Utils.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Utilities for CspCASLProver related to the actual
construction of Isabelle theories.
Copyright : (c) Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach,
Swansea University 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : csliam@swansea.ac.uk
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Utilities for CspCASLProver related to the actual construction of
Isabelle theories.
module CspCASLProver.Utils
( addAlphabetType
, addAllBarTypes
, addAllChooseFunctions
, addAllCompareWithFun
, addAllIntegrationTheorems
, addAllGaAxiomsCollections
, addEqFun
, addEventDataType
, addFlatTypes
, addInstanceOfEquiv
, addJustificationTheorems
, addPreAlphabet
, addProcMap
, addProcNameDatatype
, addProjFlatFun
, addProcTheorems
) where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import qualified CASL.Fold as CASL_Fold
import qualified CASL.Sign as CASLSign
import qualified CASL.Inject as CASLInject
import Common.AS_Annotation (makeNamed, Named, SenAttr (..))
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import Common.Id (nullRange)
import Comorphisms.CASL2PCFOL (mkEmbInjName, mkTransAxiomName, mkIdAxiomName)
import Comorphisms.CASL2SubCFOL (mkNotDefBotAxiomName, mkTotalityAxiomName)
import Comorphisms.CFOL2IsabelleHOL (IsaTheory)
import qualified Comorphisms.CFOL2IsabelleHOL as CFOL2IsabelleHOL
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process (FQ_PROCESS_NAME (..), ProcProfile (..),
import CspCASL.SignCSP
import CspCASLProver.Consts
import CspCASLProver.CspProverConsts
import CspCASLProver.IsabelleUtils
import CspCASLProver.TransProcesses (transProcess, VarSource (..))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.Translate (transString)
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions for adding the PreAlphabet datatype to an Isabelle theory --
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- | Add the PreAlphabet (built from a list of sorts) to an Isabelle
theory. -}
addPreAlphabet :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addPreAlphabet sortList isaTh =
let preAlphabetDomainEntry = mkPreAlphabetDE sortList
-- Add to the isabelle signature the new domain entry
in updateDomainTab preAlphabetDomainEntry isaTh
-- | Make a Domain Entry for the PreAlphabet from a list of sorts.
mkPreAlphabetDE :: [SORT] -> DomainEntry
mkPreAlphabetDE sorts =
(mkSType preAlphabetS,
map (\ sort ->
(mkVName (mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort),
[mkSType $ convertSort2String sort])
) sorts
{- --------------------------------------------------------------
Functions for adding the eq functions and the compare_with --
functions to an Isabelle theory --
-------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | Add the eq function to an Isabelle theory using a list of sorts
addEqFun :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addEqFun sortList isaTh =
let eqtype = mkFunType preAlphabetType $ mkFunType preAlphabetType boolType
mkEq sort =
let x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
lhs = binEq_PreAlphabet lhs_a y
lhs_a = termAppl (conDouble (mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort)) x
rhs = termAppl rhs_a y
rhs_a = termAppl (conDouble (mkCompareWithFunName sort)) x
in binEq lhs rhs
eqs = map mkEq sortList
in addPrimRec eq_PreAlphabetS eqtype eqs isaTh
{- | Add all compare_with functions for a given list of sorts to an
Isabelle theory. We need to know about the casl signature (data
part of a CspCASL spec) so that we can pass it on to the
addCompareWithFun function -}
addAllCompareWithFun :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addAllCompareWithFun caslSign isaTh =
let sortList = Set.toList (CASLSign.sortSet caslSign)
in foldl (addCompareWithFun caslSign) isaTh sortList
{- | Add a single compare_with function for a given sort to an
Isabelle theory. We need to know about the casl signature (data
part of a CspCASL spec) to work out the RHS of the equations. -}
addCompareWithFun :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> IsaTheory -> SORT -> IsaTheory
addCompareWithFun caslSign isaTh sort =
let sortList = Set.toList (CASLSign.sortSet caslSign)
sortType = Type {typeId = convertSort2String sort, typeSort = [],
typeArgs = []}
funName = mkCompareWithFunName sort
funType = mkFunType sortType $ mkFunType preAlphabetType boolType
sortSuperSet = CASLSign.supersortsOf sort caslSign
mkEq sort' =
let x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
sort'Constructor = mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort'
lhs = termAppl lhs_a lhs_b
lhs_a = termAppl (conDouble funName) x
lhs_b = termAppl (conDouble sort'Constructor) y
sort'SuperSet = CASLSign.supersortsOf sort' caslSign
commonSuperList = Set.toList (Set.intersection
{- If there are no tests then the rhs=false else
combine all tests using binConj -}
rhs = if null allTests
then false
else foldr1 binConj allTests
{- The tests produce a list of equations for each test
Test 1 = test equality at: current sort vs current sort
Test 2 = test equality at: current sort vs super sorts
Test 3 = test equality at: super sorts vs current sort
Test 4 = test equality at: super sorts vs super sorts -}
allTests = concat [test1, test2, test3, test4]
test1 = [binEq x y | sort == sort']
test2 = [binEq x (mkInjection sort' sort y) |
Set.member sort sort'SuperSet]
test3 = [binEq (mkInjection sort sort' x) y |
Set.member sort' sortSuperSet]
test4 = map test4_atSort commonSuperList
test4_atSort s = binEq (mkInjection sort s x)
(mkInjection sort' s y)
in binEq lhs rhs
eqs = map mkEq sortList
in addPrimRec funName funType eqs isaTh
{- ------------------------------------------------------
Functions that creates a lemma for group many lemmas
------------------------------------------------------ -}
{- | Add a series of lemmas sentences that collect together all the
automatically generate axioms. This allow us to group large collections of
lemmas in to a single lemma. This cuts down on the repreated addition of
lemmas in the proofs. We need to the CASL signature (from the datapart) and
the PFOL Signature to pass it on. We could recalculate the PFOL signature
from the CASL signature here, but we dont as it can be passed in. We need
the PFOL signature which is the data part CASL signature after translation
to PCFOL (i.e. without subsorting) -}
addAllGaAxiomsCollections :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> CASLSign.CASLSign ->
IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addAllGaAxiomsCollections caslSign pfolSign isaTh =
let sortRel = Rel.toList (CASLSign.sortRel caslSign)
sorts = Set.toList (CASLSign.sortSet caslSign)
in addLemmasCollection lemmasEmbInjAxS (getCollectionEmbInjAx sortRel)
$ addLemmasCollection lemmasIdentityAxS (getCollectionIdentityAx caslSign)
$ addLemmasCollection lemmasNotDefBotAxS (getCollectionNotDefBotAx sorts)
$ addLemmasCollection lemmasTotalityAxS (getCollectionTotAx pfolSign)
$ addLemmasCollection lemmasTransAxS (getCollectionTransAx caslSign)
{- ------------------------------------------------------
Functions for producing the Justification theorems --
------------------------------------------------------ -}
{- | Add all justification theorems to an Isabelle Theory. We need to
the CASL signature (from the datapart) and the PFOL Signature to
pass it on. We could recalculate the PFOL signature from the CASL
signature here, but we dont as it can be passed in. We need the
PFOL signature which is the data part CASL signature after
translation to PCFOL (i.e. without subsorting) -}
addJustificationTheorems :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> CASLSign.CASLSign ->
IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addJustificationTheorems caslSign pfolSign isaTh =
let sortRel = Rel.toList (CASLSign.sortRel caslSign)
sorts = Set.toList (CASLSign.sortSet caslSign)
in addTransitivityTheorem sorts sortRel
$ addAllInjectivityTheorems pfolSign sorts sortRel
$ addAllDecompositionTheorem caslSign pfolSign sorts sortRel
$ addSymmetryTheorem sorts
$ addReflexivityTheorem
-- | Add the reflexivity theorem and proof to an Isabelle Theory
addReflexivityTheorem :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addReflexivityTheorem isaTh =
let name = reflexivityTheoremS
x = mkFree "x"
thmConds = []
thmConcl = binEq_PreAlphabet x x
proof' = IsaProof {
proof = [Apply [Induct x, Auto] False],
end = Done
in addTheoremWithProof name thmConds thmConcl proof' isaTh
{- | Add the symmetry theorem and proof to an Isabelle Theory. We need
to know the number of sorts, but instead we are given a list of
all sorts -}
addSymmetryTheorem :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addSymmetryTheorem _ isaTh =
let -- numSorts = length(sorts)
name = symmetryTheoremS
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
thmConds = [binEq_PreAlphabet x y]
thmConcl = binEq_PreAlphabet y x
{- We want to induct Y then apply simp numSorts times and reapeat this
apply as many times as possibe, thus the true at the end
inductY = [Apply ((Induct y):(replicate numSorts Simp)) True]
Bug in above in isabelle?? not sure - does not work for all specs?
Now we do induction on Y then auto - I think this works for all specs -}
inductY = [Apply [Induct y, Auto] True]
proof' = IsaProof {
-- Add in front of inductY a apply induct on x
proof = Apply [Induct x] False : inductY,
end = Done
in addTheoremWithProof name thmConds thmConcl proof' isaTh
-- | Add all the decoposition theorems and proofs
addAllDecompositionTheorem :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> CASLSign.CASLSign
-> [SORT] -> [(SORT, SORT)]
-> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addAllDecompositionTheorem caslSign pfolSign sorts sortRel isaTh =
let tripples = [(s1, s2, s3) |
(s1, s2) <- sortRel, (s2', s3) <- sortRel, s2 == s2']
in foldl (addDecompositionTheorem caslSign pfolSign sorts)
isaTh tripples
{- | Add the decomposition theorem and proof which should be deduced
from the transitivity axioms from the translation CASL2PCFOL;
CASL2SubCFOL for a pair of injections represented as a tripple of
sorts. e.g. (S,T,U) means produce the lemma and proof for
inj_T_U(inj_S_T(x)) = inj_S_U(x). As a work around, we need to
know all sorts to pass them on. -}
addDecompositionTheorem :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> CASLSign.CASLSign -> [SORT]
-> IsaTheory -> (SORT, SORT, SORT)
-> IsaTheory
addDecompositionTheorem caslSign pfolSign sorts isaTh (s1, s2, s3) =
let x = mkFree "x"
-- These 5 lines make use of currying
injOp_s1_s2 = mkInjection s1 s2
injOp_s2_s3 = mkInjection s2 s3
injOp_s1_s3 = mkInjection s1 s3
inj_s1_s2_s3_x = injOp_s2_s3 (injOp_s1_s2 x)
inj_s1_s3_x = injOp_s1_s3 x
definedOp_s1 = getDefinedOp sorts s1
definedOp_s3 = getDefinedOp sorts s3
name = getDecompositionThmName (s1, s2, s3)
conds = []
concl = binEq inj_s1_s2_s3_x inj_s1_s3_x
-- We only want to add these lemma sets if they exist
lemmasIdentityAxS' = if null $ getCollectionIdentityAx caslSign
then []
else [lemmasIdentityAxS]
lemmasTransAxS' = if null $ getCollectionTransAx caslSign
then []
else [lemmasTransAxS]
lemmasTotalityAxS' = if null $ getCollectionTotAx pfolSign
then []
else [lemmasTotalityAxS]
lemmasNotDefBotAxS' = if null $ getCollectionNotDefBotAx sorts
then []
else [lemmasNotDefBotAxS]
proof' = IsaProof [Apply [CaseTac (definedOp_s3 inj_s1_s2_s3_x)] False,
-- Case 1
Apply [SubgoalTac (definedOp_s1 x)] False,
Apply [Insert $ lemmasIdentityAxS' ++
lemmasTransAxS'] False,
Apply [Simp] False,
Apply [SimpAdd Nothing lemmasTotalityAxS'] False,
-- Case 2
Apply [SubgoalTac (
termAppl notOp (definedOp_s3 inj_s1_s3_x))] False,
Apply [SimpAdd Nothing lemmasNotDefBotAxS'] False,
Apply [SimpAdd Nothing lemmasTotalityAxS'] False]
in addTheoremWithProof name conds concl proof' isaTh
-- | Add all the injectivity theorems and proofs
addAllInjectivityTheorems :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> [SORT] -> [(SORT, SORT)] ->
IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addAllInjectivityTheorems pfolSign sorts sortRel isaTh =
foldl (addInjectivityTheorem pfolSign sorts sortRel) isaTh sortRel
{- | Add the injectivity theorem and proof which should be deduced
from the embedding_Injectivity axioms from the translation
CASL2PCFOL; CASL2SubCFOL for a single injection represented as a
pair of sorts. As a work around, we need to know all sorts to
pass them on -}
addInjectivityTheorem :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> [SORT] -> [(SORT, SORT)] ->
IsaTheory -> (SORT, SORT) -> IsaTheory
addInjectivityTheorem pfolSign sorts sortRel isaTh (s1, s2) =
let x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
injX = mkInjection s1 s2 x
injY = mkInjection s1 s2 y
definedOp_s1 = getDefinedOp sorts s1
definedOp_s2 = getDefinedOp sorts s2
name = getInjectivityThmName (s1, s2)
conds = [binEq injX injY]
concl = binEq x y
-- We only want to add these lemma sets if they exist
lemmasEmbInjAxS' = if null $ getCollectionEmbInjAx sortRel
then []
else [lemmasEmbInjAxS]
lemmasTotalityAxS' = if null $ getCollectionTotAx pfolSign
then []
else [lemmasTotalityAxS]
lemmasNotDefBotAxS' = if null $ getCollectionNotDefBotAx sorts
then []
else [lemmasNotDefBotAxS]
proof' = IsaProof [Apply [CaseTac (definedOp_s2 injX)] False,
-- Case 1
Apply [SubgoalTac (definedOp_s1 x)] False,
Apply [SubgoalTac (definedOp_s1 y)] False,
Apply [Insert lemmasEmbInjAxS'] False,
Apply [Simp] False,
Apply [SimpAdd Nothing lemmasTotalityAxS'] False,
Apply [SimpAdd (Just No_asm_use) lemmasTotalityAxS']
-- Case 2
Apply [SubgoalTac (termAppl notOp (definedOp_s1 x))]
Apply [SubgoalTac (termAppl notOp (definedOp_s1 y))]
Apply [SimpAdd Nothing lemmasNotDefBotAxS'] False,
Apply [SimpAdd Nothing lemmasTotalityAxS'] False,
Apply [SimpAdd (Just No_asm_use) lemmasTotalityAxS']
in addTheoremWithProof name conds concl proof' isaTh
{- | Add the transitivity theorem and proof to an Isabelle Theory. We
need to know the number of sorts to know how much induction to
perfom and also the sub-sort relation to build the collection of
injectivity theorem names -}
addTransitivityTheorem :: [SORT] -> [(SORT, SORT)] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addTransitivityTheorem sorts sortRel isaTh =
let {- First we extend the theory to include the collections of CspCASL
prover's injectivity and decomposition theorems -}
isaThExt =
addLemmasCollection lemmasCCProverInjectivityThmsS
(getColInjectivityThmName sortRel)
$ addLemmasCollection lemmasCCProverDecompositionThmsS
(getColDecompositionThmName sortRel)
numSorts = length sorts
name = transitivityS
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
z = mkFree "z"
thmConds = [binEq_PreAlphabet x y, binEq_PreAlphabet y z]
thmConcl = binEq_PreAlphabet x z
-- We only want to add these lemma sets if they exist
lemmasCCProverDecompositionThmsS' =
if null $ getColDecompositionThmName sortRel
then []
else [lemmasCCProverDecompositionThmsS]
lemmasCCProverInjectivityThmsS' =
if null $ getColInjectivityThmName sortRel
then []
else [lemmasCCProverInjectivityThmsS]
simpPlus = SimpAdd Nothing (lemmasCCProverDecompositionThmsS' ++
{- We want to induct Y, Z and perfom simplification is a clever way,
apply(induct y, (induct z, simp * numSorts) * numSorts)+ -}
inductZ = Induct z : replicate numSorts simpPlus
inductYZ = Induct y : concat (replicate numSorts inductZ)
-- Main induction and simplification proof command
inductPC = [Apply inductYZ True]
proof' = IsaProof {
proof = Apply [Induct x] False : inductPC,
end = Done
in addTheoremWithProof name thmConds thmConcl proof' isaThExt
{- -----------------------------------------------------------
Functions for producing instances of equivalence classes --
------------------------------------------------------------ -}
{- | Function to add preAlphabet as an equivalence relation to an
Isabelle theory -}
addInstanceOfEquiv :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addInstanceOfEquiv isaTh =
let equivSort = [IsaClass equivTypeClassS]
equivProof = IsaProof [Apply [Other "intro_classes"] False,
Apply [Other ("unfold " ++ preAlphabetSimS
++ "_def")] False,
Apply [Other ("rule " ++ reflexivityTheoremS)]
Apply [Other ("rule " ++ transitivityS
++ ", auto")] False,
Apply [Other ("rule " ++ symmetryTheoremS
++ ", simp")] False]
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
defLhs = binEqvSim x y
defRhs = binEq_PreAlphabet x y
def = IsaEq defLhs defRhs
in addInstanceOf preAlphabetS [] equivSort
[(preAlphabetSimS, def)] equivProof isaTh
{- -----------------------------------------------------------
Functions for producing the alphabet type --
----------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | Function to add the Alphabet type (type syonnym) to an Isabelle theory
addAlphabetType :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addAlphabetType isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sign_tsig = tsig isaTh_sign
myabbrs = abbrs isaTh_sign_tsig
abbrsNew = Map.insert alphabetS ([], preAlphabetQuotType) myabbrs
isaTh_sign_updated = isaTh_sign {
tsig = isaTh_sign_tsig {abbrs = abbrsNew}
in (isaTh_sign_updated, snd isaTh)
{- -----------------------------------------------------------
Functions for producing the bar types --
----------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | Function to add all the bar types to an Isabelle theory.
addAllBarTypes :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addAllBarTypes sorts isaTh = foldl addBarType isaTh sorts
-- | Function to add the bar types of a sort to an Isabelle theory.
addBarType :: IsaTheory -> SORT -> IsaTheory
addBarType isaTh sort =
let sortBarString = mkSortBarString sort
barType = mkSortBarType sort
isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
rhs = termAppl (conDouble (mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort)) y
bin_eq = binEq x $ termAppl (conDouble classS ) rhs
exist_eq = termAppl (conDouble exS) (Abs y bin_eq NotCont)
subset = SubSet x alphabetType exist_eq
sen = TypeDef barType subset (IsaProof [] (By Auto))
namedSen = makeNamed sortBarString sen
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])
{- -----------------------------------------------------------
Functions for producing the choose functions --
----------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- | Add all choose functions for a given list of sorts to an Isabelle
theory. -}
addAllChooseFunctions :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addAllChooseFunctions sorts isaTh =
let isaTh' = foldl addChooseFunction isaTh sorts -- add function and def
in foldl addChooseFunctionLemma isaTh' sorts -- add theorem and proof
{- | Add a single choose function for a given sort to an Isabelle
theory. The following Isabelle code is produced by this function:
consts choose_Nat :: "Alphabet => Nat"
defs choose_Nat_def: "choose_Nat x == the_elem{y . class(C_Nat y) = x}" -}
addChooseFunction :: IsaTheory -> SORT -> IsaTheory
addChooseFunction isaTh sort =
let -- constant
sortType = Type {typeId = convertSort2String sort,
typeSort = [],
typeArgs = []}
chooseFunName = mkChooseFunName sort
chooseFunType = mkFunType alphabetType sortType
-- definition
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
contentsOp = termAppl (conDouble "the_elem")
sortConsOp = termAppl (conDouble (mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort))
bin_eq = binEq (classOp $ sortConsOp y) x
subset = SubSet y sortType bin_eq
lhs = mkChooseFunOp sort x
rhs = contentsOp (Set subset)
in -- Add defintion to theory
addDef chooseFunName lhs rhs
-- Add constant to theory
$ addConst chooseFunName chooseFunType isaTh
{- | Add a single choose function lemma for a given sort to an
Isabelle theory. The following Isabelle code is produced by this
function: lemma "choose_Nat (class (C_Nat x)) = x". The proof is
also produced. -}
addChooseFunctionLemma :: IsaTheory -> SORT -> IsaTheory
addChooseFunctionLemma isaTh sort =
let sortType = Type {typeId = convertSort2String sort,
typeSort = [],
typeArgs = []}
chooseFunName = mkChooseFunName sort
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
sortConsOp = termAppl (conDouble (mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort))
-- theorm
subgoalTacTermLhsBinEq = binEq (classOp $ sortConsOp y)
(classOp $ sortConsOp x)
subgoalTacTermLhs = Set $ SubSet y sortType subgoalTacTermLhsBinEq
subgoalTacTermRhs = Set $ FixedSet [x]
subgoalTacTerm = binEq subgoalTacTermLhs subgoalTacTermRhs
thmConds = []
thmConcl = binEq (mkChooseFunOp sort $ classOp $ sortConsOp x) x
proof' = IsaProof [Apply [Other ("unfold " ++ chooseFunName ++ "_def")]
Apply [SubgoalTac subgoalTacTerm] False,
Apply [Simp] False,
Apply [SimpAdd Nothing [quotEqualityS]] False,
Apply [Other ("unfold " ++ preAlphabetSimS
++ "_def")] False,
Apply [Auto] False]
in addTheoremWithProof chooseFunName thmConds thmConcl proof' isaTh
{- -----------------------------------------------------------
Functions for producing the integration theorems --
----------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- | Add all the integration theorems. We need to know all the sorts
to produce all the theorems. We need to know the CASL signature
of the data part to pass it on as an argument. -}
addAllIntegrationTheorems :: [SORT] -> CASLSign.CASLSign -> IsaTheory ->
addAllIntegrationTheorems sorts caslSign isaTh =
let pairs = [(s1, s2) | s1 <- sorts, s2 <- sorts]
in foldl (addIntegrationTheorem_A caslSign) isaTh pairs
{- | Add Integration theorem A -- Compare to elements of the Alphabet.
We add the integration theorem based on the sorts of both
elements of the alphabet. We need to know the subsort relation to
find the highest common sort, but we pass in the CASL signature
for the data part. -}
addIntegrationTheorem_A :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> IsaTheory -> (SORT, SORT) ->
addIntegrationTheorem_A caslSign isaTh (s1, s2) =
let sortRel = Rel.toList (CASLSign.sortRel caslSign)
s1SuperSet = CASLSign.supersortsOf s1 caslSign
s2SuperSet = CASLSign.supersortsOf s2 caslSign
commonSuperList = Set.toList (Set.intersection
(Set.insert s1 s1SuperSet)
(Set.insert s2 s2SuperSet))
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
s1ConsOp = termAppl (conDouble (mkPreAlphabetConstructor s1))
s2ConsOp = termAppl (conDouble (mkPreAlphabetConstructor s2))
rhs = binEq (classOp $ s1ConsOp x) (classOp $ s2ConsOp y)
lhs = if null commonSuperList
then false
{- BUG pick any common sort for now (this does hold
and is valid) we should pick the top most one. -}
let s' = head commonSuperList
in binEq (mkInjection s1 s' x) (mkInjection s2 s' y)
thmConds = []
thmConcl = binEq rhs lhs
-- theorem names for proof
colInjThmNames = getColInjectivityThmName sortRel
colDecompThmNames = getColDecompositionThmName sortRel
proof' = IsaProof [Apply [SimpAdd Nothing [quotEqualityS]] False,
Apply [Other ("unfold " ++ preAlphabetSimS
++ "_def")] False,
Apply [AutoSimpAdd Nothing
(colDecompThmNames ++ colInjThmNames)] False]
in addTheoremWithProof "IntegrationTheorem_A"
thmConds thmConcl proof' isaTh
{- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions for adding the Event datatype and the channel encoding --
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -}
{- | Add the Event datatype (built from a list of channels and the subsort
relation) to an Isabelle theory. -}
addEventDataType :: Rel.Rel SORT -> ChanNameMap -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addEventDataType sortRel chanNameMap isaTh =
let eventDomainEntry = mkEventDE sortRel chanNameMap
-- Add to the isabelle signature the new domain entry
in updateDomainTab eventDomainEntry isaTh
-- | Make a Domain Entry for the Event from a list of sorts.
mkEventDE :: Rel.Rel SORT -> ChanNameMap -> DomainEntry
mkEventDE _ chanNameMap =
let flat = (mkVName flatS, [alphabetType])
-- Make a constuctor type for a channel with a target sort
mkChanCon (c, s) = (mkVName (convertChannelString c),
[mkSortBarType s])
{- Make pairs of channel and sorts, where we only build the declared
channels and not the subsorted channels. -}
mkAllChanCons = map mkChanCon $ CASLSign.mapSetToList chanNameMap
{- We build the event type out of the flat constructions and the list of
channel constructions -}
in (eventType, flat : mkAllChanCons)
-- | Add the eq function to an Isabelle theory using a list of sorts
addProjFlatFun :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addProjFlatFun isaTh =
let eqtype = mkFunType eventType alphabetType
x = mkFree "x"
lhs = termAppl (conDouble projFlatS) flatX
flatX = termAppl (conDouble flatS) x
rhs = x
-- projFlat(Flat x) = x
eqs = [binEq lhs rhs]
in addPrimRec projFlatS eqtype eqs isaTh
{- | Function to add all the Flat types. These capture the original sorts, but
use the bar values instead wrapped up in the Flat constructor(the Flat
channel). We use this as a set of normal communications (action prefix,
send, recieve). -}
addFlatTypes :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addFlatTypes sorts isaTh = foldl addFlatType isaTh sorts
-- | Function to add the flat type of a sort to an Isabelle theory.
addFlatType :: IsaTheory -> SORT -> IsaTheory
addFlatType isaTh sort =
let sortFlatString = mkSortFlatString sort
flatType = Type {typeId = sortFlatString, typeSort = [], typeArgs = []}
isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
flatY = termAppl (conDouble flatS) y
-- y in sort_Bar
condition1 = binMembership y (conDouble $ mkSortBarString sort)
-- x = Flat y
condition2 = binEq x flatY
-- y in sort_Bar /\ x = Flat y
condition_eq = binConj condition1 condition2
exist_eq = termAppl (conDouble exS) (Abs y condition_eq NotCont)
subset = SubSet x eventType exist_eq
proof' = AutoSimpAdd Nothing [mkSortBarString sort ++ "_def"]
sen = TypeDef flatType subset (IsaProof [] (By proof'))
namedSen = makeNamed sortFlatString sen
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])
{- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions for adding the process name datatype to an Isabelle theory --
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -}
{- | Add process name datatype which has a constructor for each
process name (along with the arguments for the process) in the
CspCASL Signature to an Isabelle theory -}
addProcNameDatatype :: CspSign -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addProcNameDatatype cspSign isaTh =
let -- Create a list of pairs of process names and thier profiles
procNamesAndProfileSet = MapSet.toList (procSet cspSign)
f (name, profileSet) = case profileSet of
[h] -> FQ_PROCESS_NAME name h -- Just keep the first one
_ ->
error "CspCASLProver.Utils.addProcNameDatatype: CSP-CASL-Prover\
\ does not support overloaded process names yet."
procNameDomainEntry = mkFQProcNameDE $ map f procNamesAndProfileSet
in updateDomainTab procNameDomainEntry isaTh
{- | Make a proccess name Domain Entry from a list of fully qualified Process
names. This creates a data type for the process names. -}
mkFQProcNameDE :: [FQ_PROCESS_NAME] -> DomainEntry
mkFQProcNameDE fqProcesses =
let -- The a list of pairs of constructors and their arguments
constructors = map mk_cons fqProcesses
{- Take a proccess name and its argument sorts (also its
commAlpha - thrown away) and make a pair representing the
constructor and the argument types
Note: The processes need to have arguments of the bar variants of the
sorts not the original sorts -}
mk_cons fqProcName = case fqProcName of
FQ_PROCESS_NAME _ (ProcProfile argSorts _) ->
(mkVName (mkProcNameConstructor fqProcName),
map mkSortBarType argSorts)
_ -> error "CspCASLProver.Utils.mkFQProcNameDE: Applied to non fully\
\ qualified processes name."
(procNameType, constructors)
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions adding the process map function to an Isabelle theory --
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- | Add the function procMap to an Isabelle theory. This function maps process
names to real processes build using the same names and the alphabet i.e.,
in CSP-Prover syntax:
ProcName => (ProcName, Alphabet) proc. We need to know the CspCASL
sentences and the casl signature (data part). We need the PCFOL and CFOL
signatures of the data part after translation to PCFOL and CFOL to pass
along the process translation. -}
addProcMap :: [Named CspCASLSen] -> CspCASLSign ->
CASLSign.Sign () () -> CASLSign.Sign () () ->
IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addProcMap namedSens ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign isaTh =
let caslSign = ccSig2CASLSign ccSign
-- Translate a fully qualified variable (CASL term) to Isabelle
tyToks = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.typeToks caslSign
trForm = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.formTrCASL
strs = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.getAssumpsToks caslSign
transVar = CASL_Fold.foldTerm
caslSign tyToks trForm strs)
{- Get the plain sentences from the named senetences which are not
implied i.e., where axiom=true. first filter the axioms only then
stip the named annotation off them. -}
sens = map sentence $ filter isAxiom namedSens
-- Filter so we only have proccess equations and no CASL senetences
processEqs = filter isProcessEq sens
{- the term representing the procMap that takes a term as a
parameter -}
procMapTerm = termAppl (conDouble procMapS)
-- Make a single equation for the primrec from a process equation
mkEq f = case f of
ExtFORMULA (ProcessEq fqProcName fqVars _ proc) ->
let -- Make the name (string) for this process
procNameString = convertFQProcessName2String fqProcName
-- Change the name to a term
procNameTerm = conDouble procNameString
{- Turn the list of variables into a list of Isabelle
free variables -}
varTerms = map transVar fqVars
lhs = procMapTerm (foldl termAppl procNameTerm varTerms)
addToVdm fqvar vdm' =
case fqvar of
Qual_var v _ _ -> Map.insert v GlobalParameter vdm'
_ -> error "CspCASLProver.Utils.addProcMap: Term other\
\ than fully qualified variable in process\
\ parameter variable list"
vdm = foldr addToVdm Map.empty fqVars
rhs = transProcess ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign vdm proc
in binEq lhs rhs
_ -> error "addProcMap: no ProcessEq"
-- Build equations for primrec using process equations
eqs = map mkEq processEqs
in addPrimRec procMapS procMapType eqs isaTh
{- | Add the implied process equations as theorems to be proven by the user. We
need to know the CspCASL sentences and the casl signature (data part). We
need the PCFOL and CFOL signatures of the data part after translation to
PCFOL and CFOL to pass along the process translation. -}
addProcTheorems :: [Named CspCASLSen] -> CspCASLSign ->
CASLSign.Sign () () -> CASLSign.Sign () () ->
IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addProcTheorems namedSens ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign isaTh =
let {- Get the plain sentences from the named senetences which are
implied i.e., where axiom=false. first filter the axioms only then
stip the named annotation off them. -}
sens = map sentence $ filter (not . isAxiom) namedSens
-- Filter so we only have proccess equations and no CASL senetences
processEqs = filter isProcessEq sens
{- Make a single equation for the primrec from a process equation
mkEq (ProcessEq procName fqVars _ proc) = -}
mkEq f = case f of
ExtFORMULA (ProcessEq fqProcName fqVars _ proc) ->
let {- the LHS a a process in abstract syntax i.e. process name with
variables as arguments -}
lhs' = NamedProcess fqProcName fqVars nullRange
addToVdm fqvar vdm' =
case fqvar of
Qual_var v _ _ -> Map.insert v GlobalParameter vdm'
_ -> error "CspCASLProver.Utils.addProcMap: Term other\
\ than fully qualified variable in process\
\ parameter variable list"
vdm = foldr addToVdm Map.empty fqVars
lhs = transProcess ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign vdm lhs'
rhs = transProcess ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign vdm proc
in cspProverbinEqF lhs rhs
_ -> error "addProcTheorems: no ProcessEq"
eqs = map mkEq processEqs
proof' = toIsaProof Sorry
addTheorem eq' = addTheoremWithProof "UserTheorem" [] eq' proof'
in foldr addTheorem isaTh eqs
{- ----------------------------------------------------------
Basic function to help keep strings consistent --
---------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- | Return the list of strings of all gn_totality axiom names produced by the
translation CASL2PCFOL; CASL2SubCFOL. This function is not implemented in a
satisfactory way. -}
getCollectionTotAx :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> [String]
getCollectionTotAx pfolSign =
let totOpList = MapSet.toList . MapSet.filter CASLSign.isTotal
$ CASLSign.opMap pfolSign
in map (mkTotalityAxiomName . fst) totOpList
{- | Return the name of the definedness function for a sort. We need
to know all sorts to perform this workaround
This function is not implemented in a satisfactory way -}
getDefinedName :: [SORT] -> SORT -> String
getDefinedName sorts s =
let index = List.elemIndex s sorts
str = case index of
Nothing -> ""
Just i -> show (i + 1)
in "gn_definedX" ++ str
{- | Return the name of the injection as it is used in the alternative
syntax of the injection from one sort to another.
This function is not implemented in a satisfactory way -}
getInjectionName :: SORT -> SORT -> String
getInjectionName s s' =
let t = CASLSign.toOP_TYPE $ CASLSign.mkTotOpType [s] s'
injName = show $ CASLInject.uniqueInjName t
in injName
{- | Return the injection name of the injection from one sort to another
This function is not implemented in a satisfactory way -}
getDefinedOp :: [SORT] -> SORT -> Term -> Term
getDefinedOp sorts s =
termAppl (con $ VName (getDefinedName sorts s) Nothing)
{- | Return the term representing the injection of a term from one sort to
another. Note: the term is returned if both sorts are the same. This
function is not implemented in a satisfactory way. -}
mkInjection :: SORT -> SORT -> Term -> Term
mkInjection s s' t =
let injName = getInjectionName s s'
replace string c s1 = concatMap (\ x -> if x == c
then s1
else [x]) string
injOp = Const {
termName = VName {
new = "X_" ++ injName,
altSyn = Just (AltSyntax
(replace injName '_' "'_"
++ "/'(_')") [3] 999)
termType = Hide {
typ = Type {
typeId = "dummy",
typeSort = [IsaClass "type"],
typeArgs = []
kon = NA,
arit = Nothing
in if s == s'
then t
else termAppl injOp t
{- | Return the list of string of all ga_embedding_injectivity axioms
produced by the translation CASL2PCFOL; CASL2SubCFOL. -}
getCollectionEmbInjAx :: [(SORT, SORT)] -> [String]
getCollectionEmbInjAx sortRel =
let mkName (s, s') = transString $ mkEmbInjName s s'
in map mkName sortRel
{- | Return the list of strings of all ga_notDefBottom axioms produced by
the translation CASL2PCFOL; CASL2SubCFOL. -}
getCollectionNotDefBotAx :: [SORT] -> [String]
getCollectionNotDefBotAx = map $ transString . mkNotDefBotAxiomName
{- | Return the list of strings of all the transitivity axioms names produced by
the translation CASL2PCFOL; CASL2SubCFOL. -}
getCollectionTransAx :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> [String]
getCollectionTransAx caslSign =
let sorts = Set.toList $ CASLSign.sortSet caslSign
allSupers s s' s'' =
Set.member s' (CASLSign.supersortsOf s caslSign) &&
Set.member s'' (CASLSign.supersortsOf s' caslSign) && (s /= s'')
in [transString $ mkTransAxiomName s s' s''
| s <- sorts, s' <- sorts, s'' <- sorts, allSupers s s' s'']
{- | Return the list of strings of all the identity axioms names produced by
the translation CASL2PCFOL; CASL2SubCFOL. -}
getCollectionIdentityAx :: CASLSign.CASLSign -> [String]
getCollectionIdentityAx caslSign =
let sorts = Set.toList $ CASLSign.sortSet caslSign
isomorphic s s' = Set.member s (CASLSign.supersortsOf s' caslSign) &&
Set.member s' (CASLSign.supersortsOf s caslSign)
in [transString $ mkIdAxiomName s s'
| s <- sorts, s' <- sorts, isomorphic s s']
{- | Return the list of string of all decomposition theorem names that we
generate. This function is not implemented in a satisfactory way -}
getColDecompositionThmName :: [(SORT, SORT)] -> [String]
getColDecompositionThmName sortRel =
let tripples = [(s1, s2, s3) |
(s1, s2) <- sortRel, (s2', s3) <- sortRel, s2 == s2']
in map getDecompositionThmName tripples
{- | Produce the theorem name of the decomposition theorem that we produce for a
gievn tripple of sorts. -}
getDecompositionThmName :: (SORT, SORT, SORT) -> String
getDecompositionThmName (s, s', s'') =
"ccprover_decomposition_" ++ convertSort2String s ++ "_" ++
convertSort2String s' ++ "_" ++ convertSort2String s''
{- | Return the list of strings of the injectivity theorem names that we
generate. This function is not implemented in a satisfactory way -}
getColInjectivityThmName :: [(SORT, SORT)] -> [String]
getColInjectivityThmName = map getInjectivityThmName
{- | Produce the theorem name of the injectivity theorem that we produce for a
gievn pair of sorts. -}
getInjectivityThmName :: (SORT, SORT) -> String
getInjectivityThmName (s, s') =
"ccprover_injectivity_" ++ convertSort2String s ++ "_" ++
convertSort2String s'