StaticAnalysis.hs revision 3df62855407557d42ee0caa1e7d4cd2a2f53f75b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Static Analysis for DL
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see Hets/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The static analysis of DL basic specs is implemented here.
module DL.StaticAnalysis
( basic_DL_analysis
import DL.AS
import Logic.Logic()
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.ExtSign
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import DL.Sign
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel()
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
basic_DL_analysis :: (DLBasic, Sign,GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (DLBasic, ExtSign Sign DLSymbol,[Named DLBasicItem])
basic_DL_analysis (spec, sig, _) =
sens = case spec of
DLBasic x -> x
[cCls, cObjProps, cDtProps, cIndi, cMIndi] = splitSentences sens
oCls = uniteClasses cCls
oObjProps = uniteObjProps cObjProps
oDtProps = uniteDataProps cDtProps
oIndi = uniteIndividuals (cIndi ++ splitUpMIndis cMIndi)
cls = getClasses $ map item $ oCls
dtPp = getDataProps (map item oDtProps) (cls)
obPp = getObjProps (map item oObjProps) (cls)
(ind, mcls) = getIndivs (map item oIndi) (cls)
outSig = emptyDLSig
classes = cls `Set.union` mcls
, dataProps = dtPp
, objectProps = obPp
, individuals = ind
outImpSig <- addImplicitDeclarations outSig (oCls ++ oObjProps ++ oDtProps ++ oIndi)
case Set.intersection ( nameD $ dataProps outImpSig) ( nameO $ objectProps outImpSig) == Set.empty of
True ->
return (spec, ExtSign{
plainSign = outImpSig `uniteSigOK` sig
,nonImportedSymbols = generateSignSymbols outImpSig
, map (makeNamedSen) $ concat [oCls, oObjProps, oDtProps, oIndi])
False ->
let doubles = Set.toList $ Set.intersection ( nameD $ dataProps outImpSig) ( nameO $ objectProps outImpSig)
fail ("Sets of Object and Data Properties are not disjoint: " ++ show doubles)
-- | Generation of symbols out of a signature
generateSignSymbols :: Sign -> Set.Set DLSymbol
generateSignSymbols inSig =
cls = (\x -> DLSymbol
symName = x
, symType = ClassSym
}) $ classes inSig
dtP = (\x -> DLSymbol
symName = x
, symType = DataProp
}) $ nameD $ dataProps inSig
obP = (\x -> DLSymbol
symName = x
, symType = ObjProp
}) $ nameO $ objectProps inSig
inD = (\x -> DLSymbol
symName = x
, symType = Indiv
}) $ iid $ individuals inSig
cls `Set.union` dtP `Set.union` obP `Set.union` inD
isLegalSuperProperty :: Id -> DLPropertyComp -> Bool
isLegalSuperProperty cId cProps =
case cProps of
DLPropertyComp cPI ->
case length cPI > 1 of
True -> cId `Set.notMember` ( Set.fromList $ tail $ reverse $ tail cPI )
False -> True
-- | Functions for adding implicitly defined stuff to signature
addImplicitDeclarations :: Sign -> [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> Result Sign
addImplicitDeclarations inSig sens =
foldM (\ s a -> do
s2 <- addImplicitDeclaration s a
uniteSig s s2) inSig sens
addImplicitDeclaration :: Sign -> Annoted DLBasicItem -> Result Sign
addImplicitDeclaration inSig sens =
case item sens of
DLClass _ props _ _ ->
oSig <- mapM (\x ->
case x of
DLSubClassof ps _->
sig <- mapM (\y -> analyseConcepts inSig y True) ps
foldM (uniteSig) emptyDLSig sig
DLEquivalentTo ps _->
sig <- mapM (\y -> analyseConcepts inSig y True) ps
foldM (uniteSig) emptyDLSig sig
DLDisjointWith ps _->
sig <- mapM (\y -> analyseConcepts inSig y True) ps
foldM (uniteSig) emptyDLSig sig) props
foldM (uniteSig) emptyDLSig oSig
DLObjectProperty nt mC1 mC2 propRel _ _ _ ->
c1 <- analyseMaybeConcepts inSig mC1 False
c2 <- analyseMaybeConcepts inSig mC2 False
c3 <- mapM (\x ->
case x of
DLSubProperty r _->
foldM (\z y -> addToObjProps z inSig y) emptyDLSig r
DLInverses r _->
foldM (\z y -> addToObjProps z inSig y) emptyDLSig r
DLEquivalent r _->
foldM (\z y -> addToObjProps z inSig y) emptyDLSig r
DLDisjoint r _->
foldM (\z y -> addToObjProps z inSig y) emptyDLSig r
DLSuperProperty r _ ->
foldM (\a b ->
case b of
DLPropertyComp c ->
case isLegalSuperProperty nt b of
True ->
(foldM (\z y -> addToObjProps z inSig y) a c)
False -> fail (show b ++ " does not fulfill the SROIQ restrictions for " ++ show nt)
) emptyDLSig r
) propRel
c4 <- foldM (uniteSig) emptyDLSig c3
ct <- c1 `uniteSig` c2
ct `uniteSig` c4
DLDataProperty nt mC1 mC2 propRel _ _ _ ->
analyseMaybeConcepts inSig mC1 True
analyseMaybeDataConcepts inSig mC2 True
c3 <- mapM (\x ->
case x of
DLSubProperty r _->
foldM (\z y -> addToDataProps z inSig y) emptyDLSig r
DLInverses r _->
foldM (\z y -> addToDataProps z inSig y) emptyDLSig r
DLEquivalent r _->
foldM (\z y -> addToDataProps z inSig y) emptyDLSig r
DLDisjoint r _->
foldM (\z y -> addToDataProps z inSig y) emptyDLSig r
DLSuperProperty r _ ->
foldM (\a b ->
case b of
DLPropertyComp c ->
case isLegalSuperProperty nt b of
True ->
(foldM (\z y -> addToDataProps z inSig y) a c)
False -> fail (show b ++ " does not fulfill the SROIQ restrictions for " ++ show nt)
) emptyDLSig r
) propRel
c4 <- foldM (uniteSig) emptyDLSig c3
return c4
DLIndividual _ mType ftc indRel _ _ ->
tt <- (case mType of
Nothing -> return emptyDLSig
Just rp ->
case rp of
DLType r _->
foldM (\z y -> addToClasses z inSig y) emptyDLSig r)
it <- mapM (\x ->
case x of
DLSameAs r _-> foldM (\z y -> addToIndi z inSig y) emptyDLSig r
DLDifferentFrom r _-> foldM (\z y -> addToIndi z inSig y) emptyDLSig r) indRel
it2 <- foldM (uniteSig) emptyDLSig it
ftt <- mapM (\x -> case x of
DLPosFact (oP, indi) rn->
case Set.member (QualDataProp oP) (dataProps inSig) of
False ->
case isDatatype indi of
False ->
case illegalId indi of
False ->
nOps <- addToObjProps emptyDLSig inSig oP
addToIndi nOps inSig indi
True -> fatal_error ("Illegal indentifier for individual: " ++ show indi) rn
True ->
addToDataProps emptyDLSig inSig oP
True ->
case isDatatype indi of
True -> return $ emptyDLSig
False -> fatal_error "Unknown Datatype" rn
DLNegFact (oP, indi) rn->
case Set.member (QualDataProp oP) (dataProps inSig) of
False ->
case isDatatype indi of
False ->
case illegalId indi of
False ->
nOps <- addToObjProps emptyDLSig inSig oP
addToIndi nOps inSig indi
True -> fatal_error ("Illegal indentifier for individual: " ++ show indi) rn
True ->
addToDataProps emptyDLSig inSig oP
True ->
case isDatatype indi of
True -> return $ emptyDLSig
False -> fatal_error "Unknown Datatype" rn
) ftc
ftf <- foldM (uniteSig) emptyDLSig ftt
oS <- tt `uniteSig` it2
oss <- ftf `uniteSig` oS
return oss
_ -> fail ("Error in derivation of signature at: " ++ show (item sens))
analyseMaybeConcepts :: Sign -> Maybe DLConcept -> Bool -> Result Sign
analyseMaybeConcepts inSig inC isData =
case inC of
Nothing ->
return emptyDLSig
Just x ->
analyseConcepts inSig x isData
analyseMaybeDataConcepts :: Sign -> Maybe DLConcept -> Bool -> Result Sign
analyseMaybeDataConcepts _ inC _ =
case inC of
Nothing ->
return emptyDLSig
Just x ->
case x of
DLClassId y rn->
case Set.member y dlDefData of
True -> return emptyDLSig
False -> fatal_error "Unknown Data Type" rn
_ -> fail "Unknown Data Type"
isDType :: DLConcept -> Bool
isDType dt =
case dt of
DLClassId c _ -> c `Set.member` dlDefData
_ -> False
analyseConcepts :: Sign -> DLConcept -> Bool -> Result Sign -- Bool is true if DataProperty
analyseConcepts inSig inC isData =
case inC of
DLAnd c1 c2 _->
recS1 <- analyseConcepts inSig c1 isData
recS2 <- analyseConcepts inSig c2 isData
oSig <- uniteSig recS1 recS2
return oSig
DLOr c1 c2 _->
recS1 <- analyseConcepts inSig c1 isData
recS2 <- analyseConcepts inSig c2 isData
oSig <- uniteSig recS1 recS2
return oSig
DLXor c1 c2 _->
recS1 <- analyseConcepts inSig c1 isData
recS2 <- analyseConcepts inSig c2 isData
oSig <- uniteSig recS1 recS2
return oSig
DLNot c1 _->
recS1 <- analyseConcepts inSig c1 isData
return recS1
DLSome r c _->
if isDType c
if isData
addToDataProps emptyDLSig inSig r
fail $ "Trying to define dataproperty " ++ show r
++ " in relation to Object Property"
recSig <- (analyseConcepts inSig c isData)
addToObjProps recSig inSig r
DLOneOf ids _->
foldM (\x y -> addToIndi x inSig y) emptyDLSig ids
DLHas r c _->
case isDatatype c of
True -> addToDataProps emptyDLSig inSig r
False ->
withr <- addToObjProps emptyDLSig inSig r
addToIndi emptyDLSig withr c
DLOnly r c _->
if isDType c
if isData
addToDataProps emptyDLSig inSig r
fail $ "Trying to define dataproperty " ++ show r
++ " in relation to Object Property"
recSig <- (analyseConcepts inSig c isData)
addToObjProps recSig inSig r
DLOnlysome r c _-> analyseConcepts inSig (expand (DLOnlysome r c nullRange)) isData
DLMin r _ cp _->
cps <- (\x -> case x of
Nothing -> return emptyDLSig
Just y -> analyseConcepts inSig y isData) cp
ops <- addToDataProps emptyDLSig inSig r
(cps `uniteSig` ops)
DLMax r _ cp _->
cps <- (\x -> case x of
Nothing -> return emptyDLSig
Just y -> analyseConcepts inSig y isData) cp
ops <- addToDataProps emptyDLSig inSig r
(cps `uniteSig` ops)
DLExactly r _ cp _->
cps <- (\x -> case x of
Nothing -> return emptyDLSig
Just y -> analyseConcepts inSig y isData) cp
ops <- addToDataProps emptyDLSig inSig r
(cps `uniteSig` ops)
DLValue r c _->
sig <- addToObjProps emptyDLSig inSig r
addToIndi sig inSig c
DLClassId r _->
addToClasses emptyDLSig inSig r
DLSelf _ ->
return inSig
addToObjProps :: Sign -> Sign -> Id -> Result Sign
addToObjProps recSig inSig r =
if (not (isDataProp r inSig))
uniteSig emptyDLSig{objectProps=Set.singleton $ QualObjProp r} recSig
fatal_error (show r ++ " is already a Data Property") $ posOfId r
addToDataProps :: Sign -> Sign -> Id -> Result Sign
addToDataProps recSig inSig r =
if (not (isObjProp r inSig))
uniteSig emptyDLSig{dataProps=Set.singleton $ QualDataProp r} recSig
fatal_error (show r ++ " is already an Object Property") $ posOfId r
addToClasses :: Sign -> Sign -> Id -> Result Sign
addToClasses recSig _ r =
uniteSig emptyDLSig{classes=Set.singleton r} recSig
addToIndi :: Sign -> Sign -> Id -> Result Sign
addToIndi recSig _ r =
uniteSig emptyDLSig{individuals=Set.singleton $ QualIndiv r [topSort]} recSig
splitUpMIndis :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> [Annoted DLBasicItem]
splitUpMIndis inD = concat $ map splitUpMIndi inD
splitUpMIndi :: Annoted DLBasicItem -> [Annoted DLBasicItem]
splitUpMIndi inD =
(idDs, dType, dFacts, eql, pa, rn) = (\x -> case x of
DLMultiIndi idS dlT fts eqlD para rn1-> (idS, dlT, fts, eqlD, para, rn1)
_ -> error "no") $ item inD
idSet = Set.fromList idDs
rAnnos = r_annos inD
lAnnos = l_annos inD
case eql of
Nothing -> map (\x -> Annoted
item = DLIndividual x dType dFacts [] pa rn
, opt_pos = rn
, l_annos = lAnnos
, r_annos = rAnnos
}) idDs
(Just DLSame) -> map (\x -> Annoted
item = DLIndividual x dType dFacts [DLSameAs (Set.toList (Set.delete x idSet)) rn] pa rn
, opt_pos = rn
, l_annos = lAnnos
, r_annos = rAnnos
}) idDs
(Just DLDifferent) -> map (\x -> Annoted
item = DLIndividual x dType dFacts [DLDifferentFrom (Set.toList (Set.delete x idSet)) rn] pa rn
, opt_pos = rn
, l_annos = lAnnos
, r_annos = rAnnos
}) idDs
-- | Union of blocks with the same name
uniteIndividuals :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> [Annoted DLBasicItem]
uniteIndividuals inds =
map uniteIndividual $ getSame inds
uniteIndividual :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> (Annoted DLBasicItem)
uniteIndividual inds =
name = head $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLIndividual nm _ _ _ _ _-> nm
_ -> error "No"
) inds
rn = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLIndividual _ _ _ _ _ rn1-> rn1
_ -> error "No"
) inds
para = unitePara $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLIndividual _ _ _ _ mpa _-> mpa
_ -> error "No"
) inds
tpes = (\x -> case x of
[] -> Nothing
y -> Just $ DLType y rn) $
Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\x -> case x of
DLType y _-> y) $ map fromJust $ filter (/=Nothing) $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLIndividual _ tp _ _ _ _-> tp
_ -> error "No"
) inds
fts = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLIndividual _ _ ft _ _ _-> ft
_ -> error "No"
) inds
iRel = bucketIrel $ Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLIndividual _ _ _ iR _ _-> iR
_ -> error "No"
) inds
rAnnos = concat $ map r_annos inds
lAnnos = concat $ map l_annos inds
item = DLIndividual name tpes fts iRel para rn
, opt_pos = rn
, l_annos = lAnnos
, r_annos = rAnnos
uniteDataProps :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> [Annoted DLBasicItem]
uniteDataProps op =
map uniteDataProp $ getSame op
uniteDataProp :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> (Annoted DLBasicItem)
uniteDataProp op =
para = unitePara $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLDataProperty _ _ _ _ _ mpa _-> mpa
_ -> error "No"
) op
dom = bucketDomRn $ map fromJust $ Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ filter (/= Nothing) $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLDataProperty _ dm _ _ _ _ _-> dm
_ -> error "No"
) op
rn = bucketDomRn $ map fromJust $ Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ filter (/=Nothing) $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLDataProperty _ _ mrn _ _ _ _-> mrn
_ -> error "No"
) op
propsRel = bucketPropsRel $ Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLDataProperty _ _ _ prel _ _ _-> prel
_ -> error "No"
) op
chars = filter (/= Nothing) $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLDataProperty _ _ _ _ char _ _-> char
_ -> error "No"
) op
ochar = case chars of
[] -> Nothing
(x:xs) -> case length (map fromJust (x:xs)) == length (filter (== DLFunctional) $ map fromJust (x:xs)) of
True -> Just DLFunctional
_ -> error ("Wrong characteristics " ++ (concatComma $ map show (filter (/=DLFunctional) $ map fromJust (x:xs)))
++ " in Data property " ++ show name)
name = head $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLDataProperty nm _ _ _ _ _ _-> nm
_ -> error "No"
) op
rng = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLDataProperty _ _ _ _ _ _ rn1-> rn1
_ -> error "No"
) op
rAnnos = concat $ map r_annos op
lAnnos = concat $ map l_annos op
item = DLDataProperty name dom rn propsRel ochar para rng
, opt_pos = rng
, l_annos = lAnnos
, r_annos = rAnnos
bucketIrel :: [DLIndRel] -> [DLIndRel]
bucketIrel inR =
sameS = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map stripIRel $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLSameAs _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
sameR = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case x of
DLSameAs _ rn1 -> rn1
_ -> error "No") $
filter (\x -> case x of
DLSameAs _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
diffS = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map stripIRel $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLDifferentFrom _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
diffR = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case x of
DLDifferentFrom _ rn1 -> rn1
_ -> error "No") $
filter (\x -> case x of
DLDifferentFrom _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
[] ++
(if sameS /= [] then [DLSameAs sameS sameR] else []) ++
(if diffS /= [] then [DLDifferentFrom diffS diffR] else [])
stripIRel :: DLIndRel -> [Id]
stripIRel iR = case iR of
DLSameAs y _-> y
DLDifferentFrom y _-> y
uniteObjProps :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> [Annoted DLBasicItem]
uniteObjProps op =
map uniteObjProp $ getSame op
uniteObjProp :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> (Annoted DLBasicItem)
uniteObjProp op =
para = unitePara $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLObjectProperty _ _ _ _ _ mpa _-> mpa
_ -> error "No"
) op
dom = bucketDomRn $ map fromJust $ Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ filter (/= Nothing) $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLObjectProperty _ dm _ _ _ _ _-> dm
_ -> error "No"
) op
rn = bucketDomRn $ map fromJust $ Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ filter (/=Nothing) $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLObjectProperty _ _ mrn _ _ _ _-> mrn
_ -> error "No"
) op
propsRel = bucketPropsRel $ Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLObjectProperty _ _ _ prel _ _ _-> prel
_ -> error "No"
) op
chars = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLObjectProperty _ _ _ _ char _ _-> char
_ -> error "No"
) op
name = head $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLObjectProperty nm _ _ _ _ _ _-> nm
_ -> error "No"
) op
rng = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLObjectProperty _ _ _ _ _ _ rn1-> rn1
_ -> error "No"
) op
rAnnos = concat $ map r_annos op
lAnnos = concat $ map l_annos op
item = DLObjectProperty name dom rn propsRel chars para rng
, opt_pos = rng
, l_annos = lAnnos
, r_annos = rAnnos
bucketPropsRel :: [DLPropsRel] -> [DLPropsRel]
bucketPropsRel inR =
subs = stripPRel $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLSubProperty _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
subsR = stripPRelRng $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLSubProperty _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
invs = stripPRel $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLInverses _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
invsR = stripPRelRng $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLInverses _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
eqivs = stripPRel $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLEquivalent _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
eqivsR = stripPRelRng $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLEquivalent _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
dis = stripPRel $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLDisjoint _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
disR = stripPRelRng $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLDisjoint _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
sups = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\y -> case y of
DLSuperProperty z _ -> z
_ -> error "Nope") $
filter (\x -> case x of
DLSuperProperty _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
supsR = stripPRelRng $filter (\x -> case x of
DLSuperProperty _ _-> True
_ -> False) inR
[] ++
(if subs /= [] then [DLSubProperty subs subsR] else []) ++
(if invs /= [] then [DLInverses invs invsR] else []) ++
(if eqivs /= [] then [DLEquivalent eqivs eqivsR] else []) ++
(if dis /= [] then [DLDisjoint dis disR] else []) ++
(if sups /=[] then [DLSuperProperty sups supsR] else [])
stripPRel :: [DLPropsRel] -> [Id]
stripPRel inR = concat $ map (\x -> case x of
DLSubProperty y _-> y
DLInverses y _-> y
DLEquivalent y _-> y
DLDisjoint y _-> y
DLSuperProperty _ _ -> error "I deny to do this") inR
stripPRelRng :: [DLPropsRel] -> Range
stripPRelRng inR = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case x of
DLSubProperty _ y -> y
DLInverses _ y -> y
DLEquivalent _ y -> y
DLDisjoint _ y -> y
DLSuperProperty _ y -> y) inR
bucketDomRn :: [DLConcept] -> (Maybe DLConcept)
bucketDomRn lst = case lst of
[] -> Nothing
(x:xs) -> Just $ foldl (\z y -> DLAnd z y nullRange) x xs
-- | Union of class definitions in different blocks
uniteClasses :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> [Annoted DLBasicItem]
uniteClasses cls =
map uniteClass $ getSame cls
uniteClass :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> (Annoted DLBasicItem)
uniteClass cls =
para = map (\x -> case item x of
DLClass _ _ mpa _-> mpa
_ -> error "No"
) cls
props = concat $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLClass _ p _ _-> p
_ -> error "No"
) cls
name = map (\x -> case item x of
DLClass n _ _ _-> n
_ -> error "No"
) cls
rng = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case item x of
DLClass _ _ _ n-> n
_ -> error "No"
) cls
rAnnos = concat $ map r_annos cls
lAnnos = concat $ map l_annos cls
item = DLClass (head name) (uniteProps props) (unitePara para) rng
, opt_pos = rng
, l_annos = lAnnos
, r_annos = rAnnos
uniteProps :: [DLClassProperty] -> [DLClassProperty]
uniteProps ps =
subs = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\x -> case x of
DLSubClassof y _ -> y
_ -> error "No") $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLSubClassof _ _-> True
_ -> False) ps
subsR = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case x of
DLSubClassof _ y -> y
_ -> error "No") $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLSubClassof _ _-> True
_ -> False) ps
equiv = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\x -> case x of
DLEquivalentTo y _-> y
_ -> error "No") $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLEquivalentTo _ _-> True
_ -> False) ps
equivR = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case x of
DLEquivalentTo _ y-> y
_ -> error "No") $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLEquivalentTo _ _-> True
_ -> False) ps
dis = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat $ map (\x -> case x of
DLDisjointWith y _-> y
_ -> error "No") $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLDisjointWith _ _-> True
_ -> False) ps
disR = foldl appRange nullRange $ map (\x -> case x of
DLDisjointWith _ y-> y
_ -> error "No") $ filter (\x -> case x of
DLDisjointWith _ _-> True
_ -> False) ps
[] ++
(if subs /= [] then ([DLSubClassof subs subsR]) else []) ++
(if equiv /= [] then ([DLEquivalentTo equiv equivR]) else []) ++
(if dis /= [] then ([DLDisjointWith dis disR]) else [])
-- | Union of Paraphrases
unitePara :: [Maybe DLPara] -> (Maybe DLPara)
unitePara pa =
case allNothing pa of
True -> Nothing
False ->
paraStrings =
concat $ map (\x -> case x of
DLPara y _-> y) $
map fromJust $ filter (\x -> x /= Nothing) pa
cds = getLangCodes paraStrings
outPara = map (\x -> concatPara x paraStrings) cds
Just $ DLPara outPara nullRange
allNothing :: [Maybe DLPara] -> Bool
allNothing pan = and $ map (== Nothing) pan
getLangCodes :: [(String, String)] -> [String]
getLangCodes cds = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ map (\(x,_) -> x) cds
concatPara :: String -> [(String, String)] -> (String,String)
concatPara cd paras = (cd, concat $ map (\(_,y) -> y) $ filter (\(x,_) -> x == cd) paras)
getSame :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> [[Annoted DLBasicItem]]
getSame x = case x of
[] -> []
(z:zs) -> let
(p1, p2) = partition (\y -> getName z == getName y) (z:zs)
[p1] ++ (getSame p2)
getName :: Annoted DLBasicItem -> Id
getName x = case item x of
DLClass n _ _ _-> n
DLObjectProperty n _ _ _ _ _ _-> n
DLDataProperty n _ _ _ _ _ _-> n
DLIndividual n _ _ _ _ _-> n
DLMultiIndi _ _ _ _ _ _-> error "No"
splitSentences :: [Annoted DLBasicItem] -> [[Annoted DLBasicItem]]
splitSentences sens =
cls = filter (\x -> case item x of
DLClass _ _ _ _-> True
_ -> False) sens
objProp = filter (\x -> case item x of
DLObjectProperty _ _ _ _ _ _ _-> True
_ -> False) sens
dtProp = filter (\x -> case item x of
DLDataProperty _ _ _ _ (Nothing) _ _-> True
DLDataProperty _ _ _ _ (Just DLFunctional) _ _-> True
DLDataProperty _ _ _ _ (Just DLInvFuntional) _ _-> error "InvFunctional not available for data properties"
DLDataProperty _ _ _ _ (Just DLSymmetric) _ _-> error "Symmetric not available for data properties"
DLDataProperty _ _ _ _ (Just DLTransitive) _ _-> error "Transitive not available for data properties"
_ -> False
) sens
indi = filter (\x -> case item x of
DLIndividual _ _ _ _ _ _-> True
_ -> False
) sens
mIndi = filter (\x -> case item x of
DLMultiIndi _ _ _ _ _ _-> True
_ -> False
) sens
[cls, objProp, dtProp, indi, mIndi]
getClasses :: [DLBasicItem] -> Set.Set Id
getClasses cls =
ids = map (\x -> case x of
DLClass i _ _ _-> i
_ -> error "Runtime Error!") cls
foldl (\x y -> Set.insert y x) Set.empty ids
-- Building a set of Individuals
getIndivs :: [DLBasicItem] -> Set.Set Id -> (Set.Set QualIndiv, Set.Set Id)
getIndivs indivs cls =
indIds = map (\x -> case x of
DLIndividual tid (Nothing) _ _ _ _->
iid = tid
, types = [topSort]
}, cls)
DLIndividual tid (Just y) _ _ _ _->
(case y of
DLType tps _->
bucketIndiv $ map (\z -> case (z `Set.member` cls) of
True ->
iid = tid
, types = [z]
}, cls)
_ ->
iid = tid
, types = [z]
}, Set.union cls $ Set.singleton z)
) tps)
_ -> error "Runtime error"
) indivs
inIndis = map fst indIds
inCls = foldl (Set.union) Set.empty $ map snd indIds
(foldl (\x y -> Set.insert y x) Set.empty inIndis, inCls)
bucketIndiv :: [(QualIndiv, Set.Set Id)] -> (QualIndiv, Set.Set Id)
bucketIndiv ids = case ids of
[] -> (QualIndiv
iid = stringToId ""
, types = []
}, Set.empty)
((x,cls):xs) -> (QualIndiv
iid = iid x
, types = (types x) ++ types (fst (bucketIndiv xs))
}, cls)
-- Sets of Object and Data Properties a built
getDataProps :: [DLBasicItem] -> Set.Set Id -> Set.Set QualDataProp
getDataProps fnDataProps cls =
foldl (\x y -> Set.insert (examineDataProp y cls) x) Set.empty fnDataProps
getObjProps :: [DLBasicItem] -> Set.Set Id -> Set.Set QualObjProp
getObjProps fnObjProps cls =
foldl (\x y -> Set.insert (examineObjProp y cls) x) Set.empty fnObjProps
examineDataProp :: DLBasicItem -> Set.Set Id -> QualDataProp
examineDataProp bI _ =
case bI of
DLDataProperty nm _ _ _ _ _ _->
nameD = nm
_ -> error "Runtime error!"
examineObjProp :: DLBasicItem -> Set.Set Id -> QualObjProp
examineObjProp bI _ =
case bI of
DLObjectProperty nm _ _ _ _ _ _->
nameO = nm
_ -> error "Runtime error!"