Morphism.hs revision 81d28e8372831ae5e6054d8d2212f0114b09b79a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Definition of signature morphisms for
first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
module DFOL.Morphism where
import DFOL.Sign
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- morphisms for DFOL - maps of symbol names
data Morphism = Morphism
{ source :: Sign
, target :: Sign
, symMap :: Map.Map NAME NAME
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- constructs an identity morphism
idMorph :: Sign -> Morphism
idMorph sig = Morphism sig sig Map.empty
-- composes two morphisms
compMorph :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result Morphism
compMorph m1 m2 =
if target m1 /= source m2
then fail $ "Codomain of the first morphism "
++ "must equal the domain of the second."
else return $ Morphism (source m1) (target m2) $
Set.fold (\ sym1 -> let sym2 = mapSymbol m2 $ mapSymbol m1 sym1
in if (sym1 == sym2)
then id
else Map.insert sym1 sym2)
getSymbols $ source m1
-- determines whether a morphism is valid
isValidMorph :: Morphism -> Bool
isValidMorph m@(Morphism sig1 sig2 map1) =
let sym1 = getSymbols sig1
sym2 = getSymbols sig2
checkDom = Set.isSubsetOf (Map.keysSet map1) sym1
checkCod = Set.isSubsetOf ( (mapSymbol m) sym1) sym2
checkTypes = map (checkTypePres m) $ Set.toList sym1
in and $ [checkDom,checkCod] ++ checkTypes
-- checks if the morphism preserves the type of the given symbol
checkTypePres:: Morphism -> NAME -> Bool
checkTypePres m n =
let Just type1 = getSymbolType n $ source m
Just type2 = getSymbolType (mapSymbol m n) $ target m
in (applyMorphism m type1) == type2
-- applies a morphism to a symbol
mapSymbol :: Morphism -> NAME -> NAME
mapSymbol m sym = Map.findWithDefault sym sym $ symMap m
-- translates a term, type or formula along the given morphism
applyMorphism :: Translatable a => Morphism -> a -> a
applyMorphism m t =
let syms = getSymbols (target m)
map1 = Map.fromList $ map (\ (k,a) -> (k, Identifier a))
$ Map.toList $ symMap m
in translate map1 syms t
-- pretty printing
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty = printMorph
printMorph :: Morphism -> Doc
printMorph m =
if m == (idMorph $ source m)
then vcat [text "Identity morphism on:", pretty $ source m]
else vcat [text "Source signature:", pretty $ source m, text "Target signature:",
pretty $ target m, text "Mapping:", printSymMap $ symMap m]
printSymMap :: Map.Map NAME NAME -> Doc
printSymMap m = vcat $ map (\ (k,a) -> pretty k <+> text "|->" <+> pretty a)
$ Map.toList m