Colimit.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Signature colimits for first-order logic with dependent
types (DFOL)
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Algorithm description:
Input : graph where nodes are signatures and edges are morphisms
Output : a signature "sig" and for each input signature "sig1" a morphism
m : sig1 -> sig
1 : Compute the transitive and symmetric closure of the relation R induced
by the morphisms in the graph
2 : Initialize the output signature "sig" and collection of morphisms "M" to
Initialize the set of analyzed symbols to empty
3 : For each input signature sig1 :
3.1 : Initialize the output map "m" to empty
3.2 : For each symbol "s" in sig1 (keeping the order in which they are
defined) :
3.1.1 Check if s R s' for any already analyzed symbol "s'"
3.1.2 If yes: Recover from M the value "c" that s' maps to Update m by adding the pair (s,c)
3.1.3 If no: Get the type "t" of s in sig1 Translate t along m; call this new type "t1" Update sig by adding the declaration s : t1
(in case the name s is already contained in sig,
we generate a fresh name "s1" and add the declaration
s1 : t and pair (s,s1) to sig and m respectively.
3.3 : Add m to M
module DFOL.Colimit (
) where
import DFOL.Sign
import DFOL.Morphism
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Graph
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
-- main functions
sigColimit :: Gr Sign (Int, Morphism) -> Result (Sign, Map.Map Int Morphism)
sigColimit gr =
let sigs = Graph.labNodes gr
rel = computeRel gr
(sig,maps) = addSig emptySig IntMap.empty Set.empty rel sigs
maps1 = IntMap.mapWithKey (\ i m -> let Just sig1 = Graph.lab gr i
in Morphism sig1 sig m
maps2 = Map.fromList $ IntMap.toList maps1
in Result [] $ Just (sig,maps2)
-- preparation for computing the colimit
addSig :: Sign -> IntMap.IntMap (Map.Map NAME NAME) -> Set.Set (Int, NAME) ->
Rel.Rel (Int, NAME) -> [(Int, Sign)] ->
(Sign, IntMap.IntMap (Map.Map NAME NAME))
addSig sig maps _ _ [] = (sig,maps)
addSig sig maps doneSyms rel ((i, Sign ds):sigs) =
processSig sig maps Map.empty i (expandDecls ds) doneSyms rel sigs
-- main function for computing the colimit
processSig :: Sign -> -- the signature determined so far
IntMap.IntMap (Map.Map NAME NAME) -> -- the morphisms determined so far
Map.Map NAME NAME -> -- the current map
Int -> -- the number or the current sig
[DECL] -> -- the declarations to be processed
Set.Set (Int, NAME) -> -- the symbols done so far
Rel.Rel (Int, NAME) -> -- the equality relation
[(Int, Sign)] -> -- the signatures to be processed
(Sign, IntMap.IntMap (Map.Map NAME NAME)) -- the determined colimit
processSig sig maps m i [] doneSyms rel sigs =
let maps1 = IntMap.insert i m maps
in addSig sig maps1 doneSyms rel sigs
processSig sig maps m i (([n],t):ds) doneSyms rel sigs =
let n1 = (i,n)
eqSyms = Set.filter (\ k -> Rel.member n1 k rel) doneSyms
in if (Set.null eqSyms)
then let mt = toTermMap m
syms = getSymbols sig
t1 = translate mt syms t
n2 = toName n syms
sig1 = addSymbolDecl ([n2],t1) sig
m1 = Map.insert n n2 m
doneSyms1 = Set.insert n1 doneSyms
in processSig sig1 maps m1 i ds doneSyms1 rel sigs
else let k = Set.findMin eqSyms
c = findValue k $ IntMap.insert i m maps
m1 = Map.insert n c m
doneSyms1 = Set.insert n1 doneSyms
in processSig sig maps m1 i ds doneSyms1 rel sigs
processSig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = (emptySig, IntMap.empty)
-- helper functions
findValue :: (Int, NAME) -> IntMap.IntMap (Map.Map NAME NAME) -> NAME
findValue (i,k) maps = let Just m = IntMap.lookup i maps
in Map.findWithDefault k k m
toName :: NAME -> Set.Set NAME -> NAME
toName n names =
if (Set.notMember n names)
then n
else let s = tokStr n
n1 = Token ("gn_" ++ s) nullRange
in getNewName n1 names
computeRel :: Gr Sign (Int, Morphism) -> Rel.Rel (Int, NAME)
computeRel gr =
let morphs = Graph.labEdges gr
rel = foldl (\ r1 (i,j,(_,m)) ->
let syms = Set.toList $ getSymbols $ source m
in foldl (\ r2 s -> let t = mapSymbol m s
in Rel.insert (i,s) (j,t)
$ Rel.insert (j,t) (i,s) r2
in Rel.transClosure rel