testwrap.hs revision 2cf5a456da8bb3a2bbb695414d8304426e3bd277
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Andy Gimblett and Markus Roggenbach and Uni Bremen 2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : a.m.gimblett@swan.ac.uk
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Test case wrapper for CspCASL specs and fragments.
This is a standalone `main' wrapper for CspCASL-related tests
performed locally to the CspCASL codebase. It's probably only of
interest to the CspCASL maintainers.
The "test" directory contains (negative & positive) test cases. Each
test case is identified by a *.testcase file, with the following
- The first line is the name of the file containing the input source
to use for this test case (also in the test directory).
- The second line identifies which parser is being tested (eg
"Process", "Core-CspCASL").
- The third line identifies whether this is a positive (++) or
negative (--) test case.
- If it's a positive test case, the remaining lines contain the
expected output of the pretty printer.
- If it's a negative test case, the remaining lines contain
information about the expected error. (Not yet
module Main where
import Directory
import Monad (liftM)
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Common.AnnoState (emptyAnnos)
import Common.DocUtils
import CspCASL.Parse_CspCASL
import CspCASL.Parse_CspCASL_Process()
import CspCASL.Print_CspCASL()
prettyCspCASLFromFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
prettyCspCASLFromFile fname
= do input <- readFile fname
putStr ("Input:\n" ++ input ++ "Pretty print:\n")
case (runParser basicCspCaslSpec (emptyAnnos ()) fname input) of
Left err -> do putStr "parse error at "
print err
Right x -> do putStrLn $ showDoc x ""
-- print x -- print parse tree
-- parseFiles: Given a list of filenames, parse each file in turn.
parseFiles :: [String] -> IO()
parseFiles arg = case arg of
[] -> do putStr "" -- kinda stupid
(path:others) -> do prettyCspCASLFromFile path
parseFiles others
testOne :: IO()
= do case (runParser dataDefn (emptyAnnos ()) "" "SKIP") of
Left err -> do putStr "parse error at "
print err
Right x -> do putStrLn $ showDoc x ""
print x
-- List every file in the test directory ending with '.testcase'
listTestCases :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
listTestCases path = let
endswith :: String -> String -> Bool
endswith subject target = drop (length subject - length target) subject == target
isTestCase :: String -> Bool
isTestCase f = endswith f ".testcase"
in do contents <- getDirectoryContents path
let testcases = (map (\x -> path ++ "/" ++ x) (filter isTestCase contents))
return testcases
readOneFile :: FilePath -> IO String
readOneFile tc = do hdl <- openFile tc ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents hdl
hClose hdl
return contents
oneTrans :: FilePath -> String
oneTrans a = a
lTrans :: [FilePath] -> [String]
lTrans fii = map oneTrans fii
readEm :: IO [FilePath] -> IO [String]
readEm paths = liftM lTrans paths
getTestCases :: FilePath -> IO [String]
getTestCases path = do tcs <- (listTestCases path)
let foo = map gogo tcs
return foo
main :: IO ()
main = do fuck <- readEm (listTestCases "test")
print (show fuck)
-- Old Main: - calls parser for each file passed in.
oldmain :: IO ()
oldmain = do filenames <- getArgs
parseFiles filenames