Trans_CspProver.hs revision 226d4df216d0d67423d139ead4744eb66fb62ac1
{- |
Module : $Id: Print_CspCASL.hs 9047 2007-10-13 15:24:00Z gimblett $
Description : Pretty printing for CspCASL
Copyright : (c) Andy Gimblett, Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
transforming Csp Processes to Isabelle terms
module CspCASL.Trans_CspProver where
--import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process
-- import CspCASL.CspCASL_Keywords
import CspCASL.CspProver_Consts
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
transProcess :: PROCESS -> Term
transProcess pr = case pr of
-- precedence 0
Skip _ -> cspProver_skipOp
Stop _ -> cspProver_stopOp
Div _ -> cspProver_divOp
Run es _ -> App (cspProver_runOp) (transEventSet es) NotCont
Chaos es _ -> App (cspProver_chaosOp) (transEventSet es) NotCont
NamedProcess pn ts _ ->
let pnTerm = conDouble $ show pn
in if (null ts)
then pnTerm
else App pnTerm (conDouble $ show ts) NotCont
-- precedence 1
ConditionalProcess f p q _ ->
((keyword cspProver_ifS) <+> (pretty f) <+>
(keyword cspProver_thenS) <+> (glue pr p) <+>
(keyword cspProver_elseS) <+> (glue pr q)
-- precedence 2
Hiding p es _ ->
(pretty p) <+> (text cspProver_hidingS) <+> (pretty es)
RenamingProcess p r _ ->
((pretty p) <+>
(text cspProver_renaming_openS) <+>
(ppWithCommas r) <+>
(text cspProver_renaming_closeS))
-- precedence 3
Sequential p q _ ->
cspProver_sequenceOp (transProcess p) (transProcess q)
-- (pretty p) <+> (text cspProver_sequenceS) <+> (glue pr q)
{- PrefixProcess ev p _ ->
(text "class(C_X") <+> (pretty ev) <> (text ")") <+> (text cspProver_prefixS) <+> (glue pr p)
InternalPrefixProcess v s p _ ->
((text cspProver_internal_prefixS) <+> (pretty v) <+>
(text cspProver_colonS) <+> (pretty s) <+>
(text cspProver_prefixS) <+> (glue pr p)
ExternalPrefixProcess v s p _ ->
((text cspProver_external_prefixS) <+> (pretty v) <+>
(text cspProver_colonS) <+> (pretty s) <+>
(text cspProver_prefixS) <+> (glue pr p)
-- precedence 4
InternalChoice p q _ ->
(pretty p) <+> (text cspProver_internal_choiceS) <+> (glue pr q)
ExternalChoice p q _ ->
(pretty p) <+> (text cspProver_external_choiceS) <+> (glue pr q)
-- precedence 5
Interleaving p q _ ->
(pretty p) <+> (text cspProver_interleavingS) <+> (glue pr q)
SynchronousParallel p q _ ->
(pretty p) <+> (text cspProver_synchronousS) <+> (glue pr q)
GeneralisedParallel p es q _ ->
cspProver_general_parallelOp (transProcess p) (transEventSet es) (transProcess q)
AlphabetisedParallel p les res q _ ->
cspProver_alphabetised_parallelOp (transProcess p) (transEventSet les) (transEventSet res) (transProcess q)
-- glue and prec_comp decide whether the child in the parse tree needs
-- to be parenthesised or not. Parentheses are necessary if the
-- right-child is at the same level of precedence as the parent but is
-- a different operator; otherwise, they're not.
glue :: PROCESS -> PROCESS -> Doc
glue x y = if (prec_comp x y)
then lparen <+> pretty y <+> rparen
else pretty y
-- This is really nasty, but sledgehammer effective and allows fine
-- control. Unmaintainable, however. :-( I imagine there's a way to
-- compare the types in a less boilerplate manner, but OTOH there are
-- some special cases where it's nice to be explicit. Also, hiding
-- and renaming are distinctly non-standard. *shrug*
prec_comp :: PROCESS -> PROCESS -> Bool
prec_comp x y =
case x of
Hiding _ _ _ ->
case y of RenamingProcess _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
RenamingProcess _ _ _ ->
case y of Hiding _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
Sequential _ _ _ ->
case y of InternalPrefixProcess _ _ _ _ -> True
ExternalPrefixProcess _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
PrefixProcess _ _ _ ->
case y of Sequential _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
InternalPrefixProcess _ _ _ _ ->
case y of Sequential _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
ExternalPrefixProcess _ _ _ _ ->
case y of Sequential _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
ExternalChoice _ _ _ ->
case y of InternalChoice _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
InternalChoice _ _ _ ->
case y of ExternalChoice _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
Interleaving _ _ _ ->
case y of SynchronousParallel _ _ _ -> True
GeneralisedParallel _ _ _ _ -> True
AlphabetisedParallel _ _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
SynchronousParallel _ _ _ ->
case y of Interleaving _ _ _ -> True
GeneralisedParallel _ _ _ _ -> True
AlphabetisedParallel _ _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
GeneralisedParallel _ _ _ _ ->
case y of Interleaving _ _ _ -> True
SynchronousParallel _ _ _ -> True
AlphabetisedParallel _ _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
AlphabetisedParallel _ _ _ _ _ ->
case y of Interleaving _ _ _ -> True
SynchronousParallel _ _ _ -> True
GeneralisedParallel _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
instance Pretty EVENT where
pretty = printEvent
printEvent :: EVENT -> Doc
printEvent (TermEvent t _) = pretty t
printEvent (ChanSend cn t _) = (pretty cn) <+>
(text chan_sendS) <+>
(pretty t)
printEvent (ChanNonDetSend cn v s _) =
(pretty cn) <+> (text chan_sendS) <+>
(pretty v) <+> (text svar_sortS) <+> (pretty s)
printEvent (ChanRecv cn v s _) =
(pretty cn) <+> (text chan_receiveS) <+>
(pretty v) <+> (text svar_sortS) <+> (pretty s)
instance Pretty EVENT_SET where
pretty = printEventSet
transEventSet :: EVENT_SET -> Term
transEventSet (EventSet _ _) = conDouble "not yet done"
--transEventSet (EventSet es _) = conDouble "not yet done"