CspCASLProver.hs revision 0e51f08fb6ced8e6a9e69eb5976fcc20dbf07019
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : interface to the CspCASLProver (Isabelle based) theorem prover
Copyright : (c) Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : csliam@swansea.ac.uk
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Interface for CspCASLProver theorem prover.
Interface between CspCASLProver and Hets:
Hets writes CspCASLProver's Isabelle .thy files and
starts Isabelle with CspProver
User extends .thy file with proofs
User finishes Isabelle
Hets reads in created *.deps files
module CspCASLProver.CspCASLProver
( cspCASLProver
) where
import CASL.Sign (CASLSign, Sign(..))
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named, mapNamedM)
import Common.Result
import qualified Comorphisms.CASL2PCFOL as CASL2PCFOL
import qualified Comorphisms.CASL2SubCFOL as CASL2SubCFOL
import qualified Comorphisms.CFOL2IsabelleHOL as CFOL2IsabelleHOL
import CspCASL.SignCSP (ccSig2CASLSign, ccSig2CspSign, CspCASLSign
, CspCASLSen(..) , CspMorphism)
import CspCASLProver.Consts
import CspCASLProver.IsabelleUtils
import CspCASLProver.Utils
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Isabelle.IsaProve (isaProve)
import qualified Isabelle.IsaSign as Isa
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Comorphism (wrapMapTheory)
-- | The string that Hets uses as CspCASLProver
cspCASLProverS :: String
cspCASLProverS = "CspCASLProver"
-- | The wrapper function that is CspCASL Prover
cspCASLProver :: Prover CspCASLSign CspCASLSen CspMorphism () ()
cspCASLProver = mkProverTemplate cspCASLProverS () cspCASLProverProve
-- | The main cspCASLProver function
cspCASLProverProve :: String -> Theory CspCASLSign CspCASLSen () -> a ->
IO([Proof_status ()])
cspCASLProverProve thName (Theory ccSign ccSensThSens) _freedefs =
let -- get the CASL signature of the data part of the CspcASL theory
caslSign = ccSig2CASLSign ccSign
-- Get a list of CspCASL named sentences
ccNamedSens = toNamedList ccSensThSens
-- A filter to change a CspCASLSen to a CASLSen (if possible)
caslSenFilter ccSen = case ccSen of
CASLSen sen -> Just sen
ProcessEq _ _ _ _ -> Nothing
-- All named CASL sentences from the datapart
caslNamedSens = Maybe.catMaybes $
map (mapNamedM caslSenFilter) ccNamedSens
-- Generate data encoding. This may fail.
Result diag (dataTh) = produceDataEncoding caslSign caslNamedSens
in case dataTh of
Nothing -> do
-- Data translation failed
putStrLn $ "Sorry, could not encode the data part:" ++ (show diag)
return []
Just (dataThSig, dataThSens, pcfolSign, cfolSign) -> do
-- Data translation succeeded
-- Write out the data encoding
writeIsaTheory (mkThyNameDataEnc thName)
(Theory dataThSig (toThSens dataThSens))
-- Generate and write out the preAlpbate, justification theorems
-- and the instances code.
writeIsaTheory (mkThyNamePreAlphabet thName)
(producePreAlphabet thName caslSign pcfolSign)
-- Generate and write out the Alpbatet construction, bar types
-- and choose functions.
writeIsaTheory (mkThyNameAlphabet thName)
(produceAlphabet thName caslSign)
-- Generate and write out the integration theorems
writeIsaTheory (mkThyNameIntThms thName)
(produceIntegrationTheorems thName caslSign)
-- Generate and Isabelle to prove the process refinements (also produces
-- the processes)
isaProve thName (produceProcesses thName ccSign ccNamedSens pcfolSign
cfolSign) ()
-- | Produce the Isabelle theory of the data part of a CspCASL
-- specification. The data transalation can fail. If it does fail there will
-- be an error message. Its arguments are the CASL signature from the data
-- part and a list of the named CASL sentences from the data part. Returned
-- are the Isabelle signature, Isabelle named sentences and also the CASL
-- signature of the data part after translation to pcfol (i.e. with out
-- subsorting) and cfol (i.e. with out subsorting and partiality).
produceDataEncoding :: CASLSign -> [Named CASLFORMULA] ->
Result (Isa.Sign, [Named Isa.Sentence], CASLSign,
produceDataEncoding caslSign caslNamedSens =
let -- Comorphisms
casl2pcfol = (wrapMapTheory CASL2PCFOL.CASL2PCFOL)
pcfol2cfol = (wrapMapTheory CASL2SubCFOL.defaultCASL2SubCFOL)
cfol2isabelleHol = (wrapMapTheory CFOL2IsabelleHOL.CFOL2IsabelleHOL)
in do -- Remove Subsorting from the CASL part of the CspCASL
-- specification
th_pcfol <- casl2pcfol (caslSign, caslNamedSens)
-- Next Remove partial functions
th_cfol <- pcfol2cfol th_pcfol
-- Next Translate to IsabelleHOL code
(th_isa_Sig, th_isa_Sens) <- cfol2isabelleHol th_cfol
return (th_isa_Sig, th_isa_Sens, fst th_pcfol, fst th_cfol)
-- | Produce the Isabelle theory which contains the PreAlphabet,
-- Justification Theorems and also the instances code. We need the
-- PFOL signature which is the data part CASL signature after
-- translation to PCFOL (i.e. without subsorting) to pass on as an
-- argument.
producePreAlphabet :: String -> CASLSign -> CASLSign ->
Theory Isa.Sign Isa.Sentence ()
producePreAlphabet thName caslSign pfolSign =
let sortList = Set.toList(sortSet caslSign)
-- empty Isabelle signature which imports the data encoding
-- and quotient.thy (which is needed for the instances code)
isaSignEmpty = Isa.emptySign {Isa.imports = [mkThyNameDataEnc thName
, quotientThyS] }
-- Start with our empty isabelle theory, add the preAlphabet
-- datetype, then all the comparewith functions, then add the
-- eq function. Finally add the justification theorems and
-- instance of code.
(isaSign, isaSens) = addInstansanceOfEquiv
$ addJustificationTheorems caslSign pfolSign
$ addEqFun sortList
$ addAllCompareWithFun caslSign
$ addPreAlphabet sortList
$ (isaSignEmpty,[])
in Theory isaSign (toThSens isaSens)
-- | Produce the Isabelle theory which contains the Alphabet
-- construction, and also the bar types and choose
-- fucntions for CspCASLProver.
produceAlphabet :: String -> CASLSign -> Theory Isa.Sign Isa.Sentence ()
produceAlphabet thName caslSign =
let sortList = Set.toList(sortSet caslSign)
-- empty Isabelle signature which imports the preAlphabet encoding
isaSignEmpty = Isa.emptySign {
Isa.imports = [mkThyNamePreAlphabet thName]}
-- Start with our empty isabelle theory, add the Alphabet type
-- , then the bar types and finally the choose functions.
(isaSign, isaSens) = addAllChooseFunctions sortList
$ addAllBarTypes sortList
$ addAlphabetType
$ (isaSignEmpty,[])
in Theory isaSign (toThSens isaSens)
-- | Produce the Isabelle theory which contains the Integration
-- Theorems on data
produceIntegrationTheorems :: String -> CASLSign ->
Theory Isa.Sign Isa.Sentence ()
produceIntegrationTheorems thName caslSign =
let sortList = Set.toList(sortSet caslSign)
-- empty Isabelle signature which imports the alphabet encoding
isaSignEmpty = Isa.emptySign {Isa.imports = [mkThyNameAlphabet thName] }
-- Start with our empty isabelle theory and add the
-- integration theorems.
(isaSign, isaSens) = addAllIntegrationTheorems sortList caslSign
$ (isaSignEmpty,[])
in Theory isaSign (toThSens isaSens)
-- | Produce the Isabelle theory which contains the Process Translations and
-- process refinement theorems. We -- need the PCFOL and CFOL signatures of
-- the data part after translation to PCFOL and CFOL to pass -- along to the
-- process translation.
produceProcesses :: String -> CspCASLSign -> [Named CspCASLSen] ->
CASLSign -> CASLSign -> Theory Isa.Sign Isa.Sentence ()
produceProcesses thName ccSign ccNnamedSens pcfolSign cfolSign =
let caslSign = ccSig2CASLSign ccSign
cspSign = ccSig2CspSign ccSign
-- Isabelle sgnature which imports the integration theorems encoding
-- and CSP_F
isaSignEmpty = Isa.emptySign {Isa.imports = [mkThyNameIntThms thName
, cspFThyS] }
-- Start with our empty isabelle theory and add the
-- processes the the process refinement theorems.
(isaSign, isaSens) = addProcMap ccNnamedSens caslSign pcfolSign cfolSign
$ addProcNameDatatype cspSign
$ (isaSignEmpty,[])
in Theory isaSign (toThSens isaSens)