Sign.hs revision 097b7fb3f8f90e87120d30bf37a1d89fe0ddfaf0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Definition of signatures for first-order logic
with dependent types (DFOL)
module DFOL.Sign
( KIND (..)
, CONTEXT (..)
, Sign (..)
, getVarsFromDecls
, getVarTypeFromDecls
, emptyContext
, addVarDecl
, getVars
, getVarType
, emptySig
, addSymbolDecl
, getSymbols
, isConstant
, getSymbolType
, getSymbolKind
, getSymbolArity
, getSymbolsByKind
, getArgumentTypes
, getReturnType
, getArgumentNames
, substitute
, alphaRename
) where
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- operations on a list of declarations
getVarsFromDecls :: [DECL] -> [NAME]
getVarsFromDecls ds = concatMap fst ds
getVarTypeFromDecls :: NAME -> [DECL] -> Maybe TYPE
getVarTypeFromDecls n ds = case result of
Just (_,t) -> Just t
Nothing -> Nothing
where result = find (\ (ns,_) -> elem n ns) ds
-- symbol kinds
data KIND = SortKind
| FuncKind
| PredKind
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
type ARITY = Int
-- contexts for DFOL
data CONTEXT = Context [DECL]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- the empty context
emptyContext :: CONTEXT
emptyContext = Context []
-- adds a variable declaration to the context
addVarDecl :: DECL -> CONTEXT -> CONTEXT
addVarDecl d (Context ds) = Context (ds ++ [d])
-- get the list of declared variables
getVars :: CONTEXT -> Set.Set NAME
getVars (Context ds) = Set.fromList $ getVarsFromDecls ds
-- get the variable type
getVarType :: NAME -> CONTEXT -> Maybe TYPE
getVarType n (Context ds) = getVarTypeFromDecls n ds
-- signatures for DFOL
data Sign = Sign [DECL]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- the empty signature
emptySig :: Sign
emptySig = Sign []
-- adds a symbol declaration to the signature
addSymbolDecl :: DECL -> Sign -> Sign
addSymbolDecl d (Sign ds) = Sign (ds ++ [d])
-- get the set of defined symbols
getSymbols :: Sign -> Set.Set NAME
getSymbols (Sign ds) = Set.fromList $ getVarsFromDecls ds
-- checks if the symbol is defined in the signature
isConstant :: NAME -> Sign -> Bool
isConstant n sig = Set.member n $ getSymbols sig
-- get the symbol type
getSymbolType :: NAME -> Sign -> Maybe TYPE
getSymbolType n (Sign ds) = getVarTypeFromDecls n ds
-- get the symbol kind
getSymbolKind :: NAME -> Sign -> Maybe KIND
getSymbolKind n sig = case (getReturnType n sig) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just Sort -> Just SortKind
Just Form -> Just PredKind
Just _ -> Just FuncKind
-- get the symbol arity
getSymbolArity :: NAME -> Sign -> Maybe ARITY
getSymbolArity n sig = case (getArgumentTypes n sig) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ts -> Just $ length ts
-- get a list of symbols of the given kind
getSymbolsByKind :: Sign -> KIND -> Set.Set NAME
getSymbolsByKind sig kind =
Set.filter (\n -> (getSymbolKind n sig) == Just kind) $ getSymbols sig
-- get the list of types of the arguments of the given symbol
getArgumentTypes :: NAME -> Sign -> Maybe [TYPE]
getArgumentTypes n sig = case typM of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just typ -> Just $ getArgumentTypesH typ
where typM = getSymbolType n sig
getArgumentTypesH :: TYPE -> [TYPE]
getArgumentTypesH (Pi ds t) =
types1 ++ types2
where types1 = concatMap (\ (ns,t1) -> take (length ns) $ repeat t1) ds
types2 = getArgumentTypesH t
getArgumentTypesH (Func ts t) = ts ++ (getArgumentTypesH t)
getArgumentTypesH _ = []
-- get the return type of a symbol with the given type
getReturnType :: NAME -> Sign -> Maybe TYPE
getReturnType n sig = case typM of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just typ -> Just $ getReturnTypeH typ
where typM = getSymbolType n sig
getReturnTypeH :: TYPE -> TYPE
getReturnTypeH (Pi _ t) = getReturnTypeH t
getReturnTypeH (Func _ t) = getReturnTypeH t
getReturnTypeH t = t
-- get the argument names
getArgumentNames :: NAME -> Sign -> Maybe [NAME]
getArgumentNames n sig =
case typM of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just typ -> Just $ fillArgumentNames $ getArgumentNamesH typ
where typM = getSymbolType n sig
getArgumentNamesH :: TYPE -> [Maybe NAME]
getArgumentNamesH (Pi ds t) =
(map Just $ getVarsFromDecls ds) ++ getArgumentNamesH t
getArgumentNamesH (Func ts t) =
(take (length ts) $ repeat Nothing) ++ getArgumentNamesH t
getArgumentNamesH _ = []
fillArgumentNames :: [Maybe NAME] -> [NAME]
fillArgumentNames ns = fillArgumentNamesH ns 0
fillArgumentNamesH :: [Maybe NAME] -> Int -> [NAME]
fillArgumentNamesH [] _ = []
fillArgumentNamesH (nameM:namesM) i =
case nameM of
Just name -> name:(fillArgumentNamesH namesM i)
Nothing -> (Token ("gen_x_" ++ show i) nullRange):
(fillArgumentNamesH namesM (i+1))
-- substitutions
substitute :: NAME -> TERM -> TYPE -> TYPE
substitute _ _ Sort = Sort
substitute _ _ Form = Form
substitute n val (Univ t) = Univ $ substituteInTerm n val t
substitute n val (Func ts t) =
Func (map (substitute n val) ts) (substitute n val t)
substitute n val (Pi ds t) =
Pi (map (substituteInDecl n val) ds) (substitute n val t)
substituteInTerm :: NAME -> TERM -> TERM -> TERM
substituteInTerm n val (Identifier x) = if (x == n) then val else Identifier x
substituteInTerm n val (Appl f as) =
Appl (substituteInTerm n val f) $ map (substituteInTerm n val) as
substituteInDecl :: NAME -> TERM -> DECL -> DECL
substituteInDecl n val (ns,t) = (ns, substitute n val t)
-- renamings
alphaRename :: TYPE -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> TYPE
alphaRename t sig cont =
alphaRenameH t 0 declaredSyms
where declaredSyms = Set.union (getSymbols sig) (getVars cont)
alphaRenameH :: TYPE -> Int -> Set.Set NAME -> TYPE
alphaRenameH t i names =
if (i >= length vars)
then t
else let var = vars !! i
in if (Set.notMember var names)
then alphaRenameH t (i+1) $ Set.insert var names
else let newVar = renameVar var
$ Set.union names
$ Set.fromList
$ (take i vars) ++ (drop (i+1) vars)
newType = substituteVar var newVar t
in alphaRenameH newType (i+1)
$ Set.insert newVar names
where vars = getVarsDeclaredInType t
renameVar :: NAME -> Set.Set NAME -> NAME
renameVar var names = if (Set.notMember newVar names)
then newVar
else renameVar newVar names
where newVar = Token ((tokStr var) ++ "1") nullRange
substituteVar :: NAME -> NAME -> TYPE -> TYPE
substituteVar _ _ Sort = Sort
substituteVar _ _ Form = Form
substituteVar n1 n2 (Univ t) = Univ $ substituteVarInTerm n1 n2 t
substituteVar n1 n2 (Func ts t) =
Func (map (substituteVar n1 n2) ts) (substituteVar n1 n2 t)
substituteVar n1 n2 (Pi ds t) =
Pi (substituteVarInDecls n1 n2 ds) (substituteVar n1 n2 t)
substituteVarInTerm :: NAME -> NAME -> TERM -> TERM
substituteVarInTerm n1 n2 (Identifier x) = if (x == n1)
then Identifier n2
else Identifier x
substituteVarInTerm n1 n2 (Appl f as) =
Appl (substituteVarInTerm n1 n2 f) $ map (substituteVarInTerm n1 n2) as
substituteVarInDecls :: NAME -> NAME -> [DECL] -> [DECL]
substituteVarInDecls n1 n2 ds = map (substituteVarInDecl n1 n2) ds
substituteVarInDecl :: NAME -> NAME -> DECL -> DECL
substituteVarInDecl n1 n2 (ns,t) =
(substituteVarInNames n1 n2 ns, substituteVar n1 n2 t)
substituteVarInNames :: NAME -> NAME -> [NAME] -> [NAME]
substituteVarInNames n1 n2 ns = map (\n -> if n == n1 then n2 else n) ns
-- returns a list of declared variables from within a type
getVarsDeclaredInType :: TYPE -> [NAME]
getVarsDeclaredInType (Pi ds t) =
(getVarsFromDecls ds) ++ (getVarsDeclaredInType t)
getVarsDeclaredInType _ = []
-- pretty printing
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSig
instance Pretty CONTEXT where
pretty (Context xs) = printDecls xs
instance Pretty KIND where
pretty = printKind
printSig :: Sign -> Doc
printSig (Sign []) = text "EmptySig"
printSig (Sign ds) = vcat $ map printSigDecl ds
printSigDecl :: DECL -> Doc
printSigDecl (ns,t) = printNames ns <+> text "::" <+> pretty t
printKind :: KIND -> Doc
printKind SortKind = text "sort"
printKind FuncKind = text "func"
printKind PredKind = text "pred"