IsabelleUtils.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Utilities for CspCASLProver related to Isabelle
Copyright : (c) Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach,
Swansea University 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Utilities for CspCASLProver related to Isabelle. The functions here
typically manipulate Isabelle signatures.
module CspCASLProver.IsabelleUtils
( addConst
, addDef
, addInstanceOf
, addLemmasCollection
, addPrimRec
, addTheoremWithProof
, updateDomainTab
, writeIsaTheory
) where
import Common.AS_Annotation (makeNamed, Named, SenAttr (..))
import Common.ProofUtils (prepareSenNames)
import Comorphisms.CFOL2IsabelleHOL (IsaTheory)
-- import CspCASLProver.Consts
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Isabelle.IsaParse (parseTheory)
import Isabelle.IsaPrint (getAxioms, printIsaTheory)
import Isabelle.IsaSign (DomainEntry, IsaProof (..), mkCond, mkSen
, Sentence (..), Sign (..), Sort
, Term (..), Typ (..))
import Isabelle.IsaConsts (mkVName)
import Isabelle.Translate (transString)
import Logic.Prover (Theory (..), toNamedList)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse)
-- | Add a single constant to the signature of an Isabelle theory
addConst :: String -> Typ -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addConst cName cType isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
isaTh_sign_ConstTab = constTab isaTh_sign
isaTh_sign_ConstTabUpdated =
Map.insert (mkVName cName) cType isaTh_sign_ConstTab
isaTh_sign_updated = isaTh_sign {
constTab = isaTh_sign_ConstTabUpdated
in (isaTh_sign_updated, isaTh_sen)
-- | Function to add a def command to an Isabelle theory
addDef :: String -> Term -> Term -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addDef name lhs rhs isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
sen = ConstDef (IsaEq lhs rhs)
namedSen = makeNamed name sen
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])
{- | Function to add an instance of command to an Isabelle theory. The
sort parameters here are basically strings. -}
addInstanceOf :: String -> [Sort] -> Sort -> [(String, Term)] -> IsaProof ->
IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addInstanceOf name args res defs prf isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
sen = Instance name args res defs prf
namedSen = makeNamed name sen
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])
{- | Add a lemmas sentence (definition) that allow us to group large collections
of lemmas in to a single lemma. This cuts down on the repreated addition of
lemmas in the proofs. -}
addLemmasCollection :: String -> [String] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addLemmasCollection lemmaname lemmas isaTh =
if null lemmas
then isaTh
else let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
-- Make a named lemmas sentence
namedSen = (makeNamed lemmaname (Lemmas lemmaname lemmas))
{isAxiom = False}
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])
{- | Add a constant with a primrec defintion to the sentences of an Isabelle
theory. Parameters: constant name, type, primrec defintions and isabelle
theory to be added to. -}
addPrimRec :: String -> Typ -> [Term] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addPrimRec cName cType terms isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
primRecDef = RecDef {
keyword = Nothing, constName = mkVName cName,
constType = Just cType, primRecSenTerms = terms}
namedPrimRecDef = (makeNamed "BUG_what_does_this_word_do?" primRecDef) {
isAxiom = False,
isDef = True}
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedPrimRecDef])
-- | Add a theorem with proof to an Isabelle theory
addTheoremWithProof :: String -> [Term] -> Term -> IsaProof -> IsaTheory ->
addTheoremWithProof name conds concl proof' isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
sen = if null conds
then ((mkSen concl) {thmProof = Just proof'})
else ((mkCond conds concl) {thmProof = Just proof'})
namedSen = (makeNamed name sen) {isAxiom = False}
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])
{- | Prepare a theory for writing it out to a file. This function is based off
the function Isabelle.IsaProve.prepareTheory. The difference being that
this function does not mark axioms nor theorms as to be added to the
simplifier in Isabelle. -}
prepareTheory :: Theory Sign Sentence ()
-> (Sign, [Named Sentence], [Named Sentence], Map.Map String String)
prepareTheory (Theory sig nSens) = let
oSens = toNamedList nSens
nSens' = prepareSenNames transString oSens
(disAxs, disGoals) = getAxioms nSens'
in (sig, disAxs, disGoals,
Map.fromList $ zip (map senAttr nSens') $ map senAttr oSens)
-- | Add a DomainEntry to the domain tab of an Isabelle signature.
updateDomainTab :: DomainEntry -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
updateDomainTab domEnt (isaSign, isaSens) =
let oldDomTab = domainTab isaSign
isaSignUpdated = isaSign {domainTab = oldDomTab ++ [[domEnt]]}
in (isaSignUpdated, isaSens)
{- | Write out an Isabelle Theory. The theory should just run through
in Isabelle without any user interactions. This is based heavily
off Isabelle.IsaProve.isaProve -}
writeIsaTheory :: String -> Theory Sign Sentence () -> IO ()
writeIsaTheory thName th = do
let (sig, axs, ths, _) = prepareTheory th
-- thms = map senAttr ths
thBaseName = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse thName
{- useaxs = filter (\ s ->
sentence s /= mkSen true && (isDef s ||
isSuffixOf "def" (senAttr s))) axs
defaultProof = Just $ IsaProof
(if null useaxs then [] else [Using $ map senAttr useaxs])
By Auto -}
thy = shows (printIsaTheory thBaseName sig $ axs ++ ths) "\n"
thyFile = thBaseName ++ ".thy"
-- Check if the Isabelle theory is a valid Isabelle theory
case parse parseTheory thyFile thy of
Right _ -> do
{- prepareThyFiles (ho, bo) thyFile thy
removeDepFiles thBaseName thms
isabelle <- getEnvDef "HETS_ISABELLE" "Isabelle"
callSystem $ isabelle ++ " " ++ thyFile
ok <- checkFinalThyFile (ho, bo) thyFile
if ok then getAllProofDeps m thBaseName thms
else return [] -}
writeFile thyFile thy
return ()
{- The Isabelle theory is not a valid theory (according to Hets)
as it cannot be parsed. -}
Left err -> do
print err
putStrLn $ "Sorry, a generated theory cannot be parsed, see: "
++ thyFile
writeFile thyFile thy
putStrLn "Aborting Isabelle proof attempt"
return ()