NoAnalysis]
l -> l)
++ " " ++ intercalate " " (infiles opts)
-- | every 'Flag' describes an option (see usage info)
data Flag =
Verbose Int
| Quiet
| Uncolored
| Version
| Recurse
| ApplyAutomatic
| NormalForm
| Help
| Gui GuiType
| Analysis AnaType
| DefaultLogic String
| InType InType
| LibDirs String
| OutDir FilePath
| ModelSparQ FilePath
| OutTypes [OutType]
| Specs [SIMPLE_ID]
| Trans [SIMPLE_ID]
| CASLAmalg [CASLAmalgOpt]
| Interactive
| Connect Int String
| Dump String
| Listen Int
-- | 'makeOpts' includes a parsed Flag in a set of HetcatsOpts
makeOpts :: HetcatsOpts -> Flag -> HetcatsOpts
makeOpts opts flg = case flg of
Interactive -> opts { interactive = True }
XML -> opts { xmlFlag = True }
Listen x -> opts { listen = x }
Connect x y -> opts { connectP = x, connectH = y }
Analysis x -> opts { analysis = x }
Gui x -> opts { guiType = x }
InType x -> opts { intype = x }
LibDirs x -> opts { libdirs = splitOn ':' x }
ModelSparQ x -> opts { modelSparQ = x }
OutDir x -> opts { outdir = x }
OutTypes x -> opts { outtypes = x }
Recurse -> opts { recurse = True }
ApplyAutomatic -> opts { applyAutomatic = True }
NormalForm -> opts { computeNormalForm = True }
Specs x -> opts { specNames = x }
Trans x -> opts { transNames = x }
Verbose x -> opts { verbose = x }
DefaultLogic x -> opts { defLogic = x }
CASLAmalg x -> opts { caslAmalg = x }
Quiet -> opts { verbose = 0 }
Uncolored -> opts { uncolored = True }
Dump s -> opts { dumpOpts = s : dumpOpts opts }
Help -> opts -- skipped
Version -> opts -- skipped
-- | 'AnaType' describes the type of analysis to be performed
data AnaType = Basic | Structured | Skip
instance Show AnaType where
show a = case a of
Basic -> ""
Structured -> showOpt structS
Skip -> showOpt skipS
-- | 'GuiType' determines if we want the GUI shown
data GuiType = UseGui | NoGui
deriving Eq
instance Show GuiType where
show g = case g of
UseGui -> showOpt guiS
NoGui -> ""
-- | 'InType' describes the type of input the infile contains
data InType =
ATermIn ATType
| HaskellIn
| MaudeIn
| TwelfIn
| PrfIn
| OmdocIn
| ProofCommand
| GuessIn
instance Show InType where
show i = case i of
ATermIn at -> genTermS ++ show at
CASLIn -> "casl"
HetCASLIn -> "het"
OWLIn -> owlS
HaskellIn -> hsS
MaudeIn -> "maude"
TwelfIn -> "elf"
PrfIn -> prfS
OmdocIn -> omdocS
ProofCommand -> "hpf"
GuessIn -> ""
-- maybe this optional tree prefix can be omitted
instance Read InType where
readsPrec _ = readShowAux $ map ( \ i -> (show i, i))
(plainInTypes ++ aInTypes)
++ [(treeS ++ genTermS ++ show at, ATermIn at)
| at <- [BAF, NonBAF]]
-- | 'ATType' describes distinct types of ATerms
data ATType = BAF | NonBAF
instance Show ATType where
show a = case a of
BAF -> bafS
NonBAF -> ""
plainInTypes :: [InType]
plainInTypes =
[CASLIn, HetCASLIn, OWLIn, HaskellIn, MaudeIn, TwelfIn, PrfIn, OmdocIn, ProofCommand]
aInTypes :: [InType]
aInTypes = [ ATermIn x | x <- [BAF, NonBAF] ]
data SPFType = ConsistencyCheck | ProveTheory
instance Show SPFType where
show x = case x of
ConsistencyCheck -> cS
ProveTheory -> ""
spfTypes :: [SPFType]
spfTypes = [ConsistencyCheck, ProveTheory]
-- | 'OutType' describes the type of outputs that we want to generate
data OutType =
PrettyOut PrettyType
| GraphOut GraphType
| Prf
| EnvOut
| OWLOut
| OmdocOut
| XmlOut -- ^ development graph xml output
| ExperimentalOut -- ^ for testing new functionality
| HaskellOut
| ThyFile -- ^ isabelle theory file
| DfgFile SPFType -- ^ SPASS input file
| TPTPFile SPFType
| ComptableXml
| SigFile Delta -- ^ signature as text
| TheoryFile Delta -- ^ signature with sentences as text
instance Show OutType where
show o = case o of
PrettyOut p -> ppS ++ show p
GraphOut f -> graphS ++ show f
Prf -> prfS
EnvOut -> envS
OWLOut -> owlS
OmdocOut -> omdocS
XmlOut -> xmlS
ExperimentalOut -> experimentalS
HaskellOut -> hsS
ThyFile -> "thy"
DfgFile t -> dfgS ++ show t
TPTPFile t -> tptpS ++ show t
ComptableXml -> "comptable.xml"
SigFile d -> "sig" ++ show d
TheoryFile d -> "th" ++ show d
plainOutTypeList :: [OutType]
plainOutTypeList =
[Prf, EnvOut, OWLOut, OmdocOut, XmlOut, ExperimentalOut,
HaskellOut, ThyFile, ComptableXml]
outTypeList :: [OutType]
outTypeList = let dl = [Delta, Fully] in
++ [ PrettyOut p | p <- prettyList ]
++ [ SigFile d | d <- dl ]
++ [ TheoryFile d | d <- dl ]
++ [ DfgFile x | x <- spfTypes]
++ [ TPTPFile x | x <- spfTypes]
++ [ GraphOut f | f <- graphList ]
instance Read OutType where
readsPrec _ = readShowAux $ map ( \ o -> (show o, o)) outTypeList
data Delta = Delta | Fully
instance Show Delta where
show d = case d of
Delta -> deltaS
Fully -> ""
-- | 'PrettyType' describes the type of output we want the pretty-printer
-- to generate
data PrettyType = PrettyAscii | PrettyLatex | PrettyXml
instance Show PrettyType where
show p = case p of
PrettyAscii -> "het"
PrettyLatex -> "tex"
PrettyXml -> xmlS
prettyList :: [PrettyType]
prettyList = [PrettyAscii, PrettyLatex, PrettyXml]
-- | 'GraphType' describes the type of Graph that we want generated
data GraphType =
Dot Bool -- ^ True means show internal node labels
instance Show GraphType where
show g = case g of
Dot si -> (if si then "exp." else "") ++ "dot"
graphList :: [GraphType]
graphList = [Dot True, Dot False]
-- | 'options' describes all available options and is used to generate usage
-- information
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options = let
listS = "is a comma-separated list without blanks"
++ crS ++ "of one or more from:"
crS = "\n "
bS = "| "
joinBar l = "(" ++ intercalate "|" l ++ ")" in
[ Option "v" [verboseS] (OptArg parseVerbosity "0-5")
"verbosity, default is -v1"
, Option "q" ["quiet"] (NoArg Quiet)
"same as -v0, no output to stdout"
, Option "V" ["version"] (NoArg Version)
"print version number and exit"
, Option "h" ["help", "usage"] (NoArg Help)
"print usage information and exit"
, Option "g" [guiS] (NoArg (Gui UseGui))
"show graphs in windows"
, Option "u" ["uncolored"] (NoArg Uncolored)
"no colors in shown graphs"
, Option "I" [interactiveS] (NoArg Interactive)
"run in interactive mode"
, Option "p" [skipS] (NoArg $ Analysis Skip)
"skip static analysis, only parse"
, Option "s" [structS] (NoArg $ Analysis Structured)
"skip basic, just do structured analysis"
, Option "l" ["logic"] (ReqArg DefaultLogic "LOGIC")
"choose logic, default is CASL"
, Option "L" [libdirsS] (ReqArg LibDirs "DIR")
"colon separated paths of library source directories"
, Option "m" [modelSparQS] (ReqArg ModelSparQ "FILE")
"lisp file for SparQ definitions"
, Option "x" [xmlS] (NoArg XML)
"use xml packets to communicate"
, Option "c" [connectS] (ReqArg parseConnect "HOSTNAME:PORT")
"run interface comunicating via connecting to the port"
, Option "S" [listenS] (ReqArg parseListen "PORT")
"run interface by listening to the port"
, Option "i" [intypeS] (ReqArg parseInType "ITYPE")
("input file type can be one of:" ++ crS ++ joinBar
(map show plainInTypes ++
map (++ bracket bafS) [bracket treeS ++ genTermS]))
, Option "d" ["dump"] (ReqArg Dump "STRING")
"dump various strings"
, Option "O" [outdirS] (ReqArg OutDir "DIR")
"destination directory for output files"
, Option "o" [outtypesS] (ReqArg parseOutTypes "OTYPES")
("output file types, default nothing," ++ crS ++
listS ++ crS ++ concatMap ( \ t -> bS ++ show t ++ crS)
++ bS ++ joinBar (map show [SigFile Fully,
TheoryFile Fully])
++ bracket deltaS ++ crS
++ bS ++ ppS ++ joinBar (map show prettyList) ++ crS
++ bS ++ graphS ++ joinBar (map show graphList) ++ crS
++ bS ++ dfgS ++ bracket cS ++ crS
++ bS ++ tptpS ++ bracket cS)
, Option "R" [recursiveS] (NoArg Recurse)
"output also imported libraries"
, Option "A" [applyAutomaticRuleS] (NoArg ApplyAutomatic)
"apply automatic dev-graph strategy"
, Option "N" [normalFormS] (NoArg NormalForm)
"compute normal forms (takes long)"
, Option "n" [specS] (ReqArg parseSpecOpts "NSPECS")
("process specs option " ++ crS ++ listS ++ " SIMPLE-ID")
, Option "t" [transS] (ReqArg parseTransOpt "TRANS")
("translation option " ++ crS ++
"is a colon-separated list without blank" ++
crS ++ "of one or more from: SIMPLE-ID")
, Option "a" [amalgS] (ReqArg parseCASLAmalg "ANALYSIS")
("CASL amalgamability analysis options" ++ crS ++ listS ++
crS ++ joinBar (map show caslAmalgOpts)) ]
-- parser functions returning Flags --
-- | 'parseVerbosity' parses a 'Verbose' Flag from user input
parseVerbosity :: (Maybe String) -> Flag
parseVerbosity ms = case ms of
Nothing -> Verbose 2
Just s -> case reads s of
[(i, "")] -> Verbose i
_ -> hetsError (s ++ " is not a valid INT")
divideIntoPortHost :: String -> Bool -> (String, String) -> (String, String)
divideIntoPortHost s sw (accP, accH) = case s of
':' : ll -> divideIntoPortHost ll True (accP,accH)
c : ll -> if sw then divideIntoPortHost ll True (accP, c : accH)
else divideIntoPortHost ll False (c : accP, accH)
[] -> (accP, accH)
-- | 'parseConnect' parses a port Flag from user input
parseConnect :: String -> Flag
parseConnect s
= let (sP,sH) = divideIntoPortHost s False ([],[])
in case reads sP of
[(i,"")] -> Connect i sH
_ -> Connect (-1) sH
parseListen :: String -> Flag
parseListen s
= case reads s of
[(i,"")] -> Listen i
_ -> Listen (-1)
-- | intypes useable for downloads
downloadExtensions :: [String]
downloadExtensions = map ('.' :) $
map show plainInTypes
++ map ((treeS ++) . show) [ATermIn BAF, ATermIn NonBAF]
++ map show aInTypes
-- | remove the extension from a file
rmSuffix :: FilePath -> FilePath
rmSuffix = fst . stripSuffix (envSuffix : downloadExtensions)
-- | the suffix of env files
envSuffix :: String
envSuffix = '.' : envS
-- | the suffix of env files
prfSuffix :: String
prfSuffix = '.' : prfS
-- |
-- checks if a source file for the given file name exists
existsAnSource :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
existsAnSource opts file = do
let base = rmSuffix file
exts = case intype opts of
GuessIn -> if defLogic opts == "DMU"
then [".xml"] else downloadExtensions
e@(ATermIn _) -> ['.' : show e, '.' : treeS ++ show e]
e -> ['.' : show e]
names = file : map (base ++) (exts ++ [envSuffix])
-- look for the first existing file
validFlags <- mapM doesFileExist names
return . fmap snd . find fst $ zip validFlags names
-- | should env be written
hasEnvOut :: HetcatsOpts -> Bool
hasEnvOut = any ( \ o -> case o of
EnvOut -> True
_ -> False) . outtypes
-- | should prf be written
isPrfOut :: OutType -> Bool
isPrfOut o = case o of
Prf -> True
_ -> False
-- | should prf be written
hasPrfOut :: HetcatsOpts -> Bool
hasPrfOut = any isPrfOut . outtypes
-- | remove prf writing
removePrfOut :: HetcatsOpts -> HetcatsOpts
removePrfOut opts =
opts { outtypes = filter (not . isPrfOut) $ outtypes opts }
-- |
-- gets two Paths and checks if the first file is not older than the
-- second one and should return True for two identical files
checkRecentEnv :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
checkRecentEnv opts fp1 base2 = catch (do
fp1_time <- getModificationTime fp1
maybe_source_file <- existsAnSource opts {intype = GuessIn} base2
maybe (return False) ( \ fp2 -> do
fp2_time <- getModificationTime fp2
return (fp1_time >= fp2_time)) maybe_source_file
) (const $ return False)
-- | 'parseInType' parses an 'InType' Flag from user input
parseInType :: String -> Flag
parseInType = InType . parseInType1
-- | 'parseInType1' parses an 'InType' Flag from a String
parseInType1 :: String -> InType
parseInType1 str =
case reads str of
[(t, "")] -> t
_ -> hetsError (str ++ " is not a valid ITYPE")
{- the mere typo read instead of reads caused the runtime error:
Fail: Prelude.read: no parse -}
-- 'parseOutTypes' parses an 'OutTypes' Flag from user input
parseOutTypes :: String -> Flag
parseOutTypes str = case reads $ bracket str of
[(l, "")] -> OutTypes l
_ -> hetsError (str ++ " is not a valid OTYPES")
-- | 'parseSpecOpts' parses a 'Specs' Flag from user input
parseSpecOpts :: String -> Flag
parseSpecOpts = Specs . map mkSimpleId . splitOn ','
-- | 'parseTransOpt' parses a 'Trans' Flag from user input
parseTransOpt :: String -> Flag
parseTransOpt = Trans . map mkSimpleId . splitOn ':'
-- | guesses the InType
guess :: String -> InType -> InType
guess file itype = case itype of
GuessIn -> guessInType file
_ -> itype
-- | 'guessInType' parses an 'InType' from the FilePath
guessInType :: FilePath -> InType
guessInType file = case fileparse downloadExtensions file of
(_, _, Just ('.' : suf)) -> parseInType1 suf
(_, _, _) -> GuessIn
-- | 'parseCASLAmalg' parses CASL amalgamability options
parseCASLAmalg :: String -> Flag
parseCASLAmalg str =
case reads $ bracket str of
[(l, "")] -> CASLAmalg $ filter ( \ o -> case o of
NoAnalysis -> False
_ -> True ) l
_ -> hetsError $ str ++
" is not a valid CASL amalgamability analysis option list"
-- main functions --
-- | 'hetcatsOpts' parses sensible HetcatsOpts from ARGV
hetcatsOpts :: [String] -> IO HetcatsOpts
hetcatsOpts argv =
let argv' = filter (not . isUni) argv
isUni = isPrefixOf "--uni"
in case (getOpt Permute options argv') of
(opts, non_opts, []) ->
do flags <- checkFlags opts
infs <- checkInFiles non_opts
let hcOpts = (foldr (flip makeOpts) defaultHetcatsOpts flags)
{ infiles = infs }
if null infs && not (interactive hcOpts)&&(connectP hcOpts <0)&&
(listen hcOpts <0) then
hetsError "missing input files"
else return hcOpts
(_, _, errs) -> hetsError (concat errs)
-- | 'checkFlags' checks all parsed Flags for sanity
checkFlags :: [Flag] -> IO [Flag]
checkFlags fs =
let collectFlags = (collectDirs
. collectOutTypes
. collectVerbosity
. collectSpecOpts
-- collect some more here?
in do if not $ null [ () | Help <- fs]
then do putStrLn hetsUsage
exitWith ExitSuccess
else return [] -- fall through
if not $ null [ () | Version <- fs]
then do putStrLn ("version of hets: " ++ hetcats_version)
exitWith ExitSuccess
else return [] -- fall through
collectFlags fs
-- | 'checkInFiles' checks all given input files for sanity
checkInFiles :: [String] -> IO [FilePath]
checkInFiles fs = do
let ifs = filter (not . checkUri) fs
efs = filter hasExtension ifs
hasExtension f = any (flip isSuffixOf f) downloadExtensions
bs <- mapM doesFileExist efs
if and bs
then return fs
else hetsError $ "invalid input files: " ++
unwords (map snd . filter (not . fst) $ zip bs efs)
-- auxiliary functions: FileSystem interaction --
-- | check if infile is uri
checkUri :: FilePath -> Bool
checkUri file = let (_, t) = span (/= ':') file in
if length t < 4 then False
else let (_ : c2 : c3 : _) = t in c2 == '/' && c3 == '/'
-- (http://, https://, ftp://, file://, etc.)
-- | 'checkOutDirs' checks a list of OutDir for sanity
checkOutDirs :: [Flag] -> IO [Flag]
checkOutDirs fs = do
case fs of
[] -> return ()
[f] -> checkOutDir f
_ -> hetsError
"Only one output directory may be specified on the command line"
return fs
-- | 'checkLibDirs' checks a list of LibDir for sanity
checkLibDirs :: [Flag] -> IO [Flag]
checkLibDirs fs =
case fs of
[] -> do
s <- getEnvDef "HETS_LIB" ""
if null s then return [] else do
let d = LibDirs s
checkLibDirs [d]
return [d]
[LibDirs f] -> mapM_ checkLibDir (splitOn ':' f) >> return fs
_ -> hetsError
"Only one library path may be specified on the command line"
-- | 'checkLibDir' checks a single LibDir for sanity
checkLibDir :: FilePath -> IO ()
checkLibDir file = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist file
unless exists . hetsError $ "Not a valid library directory: " ++ file
-- | 'checkOutDir' checks a single OutDir for sanity
checkOutDir :: Flag -> IO ()
checkOutDir (OutDir file) = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist file
unless exists . hetsError $ "Not a valid output directory: " ++ file
checkOutDir _ = return ()
-- auxiliary functions: collect flags --
collectDirs :: [Flag] -> IO [Flag]
collectDirs fs =
let (ods, fs1) = partition isOutDir fs
(lds, fs2) = partition isLibDir fs1
isOutDir (OutDir _) = True
isOutDir _ = False
isLibDir (LibDirs _) = True
isLibDir _ = False
in do ods' <- checkOutDirs ods
lds' <- checkLibDirs lds
return $ ods' ++ lds' ++ fs2
collectVerbosity :: [Flag] -> [Flag]
collectVerbosity fs =
let (vs,fs') = partition isVerb fs
verbosity = (sum . map (\(Verbose x) -> x)) vs
isVerb (Verbose _) = True
isVerb _ = False
vfs = Verbose verbosity : fs'
in if not $ null [() | Quiet <- fs'] then Verbose 0 : fs' else
if null vs then Verbose 1 : fs' else vfs
collectOutTypes :: [Flag] -> [Flag]
collectOutTypes fs =
let (ots,fs') = partition isOType fs
isOType (OutTypes _) = True
isOType _ = False
otypes = foldl concatOTypes [] ots
concatOTypes = (\ os (OutTypes ot) -> os ++ ot)
in if null otypes then fs' else OutTypes otypes : fs'
collectSpecOpts :: [Flag] -> [Flag]
collectSpecOpts fs =
let (rfs,fs') = partition isSpecOpt fs
isSpecOpt (Specs _) = True
isSpecOpt _ = False
specs = foldl concatSpecOpts [] rfs
concatSpecOpts = (\ os (Specs ot) -> os ++ ot)
in if null specs then fs' else Specs specs : fs'
-- auxiliary functions: error messages --
-- | 'hetsError' is a generic Error messaging function that prints the Error
-- and usage information, if the user caused the Error
hetsError :: String -> a
hetsError = error . (++ '\n' : hetsUsage)
-- | 'hetsUsage' generates usage information for the commandline
hetsUsage :: String
hetsUsage = let header = "Usage: hets [OPTION...] file ... file [+RTS -?]"
in usageInfo header options
-- | 'putIfVerbose' prints a given String to StdOut when the given HetcatsOpts'
-- Verbosity exceeds the given level
putIfVerbose :: HetcatsOpts -> Int -> String -> IO ()
putIfVerbose opts level =
when (outputToStdout opts) . when (verbose opts >= level) . putStrLn
doDump :: HetcatsOpts -> String -> IO () -> IO ()
doDump opts str = when (elem str $ dumpOpts opts)
-- | show diagnostic messages (see Result.hs), according to verbosity level
showDiags :: HetcatsOpts -> [Diagnosis] -> IO()
showDiags opts ds =
runResultT (showDiags1 opts $ liftR $ Result ds Nothing) >> return ()
-- | show diagnostic messages (see Result.hs), according to verbosity level
showDiags1 :: HetcatsOpts -> ResultT IO a -> ResultT IO a
showDiags1 opts res =
if outputToStdout opts then do
Result ds res' <- lift $ runResultT res
lift $ printDiags (verbose opts) ds
case res' of
Just res'' -> return res''
Nothing -> liftR $ Result [] Nothing
else res