ideas revision f6a4748bb9a859a1f23030107d76150b61d438c9
Csp institution
new idea:
- allow for arbitrary alphabet translations, using extra alphabet interpretation component
in the models? This would be consistent with CspCASL.
That is, for a signature (N,A) (A=syntactic alphabet), a model M=(S,f,T) consists of
- a semantic alphabet S
- a map f:A->S
- for each n\in N, a prefix-closed set T(n) of traces over S
The reduct of M along (\nu,\alpha):(N',A')->(N,A) is given by (S,f\circ\alpha,T\circ\nu)
The satisfaction condition holds trivially
This is basically the extension semantics of the WADT 04 polymorphism paper,
restricted to signature morphisms that map process names identically
that is, in terms of that paper, if we take PI = plain Csp, that is, with
arbitrary alpha, but without the extra f component in the models, then the
about institution is Ext(PI). Note that plain Csp is neither rps (see Markus' example), nor
eps: a->skip ||_a b->skip = stop does not hold iff a=b.
Lutz' idea:
add mu to process language, and use modal logic
... but this is probably most useful with the LTS semantics for CSP
-> develop CSP and CCS and extensions, using Markus' alphabet construction, with LTS semantics,
but this is a project on its own...
CspCASL institution
- we can allow for arbitrary (also non-injective) signature morphisms, because:
if sigma maps a,b:s to c:s and M |= c.skip=c.skip, then M|_\sigma |= a.skip=b.skip,
because a and b are equal in M|_\sigma.
- this probably leads to a very natural definition of the CspCASL institution in terms
of the Csp institution:
Csp-alphabet A = CASL data terms (of any sort)
for a model, the semantic alphabet S = \biguplus_{s\in S} M_s \uplus \{\bot\} / ~
f = interpretation of CASL terms
channels are typed in CspCASL -> hence we can statically check that the
sort of a term matches with the sort of the channel over which it is communicated ?!?