AS.der.hs revision 3a611630351f30bdd5b0ec4d812269b37545e5d3
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : abstract syntax for DL logic similar to Manchester DL
Copyright : Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Abstract syntax for DL logic
module DL.AS (DLConcept(..),
-- | CASL-DL Abstract Syntax
-- | based on the proposition of Manchester OWL Syntax
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation()
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
-- DrIFT command
{-! global: UpPos !-}
data DLConcept = DLClassId Id |
DLAnd DLConcept DLConcept |
DLOr DLConcept DLConcept |
DLNot DLConcept |
DLOneOf [Id] |
DLSome DLRel DLConcept |
DLHas DLRel DLConcept |
DLOnly DLRel DLConcept |
DLMin DLRel Int |
DLMax DLRel Int |
DLExactly DLRel Int |
DLValue DLRel Id |
DLThat DLConcept DLConcept |
DLOnlysome DLRel [DLConcept] |
DLXor DLConcept DLConcept
deriving (Ord, Eq)
type DLRel = DLConcept
data DLClassProperty = DLSubClassof [DLConcept]
| DLEquivalentTo [DLConcept]
| DLDisjointWith [DLConcept]
deriving (Ord, Eq)
data DLBasicItem = DLClass Id [DLClassProperty] (Maybe DLPara)|
DLValPart Id [Id] (Maybe DLPara)|
DLObjectProperty Id (Maybe Id) (Maybe Id)
[DLPropsRel] [DLChars] (Maybe DLPara)|
DLDataProperty Id (Maybe Id) (Maybe Id)
[DLPropsRel] (Maybe DLChars) (Maybe DLPara) |
DLIndividual Id (Maybe DLType) [DLFacts]
[DLIndRel] (Maybe DLPara)
deriving (Ord, Eq)
data DLFacts = DLPosFact (Id,Id) | DLNegFact (Id,Id)
deriving (Ord, Eq)
data DLType = DLType [Id]
deriving (Ord, Eq)
data DLChars = DLFunctional | DLInvFuntional | CDSymmetric | DLTransitive
deriving (Ord, Eq)
data DLIndRel = DLDifferentFrom [Id] |
DLSameAs [Id]
deriving (Ord, Eq)
data DLPropsRel = DLSubProperty [Id] |
DLInverses [Id] |
DLEquivalent [Id] |
DLDisjoint [Id]
deriving (Ord, Eq)
type ISOLangCode = String
data DLPara = DLPara [(ISOLangCode, String)]
deriving (Ord, Eq)
data DLBasic = DLBasic [DLBasicItem]
-- A lot of pretty printing stuff
instance Pretty DLBasicItem where
pretty = text . show
instance Pretty DLClassProperty where
pretty = text . show
instance Pretty DLBasic where
pretty = text . show
instance Pretty DLConcept where
pretty = text . show
printDLConcept :: DLConcept -> String
printDLConcept con = case con of
DLClassId cid -> show cid
DLAnd c1 c2 -> (show c1) ++ " and " ++ (show c2)
DLOr c1 c2 -> (show c1) ++ " or " ++ (show c2)
DLXor c1 c2 -> (show c1) ++ " xor " ++ (show c2)
DLNot c1 -> "not " ++ (show c1)
DLOneOf cs -> "{" ++ concatSpace (map show cs) ++ "}"
DLSome r c -> show r ++ " some " ++ show c
DLHas r c -> show r ++ " has " ++ show c
DLOnly r c -> show r ++ " only " ++ show c
DLMin c i -> show c ++ " min " ++ show i
DLMax c i -> show c ++ " max " ++ show i
DLExactly c i -> show c ++ " exactly " ++ show i
DLValue c i -> show c ++ " value " ++ show i
DLThat c1 c2 -> (show c1) ++ " that " ++ (show c2)
DLOnlysome c cs -> (show c) ++ " onlysome " ++ (concatSpace $ map show cs)
printDLClassProperty :: DLClassProperty -> String
printDLClassProperty cp = case cp of
DLSubClassof cs -> "SubclassOf: " ++ (concatComma $ map show cs)
DLEquivalentTo cs -> "EquivalentTo: " ++ (concatComma $ map show cs)
DLDisjointWith cs -> "DisjointWith: " ++ (concatComma $ map show cs)
printDLBasicItem :: DLBasicItem -> String
printDLBasicItem bi = case bi of
DLClass cid cprops mpara ->
case mpara of
Nothing -> "Class: " ++ show cid ++ "\n" ++ concatNL (map show cprops) ++ "\n"
Just pa -> "Class: " ++ show cid ++ "\n" ++ concatNL (map show cprops) ++ show pa ++ "\n"
DLValPart cid v para -> "ValuePartition: " ++ show cid ++ " [ " ++
concatComma (map show v) ++ " ] " ++
(case para of
Nothing -> ""
Just x -> " " ++ show x ++ " ") ++ "\n"
DLObjectProperty cid dom rn propsRel chars para ->
"ObjectProperty: " ++ show cid ++ showMaybe "\nDomain: " dom ++
showMaybe "\nRange: " rn ++ "\n" ++ concatNL (map show propsRel) ++ "\n" ++
concatNL (map show chars) ++ showMaybe "\nParaphrase: " para
DLDataProperty cid dom rn propsRel chars para ->
"DataProperty: " ++ show cid ++ showMaybe "\nDomain: " dom ++
showMaybe "\nRange: " rn ++ "\n" ++ concatNL (map show propsRel) ++
showMaybe "\nCharacteristics: " chars ++ showMaybe "\nParaphrase: " para
DLIndividual cid tp fts indRel para ->
"Individual: " ++ show cid ++ showMaybe "\nType: " tp ++
(case fts of
[] -> ""
_ -> "\nFacts: " ++ concatComma (map show fts)) ++ "\n" ++
concatNL (map show indRel) ++ showMaybe "\nParaphrase: " para
printFact :: DLFacts -> String
printFact fct = case fct of
DLPosFact (a, b) -> show a ++ " " ++ show b
DLNegFact (a, b) -> "not " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show b
showDLType :: DLType -> String
showDLType (DLType t) = concatComma $ map show t
printDLChars :: DLChars -> String
printDLChars dc = case dc of
DLFunctional -> "Functional"
DLInvFuntional -> "InverseFunctional"
CDSymmetric -> "Symmetric"
DLTransitive -> "Transitive"
printDLIndRel :: DLIndRel -> String
printDLIndRel ir = case ir of
DLDifferentFrom ci -> "DifferentFrom: " ++ (concatComma $ map show ci)
DLSameAs ci -> "SameAs: " ++ (concatComma $ map show ci)
printPropsRel :: DLPropsRel -> String
printPropsRel r = case r of
DLSubProperty p -> "SubpropertyOf: " ++ (concatComma $ map show p)
DLInverses p -> "Inverses: " ++ (concatComma $ map show p)
DLEquivalent p -> "Equivalent: " ++ (concatComma $ map show p)
DLDisjoint p -> "Disjoint: " ++ (concatComma $ map show p)
printDLPara :: DLPara -> String
printDLPara p = case p of
DLPara cs -> concatNL $ map
(\(x, y) -> show y ++ " [lang: " ++ show x ++"] ") cs
printBasic :: DLBasic -> String
printBasic (DLBasic bs) = concatNL $ map show bs
instance Show DLBasic where
show = printBasic
instance Show DLPara where
show = printDLPara
instance Show DLPropsRel where
show = printPropsRel
instance Show DLIndRel where
show = printDLIndRel
instance Show DLChars where
show = printDLChars
instance Show DLType where
show = showDLType
instance Show DLFacts where
show = printFact
instance Show DLConcept where
show = printDLConcept
instance Show DLClassProperty where
show = printDLClassProperty
instance Show DLBasicItem where
show = printDLBasicItem
concatComma :: [String] -> String
concatComma [] = ""
concatComma (x:[]) = x
concatComma (x:xs) = x ++ ", " ++ concatComma xs
concatSpace :: [String] -> String
concatSpace [] = ""
concatSpace (x:[]) = x
concatSpace (x:xs) = x ++ " " ++ concatSpace xs
concatNL :: [String] -> String
concatNL [] = ""
concatNL (x:[]) = x
concatNL (x:xs) = x ++ "\n" ++ concatSpace xs
showMaybe :: (Show x) => String -> Maybe x -> String
showMaybe st m = case m of
Nothing -> ""
Just x -> st ++ show x