Morphism.hs revision 1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03a
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Definition of signature morphisms for
first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module DFOL.Morphism
( Morphism (..)
, idMorph
, compMorph
, isValidMorph
, canForm
, applyMorph
, mapSymbol
, inclusionMorph
, morphUnion
, inducedFromMorphism
, inducedFromToMorphism
, coGenSig
, toTermMap
) where
import DFOL.Sign
import DFOL.Symbol
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.ExtSign
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Data
-- morphisms for DFOL - maps of symbol names
data Morphism = Morphism
{ source :: Sign
, target :: Sign
, symMap :: Map.Map NAME NAME
} deriving (Ord, Show, Typeable)
-- constructs an identity morphism
idMorph :: Sign -> Morphism
idMorph sig = Morphism sig sig Map.empty
-- composes two morphisms
compMorph :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result Morphism
compMorph m1 m2 =
if target m1 /= source m2
then Result.Result [incompatibleMorphsError m1 m2] Nothing
else return $ Morphism (source m1) (target m2) $
Set.fold (\ sym1 -> let sym2 = mapSymbol m2
$ mapSymbol m1 sym1
in Map.insert sym1 sym2)
Map.empty $
getSymbols $ source m1
-- determines whether a morphism is valid
isValidMorph :: Morphism -> Bool
isValidMorph m@(Morphism sig1 sig2 map1) =
let sym1 = getSymbols sig1
sym2 = getSymbols sig2
checkDom = Set.isSubsetOf (Map.keysSet map1) sym1
checkCod = Set.isSubsetOf ( (mapSymbol m) sym1) sym2
checkTypes = map (checkTypePres m) $ Set.toList sym1
in and $ [checkDom, checkCod] ++ checkTypes
checkTypePres :: Morphism -> NAME -> Bool
checkTypePres m n =
let Just type1 = getSymbolType n $ source m
Just type2 = getSymbolType (mapSymbol m n) $ target m
in applyMorph m type1 == type2
{- converts the morphism into its canonical form where the symbol map contains
no key/value pairs of the form (k,k) -}
canForm :: Morphism -> Morphism
canForm (Morphism sig1 sig2 map1) =
let map2 = Map.fromList $ filter (uncurry (/=)) $ Map.toList map1
in Morphism sig1 sig2 map2
-- constructs the inclusion morphism between signatures
inclusionMorph :: Sign -> Sign -> Result.Result Morphism
inclusionMorph sig1 sig2 =
let m = Morphism sig1 sig2 Map.empty
in if isValidMorph m
then Result.Result [] $ Just m
else Result.Result [noSubsigError sig1 sig2] Nothing
{- generated and cogenerated signatures
Algorithm description:
Input : a signature "sig" and a set of symbols "syms"
Output : an inclusion morphism
1 : Check if all symbols in syms occur in sig; if not, output Nothing
2 : Initialize the set of symbols "incl" which necessarily must be included
in the generated signature to syms
Initialize the set "done" of analyzed symbols to empty
Initialize the set "todo" of symbols to be analyzed to syms
3 : Check if todo is empty
3.1 : If yes, go to 5
3.2 : If not, go to 4
4 : Pick a symbol "s" from todo
4.1 : Get the type "t" of s in sig
4.2 : Get the set "vars" of free variables in t, i.e. the symbols of sig
that t depends on
4.3 : For each "v" in vars :
4.3.1 : Add v to incl
4.3.2 : If v does not occur in done, add it to todo
4.4 : Remove v from todo and add it to done
4.5 : Go to 3
5 : Let "sig1" be the subsignature of sig containing only the symbols in incl
and output the inclusion morphism m : sig1 -> sig
Input : a signature "sig" and a set of symbols "syms"
Output : an inclusion morphism
1 : Check if all symbols in syms occur in sig; if not, output Nothing
2 : Initialize the set of symbols "excl" which necessarily must be excluded
from the cogenerated signature to syms
3 : For each symbol "s" in sig (keeping the order in which they are defined) :
3.1 : If s does not occur in excl :
4.1 : Get the type "t" of s in sig
4.2 : Get the set "vars" of free variables in t, i.e. the symbols
of sig that t depends on
4.3 : If any of the symbols in vars occurs in excl, add s to excl
4 : Let "sig1" be the subsignature of sig containing all the symbols not
occurring in excl and output the inclusion morphism m : sig1 -> sig
coGenSig :: Bool -> Set.Set Symbol -> Sign -> Result Morphism
coGenSig flag syms sig@(Sign ds) =
let names = name syms
ds1 = expandDecls ds
in if Set.isSubsetOf names (getSymbols sig)
then let incl = if flag
then cogSig names ds1 sig
else genSig names Set.empty names sig
ds2 = map (\ (n, t) -> ([n], t))
$ filter (\ (n, _) -> Set.member n incl) ds1
in inclusionMorph (Sign ds2) sig
else Result.Result [symsNotInSigError names sig] Nothing
genSig :: Set.Set NAME -> Set.Set NAME -> Set.Set NAME -> Sign -> Set.Set NAME
genSig incl done todo sig =
if Set.null todo
then incl
else let n = Set.findMin todo
Just t = getSymbolType n sig
ns = getFreeVars t
incl1 = Set.union incl ns
ns1 = Set.filter (`Set.member` done) ns
done1 = Set.insert n done
todo1 = Set.union ns1 $ Set.delete n todo
in genSig incl1 done1 todo1 sig
cogSig :: Set.Set NAME -> [SDECL] -> Sign -> Set.Set NAME
cogSig excl [] sig = Set.difference (getSymbols sig) excl
cogSig excl ((n, t) : ds) sig =
if Set.member n excl
then cogSig excl ds sig
else let ns = Set.toList $ getFreeVars t
depen = any (`Set.member` excl) ns
in if depen
then let excl1 = Set.insert n excl
in cogSig excl1 ds sig
else cogSig excl ds sig
-- morphism union
morphUnion :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result.Result Morphism
morphUnion m1@(Morphism sig1D sig1C map1) m2@(Morphism sig2D sig2C map2) =
let Result.Result diag1 sigDM = sigUnion sig1D sig2D
Result.Result diag2 sigCM = sigUnion sig1C sig2C
Result.Result diag3 map3M = combineMaps map1 map2
in case sigDM of
Nothing -> Result.Result diag1 Nothing
Just sigD ->
case sigCM of
Nothing -> Result.Result diag2 Nothing
Just sigC ->
case map3M of
Nothing -> Result.Result diag3 Nothing
Just map3 ->
let m = Morphism sigD sigC map3
in if isValidMorph m
then Result.Result [] $ Just m
else Result.Result
[invalidMorphError m1 m2] Nothing
combineMaps :: Map.Map NAME NAME -> Map.Map NAME NAME ->
Result.Result (Map.Map NAME NAME)
combineMaps map1 map2 = combineMapsH map1 $ Map.toList map2
combineMapsH :: Map.Map NAME NAME -> [(NAME, NAME)] ->
Result.Result (Map.Map NAME NAME)
combineMapsH map1 [] = Result.Result [] $ Just map1
combineMapsH map1 ((k, v) : ds) =
if Map.member k map1
then let Just v1 = Map.lookup k map1
in if v == v1
then combineMapsH map1 ds
else Result.Result [incompatibleMapError k v v1] Nothing
else let map2 = Map.insert k v map1
in combineMapsH map2 ds
-- applies a morphism to a symbol
mapSymbol :: Morphism -> NAME -> NAME
mapSymbol m sym = Map.findWithDefault sym sym $ symMap m
-- translates a term, type or formula along the given morphism
applyMorph :: Translatable a => Morphism -> a -> a
applyMorph m t =
let syms = getSymbols (target m)
map1 = toTermMap $ symMap m
in translate map1 syms t
toTermMap :: Map.Map NAME NAME -> Map.Map NAME TERM
toTermMap m = Map.fromList $ map (\ (k, a) -> (k, Identifier a))
$ Map.toList m
-- equality
instance Eq Morphism where
m1 == m2 = eqMorph (canForm m1) (canForm m2)
eqMorph :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Bool
eqMorph (Morphism s1 t1 map1) (Morphism s2 t2 map2) =
(s1, t1, map1) == (s2, t2, map2)
-- pretty printing
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty = printMorph
printMorph :: Morphism -> Doc
printMorph m =
vcat $ if m == idMorph (source m)
then [text "Identity morphism on:", pretty $ source m]
else [text "Source signature:", pretty $ source m,
text "Target signature:", pretty $ target m,
text "Mapping:", printSymMap $ symMap m]
printSymMap :: Map.Map NAME NAME -> Doc
printSymMap m = vcat $ map (\ (k, a) -> pretty k <+> text "|->" <+> pretty a)
$ Map.toList m
-- induces a signature morphism from the source signature and a symbol map
inducedFromMorphism :: Map.Map Symbol Symbol -> Sign -> Result.Result Morphism
inducedFromMorphism map1 sig1 =
let map2 = toNameMap map1
Result.Result dgs sig2M = buildSig sig1 map2
in case sig2M of
Nothing -> Result.Result dgs Nothing
Just sig2 -> Result.Result [] $ Just $ Morphism sig1 sig2 map2
buildSig :: Sign -> Map.Map NAME NAME -> Result.Result Sign
buildSig (Sign ds) = buildSigH (expandDecls ds) emptySig
buildSigH :: [SDECL] -> Sign -> Map.Map NAME NAME -> Result.Result Sign
buildSigH [] sig _ = Result.Result [] $ Just sig
buildSigH ((n1, t1) : ds) sig map1 =
let n2 = Map.findWithDefault n1 n1 map1
map2 = toTermMap map1
syms = (\ n -> Map.findWithDefault n n map1)
$ getSymbols sig
t2 = translate map2 syms t1
in if isConstant n2 sig
then let Just t3 = getSymbolType n2 sig
in if t2 == t3
then buildSigH ds sig map1
else Result.Result [incompatibleViewError1 n2 t2 t3]
else buildSigH ds (addSymbolDecl ([n2], t2) sig) map1
-- induces a signature morphism from the source and target sigs and a symbol map
inducedFromToMorphism :: Map.Map Symbol Symbol -> ExtSign Sign Symbol ->
ExtSign Sign Symbol -> Result.Result Morphism
inducedFromToMorphism map1 (ExtSign sig1 _) (ExtSign sig2 _) =
let map2 = toNameMap map1
m = Morphism sig1 sig2 map2
Sign ds = sig1
in buildMorph (expandDecls ds) m
buildMorph :: [SDECL] -> Morphism -> Result.Result Morphism
buildMorph [] m = Result.Result [] $ Just m
buildMorph ((n1, t1) : ds) m@(Morphism _ sig2 map1) = do
let t2 = applyMorph m t1
if Map.member n1 map1
then do
let n2 = mapSymbol m n1
let Just t3 = getSymbolType n2 sig2
if t2 == t3 then buildMorph ds m else
Result.Result [incompatibleViewError2 n2 t2 t3] Nothing
else do
let t3 = getSymbolType n1 sig2
if Just t2 == t3 then buildMorph ds m else do
let ss = getSymsOfType sig2 t2
case ss of
[s] -> buildMorph ds $
m {symMap = Map.insert n1 s $ symMap m}
[] -> Result.Result [noSymToMapError n1 t2] Nothing
_ -> Result.Result [manySymToMapError n1 t2 ss] Nothing
incompatibleMorphsError :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result.Diagnosis
incompatibleMorphsError m1 m2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Codomain of the morphism\n" ++ show (pretty m1)
++ "\nis different from the domain of the morphism\n"
++ show (pretty m2)
++ "\nhence their composition cannot be constructed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
incompatibleViewError1 :: NAME -> TYPE -> TYPE -> Result.Diagnosis
incompatibleViewError1 n t1 t2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ show (pretty n)
++ "\nmust have both type\n" ++ show (pretty t1)
++ "\nand type\n" ++ show (pretty t2)
++ "\nin the target signature and hence "
++ "the view is ill-formed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
incompatibleViewError2 :: NAME -> TYPE -> TYPE -> Result.Diagnosis
incompatibleViewError2 n t1 t2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ show (pretty n)
++ "\nmust have type\n" ++ show (pretty t1)
++ "\nbut instead has type\n" ++ show (pretty t2)
++ "\nin the target signature and hence "
++ "the view is ill-formed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
noSymToMapError :: NAME -> TYPE -> Result.Diagnosis
noSymToMapError n t =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ show (pretty n)
++ "\ncannot be mapped to anything as the target "
++ "signature contains no symbols of type\n"
++ show (pretty t)
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
manySymToMapError :: NAME -> TYPE -> [NAME] -> Result.Diagnosis
manySymToMapError n t ss =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ show (pretty n)
++ "\ncannot be uniquely mapped as the target "
++ "signature contains multiple symbols of type\n"
++ show (pretty t) ++ "\n namely\n"
++ show (printNames ss)
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
noSubsigError :: Sign -> Sign -> Result.Diagnosis
noSubsigError sig1 sig2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Signature\n" ++ show (pretty sig1)
++ "\nis not a subsignature of\n"
++ show (pretty sig2)
++ "\nand hence the inclusion morphism "
++ "cannot be constructed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
incompatibleMapError :: NAME -> NAME -> NAME -> Result.Diagnosis
incompatibleMapError n n1 n2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ show (pretty n)
++ "\nis mapped both to\n" ++ show (pretty n1)
++ "\nand\n" ++ show (pretty n2)
++ "\nin the target signature and hence "
++ "the morphism union cannot be constructed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
invalidMorphError :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result.Diagnosis
invalidMorphError m1 m2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "The combination of morphisms\n" ++ show (pretty m1)
++ "\nand\n" ++ show (pretty m2)
++ "\nis not a valid morphism and hence "
++ "their union cannot be constructed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
symsNotInSigError :: Set.Set NAME -> Sign -> Result.Diagnosis
symsNotInSigError syms sig =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "The symbols\n"
++ show (printNames $ Set.toList syms)
++ "\nare not in the signature\n"
++ show (pretty sig)
++ "\nand hence the (co)generated signature "
++ "cannot be constructed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange