AS_DFOL.hs revision 2ddc9d39235393dca2e40203dde20284db4c3dee
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Abstract syntax for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
module DFOL.AS_DFOL where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import DFOL.Utils
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type NAME = Token
type DECL = ([NAME],TYPE)
-- grammar for basic specification
data BASIC_SPEC = Basic_spec [Annoted BASIC_ITEM]
deriving Show
data BASIC_ITEM = Decl_item DECL
| Axiom_item FORMULA
deriving Show
data TYPE = Sort
| Form
| Univ TERM
| Func [TYPE]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data TERM = Identifier NAME
| Appl TERM [TERM]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data FORMULA = T
| F
| Pred TERM
| Equality TERM TERM
| Negation FORMULA
| Conjunction [FORMULA]
| Disjunction [FORMULA]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- grammar for symbols and symbol maps
type SYMB = NAME
data SYMB_ITEMS = Symb_items [SYMB]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SYMB_MAP_ITEMS = Symb_map_items [SYMB_OR_MAP]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SYMB_OR_MAP = Symb SYMB
| Symb_map SYMB SYMB
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- operations on a list of declarations
getVarsFromDecls :: [DECL] -> Set.Set NAME
getVarsFromDecls ds = Set.unions $ map Set.fromList $ map fst ds
getTypeFromDecls :: NAME -> [DECL] -> Maybe TYPE
getTypeFromDecls n ds = case result of
Just (_,t) -> Just t
Nothing -> Nothing
where result = find (\(ns,_) -> elem n ns) ds
-- converts a term into its canonical form f(x_1, ... x_n)
termCanForm :: TERM -> TERM
termCanForm (Identifier t) = (Identifier t)
termCanForm (Appl f as) = case termF of
Identifier _ -> (Appl f as)
Appl g bs -> (Appl g (bs ++ as))
where termF = termCanForm f
-- converts a term into a form where a function is applied to exactly one argument
termApplForm :: TERM -> TERM
termApplForm (Identifier t) = Identifier t
termApplForm (Appl f []) = termApplForm f
termApplForm (Appl f [a]) = Appl (termApplForm f) [a]
termApplForm (Appl f as) = Appl (termApplForm $ Appl f $ init as) $ [last as]
-- substitutions
substituteTermInType :: NAME -> TERM -> TYPE -> TYPE
substituteTermInType _ _ Sort = Sort
substituteTermInType _ _ Form = Form
substituteTermInType n val (Univ t) = Univ $ substituteTermInTerm n val t
substituteTermInType n val (Func ts) = Func $ map (substituteTermInType n val) ts
substituteTermInType n val (Pi ds t) = Pi (substituteTermInDecls n val ds) (substituteTermInType n val t)
substituteTermInTerm :: NAME -> TERM -> TERM -> TERM
substituteTermInTerm n val (Identifier x) = if (x == n) then val else Identifier x
substituteTermInTerm n val (Appl f as) = Appl (substituteTermInTerm n val f) $ map (substituteTermInTerm n val) as
substituteTermInDecls :: NAME -> TERM -> [DECL] -> [DECL]
substituteTermInDecls n val ds = map (substituteTermInDecl n val) ds
substituteTermInDecl :: NAME -> TERM -> DECL -> DECL
substituteTermInDecl n val (ns,t) = (ns, substituteTermInType n val t)
substituteVarInType :: NAME -> NAME -> TYPE -> TYPE
substituteVarInType _ _ Sort = Sort
substituteVarInType _ _ Form = Form
substituteVarInType n1 n2 (Univ t) = Univ $ substituteVarInTerm n1 n2 t
substituteVarInType n1 n2 (Func ts) = Func $ map (substituteVarInType n1 n2) ts
substituteVarInType n1 n2 (Pi ds t) = Pi (substituteVarInDecls n1 n2 ds) (substituteVarInType n1 n2 t)
substituteVarInTerm :: NAME -> NAME -> TERM -> TERM
substituteVarInTerm n1 n2 (Identifier x) = if (x == n1) then Identifier n2 else Identifier x
substituteVarInTerm n1 n2 (Appl f as) = Appl (substituteVarInTerm n1 n2 f) $ map (substituteVarInTerm n1 n2) as
substituteVarInDecls :: NAME -> NAME -> [DECL] -> [DECL]
substituteVarInDecls n1 n2 ds = map (substituteVarInDecl n1 n2) ds
substituteVarInDecl :: NAME -> NAME -> DECL -> DECL
substituteVarInDecl n1 n2 (ns,t) = (substituteVarInNames n1 n2 ns, substituteVarInType n1 n2 t)
substituteVarInNames :: NAME -> NAME -> [NAME] -> [NAME]
substituteVarInNames n1 n2 ns = map (\n -> if n == n1 then n2 else n) ns
-- returns a list of declared variables from within a type
getVarsInType :: TYPE -> Set.Set NAME
getVarsInType (Pi ds t) = Set.union (getVarsFromDecls ds) (getVarsInType t)
getVarsInType _ = Set.empty
-- precedences - needed for pretty printing
formulaPrec :: FORMULA -> Int
formulaPrec T = truePrec
formulaPrec F = falsePrec
formulaPrec Pred {} = predPrec
formulaPrec Equality {} = equalPrec
formulaPrec Negation {} = negPrec
formulaPrec Disjunction {} = disjPrec
formulaPrec Conjunction {} = conjPrec
formulaPrec Implication {} = implPrec
formulaPrec Equivalence {} = equivPrec
formulaPrec Forall {} = forallPrec
formulaPrec Exists {} = existsPrec
typePrec :: TYPE -> Int
typePrec Sort = sortPrec
typePrec Form = formPrec
typePrec Univ {} = univPrec
typePrec Func {} = funcPrec
typePrec Pi {} = piPrec
-- pretty printing
instance Pretty BASIC_SPEC where
pretty = printBasicSpec
instance Pretty BASIC_ITEM where
pretty = printBasicItem
instance Pretty TYPE where
pretty = printType
instance Pretty TERM where
pretty = printTerm
instance Pretty FORMULA where
pretty = printFormula
instance Pretty SYMB_ITEMS where
pretty = printSymbItems
instance Pretty SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
pretty = printSymbMapItems
instance Pretty SYMB_OR_MAP where
pretty = printSymbOrMap
instance Pretty [NAME] where
pretty = printNames
instance Pretty DECL where
pretty = printDecl
instance Pretty [DECL] where
pretty = printDecls
printBasicSpec :: BASIC_SPEC -> Doc
printBasicSpec (Basic_spec xs) = vcat $ map pretty xs
printBasicItem :: BASIC_ITEM -> Doc
printBasicItem (Decl_item (ns,t)) = printNames ns <+> text "::" <+> printType t
printBasicItem (Axiom_item f) = dot <> printFormula f
printType :: TYPE -> Doc
printType (Sort) = text "Sort"
printType (Form) = text "Form"
printType (Univ t) = pretty t
printType (Func ts) = sepBy (text " -> ") $ map (printSubType funcPrec) ts
printType (Pi xs x) = text "Pi" <+> printDecls xs <+> printType x
printSubType :: Int -> TYPE -> Doc
printSubType prec t = if (typePrec t) >= prec
then parens $ printType t
else printType t
printTerm :: TERM -> Doc
printTerm t = printTermCanForm $ termCanForm t
printTermCanForm :: TERM -> Doc
printTermCanForm (Identifier x) = pretty x
printTermCanForm (Appl f as) = pretty f <> (parens $ sepBy (text ", ") $ map pretty as)
printFormula :: FORMULA -> Doc
printFormula (T) = text "true"
printFormula (F) = text "false"
printFormula (Pred x) = pretty x
printFormula (Equality x y) = pretty x <+> text "==" <+> pretty y
printFormula (Negation f) = notDoc <+> printSubFormula negPrec f
printFormula (Conjunction xs) = sepBy (text " /\\ ") $ map (printSubFormula conjPrec) xs
printFormula (Disjunction xs) = sepBy (text " \\/ ") $ map (printSubFormula disjPrec) xs
printFormula (Implication x y) = printSubFormula implPrec x <+> implies <+> printSubFormula implPrec y
printFormula (Equivalence x y) = printSubFormula equivPrec x <+> equiv <+> printSubFormula equivPrec y
printFormula (Forall xs f) = forallDoc <+> printDecls xs <+> printFormula f
printFormula (Exists xs f) = exists <+> printDecls xs <+> printFormula f
printSubFormula :: Int -> FORMULA -> Doc
printSubFormula prec f = if (formulaPrec f) > prec
then parens $ printFormula f
else printFormula f
printSymbItems :: SYMB_ITEMS -> Doc
printSymbItems (Symb_items xs) = sepBy (text ", ") $ map pretty xs
printSymbMapItems :: SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -> Doc
printSymbMapItems (Symb_map_items xs) = sepBy (text ", ") $ map pretty xs
printSymbOrMap :: SYMB_OR_MAP -> Doc
printSymbOrMap (Symb s) = pretty s
printSymbOrMap (Symb_map s t) = pretty s <+> mapsto <+> pretty t
printNames :: [NAME] -> Doc
printNames ns = sepBy (text ", ") $ map pretty ns
printDecl :: DECL -> Doc
printDecl (ns, t) = printNames ns <+> colon <+> printType t
printDecls :: [DECL] -> Doc
printDecls xs = (sepBy (text "; ") $ map printDecl xs) <> dot
-- auxiliary functions for printing
sepBy :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy _ [] = text ""
sepBy _ [x] = x
sepBy separator (x:xs) = x <> separator <> sepBy separator xs