Analysis_DFOL.hs revision 51bbd37b3957f301b2628422e161aac2cbd46f1c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Static analysis for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
module DFOL.Analysis_DFOL
basicAnalysis -- static analysis of basic specifications
, symbAnalysis -- static analysis for symbols lists
, symbMapAnalysis -- static analysis for symbol map lists
, getType
) where
import DFOL.Sign
import DFOL.Symbol
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as Anno
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- datatype for items annotated with diagnostic messages
data DIAGN a = Diagn
{ diags :: [Result.Diagnosis]
, item :: a
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- conjunction for a list of truth values with diagnostic messages
andD :: [DIAGN Bool] -> DIAGN Bool
andD xs = Diagn diag result
where result = and $ map item xs
diag = concat $ map diags xs
basicAnalysis :: (BASIC_SPEC, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result.Result (BASIC_SPEC, ExtSign Sign Symbol, [Anno.Named FORMULA])
basicAnalysis (bs, sig, _) =
if errs
then Result.Result diag Nothing
else Result.Result [] $ Just (bs, ExtSign newSig declaredSyms, formulae)
where Diagn diag1 newSig = makeSig bs sig
Diagn diag2 formulae = makeFormulas bs newSig
declaredSyms = Symbol
$ Set.difference (getSymbols newSig) (getSymbols sig)
diag = diag1 ++ diag2
errs = Result.hasErrors diag
-- make a new signature out of a basic spec and an input signature
makeSig :: BASIC_SPEC -> Sign -> DIAGN Sign
makeSig (Basic_spec items) sig = addItemsToSig items sig
-- adds a list of annotated basic items to an input signature
addItemsToSig :: [Anno.Annoted BASIC_ITEM] -> Sign -> DIAGN Sign
addItemsToSig [] sig = Diagn [] sig
addItemsToSig (i:is) sig =
case i of
(Anno.Annoted (Axiom_item _) _ _ _) -> addItemsToSig is sig
(Anno.Annoted (Decl_item d) _ _ _) ->
if (Result.hasErrors diag)
then Diagn diag sig
else addItemsToSig is newSig
where Diagn diag newSig = addDeclToSig d sig
-- adds a declaration to an existing signature
addDeclToSig :: DECL -> Sign -> DIAGN Sign
addDeclToSig dec sig = if valid
then Diagn [] $ addSymbolDecl dec sig
else Diagn diag sig
where Diagn diag valid = isValidDecl dec sig emptyContext
-- determines whether a declaration is valid w.r.t. a signature and a context
isValidDecl :: DECL -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> DIAGN Bool
isValidDecl (ns,t) sig cont = andD [validNames, validType]
where validNames = areValidNames ns sig cont
validType = isValidType t sig cont
-- checks if a variable declaration is valid w.r.t. a signature and a context
isValidVarDecl :: DECL -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> DIAGN Bool
isValidVarDecl d@(_,t) sig cont = andD [discourseType,validDec]
where discourseType = isDiscourseType t
validDec = isValidDecl d sig cont
{- checks if a list of names in a declaration is valid w.r.t. a signature
and a context -}
areValidNames :: [NAME] -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> DIAGN Bool
areValidNames names sig cont =
if (Set.null overlap)
then Diagn [] True
else Diagn [redeclaredNamesError overlap cont] False
where declaredSyms = Set.union (getSymbols sig) (getVars cont)
newSyms = Set.fromList names
overlap = Set.intersection newSyms declaredSyms
-- determines whether a type is valid w.r.t. a signature and a context
isValidType :: TYPE -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> DIAGN Bool
isValidType Sort _ _ = Diagn [] True
isValidType Form _ _ = Diagn [] True
isValidType (Univ t) sig cont = hasType t Sort sig cont
isValidType (Func ts t) sig cont =
andD [validDoms,validCod,discourseDoms]
where validDoms = andD $ map (\t1 -> isValidType t1 sig cont) ts
validCod = isValidType t sig cont
discourseDoms = andD $ map isDiscourseType ts
isValidType (Pi [] t) sig cont = isValidType t sig cont
isValidType (Pi (d:ds) t) sig cont =
andD [validDecl, validType]
where validDecl = isValidVarDecl d sig cont
validType = isValidType (Pi ds t) sig (addVarDecl d cont)
-- determines whether a type starts with Univ
isDiscourseType :: TYPE -> DIAGN Bool
isDiscourseType t = case t of
Univ _ -> Diagn [] True
_ -> Diagn [noDiscourseTypeError t] False
-- determines whether a term has the given type w.r.t. a signature and a context
hasType :: TERM -> TYPE -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> DIAGN Bool
hasType term expectedType sig cont =
case inferredTypeM of
Nothing -> Diagn diag False
Just inferredType ->
if (inferredType == expectedType)
then Diagn [] True
else Diagn [wrongTypeError expectedType inferredType term cont]
where Result.Result diag inferredTypeM = getType term sig cont
-- determines the type of a term w.r.t. a signature and a context
getType :: TERM -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> Result.Result TYPE
getType term sig cont = getTypeH (termRecForm term) sig cont
getTypeH ::TERM -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> Result.Result TYPE
getTypeH (Identifier n) sig cont =
case fromContext of
Just _ -> Result.Result [] fromContext
Nothing -> case fromSig of
Just type1 -> let type2 = piRecForm $ renameBoundVars type1 sig cont
in Result.Result [] $ Just type2
Nothing -> Result.Result [unknownIdentifierError n cont] Nothing
where fromSig = getSymbolType n sig
fromContext = getVarType n cont
getTypeH (Appl f [a]) sig cont =
case typeAM of
Nothing -> Result.Result diagA Nothing
Just typeA ->
case typeFM of
Nothing -> Result.Result diagF Nothing
Just (Func (dom:doms) cod) ->
if (dom == typeA)
then Result.Result [] $ Just $ typeProperForm $ Func doms cod
else Result.Result [wrongTypeError dom typeA a cont] Nothing
Just (Pi [([x],t)] typ) ->
if (t == typeA)
then Result.Result [] $ Just $ substitute1 x a typ
else Result.Result [wrongTypeError t typeA a cont] Nothing
Just typeF ->
Result.Result [noFunctionTermError f typeF cont] Nothing
where Result.Result diagF typeFM = getType f sig cont
Result.Result diagA typeAM = getType a sig cont
getTypeH _ _ _ = Result.Result [] Nothing
-- renames bound variables in a type to make it valid w.r.t. a signature and a context
renameBoundVars :: TYPE -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> TYPE
renameBoundVars t sig cont =
let syms = Set.union (getSymbols sig) (getVars cont)
vars = getVarsDeclaredInType t
map1 = getRenameMap vars syms
in substitute map1 Map.empty t
-- make a list of formulas for the given signature out of a basic spec
makeFormulas :: BASIC_SPEC -> Sign -> DIAGN [Anno.Named FORMULA]
makeFormulas (Basic_spec items) sig = makeFormulasFromItems items 0 sig
-- make a list of named formulas out of a list of annotated items
makeFormulasFromItems :: [Anno.Annoted BASIC_ITEM] -> Int
-> Sign -> DIAGN [Anno.Named FORMULA]
makeFormulasFromItems [] _ _ = Diagn [] []
makeFormulasFromItems (i:is) num sig =
case i of
(Anno.Annoted (Decl_item _) _ _ _) -> makeFormulasFromItems is num sig
(Anno.Annoted (Axiom_item a) _ _ annos) ->
case fM of
Just f ->
let Diagn diagL fs = makeFormulasFromItems is newNum sig
in Diagn diagL (f:fs)
Nothing ->
let Diagn diagL fs = makeFormulasFromItems is num sig
in Diagn (diag ++ diagL) fs
where Result.Result diag fM = makeNamedFormula a nam annos sig
label = Anno.getRLabel i
nam = if (label == "") then "Ax_" ++ show num else label
newNum = if (label == "") then num + 1 else num
-- make a named formula
makeNamedFormula :: FORMULA -> String -> [Anno.Annotation]
-> Sign -> Result.Result (Anno.Named FORMULA)
makeNamedFormula f nam annos sig =
if valid
then Result.Result [] $ Just $ namedF
else Result.Result diag Nothing
where Diagn diag valid = isValidFormula f sig emptyContext
namedF = (Anno.makeNamed nam f) {Anno.isAxiom = not isTheorem}
isImplies = or $ map Anno.isImplies annos
isImplied = or $ map Anno.isImplied annos
isTheorem = isImplies || isImplied
-- determines whether a formula is valid w.r.t. a signature and a context
isValidFormula :: FORMULA -> Sign -> CONTEXT -> DIAGN Bool
isValidFormula T _ _ = Diagn [] True
isValidFormula F _ _ = Diagn [] True
isValidFormula (Pred t) sig cont = hasType t Form sig cont
isValidFormula (Equality term1 term2) sig cont =
case type1M of
Nothing -> Diagn diag1 False
Just type1 -> case type1 of
Univ _ -> hasType term2 type1 sig cont
_ -> Diagn [noDiscourseTermError term1 type1 cont]
where Result.Result diag1 type1M = getType term1 sig cont
isValidFormula (Negation f) sig cont = isValidFormula f sig cont
isValidFormula (Conjunction fs) sig cont =
andD $ map (\f -> isValidFormula f sig cont) fs
isValidFormula (Disjunction fs) sig cont =
andD $ map (\f -> isValidFormula f sig cont) fs
isValidFormula (Implication f g) sig cont =
andD [isValidFormula f sig cont, isValidFormula g sig cont]
isValidFormula (Equivalence f g) sig cont =
andD [isValidFormula f sig cont, isValidFormula g sig cont]
isValidFormula (Forall [] f) sig cont = isValidFormula f sig cont
isValidFormula (Forall (d:ds) f) sig cont =
andD [validDecl, validFormula]
where validDecl = isValidVarDecl d sig cont
validFormula = isValidFormula (Forall ds f) sig (addVarDecl d cont)
isValidFormula (Exists [] f) sig cont = isValidFormula f sig cont
isValidFormula (Exists (d:ds) f) sig cont =
andD [validDecl, validFormula]
where validDecl = isValidVarDecl d sig cont
validFormula = isValidFormula (Exists ds f) sig (addVarDecl d cont)
-- creates a symbol map out of a list of symbol map items
symbMapAnalysis :: [SYMB_MAP_ITEMS] -> Result.Result (Map.Map Symbol Symbol)
symbMapAnalysis xs = Result.Result []
$ Just $ foldl (\ m x -> Map.union m (makeSymbMap x)) Map.empty xs
-- creates a symbol map out of symbol map items
makeSymbMap :: SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -> Map.Map Symbol Symbol
makeSymbMap (Symb_map_items xs) =
foldl (\ m x -> case x of
Symb s -> Map.insert (Symbol s) (Symbol s) m
Symb_map s1 s2 -> Map.insert (Symbol s1) (Symbol s2) m
-- creates a symbol list out of a list of symbol items
symbAnalysis :: [SYMB_ITEMS] -> Result.Result [Symbol]
symbAnalysis xs = Result.Result [] $ Just $ concat $ map makeSymbols xs
-- creates a symbol list out of symbol item
makeSymbols :: SYMB_ITEMS -> [Symbol]
makeSymbols (Symb_items symbs) = map Symbol symbs
redeclaredNamesError :: Set.Set NAME -> CONTEXT -> Result.Diagnosis
redeclaredNamesError ns cont =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Symbols or variables " ++ show ns
++ " declared previously in the context "
++ (show $ pretty cont) ++ " or in the signature."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
unknownIdentifierError :: NAME -> CONTEXT -> Result.Diagnosis
unknownIdentifierError n cont =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Unknown identifier " ++ (show $ pretty n)
++ " in the context " ++ (show $ pretty cont)
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
wrongTypeError :: TYPE -> TYPE -> TERM -> CONTEXT -> Result.Diagnosis
wrongTypeError type1 type2 term cont =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Term " ++ (show $ pretty term) ++ " must be of type "
++ (show $ pretty type1) ++ " but is of type "
++ (show $ pretty type2) ++ " in context "
++ (show $ pretty cont)
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
noFunctionTermError :: TERM -> TYPE -> CONTEXT -> Result.Diagnosis
noFunctionTermError term t cont =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Term " ++ (show $ pretty term)
++ " has the non-function type " ++ (show $ pretty t)
++ " in the context " ++ (show $ pretty cont)
++ " and hence cannot be applied to an argument."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
noDiscourseTermError :: TERM -> TYPE -> CONTEXT -> Result.Diagnosis
noDiscourseTermError term t cont =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Term " ++ (show $ pretty term)
++ " has the non-discourse type " ++ (show $ pretty t)
++ " in the context " ++ (show $ pretty cont)
++ " and hence cannot be used in an equality."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange
noDiscourseTypeError :: TYPE -> Result.Diagnosis
noDiscourseTypeError t =
{ Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString =
"Type " ++ (show $ pretty t)
++ " is a non-discourse type (does not start with Univ) "
++ "and hence cannot be used as a type of an argument."
, Result.diagPos = nullRange