AS_DFOL.hs revision 94e2e03f6efde106de095ef4ea0ec87f74955a31
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Abstract syntax for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
TYPE (..),
TERM (..),
) where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import DFOL.Utils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
type NAME = Token
type DECL = ([NAME],TYPE)
-- grammar for basic specification
data BASIC_SPEC = Basic_spec [Annoted BASIC_ITEM]
deriving Show
instance GetRange BASIC_SPEC
data BASIC_ITEM = Decl_item DECL
| Axiom_item FORMULA
deriving Show
data TYPE = Sort
| Form
| Univ TERM
| Func [TYPE] TYPE
deriving (Show, Ord)
data TERM = Identifier NAME
| Appl TERM [TERM]
deriving (Show, Ord)
data FORMULA = T
| F
| Pred TERM
| Equality TERM TERM
| Negation FORMULA
| Conjunction [FORMULA]
| Disjunction [FORMULA]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- grammar for symbols and symbol maps
type SYMB = NAME
data SYMB_ITEMS = Symb_items [SYMB]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SYMB_MAP_ITEMS = Symb_map_items [SYMB_OR_MAP]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SYMB_OR_MAP = Symb SYMB
| Symb_map SYMB SYMB
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- canonical forms
{- converts a term into a form where a function is applied to
exactly one argument -}
termRecForm :: TERM -> TERM
termRecForm (Identifier t) = Identifier t
termRecForm (Appl f []) = termRecForm f
termRecForm (Appl f [a]) = Appl (termRecForm f) [a]
termRecForm (Appl f as) = Appl (termRecForm $ Appl f $ init as) $ [last as]
{- determines the flattened form of a term, i.e. the function symbol
applied and the argument list -}
termFlatForm :: TERM -> (NAME, [TERM])
termFlatForm (Identifier x) = (x,[])
termFlatForm (Appl f as) = (x, bs ++ as)
where (x,bs) = termFlatForm f
{- converts a type into a form where each Pi operator binds exactly
one argument -}
piRecForm :: TYPE -> TYPE
piRecForm (Pi [] type1) = piRecForm type1
piRecForm (Pi (([n],t):ds) type1) = Pi [([n],t)] $ piRecForm $ Pi ds type1
piRecForm (Pi (((n:ns),t):ds) type1) =
Pi [([n],t)] $ piRecForm $ Pi ((ns,t):ds) type1
piRecForm t = t
{- converts a type into a flattened form where the Pi operator binds multiple
arguments and the return type itself does not start with Pi -}
piFlatForm :: TYPE -> TYPE
piFlatForm (Pi ds1 type1) =
case type1 of
Pi ds2 type2 -> piFlatForm $ Pi (ds1 ++ ds2) type2
_ -> Pi (compactDecls ds1) type1
piFlatForm t = t
-- removes empty argument lists
typeProperForm :: TYPE -> TYPE
typeProperForm (Pi [] t) = typeProperForm t
typeProperForm (Func [] t) = typeProperForm t
typeProperForm t = t
{- converts a formula into a form where each quantifier binds exactly
one variable -}
quantRecForm :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
quantRecForm (Forall [] f) = quantRecForm f
quantRecForm (Exists [] f) = quantRecForm f
quantRecForm (Forall (([n],t):ds) f) =
Forall [([n],t)] $ quantRecForm $ Forall ds f
quantRecForm (Exists (([n],t):ds) f) =
Exists [([n],t)] $ quantRecForm $ Exists ds f
quantRecForm (Forall (((n:ns),t):ds) f) =
Forall [([n],t)] $ quantRecForm $ Forall ((ns,t):ds) f
quantRecForm (Exists (((n:ns),t):ds) f) =
Exists [([n],t)] $ quantRecForm $ Exists ((ns,t):ds) f
quantRecForm t = t
{- converts a formula into a flattened form where quantifies bind multiple
arguments and the return type itself does not start with the same
quantifier -}
quantFlatForm :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
quantFlatForm (Forall ds1 f1) =
case f1 of
Forall ds2 f2 -> quantFlatForm $ Forall (ds1 ++ ds2) f2
_ -> Forall (compactDecls ds1) f1
quantFlatForm (Exists ds1 f1) =
case f1 of
Exists ds2 f2 -> quantFlatForm $ Exists (ds1 ++ ds2) f2
_ -> Exists (compactDecls ds1) f1
quantFlatForm t = t
-- removes empty variable lists
formulaProperForm :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
formulaProperForm (Forall [] f) = formulaProperForm f
formulaProperForm (Exists [] f) = formulaProperForm f
formulaProperForm (Conjunction []) = T
formulaProperForm (Disjunction []) = F
formulaProperForm t = t
-- substitutions
{- class of types containing identifiers which may be
substituted by terms -}
class Translatable a where
{- substitutions and renamings: the first argument specifies the desired
term/identifier substitutions and the second the set of identifiers which
cannot be used as new variable names -}
translate :: Map.Map NAME TERM -> Set.Set NAME -> a -> a
instance Translatable TERM where
translate m _ = (translateTerm m) . termRecForm
instance Translatable TYPE where
translate m s = (translateType m s) . piRecForm . typeProperForm
instance Translatable FORMULA where
translate m s = (translateFormula m s) . quantRecForm . formulaProperForm
-- expects type in proper and pi-recursive form
translateType :: Map.Map NAME TERM -> Set.Set NAME -> TYPE -> TYPE
translateType _ _ Sort = Sort
translateType _ _ Form = Form
translateType m s (Univ t) = Univ $ translate m s t
translateType m s (Func ts t) =
Func (map (translate m s) ts) (translate m s t)
translateType m s (Pi [([x],t)] a) =
let t1 = translate m s t
x1 = getNewName x s
a1 = translate (Map.insert x (Identifier x1) m) (Set.insert x1 s) a
in Pi [([x1],t1)] a1
translateType _ _ t = t
-- expects term in recursive form
translateTerm :: Map.Map NAME TERM -> TERM -> TERM
translateTerm m (Identifier x) = Map.findWithDefault (Identifier x) x m
translateTerm m (Appl f [a]) = Appl (translateTerm m f) [(translateTerm m a)]
translateTerm _ t = t
-- expects formula in proper and quant-recursive form
translateFormula :: Map.Map NAME TERM -> Set.Set NAME -> FORMULA -> FORMULA
translateFormula _ _ T = T
translateFormula _ _ F = F
translateFormula m s (Pred t) = Pred $ translate m s t
translateFormula m s (Equality t1 t2) =
Equality (translate m s t1) (translate m s t2)
translateFormula m s (Negation f) = Negation $ translate m s f
translateFormula m s (Conjunction fs) =
Conjunction $ map (translate m s) fs
translateFormula m s (Disjunction fs) =
Disjunction $ map (translate m s) fs
translateFormula m s (Implication f g) =
Implication (translate m s f) (translate m s g)
translateFormula m s (Equivalence f g) =
Equivalence (translate m s f) (translate m s g)
translateFormula m s (Forall [([x],t)] f) =
let t1 = translate m s t
x1 = getNewName x s
f1 = translate (Map.insert x (Identifier x1) m) (Set.insert x1 s) f
in Forall [([x1],t1)] f1
translateFormula m s (Exists [([x],t)] f) =
let t1 = translate m s t
x1 = getNewName x s
f1 = translate (Map.insert x (Identifier x1) m) (Set.insert x1 s) f
in Exists [([x1],t1)] f1
translateFormula _ _ f = f
{- modifies the given name until it is different from each of the names
in the input set -}
getNewName :: NAME -> Set.Set NAME -> NAME
getNewName var names = getNewNameH var names (tokStr var) 0
getNewNameH :: NAME -> Set.Set NAME -> String -> Int -> Token
getNewNameH var names root i =
if (Set.notMember var names)
then var
else let newVar = Token (root ++ (show i)) nullRange
in getNewNameH newVar names root $ i+1
-- equality
instance Eq TERM where
u == v = eqTerm (termRecForm u) (termRecForm v)
instance Eq TYPE where
u == v = eqType (piRecForm $ typeProperForm u)
(piRecForm $ typeProperForm v)
-- expects term in recursive form
eqTerm :: TERM -> TERM -> Bool
eqTerm (Identifier x1) (Identifier x2) = x1 == x2
eqTerm (Appl f1 [a1]) (Appl f2 [a2]) = and [f1 == f2, a1 == a2]
eqTerm _ _ = False
-- expects type in proper and pi-recursive form
eqType :: TYPE -> TYPE -> Bool
eqType Sort Sort = True
eqType Form Form = True
eqType (Univ t1) (Univ t2) = t1 == t2
eqType (Func (t1:ts1) s1) (Func (t2:ts2) s2) =
and [t1 == t2, (Func ts1 s1) == (Func ts2 s2)]
eqType (Pi [([n1],t1)] s1) (Pi [([n2],t2)] s2) =
if (n1 == n2)
then and [t1 == t2, s1 == s2]
else let syms1 = getFreeVars $ piRecForm $ typeProperForm s1
syms2 = getFreeVars $ piRecForm $ typeProperForm s2
v = getNewName n1 $ Set.union (Set.delete n1 syms1)
(Set.delete n2 syms2)
type1 = translate (Map.singleton n1 (Identifier v)) syms1 s1
type2 = translate (Map.singleton n2 (Identifier v)) syms2 s2
in and [t1 == t2, type1 == type2]
eqType _ _ = False
-- returns a set of unbound identifiers used within a type
-- expects type in proper and pi-recursive form
getFreeVars :: TYPE -> Set.Set NAME
getFreeVars Sort = Set.empty
getFreeVars Form = Set.empty
getFreeVars (Univ t) = getFreeVarsInTerm t
getFreeVars (Func ts t) =
Set.unions $ [getFreeVars t] ++ (map getFreeVars ts)
getFreeVars (Pi [([n],t)] a) =
Set.delete n $ Set.union (getFreeVars t) (getFreeVars a)
getFreeVars _ = Set.empty
getFreeVarsInTerm :: TERM -> Set.Set NAME
getFreeVarsInTerm (Identifier x) = Set.singleton x
getFreeVarsInTerm (Appl f as) =
Set.unions $ [getFreeVarsInTerm f] ++ (map getFreeVarsInTerm as)
-- precedences - needed for pretty printing
formulaPrec :: FORMULA -> Int
formulaPrec T = truePrec
formulaPrec F = falsePrec
formulaPrec Pred {} = predPrec
formulaPrec Equality {} = equalPrec
formulaPrec Negation {} = negPrec
formulaPrec Disjunction {} = disjPrec
formulaPrec Conjunction {} = conjPrec
formulaPrec Implication {} = implPrec
formulaPrec Equivalence {} = equivPrec
formulaPrec Forall {} = forallPrec
formulaPrec Exists {} = existsPrec
typePrec :: TYPE -> Int
typePrec Sort = sortPrec
typePrec Form = formPrec
typePrec Univ {} = univPrec
typePrec Func {} = funcPrec
typePrec Pi {} = piPrec
-- pretty printing
instance Pretty BASIC_SPEC where
pretty = printBasicSpec
instance Pretty BASIC_ITEM where
pretty = printBasicItem
instance Pretty TYPE where
pretty = printType . piFlatForm . typeProperForm
instance Pretty TERM where
pretty = printTerm
instance Pretty FORMULA where
pretty = printFormula . quantFlatForm . formulaProperForm
instance Pretty SYMB_ITEMS where
pretty = printSymbItems
instance Pretty SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
pretty = printSymbMapItems
instance Pretty SYMB_OR_MAP where
pretty = printSymbOrMap
printBasicSpec :: BASIC_SPEC -> Doc
printBasicSpec (Basic_spec xs) = vcat $ map pretty xs
printBasicItem :: BASIC_ITEM -> Doc
printBasicItem (Decl_item (ns,t)) = printNames ns <+> text "::" <+> printType t
printBasicItem (Axiom_item f) = dot <> printFormula f
-- expects type in proper and pi-flat form
printType :: TYPE -> Doc
printType (Sort) = text "Sort"
printType (Form) = text "Form"
printType (Univ t) = pretty t
printType (Func ts t) =
fsep $ prepPunctuate (text "-> ") $ map (printSubType funcPrec) (ts ++ [t])
printType (Pi xs x) = text "Pi" <+> printDecls xs <+> printType x
printSubType :: Int -> TYPE -> Doc
printSubType prec t = if typePrec t >= prec
then parens $ printType t
else printType t
printTerm :: TERM -> Doc
printTerm t = if (as == [])
then pretty x
else pretty x <> parens (ppWithCommas as)
where (x,as) = termFlatForm t
-- expects formula in proper and quant-flat form
printFormula :: FORMULA -> Doc
printFormula (T) = text "true"
printFormula (F) = text "false"
printFormula (Pred x) = pretty x
printFormula (Equality x y) = pretty x <+> text "==" <+> pretty y
printFormula (Negation f) = notDoc <+> printSubFormula negPrec f
printFormula (Conjunction xs) = fsep $ prepPunctuate (andDoc <> space)
$ map (printSubFormula conjPrec) xs
printFormula (Disjunction xs) = fsep $ prepPunctuate (orDoc <> space)
$ map (printSubFormula disjPrec) xs
printFormula (Implication x y) = printSubFormula implPrec x <+> implies
<+> printSubFormula implPrec y
printFormula (Equivalence x y) = printSubFormula equivPrec x <+> equiv
<+> printSubFormula equivPrec y
printFormula (Forall xs f) = forallDoc <+> printDecls xs <+> printFormula f
printFormula (Exists xs f) = exists <+> printDecls xs <+> printFormula f
printSubFormula :: Int -> FORMULA -> Doc
printSubFormula prec f = if (formulaPrec f) > prec
then parens $ printFormula f
else printFormula f
printSymbItems :: SYMB_ITEMS -> Doc
printSymbItems (Symb_items xs) = ppWithCommas xs
printSymbMapItems :: SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -> Doc
printSymbMapItems (Symb_map_items xs) = ppWithCommas xs
printSymbOrMap :: SYMB_OR_MAP -> Doc
printSymbOrMap (Symb s) = pretty s
printSymbOrMap (Symb_map s t) = pretty s <+> mapsto <+> pretty t
printNames :: [NAME] -> Doc
printNames = ppWithCommas
printDecl :: DECL -> Doc
printDecl (ns, t) = printNames ns <+> colon <+> printType t
printDecls :: [DECL] -> Doc
printDecls xs = fsep (punctuate semi $ map printDecl xs) <> dot
-- operations on a list of declarations
getVarsFromDecls :: [DECL] -> [NAME]
getVarsFromDecls ds = concatMap fst ds
getVarTypeFromDecls :: NAME -> [DECL] -> Maybe TYPE
getVarTypeFromDecls n ds = case result of
Just (_,t) -> Just t
Nothing -> Nothing
where result = find (\ (ns,_) -> elem n ns) ds
compactDecls :: [DECL] -> [DECL]
compactDecls [] = []
compactDecls [d] = [d]
compactDecls (d1:(d2:ds)) =
let (ns1,t1) = d1
(ns2,t2) = d2
in if (t1 == t2)
then compactDecls $ (ns1 ++ ns2,t1):ds
else d1:(compactDecls (d2:ds))
expandDecls :: [DECL] -> [DECL]
expandDecls [] = []
expandDecls (([],_):ds) = expandDecls ds
expandDecls (((n:ns),t):ds) = ([n],t):(expandDecls ((ns,t):ds))