TransProcesses.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Provides transformations from Csp Processes to Isabelle terms
Copyright : (c) Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach,
Swansea University 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Provides translations from Csp Processes to Isabelle terms
module CspCASLProver.TransProcesses
( transProcess
, VarSource (..)
) where
import qualified CASL.AS_Basic_CASL as CASL_AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold as CASL_Fold
import qualified CASL.Sign as CASL_Sign
import qualified CASL.Simplify as CASL_Simplify
import Common.Id (tokStr)
import Common.Result (propagateErrors)
import Common.Utils (number)
import qualified Comorphisms.CASL2PCFOL as CASL2PCFOL
import qualified Comorphisms.CASL2SubCFOL as CASL2SubCFOL
import qualified Comorphisms.CFOL2IsabelleHOL as CFOL2IsabelleHOL
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process
import CspCASL.SignCSP (CspCASLSign, ccSig2CASLSign)
import CspCASL.StatAnaCSP (getDeclaredChanSort)
import CspCASLProver.Consts
import CspCASLProver.CspProverConsts
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
-- | The origin of a variable
data VarSource
-- | indicates that the variable originated from a prefix choice operator.
= PrefixChoice
{- | indicates that the variable originated from a channel nondeterministic
send or channel receive where the sort is the declared sort of the
channel. -}
| ChanSendOrRec CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.SORT
{- | indicates that the variable originated from global parameter to the
process. -}
| GlobalParameter
-- | The target of the sort translation
data SortTarget
{- | Indicates the translated sort will be used as a normal communication
e.g., as a prefix choice or event set. -}
= NormalComm
{- | Indicates that the sort will be used as a communication set with a
channel of certain declared sort. -}
| ChanComm CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.SORT
-- | The taraget of the term translation
data TermTarget
-- | Indicates the term will be used in the term prefix operator
= TermPrefix
{- | Indicates that the term will be used either as a parameter (where sort
is declared sort of the parameter) or as a channel communication (where
the sort is the declared sort of the channel). -}
| ChanSendOrParam CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.SORT
-- | Variable source map, which maps variables to the source of the variable.
type VSM = Map.Map CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.VAR VarSource
{- | Translate a Process into CspProver (Isabelle). We need the data part (CASL
signature) for translating the translation of terms. We also need the
global variables so we can treat local and global variables different. We
need the PCFOL and CFOL signature of the data part after translation to
PCFOL and CFOL to pass along to the term and formula translations. -}
transProcess :: CspCASLSign -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () ->
CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> VSM -> PROCESS -> Term
transProcess ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign vsm pr =
let -- Make translations with all the signatures filled in
transFormula' = transFormula pcfolSign cfolSign
transProcess' =
transProcess ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign
-- cspSign = ccSig2CspSign ccSign
caslSign = ccSig2CASLSign ccSign
{- getProcParamSort procName index =
let procMap = procSet cspSign
paramSortList = case Map.lookup procName procMap of
Nothing -> error "CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transProcess: Process name not found in process map."
Just pp-> error "NYI: CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transProcess: Not updated for new signatures yet" -- case pp of ProcProfile sorts _ -> sorts
in paramSortList !! index -}
in case pr of
-- precedence 0
Skip _ -> cspProver_skipOp
Stop _ -> cspProver_stopOp
Div _ -> cspProver_divOp
-- Run -> App (cspProver_runOp) (head (transEventSet es)) NotCont
Run _ _ -> conDouble "RunNotSupportedYet"
-- Chaos -> App (cspProver_chaosOp) (head (transEventSet es)) NotCont
Chaos _ _ -> conDouble "ChaosNotSupportedYet"
NamedProcess fqpn fqParams _ ->
let -- Make a process name term
pnTerm = conDouble $ convertFQProcessName2String fqpn
{- Translate an argument(a term), t is the sort of the declared
parameter (the sort of the variable may be a subsort of the
declared sort, so we must use the declared sort).
transParam (term, declaredSortIndex) = -}
transParam (term, _) =
let termTar = ChanSendOrParam $
error "NYI: CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transProcess: Not updated for new signatures yet" -- getProcParamSort pn (declaredSortIndex - 1)
in transCASLTerm caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign
vsm termTar term
{- Create a list of translated parameters, we number the
parameters from one -}
paramTerms = map transParam $ number fqParams
in cspProver_NamedProcOp $ if null fqParams
-- If there are no parameters we just get the process name term
then pnTerm
{- Otherwise we get the process name term applied to the
parameters -}
else foldl termAppl pnTerm paramTerms
-- precedence 1
ConditionalProcess fqFormula p q _ ->
cspProver_conditionalOp (transFormula' vsm fqFormula)
(transProcess' vsm p)
(transProcess' vsm q)
-- precedence 2
Hiding {} -> conDouble "HidingNotSupportedYet"
-- cspProver_hidingOp (transProcess' p) (union (transEventSet es))
RenamingProcess {} -> conDouble "RenamingNotSupportedYet"
{- cspProver_renamingOp (transProcess' p) (transRenaming re)
precedence 3 -}
Sequential p q _ ->
cspProver_sequenceOp (transProcess' vsm p) (transProcess' vsm q)
PrefixProcess ev p _ ->
-- All prefix events are dealt with inside the translation of events.
transEvent ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign vsm ev p
-- precedence 4
InternalChoice p q _ ->
cspProver_internal_choiceOp (transProcess' vsm p)
(transProcess' vsm q)
ExternalChoice p q _ ->
cspProver_external_choiceOp (transProcess' vsm p)
(transProcess' vsm q)
-- precedence 5
Interleaving p q _ ->
cspProver_interleavingOp (transProcess' vsm p)
(transProcess' vsm q)
SynchronousParallel p q _ ->
cspProver_synchronousOp (transProcess' vsm p)
(transProcess' vsm q)
GeneralisedParallel p es q _ ->
cspProver_general_parallelOp (transProcess' vsm p)
(transEventSet es)
(transProcess' vsm q)
AlphabetisedParallel p les res q _ ->
cspProver_alphabetised_parallelOp (transProcess' vsm p)
(transEventSet les)
(transEventSet res)
(transProcess' vsm q)
{- Just forget the fully qualified data i.e. the constituent
communication alphabet. Translate as normal. -}
FQProcess p _ _ ->
transProcess' vsm p
-- | Translate a fully qualified EventSet into a list Isabelle term.
transEventSet :: EVENT_SET -> Term
transEventSet (EventSet comms _) =
if null comms then error "transEventSet" else
{- This list will not be empty otherwise, if it was empty the static
analysis would have failed. -}
foldr1 binUnion (map transCommType comms)
-- | Translate a fully qualified CommType into an Isabelle term.
transCommType :: CommType -> Term
transCommType comm =
case comm of
CommTypeSort sort -> transSort NormalComm sort
CommTypeChan typedChanName ->
case typedChanName of
TypedChanName cn _ -> rangeOp (conDouble $ convertChannelString cn)
{- | Translate a process event into CspProver (Isabelle). We need to know the
data part (CASL signature) in order to use the same translation for CASL
terms as the data encoding into Isabelle did. We need the Csp signature for
getting the declared channel sorts. We need the PCFOL and CFOL signature of
the data part after translation to PCFOL and CFOL to pass along to the term
and formula translations. We need the vsm to pass it on to the term
translation. -}
transEvent :: CspCASLSign -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () ->
CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> VSM ->
transEvent ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign vsm event p =
let -- Make translation with all the signatures filled in
transProcess' = transProcess ccSign pcfolSign cfolSign
caslSign = ccSig2CASLSign ccSign
transCASLTerm' = transCASLTerm caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign
in case event of
FQTermEvent t _ ->
cspProver_action_prefixOp (transCASLTerm' vsm TermPrefix t)
(transProcess' vsm p)
FQExternalPrefixChoice fqVar _ ->
let (varName, varSort) = splitCASLVar fqVar
in cspProver_internal_prefix_choiceOp (transVar varName)
(transSort NormalComm varSort)
(transProcess' (Map.insert varName PrefixChoice vsm) p)
FQInternalPrefixChoice fqVar _ ->
let (varName, varSort) = splitCASLVar fqVar
in cspProver_external_prefix_choiceOp (transVar varName)
(transSort NormalComm varSort)
(transProcess' (Map.insert varName PrefixChoice vsm) p)
FQChanSend (chanName, chanSort) t _ ->
cspProver_chan_sendOp (transChanName chanName)
(transCASLTerm' vsm (ChanSendOrParam chanSort) t)
(transProcess' vsm p)
FQChanNonDetSend (chanName, chanSort) fqVar _ ->
let declaredChanSort = propagateErrors
$ getDeclaredChanSort (chanName, chanSort) ccSign
(varName, varSort) = splitCASLVar fqVar
in cspProver_chan_nondeterministic_sendOp (transChanName chanName)
(transVar varName)
{- The translate sort (channel version) of the set to receive
from. Note that the sort is the sort of the variable as specified,
we want here the declaration sort of the channel. -}
(transSort (ChanComm declaredChanSort) varSort)
(transProcess' (Map.insert varName
(ChanSendOrRec declaredChanSort) vsm) p)
FQChanRecv (chanName, chanSort) fqVar _ ->
let declaredChanSort = propagateErrors
$ getDeclaredChanSort (chanName, chanSort) ccSign
(varName, varSort) = splitCASLVar fqVar
in cspProver_chan_recOp (transChanName chanName) (transVar varName)
{- The translate sort (channel version) of the set to receive
from. Note that the sort is the sort of the variable as specified,
we want here the declaration sort of the channel. -}
(transSort (ChanComm declaredChanSort) varSort)
(transProcess' (Map.insert varName
(ChanSendOrRec declaredChanSort) vsm) p)
_ -> error $ "CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transEvent: "
++ "Expected a FQEvent not a non-FQEvent"
{- | Translate a variable into CspProver (Isabelle). Notice
that this does not work on fully qualified CASL variables (TERMs)
but instead on VAR. -}
transVar :: CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.VAR -> Term
transVar v = conDouble $ tokStr v
{- | Translate a sort into CspProver (Isabelle) depending on the target of the
sort. -}
transSort :: SortTarget -> CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.SORT -> Term
transSort target s =
let sBar = conDouble $ mkSortBarString s
in case target of
NormalComm -> binImageOp (conDouble flatS) sBar
ChanComm t -> binImageOp
(conDouble $ mkSortBarAbsString t) sBar
-- | Translated the channel name to Isabelle code.
transChanName :: CHANNEL_NAME -> Term
transChanName chanName =
conDouble $ convertChannelString chanName
{- transRenaming :: RENAMING -> Term
transRenaming _ = conDouble "RenamingNotDoneYet" -}
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions the translations of CASL terms and formulae --
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- | Produce a record that is used to translate CASL terms and formulae to
Isabelle Terms. This record is the same as the CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transRecord
but deals with variables by applying a case on the origin of the
variable. The Isabelle terms produced when this record is used are always
of basic types i.e., can be used as parameters for function in the data
encoding. -}
cspCaslTransRecord :: CASL_Sign.Sign f e -> Set.Set String ->
CFOL2IsabelleHOL.FormulaTranslator f e ->
Set.Set String -> VSM -> Record f Term Term
cspCaslTransRecord caslSign tyToks trForm strs vsm =
{- We use the existing record for translation but change its
function in the case of a qualified variable. If we have a
variable then we must make a translate the variable but wrap it in the
correct choose function for it's sort. -}
(CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transRecord caslSign tyToks trForm strs)
{ foldQual_var = \ _ v s _ ->
let v' = mkFree $ CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transVar strs v
in case Map.lookup v vsm of
Nothing ->
error $ "CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.cspCaslTransRecord: Variable not found in vsm:" ++ show v
Just varSource ->
case varSource of
PrefixChoice -> mkChooseFunOp s $ projFlatOp v'
ChanSendOrRec declaredChanSort ->
mkChooseFunOp s $ mkSortBarRepOp declaredChanSort v'
GlobalParameter -> mkChooseFunOp s $ mkSortBarRepOp s v'
{- | Translate a CASL term into an Isabelle term. The result of this function
depends on the term target. a target of TermPrefix indicates we must land
in the alphabet and have a flat constructor wrapped around the
translation. A ChanSendOrParam indicates that the translated term will be
used in a channel send operator or as a parameter to a named process. The
translation also changes depending on the source of the variables used. -}
transCASLTerm :: CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () ->
CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> VSM -> TermTarget ->
CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.TERM () -> Term
transCASLTerm caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign vsm termTarget caslTerm =
let strs = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.getAssumpsToks caslSign
{- We make a case on the type of term, then on the term target, then if we
have a variable we make a case on the source of the variable -}
in case caslTerm of
-- Variable
CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.Qual_var v s _ ->
let v' = mkFree $ CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transVar strs v
in case termTarget of
TermPrefix ->
case Map.lookup v vsm of
Nothing -> error $
"CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transTerm: " ++
"Variable not found in vsm:" ++ show v
Just varSource ->
case varSource of
PrefixChoice -> v' -- the variable is already ok
ChanSendOrRec declaredChanSort ->
flatOp $ mkSortBarRepOp declaredChanSort v'
GlobalParameter -> flatOp $ mkSortBarRepOp s v'
ChanSendOrParam t ->
case Map.lookup v vsm of
Nothing -> error $
"CspCASLProver.TransProcesses.transTerm: " ++
"Variable not found in vsm:" ++ show v
Just varSource ->
case varSource of
PrefixChoice ->
mkSortBarAbsOp t $ projFlatOp v'
ChanSendOrRec declaredChanSort ->
if declaredChanSort == t
then v'
else mkSortBarAbsOp t $
mkSortBarRepOp declaredChanSort v'
GlobalParameter ->
if s == t
then v'
else mkSortBarAbsOp t $
mkSortBarRepOp s v'
-- Other (not a variable)
_ -> let sort = CASL_Sign.sortOfTerm caslTerm
{- Make a Haskell function that will apply the constructor
around an Isabelle term. -}
constructor = mkPreAlphabetConstructorOp sort
{- Build the translation of the term wrapped in the
constructor wrapped in the class operation. -}
isaCaslTerm = classOp $ constructor $
transCaslTermComputation pcfolSign cfolSign
vsm caslTerm
in case termTarget of
TermPrefix -> flatOp isaCaslTerm
ChanSendOrParam t -> mkSortBarAbsOp t isaCaslTerm
{- | Translate a CASL Term to an Isabelle Term using the exact translation as is
done in the comorphism composition
CASL2PCFOL;defaultCASL2SubCFOL;CFOL2IsabelleHOL with out customised
variable translation (see cspCaslTransRecord for where that customisation
is define). The resulting Isabelle term of this function will be of the
underlying sort types, thus can be used as parameters of CASL functions in
the data part. We need the PCFOL and CFOL signature of the data part after
translation to CFOL to translate the formula. -}
transCaslTermComputation :: CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () ->
VSM -> CASL_AS_Basic_CASL.TERM () -> Term
transCaslTermComputation pcfolSign cfolSign vsm term =
let -- Function to remove subsorting - from comorphism CASL2PCFOL
rmSub = CASL2PCFOL.t2Term
-- Remove subsorting from the term
termNoSub = rmSub term
{- Function to remove partiality - from comorphism CASL2SubPCFOL
This needs to match the translation CASL2SubCFOL.defaultCASL2SubCFOL -}
b = True {- We want unique bottom elements per sort
Calculate the bottom sorts for the term and signature -}
fbsrts = CASL2SubCFOL.botTermSorts termNoSub
bsrts = CASL2SubCFOL.sortsWithBottom CASL2SubCFOL.FormulaDependent
pcfolSign fbsrts
rmPartial = CASL_Simplify.simplifyTerm id .
CASL2SubCFOL.codeTerm b bsrts
{- Function to translate to Isabelle - from comorphism CFOL2IsabelleHOL
We need the CFOL signature to translate the terms properly -}
tyToks = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.typeToks cfolSign
trForm = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.formTrCASL
strs = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.getAssumpsToks cfolSign
toIsabelle = foldTerm $ cspCaslTransRecord cfolSign
tyToks trForm strs vsm
-- CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transFORMULA cfolSign tyToks trForm strs
in toIsabelle $ rmPartial termNoSub
{- | Translate a fully qualified CASL formula into an Isabelle Term using the
exact translation as is done in the comorphism composition
CASL2PCFOL;defaultCASL2SubCFOL;CFOL2IsabelleHOL except translate CASL terms
using the CASL term translation for computation, where the terms will be
translated such that they are of the underlying sort types and thus can be
used as operands to the formula operators. -}
transFormula :: CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> CASL_Sign.Sign () () -> VSM ->
transFormula pcfolSign cfolSign vsm formula =
let -- Function to remove subsorting - from comorphism CAS2PCFOL
rmSub = CASL2PCFOL.f2Formula
-- Remove subsorting from the formula
formulaNoSub = rmSub formula
{- Function to remove partiality - from comorphism CAS2SubPCFOL
This needs to match the translation CASL2SubCFOL.defaultCASL2SubCFOL -}
b = True {- We want unique bottom elements per sort
Calculate the bottom sorts for the formula and signature -}
fbsrts = CASL2SubCFOL.botFormulaSorts formulaNoSub
bsrts = CASL2SubCFOL.sortsWithBottom CASL2SubCFOL.FormulaDependent
pcfolSign fbsrts
rmPartial = CASL_Simplify.simplifyFormula id .
CASL2SubCFOL.codeFormula b bsrts
{- Function to tranalate to Isabelle - from comorphism CFOL2IsabelleHOL
We need the CFOL signature to translate the formula properly -}
tyToks = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.typeToks cfolSign
trForm = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.formTrCASL
strs = CFOL2IsabelleHOL.getAssumpsToks cfolSign
toIsabelle = foldFormula $ cspCaslTransRecord cfolSign
tyToks trForm strs vsm
-- CFOL2IsabelleHOL.transFORMULA cfolSign tyToks trForm strs
in toIsabelle $ rmPartial formulaNoSub