testwrap.hs revision ae6d8241c2ce8132a6e22d9f854edb612c2f637d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Andy Gimblett and Markus Roggenbach and Uni Bremen 2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : a.m.gimblett@swan.ac.uk
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Test case wrapper for CspCASL specs and fragments.
This is a standalone `main' wrapper for CspCASL-related tests
performed locally to the CspCASL codebase. It's probably only of
interest to the CspCASL maintainers.
The "test" directory contains (negative & positive) test cases. Each
test case is identified by a *.testcase file, with the following
- The first line is the name of the file containing the input source
to use for this test case (also in the test directory).
- The second line identifies which parser is being tested (eg
"Process", "Core-CspCASL").
- The third line identifies whether this is a positive (++) or
negative (--) test case.
- If it's a positive test case, the remaining lines contain the
expected output of the pretty printer.
- If it's a negative test case, the remaining lines contain
information about the expected error.
module Main where
import Directory
import List
import System.IO
import Common.AnnoState (emptyAnnos)
import Common.DocUtils
import CspCASL.Parse_CspCASL(basicCspCaslSpec)
import CspCASL.Parse_CspCASL_Process(csp_casl_process)
import CspCASL.Print_CspCASL()
-- | Test sense: do we expect parse success or failure? What is the
-- nature of the expected output?
data TestSense
-- | expect successful parse; check unparsed result.
= Positive
-- | expect parse failure; check error message.
| Negative
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show TestSense where
show Positive = "++"
show Negative = "--"
-- | Test case details: where is source, what is it, which parser, etc.
data TestCase = TestCase {
-- | @src_file@ - name of file containing source code of test case
src_file :: String,
-- | @parser@ - name of parser to apply to that source
parser :: String,
-- | @sense@ - sense of test (positive or negative)
sense :: TestSense,
-- | @expected@ - expected output of test
expected :: String,
-- | @src@ - actual source contained in src_file
src :: String
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show TestCase where
show a = (src_file a) ++ " (" ++ (show (sense a)) ++ (parser a) ++ ")"
data TestOutcome = TestPass TestCase
| TestFail TestCase String
main :: IO ()
main = do contents <- readAllTests "test"
printResults (map performTest (sort contents))
printResults :: [TestOutcome] -> IO ()
printResults [] = do putStr ""
printResults ((TestPass tc):xs) = do putStr ((show tc) ++ " passed\n")
printResults xs
printResults ((TestFail tc o):xs) = do putStr ((show tc) ++ " failed\n")
putStr (o ++ "\nvs\n" ++ (expected tc) ++ "\n--\n")
printResults xs
-- | Perform a test and record its outcome. There are six
-- possibilities: 1) positive test succeeds; 2) postive test
-- fail/non-parse (parse fails); 3) positive test error (unparse not
-- as expected); 4) negative test succeeds; 5) negative test
-- fail/parse (parse succeeds); 6) negative test error (error not as
-- expected).
performTest :: TestCase -> TestOutcome
performTest tc =
case (sense tc, (parseTestCase tc)) of
(Positive, Right o) -> if (trim o) == (trim (expected tc))
then TestPass tc -- case 1
else TestFail tc o -- case 3
(Positive, Left err) -> TestFail tc (show err) -- case 2
(Negative, Right o) -> TestFail tc o -- case 5
(Negative, Left err) -> if (trim es) == (trim (expected tc))
then TestPass tc -- case 4
else TestFail tc es -- case 6
where es = (show err)
where trim = applyTwice (reverse . trim1)
trim1 = dropWhile (`elem` delim)
delim = [' ', '\t', '\n', '\r']
applyTwice f = f . f
-- | Run a test case.
parseTestCase :: TestCase -> Either ParseError String
parseTestCase t =
case (parser t) of
"CoreCspCASL" -> case (runParser basicCspCaslSpec es fn s) of
Left err -> Left err
Right x -> Right (showDoc x "")
"Process" -> case (runParser csp_casl_process es fn s) of
Left err -> Left err
Right x -> Right (showDoc x "")
_ -> error "Parser name"
where es = emptyAnnos ()
fn = src_file t
s = src t
-- The above implemenation is horrible. There must be a nice way to
-- abstract the parser out from the code to run it and collect/unparse
-- the result. Alas, I don't know it, or don't know that I know it.
-- It's all I/O from here down.
-- | Given a path to a directory containing test cases, return a list
-- of test case values.
readAllTests :: FilePath -> IO [TestCase]
readAllTests path = do tests <- listTestCases path
mapM (readOneTestCase path) tests
-- | List every file in the test directory ending with '.testcase'
listTestCases :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
listTestCases path =
do files <- getDirectoryContents path
let cases = (map (\x -> path ++ "/" ++ x) (filter isTestCase files))
return cases
endswith sub tgt = drop (length sub - length tgt) sub == tgt
isTestCase f = endswith f ".testcase"
-- | Given the path to a .testcase file, return TestCase value
-- described therein.
readOneTestCase :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO TestCase
readOneTestCase dir tc =
do hdl <- openFile tc ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents hdl
let (a, b, c, d) = (interpret contents)
hdl_s <- openFile (dir ++ "/" ++ a) ReadMode
e <- hGetContents hdl_s
return TestCase { src_file=a, parser=b, sense=c, expected=d,
-- | Given the textual content of a .testcase file, split it into
-- strings representing the various parts of the test case.
interpret :: String -> (String, String, TestSense, String)
interpret s = (head ls,
head (tail ls),
interpretSense (head (tail (tail ls))),
unlines (tail (tail (tail ls))))
where ls = lines s
-- | Interpret a test case sense (++ or --, positive or negative)
interpretSense :: String -> TestSense
interpretSense s = case s of
"++" -> Positive
"--" -> Negative
_ -> error "Test sense"