Morphism.hs revision 94e2e03f6efde106de095ef4ea0ec87f74955a31
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Definition of signature morphisms for
first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module DFOL.Morphism
( Morphism (..)
, idMorph
, compMorph
, isValidMorph
, morphCanForm
, applyMorph
, mapSymbol
, inclusionMorph
, morphUnion
, inducedFromMorphism
, inducedFromToMorphism
, toTermMap
) where
import DFOL.Sign
import DFOL.Symbol
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.ExtSign
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- morphisms for DFOL - maps of symbol names
data Morphism = Morphism
{ source :: Sign
, target :: Sign
, symMap :: Map.Map NAME NAME
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- constructs an identity morphism
idMorph :: Sign -> Morphism
idMorph sig = Morphism sig sig Map.empty
-- composes two morphisms
compMorph :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result Morphism
compMorph m1 m2 =
if target m1 /= source m2
then fail $ "Codomain of the first morphism "
++ "must equal the domain of the second."
else return $ Morphism (source m1) (target m2) $
Set.fold (\ sym1 -> let sym2 = mapSymbol m2
$ mapSymbol m1 sym1
in if (sym1 == sym2)
then id
else Map.insert sym1 sym2)
Map.empty $
getSymbols $ source m1
-- determines whether a morphism is valid
isValidMorph :: Morphism -> Bool
isValidMorph m@(Morphism sig1 sig2 map1) =
let sym1 = getSymbols sig1
sym2 = getSymbols sig2
checkDom = Set.isSubsetOf (Map.keysSet map1) sym1
checkCod = Set.isSubsetOf ( (mapSymbol m) sym1) sym2
checkTypes = map (checkTypePres m) $ Set.toList sym1
in and $ [checkDom,checkCod] ++ checkTypes
checkTypePres:: Morphism -> NAME -> Bool
checkTypePres m n =
let Just type1 = getSymbolType n $ source m
Just type2 = getSymbolType (mapSymbol m n) $ target m
in (applyMorph m type1) == type2
{- converts the morphism into its canonical form where the symbol map contains
no key/value pairs of the form (k,k) -}
morphCanForm :: Morphism -> Morphism
morphCanForm (Morphism sig1 sig2 map1) =
let map2 = Map.fromList $ filter (\ (k,a) -> k /= a) $ Map.toList map1
in Morphism sig1 sig2 map2
-- constructs the inclusion morphism between signatures
inclusionMorph :: Sign -> Sign -> Result.Result Morphism
inclusionMorph sig1 sig2 =
let m = Morphism sig1 sig2 Map.empty
in if (isValidMorph m)
then Result.Result [] $ Just m
else Result.Result [noSubsigError sig1 sig2] Nothing
-- morphism union
morphUnion :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result.Result Morphism
morphUnion m1@(Morphism sig1D sig1C map1) m2@(Morphism sig2D sig2C map2) =
let Result.Result diag1 sigDM = sigUnion sig1D sig2D
Result.Result diag2 sigCM = sigUnion sig1C sig2C
Result.Result diag3 map3M = combineMaps map1 map2
in case sigDM of
Nothing -> Result.Result diag1 Nothing
Just sigD ->
case sigCM of
Nothing -> Result.Result diag2 Nothing
Just sigC ->
case map3M of
Nothing -> Result.Result diag3 Nothing
Just map3 ->
let m = Morphism sigD sigC map3
in if (isValidMorph m)
then Result.Result [] $ Just m
else Result.Result
[invalidMorphError m1 m2] Nothing
combineMaps :: Map.Map NAME NAME -> Map.Map NAME NAME ->
Result.Result (Map.Map NAME NAME)
combineMaps map1 map2 = combineMapsH map1 $ Map.toList map2
combineMapsH :: Map.Map NAME NAME -> [(NAME,NAME)] ->
Result.Result (Map.Map NAME NAME)
combineMapsH map1 [] = Result.Result [] $ Just map1
combineMapsH map1 ((k,v):ds) =
if (Map.member k map1)
then let Just v1 = Map.lookup k map1
in if (v == v1)
then combineMapsH map1 ds
else Result.Result [incompatibleMapError k v v1] Nothing
else let map2 = Map.insert k v map1
in combineMapsH map2 ds
-- applies a morphism to a symbol
mapSymbol :: Morphism -> NAME -> NAME
mapSymbol m sym = Map.findWithDefault sym sym $ symMap m
-- translates a term, type or formula along the given morphism
applyMorph :: Translatable a => Morphism -> a -> a
applyMorph m t =
let syms = getSymbols (target m)
map1 = toTermMap $ symMap m
in translate map1 syms t
toTermMap :: Map.Map NAME NAME -> Map.Map NAME TERM
toTermMap m = Map.fromList $ map (\ (k,a) -> (k, Identifier a))
$ Map.toList m
-- pretty printing
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty = printMorph
printMorph :: Morphism -> Doc
printMorph m =
if m == (idMorph $ source m)
then vcat [text "Identity morphism on:", pretty $ source m]
else vcat [text "Source signature:", pretty $ source m,
text "Target signature:", pretty $ target m,
text "Mapping:", printSymMap $ symMap m]
printSymMap :: Map.Map NAME NAME -> Doc
printSymMap m = vcat $ map (\ (k,a) -> pretty k <+> text "|->" <+> pretty a)
$ Map.toList m
-- induces a signature morphism from the source signature and a symbol map
inducedFromMorphism :: Map.Map Symbol Symbol -> Sign -> Result.Result Morphism
inducedFromMorphism map1 sig1 =
let map2 = toNameMap map1
Result.Result dgs sig2M = buildSig sig1 map2
in case sig2M of
Nothing -> Result.Result dgs Nothing
Just sig2 -> Result.Result [] $ Just $ Morphism sig1 sig2 map2
buildSig :: Sign -> Map.Map NAME NAME -> Result.Result Sign
buildSig (Sign ds) map1 = buildSigH (expandDecls ds) emptySig map1
buildSigH :: [DECL] -> Sign -> Map.Map NAME NAME -> Result.Result Sign
buildSigH [] sig _ = Result.Result [] $ Just sig
buildSigH (([n1],t1):ds) sig map1 =
let n2 = Map.findWithDefault n1 n1 map1
map2 = toTermMap map1
syms = (\ n -> Map.findWithDefault n n map1)
$ getSymbols sig
t2 = translate map2 syms t1
in if (isConstant n2 sig)
then let Just t3 = getSymbolType n2 sig
in if t2 == t3
then buildSigH ds sig map1
else Result.Result [incompatibleViewError1 n2 t2 t3]
else buildSigH ds (addSymbolDecl ([n2],t2) sig) map1
buildSigH _ _ _ = Result.Result [] Nothing
-- induces a signature morphism from the source and target sigs and a symbol map
inducedFromToMorphism :: Map.Map Symbol Symbol -> ExtSign Sign Symbol ->
ExtSign Sign Symbol -> Result.Result Morphism
inducedFromToMorphism map1 (ExtSign sig1 _) (ExtSign sig2 _) =
let map2 = toNameMap map1
m = Morphism sig1 sig2 map2
Sign ds = sig1
in if (isValidMorph m)
then Result.Result [] $ Just m
else buildMorph (expandDecls ds) m
buildMorph :: [DECL] -> Morphism -> Result.Result Morphism
buildMorph [] m = Result.Result [] $ Just m
buildMorph (([n1],t1):ds) m@(Morphism _ sig2 map1) =
if (Map.member n1 map1)
then let n2 = mapSymbol m n1
t2 = applyMorph m t1
Just t3 = getSymbolType n2 sig2
in if t2 == t3
then buildMorph ds m
else Result.Result [incompatibleViewError2 n2 t2 t3] Nothing
else let t2 = applyMorph m t1
ss = getSymsOfType sig2 t2
in case ss of
[s] -> buildMorph ds $
m {symMap = Map.insert n1 s $ symMap m}
[] -> Result.Result [noSymToMapError n1 t2] Nothing
_ -> Result.Result [manySymToMapError n1 t2 ss] Nothing
buildMorph _ _ = Result.Result [] Nothing
getSymsOfType :: Sign -> TYPE -> [NAME]
getSymsOfType (Sign ds) t = getSymsOfTypeH ds t
getSymsOfTypeH :: [DECL] -> TYPE -> [NAME]
getSymsOfTypeH [] _ = []
getSymsOfTypeH ((ns,t1):ds) t =
if (t1 == t)
then ns ++ (getSymsOfTypeH ds t)
else getSymsOfTypeH ds t
incompatibleViewError1 :: NAME -> TYPE -> TYPE -> Result.Diagnosis
incompatibleViewError1 n t1 t2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ (show $ pretty n)
++ "\nmust have both type\n" ++ (show $ pretty t1)
++ "\nand type\n" ++ (show $ pretty t2)
++ "\nin the target signature and hence "
++ "the view is ill-formed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
incompatibleViewError2 :: NAME -> TYPE -> TYPE -> Result.Diagnosis
incompatibleViewError2 n t1 t2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ (show $ pretty n)
++ "\nmust have type\n" ++ (show $ pretty t1)
++ "\nbut instead has type\n" ++ (show $ pretty t2)
++ "\nin the target signature and hence "
++ "the view is ill-formed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
noSymToMapError :: NAME -> TYPE -> Result.Diagnosis
noSymToMapError n t =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ (show $ pretty n)
++ "\ncannot be mapped to anything as the target "
++ "signature contains no symbols of type\n"
++ (show $ pretty t)
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
manySymToMapError :: NAME -> TYPE -> [NAME] -> Result.Diagnosis
manySymToMapError n t ss =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ (show $ pretty n)
++ "\ncannot be uniquely mapped as the target "
++ "signature contains multiple symbols of type\n"
++ (show $ pretty t) ++ "\n namely\n"
++ (show $ printNames ss)
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
noSubsigError :: Sign -> Sign -> Result.Diagnosis
noSubsigError sig1 sig2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Signature\n" ++ (show $ pretty sig1)
++ "\nis not a subsignature of\n"
++ (show $ pretty sig2)
++ "\nand hence the inclusion morphism "
++ "cannot be constructed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
incompatibleMapError :: NAME -> NAME -> NAME -> Result.Diagnosis
incompatibleMapError n n1 n2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbol\n" ++ (show $ pretty n)
++ "\nis mapped both to\n" ++ (show $ pretty n1)
++ "\nand\n" ++ (show $ pretty n2)
++ "\nin the target signature and hence "
++ "the morphism union cannot be constructed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
invalidMorphError :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result.Diagnosis
invalidMorphError m1 m2 =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "The combination of morphisms\n" ++ (show $ pretty m1)
++ "\nand\n" ++ (show $ pretty m2)
++ "\nis not a valid morphism and hence "
++ "their union cannot be constructed."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange