CspCASLProver.hs revision bba1e274cf727c39b4f1dd8970539a2bb967f20f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : interface to the CspCASLProver (Isabelle based) theorem prover
Copyright : (c) Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : csliam@swansea.ac.uk
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Interface for CspCASLProver theorem prover.
Interface between CspCASLProver and Hets:
Hets writes CspCASLProver's Isabelle .thy files and
starts Isabelle with CspProver
User extends .thy file with proofs
User finishes Isabelle
Hets reads in created *.deps files
module CspCASLProver.CspCASLProver
( cspCASLProver
) where
import CspCASL.SignCSP (CspCASLSign, CspCASLSen, CspMorphism)
import Logic.Prover
import qualified Isabelle.IsaSign as Isa
-- import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.IsaPrint (getAxioms, printIsaTheory)
import Isabelle.IsaParse (parseTheory)
import Isabelle.Translate (transString)
import Isabelle.MarkSimp (markSimp, markThSimp)
import Isabelle.IsaProve (isaProve, prepareTheory)
import Common.AS_Annotation
-- import Common.DocUtils
-- import Common.DefaultMorphism
import Common.ProofUtils (prepareSenNames)
-- import Common.Utils (getEnvDef)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse)
-- import Data.Char
-- import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
-- import Control.Monad
-- import System.Directory
-- import System.Exit
-- import System.Cmd
-- | The string that Hets uses as CspCASLProver
cspCASLProverS :: String
cspCASLProverS = "CspCASLProver"
-- openCspCASLProof_status :: String -> Proof_status ()
-- openCspCASLProof_status n = openProof_status n cspCASLProverS ()
-- | The wrapper function that is CspCASL Prover
cspCASLProver :: Prover CspCASLSign CspCASLSen CspMorphism () ()
cspCASLProver = mkProverTemplate cspCASLProverS () cspCASLProverProve
-- mkIsaTheory :: Theory CspCASLSign CspCASLSen () -> Theory Isa.Sign Isa.Sentence ()
-- mkIsaTheory (Theory sig nSens) = Theory Isa.emptySign Map.empty
-- | The main cspCASLProver function
cspCASLProverProve :: String -> Theory CspCASLSign CspCASLSen () -> a -> IO([Proof_status ()])
cspCASLProverProve thName ccTh _freedefs = do
-- We can use this to do the proof on the final file - but first
-- we need to generate the other 4 files - 1 for each part
let isaThy = Theory Isa.emptySign Map.empty
writeIsaTheory "liamtest" isaThy
isaProve thName isaThy ()
-- | Write out an Isabelle Theory. The theory should just run through
-- in Isabelle without any user interactions. This is based heavily
-- off Isabelle.IsaProve.isaProve
writeIsaTheory :: String -> Theory Isa.Sign Isa.Sentence () -> IO ()
writeIsaTheory thName th = do
let (sig, axs, ths, _) = prepareTheory th
-- thms = map senAttr ths
thBaseName = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse thName
-- useaxs = filter (\ s ->
-- sentence s /= mkSen true && (isDef s ||
-- isSuffixOf "def" (senAttr s))) axs
-- defaultProof = Just $ IsaProof
-- (if null useaxs then [] else [Using $ map senAttr useaxs])
-- $ By Auto
thy = shows (printIsaTheory thBaseName sig $ axs ++ ths) "\n"
thyFile = thBaseName ++ ".thy.liam"
-- | Check if the Isabelle theory is a valid Isabelle theory
case parse parseTheory thyFile thy of
Right (ho, bo) -> do
-- prepareThyFiles (ho, bo) thyFile thy
-- removeDepFiles thBaseName thms
-- isabelle <- getEnvDef "HETS_ISABELLE" "Isabelle"
-- callSystem $ isabelle ++ " " ++ thyFile
-- ok <- checkFinalThyFile (ho, bo) thyFile
-- if ok then getAllProofDeps m thBaseName thms
-- else return []
writeFile thyFile thy
return ()
-- | The Isabelle theory is not a valid theory (according to Hets)
-- | as it cannot be parsed.
Left err -> do
putStrLn $ show err
putStrLn $ "Sorry, a generated theory cannot be parsed, see: " ++ thyFile
writeFile thyFile thy
putStrLn "Aborting Isabelle proof attempt"
return ()