TransProcesses.hs revision d9c1248c7972dfdafbacb1b73b2eb965eac9ef42
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Provides transformations from Csp Processes to Isabelle terms
Copyright : (c) Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach,
Swansea University 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Provides translations from Csp Processes to Isabelle terms
module CspCASLProver.TransProcesses
( transProcess
import qualified CASL.AS_Basic_CASL as CASL_AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold as CASL_Fold
import qualified CASL.Sign as CASL_Sign
import qualified CASL.Simplify as CASL_Simplify
import Common.Id (tokStr)
import qualified Comorphisms.CASL2PCFOL as CASL2PCFOL
import qualified Comorphisms.CASL2SubCFOL as CASL2SubCFOL
import qualified Comorphisms.CFOL2IsabelleHOL as CFOL2IsabelleHOL
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process
import CspCASL.SignCSP
import CspCASLProver.Consts
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
-- | Translate a Process into CspProver (Isabelle). We need the data part (CASL
-- signature) for translating the translation of terms. We also need the
-- global variables so we can treat local and global variables different. We
-- need the PCFOL and CFOL signature of the data part after translation to
-- PCFOL and CFOL to pass along to the term and formula translations.
transProcess :: CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () ->
CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> FQProcVarList -> PROCESS -> Term
transProcess caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars pr =
let -- Make translations with all the signatures filled in
transFormula' = transFormula pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars
transProcess' = transProcess caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars
-- Union all the event sets together in Isabelle using the Isabelle
-- binary union operator
union esList = foldr1 binUnion esList
in case pr of
-- precedence 0
Skip _ -> cspProver_skipOp
Stop _ -> cspProver_stopOp
Div _ -> cspProver_divOp
Run es _ -> App (cspProver_runOp) (head (transEventSet es)) NotCont
Chaos es _ -> App (cspProver_chaosOp) (head (transEventSet es)) NotCont
NamedProcess pn fqParams _ ->
let -- Make a process name term
pnTerm = conDouble $ convertProcessName2String pn
-- Translate an argument(a term) as normal but make sure
-- we land in the bar types and not in the alphabet
transParam t = transTerm False caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign
globalVars t
-- Create a list of translated parameters
paramTerms = map transParam fqParams
in if (null fqParams)
-- If there are no parameters we just get the process name term
then cspProver_NamedProcOp $ pnTerm
-- Otherwise we get the process name term applied to the
-- parameters
else cspProver_NamedProcOp $ foldl termAppl pnTerm paramTerms
-- precedence 1
ConditionalProcess fqFormula p q _ ->
cspProver_conditionalOp (transFormula' fqFormula) (transProcess' p)
(transProcess' q)
-- precedence 2
Hiding p es _ ->
cspProver_hidingOp (transProcess' p) (union (transEventSet es))
RenamingProcess p r _ ->
cspProver_renamingOp (transProcess' p) (transRenaming r)
-- precedence 3
Sequential p q _ ->
cspProver_sequenceOp (transProcess' p) (transProcess' q)
PrefixProcess ev p _ ->
-- All prefix events are dealt with inside the translation of events.
transEvent caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars ev p
-- precedence 4
InternalChoice p q _ ->
cspProver_internal_choiceOp (transProcess' p) (transProcess' q)
ExternalChoice p q _ ->
cspProver_external_choiceOp (transProcess' p) (transProcess' q)
-- precedence 5
Interleaving p q _ ->
cspProver_interleavingOp (transProcess' p) (transProcess' q)
SynchronousParallel p q _ ->
cspProver_synchronousOp (transProcess' p) (transProcess' q)
GeneralisedParallel p es q _ ->
cspProver_general_parallelOp (transProcess' p)
(union (transEventSet es))
(transProcess' q)
AlphabetisedParallel p les res q _ ->
cspProver_alphabetised_parallelOp (transProcess' p)
(union (transEventSet les))
(union (transEventSet res))
(transProcess' q)
-- Just forget the fully qualified data i.e. the constituent
-- communication alphabet. Translate as normal.
FQProcess p _ _ ->
transProcess' p
-- | Translate a fully qualified EventSet into a list Isabelle term. Event Sets
-- are treated differently in different CSP operators, so its up to the
-- calling function to do somehting useful with the returned list.
transEventSet :: EVENT_SET -> [Term]
transEventSet evs =
case evs of
EventSet _ _ -> error "CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transEventSet: Expected a FQEventSet not a non-FQEventSet";
FQEventSet comms _ -> map transCommType comms
-- | Translate a fully qualified CommType into an Isabelle term.
transCommType :: CommType -> Term
transCommType comm =
case comm of
CommTypeSort sort -> conDouble $ mkSortBarString sort
CommTypeChan typedChanName ->
case typedChanName of
TypedChanName _ _ ->
error "CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transCommType: Typed channel name translation not implemented"
-- | Translate a process event into CspProver (Isabelle). We need to know the
-- data pat (CASL signature) inorder to use the same translation for CASL
-- terms as the data encoding into Isabelle did. We also need the global
-- variables so we can treat local and global variables different. We need the
-- PCFOL and CFOL signature of the data part after translation to PCFOL and
-- CFOL to pass along to the term and formula translations.
transEvent :: CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () ->
CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> FQProcVarList ->
transEvent caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars event p =
let -- Make translation with all the signatures filled in
transProcess' = transProcess caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars
in case event of
-- To use the fully qualified data we need to know what the underlying
-- type of the process is
FQEvent ev _ fqTerm _ ->
case ev of
TermEvent _ _ ->
-- Translate the term and make sure we do land in the
-- alphabet and not in the bar types
cspProver_action_prefixOp(transTerm True
caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars
(transProcess' p)
InternalPrefixChoice v s _ ->
-- Use the nonfully qualified data instead of the fully
-- qualified data as it is easier in this case as the variable
-- is not really a variable of that sort. Here the variable and
-- sort are seperate operands of the CSPProver operator.
(transVar v) (transSort s) (transProcess' p)
ExternalPrefixChoice v s _ ->
-- Use the nonfully qualified data instead of the fully
-- qualified data as it is easier in this case as the variable
-- is not really a variable of that sort. Here the variable and
-- sort are seperate operands of the CSPProver operator.
(transVar v) (transSort s)
(transProcess' p)
ChanSend _ _ _ -> conDouble "ChanSendNotYetDone"
ChanNonDetSend _ _ _ _ -> conDouble "ChanNonDetSendNotYetDone"
ChanRecv _ _ _ _ -> conDouble "ChanRecvNotYetDone"
FQEvent _ _ _ _ -> error "CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transEvent: A FQEvent should not contain a non-FQEvent";
_ -> error "CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transEvent: Expected a FQEvent not a non-FQEvent";
-- | Translate a variable into CspProver (Isabelle). Notice
-- that this does not work on fully qualified CASL variables (TERMs)
-- but instead on VAR.
transVar :: CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.VAR -> Term
transVar v = conDouble $ tokStr v
-- | Translate a sort into CspProver (Isabelle). The result will be
-- the corresponding bar type for a given sort.
transSort :: CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.SORT -> Term
transSort sort = conDouble $ mkSortBarString sort
transRenaming :: RENAMING -> Term
transRenaming _ = conDouble "RenamingNotDoneYet"
-- Functions the translations of CASL terms and formulae --
-- | Produce a record that is used to translate CASL terms and formulae to
-- Isabelle Terms. This record is the same as the CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transRecord
-- but deals with variables by adding various functions around them depending
-- on if the variable is global or local.
cspCaslTransRecord :: CASL_Sign.Sign f e -> FQProcVarList -> Set.Set String ->
Set.Set String -> Record f Term Term
cspCaslTransRecord caslSign globalVars tyToks trForm strs =
-- We use the existing record for translation but change its
-- function in the case of a qualified variable. If we have a
-- variable then translate the variable but wrap it in the
-- correct choose function for it's sort.
(CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transRecord caslSign tyToks trForm strs)
{ foldQual_var = \ _ v s r ->
let v' = mkFree $ CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transVar strs v
in -- If the variable is a global variable then add the
-- representation function before the choose function.
if ((CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.Qual_var v s r) `elem` globalVars)
-- Global variable
mkChooseFunOp s $ mkSortBarRepOp s $ v'
-- Local variable
mkChooseFunOp s $ v'
-- | Translate a process term in to Isabelle HOL. The first parameter
-- decides if we should land in the alphabet or in a bar type. Both
-- of these are related by Abstraction and Representation fucntions
-- in Isabelle. The second parameter is he global variables of the
-- process. The third parameter is the data part (CASL signature)
-- for translating the translation of terms.
transTerm :: Bool -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () ->
CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> FQProcVarList ->
CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.TERM () -> Term
transTerm toAlphabet caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars caslTerm =
let strs = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.getAssumpsToks caslSign in
case caslTerm of
-- if the term is just a variable then we need to check if its
-- global and if we land in the alphabet or not. Each case has
-- different behaviour.
CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.Qual_var v s r ->
let v' = mkFree $ CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transVar strs v
-- Check if the variable is a global variabe
if ((CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.Qual_var v s r) `elem` globalVars)
-- Its a global Variable
-- Check if we are to land in the alphabet or now
if (toAlphabet)
-- Land in the Alphabet
(mkSortBarRepOp s) v'
-- Land in the Bar Types
v' -- Its already in the Bar Ype as its global
-- Its a local Variable
-- Check if we are to land in the alphabet or now
if (toAlphabet)
-- Land in the Alphabet
v' -- Its already in the alphabet as its local
-- Land in the Bar Types
(mkSortBarAbsOp s) v'
-- otherwise (not a variable) we add a classOp and constructor
-- around it and translate the arguments with the transCaslTermWithoutWrap
-- translator that adds a chooseOp, representation and
-- abstraction fucntiosn where needed.
_ -> let sort = CASL_Sign.sortOfTerm caslTerm
-- Make a haskell function that will apply the constructor around
-- an Isabelle term.
constructor = mkPreAlphabetConstructorOp sort
-- Build the translation of the term wrapped in the constructor
-- wrapped in the class operation.
isaCaslTerm = classOp $ constructor $
transCaslTermWithoutWrap pcfolSign cfolSign
globalVars caslTerm
in if (toAlphabet)
then isaCaslTerm
else (mkSortBarAbsOp sort) isaCaslTerm
-- | Translate a CASL Term to an Isabelle Term using the exact translation as is
-- done in the comorphism composition
-- CASL2PCFOL;defaultCASL2SubCFOL;CFOL2IsabelleHOL. With one exception, If we
-- are translating a variable then we must first add the correct choose
-- function around it to change it from an equivalence class to value of the
-- underlying sort. Also if we are translating a variable and the variable is
-- a global process variable then we must first apply Isabelle's
-- representation function to the variable. This function will always return a
-- term that is in the basic Sorts. i.e. to make it part of the alphabet it
-- will need to be wrapped up in a class operation with the necessary
-- constructor. We need the PCFOL and CFOL signature of the data part after
-- translation to CFOL to translate the formula.
transCaslTermWithoutWrap :: CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () ->
FQProcVarList -> CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.TERM () -> Term
transCaslTermWithoutWrap pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars term =
let -- Function to remove subsorting - from comorphism CAS2PCFOL
rmSub = CASL2PCFOL.t2Term
-- Remove subsorting from the term
termNoSub = rmSub term
-- Function to remove partiality - from comorphism CAS2SubPCFOL
-- This needs to match the translation CASL2SubCFOL.defaultCASL2SubCFOL
b = True -- We want unique bottom elements per sort
-- Calculate the bottom sorts for the term and signature
fbsrts = CASL2SubCFOL.botTermSorts termNoSub
pcfolSign fbsrts
rmPartial = CASL_Simplify.simplifyTerm id .
CASL2SubCFOL.codeTerm b bsrts
-- Function to tranalate to Isabelle - from comorphism CFOL2IsabelleHOL
-- We need the CFOL signature to translate the terms properly
tyToks = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.typeToks cfolSign
trForm = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.formTrCASL
strs = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.getAssumpsToks cfolSign
toIsabelle = foldTerm $ cspCaslTransRecord cfolSign
globalVars tyToks trForm strs
--CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transFORMULA cfolSign tyToks trForm strs
in toIsabelle $ rmPartial $ termNoSub
-- | Translate a fully qualified CASL formula into an Isabelle Term using the
-- exact translation as is done in the comorphism composition
-- CASL2PCFOL;defaultCASL2SubCFOL;CFOL2IsabelleHOL with one exception. The
-- exception is that a variable must have a choose function wrapped around it
-- and possible also a representation function (if it is a global
-- variable). We need the PCFOL and CFOL signature of the data part after
-- translation to CFOL to translate the formula.
transFormula :: CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> FQProcVarList ->
transFormula pcfolSign cfolSign globalVars formula =
let -- Function to remove subsorting - from comorphism CAS2PCFOL
rmSub = CASL2PCFOL.f2Formula
-- Remove subsorting from the formula
formulaNoSub = rmSub formula
-- Function to remove partiality - from comorphism CAS2SubPCFOL
-- This needs to match the translation CASL2SubCFOL.defaultCASL2SubCFOL
b = True -- We want unique bottom elements per sort
-- Calculate the bottom sorts for the formula and signature
fbsrts = CASL2SubCFOL.botFormulaSorts formulaNoSub
pcfolSign fbsrts
rmPartial = CASL_Simplify.simplifyFormula id .
CASL2SubCFOL.codeFormula b bsrts
-- Function to tranalate to Isabelle - from comorphism CFOL2IsabelleHOL
-- We need the CFOL signature to translate the formulas properly
tyToks = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.typeToks cfolSign
trForm = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.formTrCASL
strs = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.getAssumpsToks cfolSign
toIsabelle = foldFormula $ cspCaslTransRecord cfolSign
globalVars tyToks trForm strs
--CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transFORMULA cfolSign tyToks trForm strs
in toIsabelle $ rmPartial $ formulaNoSub