StatAnaCSP.hs revision e92e93922166c81167de83cc7400403c5d9bb26c
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder{- |
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae BungiuModule : $Id$
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae BungiuDescription : Static analysis of CspCASL
734257b9ea9fcaa18d4e3627f54f5295a99aa1f7Felix Gabriel ManceCopyright : (c) Andy Gimblett, Liam O'Reilly Markus Roggenbach,
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu Swansea University 2008
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae BungiuLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae BungiuMaintainer :
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae BungiuStability : provisional
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae BungiuPortability : portable
c038fcf2030a6cfac7a261dee48a9eb29edb78eaFelix Gabriel Mance
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae BungiuStatic analysis of CSP-CASL specifications, following "Tool Support
15d62726781e67fe6458fbcf0a8c46832a7bb8daFelix Gabriel Mancefor CSP-CASL", MPhil thesis by Andy Gimblett, 2008.
734257b9ea9fcaa18d4e3627f54f5295a99aa1f7Felix Gabriel Mance<>
c038fcf2030a6cfac7a261dee48a9eb29edb78eaFelix Gabriel Mance
c038fcf2030a6cfac7a261dee48a9eb29edb78eaFelix Gabriel Mance-}
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiumodule CspCASL.StatAnaCSP where
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiuimport qualified Control.Monad as Monad
ed1b8e97e72b2e3e92edaf2eb22a4b5373d705f1Felix Gabriel Manceimport qualified Data.Map as Map
5180a08007989fd364622fc9bc01f82141643f7bFelix Gabriel Manceimport qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiuimport qualified Data.Set as S
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL (FORMULA(..), OpKind(..), SORT, TERM(..), VAR,
12078a24d49ba36b83cda9d07c8e8a480c493fe8Felix Gabriel Mance VAR_DECL(..))
734257b9ea9fcaa18d4e3627f54f5295a99aa1f7Felix Gabriel Manceimport CASL.MixfixParser (emptyMix, Mix(..), makeRules, mkIdSets,
c038fcf2030a6cfac7a261dee48a9eb29edb78eaFelix Gabriel Mance resolveFormula, resolveMixfix, unite)
0be7a9c012366ada63d587898a15c551b499b76dFelix Gabriel Manceimport CASL.Overload (minExpFORMULA, oneExpTerm)
0be7a9c012366ada63d587898a15c551b499b76dFelix Gabriel Manceimport CASL.Sign
3b15ba1ffa9a23ca14f3882d1390abddfc494009Felix Gabriel Manceimport CASL.StaticAna (allOpIds, allPredIds)
3b15ba1ffa9a23ca14f3882d1390abddfc494009Felix Gabriel Manceimport Common.AS_Annotation
0be7a9c012366ada63d587898a15c551b499b76dFelix Gabriel Manceimport Common.Result
e5dc5119231bdeb5c604f7709e0fa197fd2c4829Felix Gabriel Manceimport Common.GlobalAnnotations
e5dc5119231bdeb5c604f7709e0fa197fd2c4829Felix Gabriel Manceimport Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos
0be7a9c012366ada63d587898a15c551b499b76dFelix Gabriel Manceimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederimport Common.Id (getRange, Id, nullRange, simpleIdToId)
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Manceimport Common.Lib.State
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Manceimport Common.ExtSign
e5dc5119231bdeb5c604f7709e0fa197fd2c4829Felix Gabriel Mance
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Manceimport CspCASL.AS_CspCASL
12078a24d49ba36b83cda9d07c8e8a480c493fe8Felix Gabriel Manceimport CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederimport CspCASL.LocalTop (Obligation(..), unmetObs)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederimport CspCASL.Print_CspCASL ()
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederimport CspCASL.SignCSP
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederimport CspCASL.Morphism(makeChannelNameSymbol, makeProcNameSymbol)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
12078a24d49ba36b83cda9d07c8e8a480c493fe8Felix Gabriel Mance-- | The first element of the returned pair (CspBasicSpec) is the same
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder-- as the inputted version just with some very minor optimisations -
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Mance-- none in our case, but for CASL - brackets are otimized. This all
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Mance-- that happens, the mixfixed terms are still mixed fixed terms in
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder-- the returned version.
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel MancebasicAnalysisCspCASL :: (CspBasicSpec, CspCASLSign, GlobalAnnos)
3e0eb79b52a3078a12531efc3f66d0d94fd9938dFelix Gabriel Mance -> Result (CspBasicSpec, ExtSign CspCASLSign Symbol,
3e0eb79b52a3078a12531efc3f66d0d94fd9938dFelix Gabriel Mance [Named CspCASLSen])
9c3f6477a95da46a907326206673b4a5c2164164Felix Gabriel MancebasicAnalysisCspCASL (cc, sigma, ga) =
3e0eb79b52a3078a12531efc3f66d0d94fd9938dFelix Gabriel Mance let Result es mga = mergeGlobalAnnos ga $ globAnnos sigma
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder (_, accSig) = runState (ana_BASIC_CSP cc) $ case mga of
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Mance Nothing -> sigma
3e0eb79b52a3078a12531efc3f66d0d94fd9938dFelix Gabriel Mance Just nga -> sigma { globAnnos = nga }
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder ds = reverse $ envDiags accSig
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Mance -- Extract process equations only.
9c3f6477a95da46a907326206673b4a5c2164164Felix Gabriel Mance ext = extendedInfo accSig
316ef492799cd45fea0f5c26932f49adddfda3f7Felix Gabriel Mance ccsents = reverse $ ccSentences ext
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder -- Clean signature here
31a5ba51cd6d24e28a23abf64ce4043a45eabbefFelix Gabriel Mance cleanSig = accSig
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Mance { extendedInfo = ext { ccSentences = []}}
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder in Result (es ++ ds) $
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder Just (cc, mkExtSign cleanSig, ccsents)
316ef492799cd45fea0f5c26932f49adddfda3f7Felix Gabriel Mance
316ef492799cd45fea0f5c26932f49adddfda3f7Felix Gabriel Manceana_BASIC_CSP :: CspBasicSpec -> State CspCASLSign ()
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederana_BASIC_CSP cc = do checkLocalTops
31a5ba51cd6d24e28a23abf64ce4043a45eabbefFelix Gabriel Mance mapM anaChanDecl (channels cc)
0be7a9c012366ada63d587898a15c551b499b76dFelix Gabriel Mance mapM anaProcItem (proc_items cc)
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Mance return ()
e5e3f128bbd44dd393e1038718038bd323f5e415Felix Gabriel Mance
e5e3f128bbd44dd393e1038718038bd323f5e415Felix Gabriel Mance-- Analysis of local top elements
e5e3f128bbd44dd393e1038718038bd323f5e415Felix Gabriel Mance
e5e3f128bbd44dd393e1038718038bd323f5e415Felix Gabriel Mance-- | Check a CspCASL signature for local top elements in its subsort
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder-- relation.
e5e3f128bbd44dd393e1038718038bd323f5e415Felix Gabriel MancecheckLocalTops :: State CspCASLSign ()
e5e3f128bbd44dd393e1038718038bd323f5e415Felix Gabriel MancecheckLocalTops = do
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder sig <- get
31a5ba51cd6d24e28a23abf64ce4043a45eabbefFelix Gabriel Mance let obs = unmetObs $ Rel.toList $ Rel.transClosure $ sortRel sig
3e0eb79b52a3078a12531efc3f66d0d94fd9938dFelix Gabriel Mance addDiags (map lteError obs)
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaeder return ()
15d62726781e67fe6458fbcf0a8c46832a7bb8daFelix Gabriel Mance
15d62726781e67fe6458fbcf0a8c46832a7bb8daFelix Gabriel Mance-- | Add diagnostic error message for every unmet local top element
e5e3f128bbd44dd393e1038718038bd323f5e415Felix Gabriel Mance-- obligation.
1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03acmaederlteError :: Obligation SORT -> Diagnosis
15d62726781e67fe6458fbcf0a8c46832a7bb8daFelix Gabriel MancelteError (Obligation x y z) = mkDiag Error msg ()
e5ea4eeaeefd3521ae3475719e18c96cf91637d5Felix Gabriel Mance where msg = ("local top element obligation ("
e5ea4eeaeefd3521ae3475719e18c96cf91637d5Felix Gabriel Mance ++ (show x) ++ "<" ++ (show y) ++ "," ++ (show z)
dda7065c0c0f383558d7d4e8072969c8c41a8ed7Francisc Nicolae Bungiu ++ ") unfulfilled")
734257b9ea9fcaa18d4e3627f54f5295a99aa1f7Felix Gabriel Mance
1f9274bb2aa44ea236327814dce99946be52e348Felix Gabriel Mance-- Static analysis of channel declarations
c4076ff1721f8901a30e4b7aa004479ecb2631e0Felix Gabriel Mance
30e9cf458094e5970bc06be667558961c2eccff4Felix Gabriel Mance-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL channel declaration.
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel ManceanaChanDecl :: CHANNEL_DECL -> State CspCASLSign ()
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel ManceanaChanDecl (ChannelDecl chanNames chanSort) = do
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance checkSorts [chanSort] -- check channel sort is known
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance sig <- get
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance let ext = extendedInfo sig
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance oldChanMap = chans ext
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance newChanMap <- Monad.foldM (anaChannelName chanSort) oldChanMap chanNames
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance vds <- gets envDiags
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder put sig { extendedInfo = ext { chans = newChanMap }
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance , envDiags = vds
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance }
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance return ()
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL channel name.
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel ManceanaChannelName :: SORT -> ChanNameMap -> CHANNEL_NAME ->
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance State CspCASLSign ChanNameMap
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel ManceanaChannelName s m chanName = do
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance sig <- get
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance if (show chanName) `S.member` ( show (sortSet sig))
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder then do let err = "channel name already in use as a sort name"
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance addDiags [mkDiag Error err chanName]
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance return m
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance else case Map.lookup chanName m of
02c522d7af110fcad567e3db59f444185ad2c22eFelix Gabriel Mance Nothing ->
12078a24d49ba36b83cda9d07c8e8a480c493fe8Felix Gabriel Mance -- Add the channel name as a symbol to the list of
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder -- newly defined symbols - which is stored in the CASL
-- signature
do addSymbol (makeChannelNameSymbol chanName)
return (Map.insert chanName s m) -- insert new.
Just e ->
if e == s
then do let warn = "channel redeclared with same sort"
addDiags [mkDiag Warning warn chanName]
return m -- already declared with this sort.
else do let err = "channel declared with multiple sorts"
addDiags [mkDiag Error err chanName]
return m
-- Static analysis of process items
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL process item.
anaProcItem :: PROC_ITEM -> State CspCASLSign ()
anaProcItem procItem =
case procItem of
(Proc_Decl name argSorts alpha) -> anaProcDecl name argSorts alpha
(Proc_Eq parmProcName procTerm) -> anaProcEq parmProcName procTerm
-- Static analysis of process declarations
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL process declaration.
-> State CspCASLSign ()
anaProcDecl name argSorts (ProcAlphabet commTypes _) = do
sig <- get
let ext = extendedInfo sig
oldProcDecls = procSet ext
newProcDecls <-
if name `Map.member` oldProcDecls
then do -- duplicate process declaration
let err = "process name declared more than once"
addDiags [mkDiag Error err name]
return oldProcDecls
else do -- new process declation
checkSorts argSorts -- check argument sorts are known
-- build alphabet: set of CommType values. We do not
-- need the fully qualfied commTypes that are returned
-- (these area used for analysing Event Sets)
(alpha, _ ) <-
Monad.foldM (anaCommType sig) (S.empty, []) commTypes
let profile = (ProcProfile argSorts alpha)
-- Add the process name as a symbol to the list of
-- newly defined symbols - which is stored in the CASL
-- signature
addSymbol (makeProcNameSymbol name)
return (Map.insert name profile oldProcDecls)
vds <- gets envDiags
put sig { extendedInfo = ext {procSet = newProcDecls }
, envDiags = vds
return ()
-- Static analysis of process equations
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL process equation.
anaProcEq :: PARM_PROCNAME -> PROCESS -> State CspCASLSign ()
anaProcEq (ParmProcname pn vs) proc = do
sig <- get
let ext = extendedInfo sig
ccsens = ccSentences ext
procDecls = procSet ext
prof = pn `Map.lookup` procDecls
case prof of
-- Only analyse a process if its name (and thus profile) is known
Just (ProcProfile procArgs procAlpha) ->
do gVars <- anaProcVars pn procArgs vs -- compute global
-- vars Change a procVarList to a FQProcVarList We do
-- not care about the range as we are building fully
-- qualified variables and they have already been
-- checked to be ok.
let mkFQProcVar (v,s) = Qual_var v s nullRange
let fqGVars = map mkFQProcVar gVars
(termAlpha, fqProc) <-
anaProcTerm proc (Map.fromList gVars) Map.empty
checkCommAlphaSub termAlpha procAlpha proc "process equation"
-- Save the diags from the checkCommAlphaSub
vds <- gets envDiags
-- put CspCASL Sentences back in to the state with new sentence
put sig {envDiags = vds, extendedInfo =
ext { ccSentences =
-- BUG - What should the constituent
-- alphabet be for this process?
-- probably the same as the inner one!
(makeNamed ("ProcHugo")
(ProcessEq pn fqGVars
return ()
Nothing ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Error
"process equation for unknown process" pn]
return ()
return ()
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL process equation's global variable
-- names.
anaProcVars :: PROCESS_NAME -> [SORT] -> [VAR] -> State CspCASLSign ProcVarList
anaProcVars pn ss vs =
do vars <-
case (compare (length ss) (length vs)) of
LT -> do addDiags [mkDiag Error "too many process arguments" pn]
return []
GT -> do addDiags [mkDiag Error "not enough process arguments" pn]
return []
EQ -> Monad.foldM anaProcVar [] (zip vs ss)
return $ reverse $ vars
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL process-global variable name.
anaProcVar :: ProcVarList -> (VAR, SORT) -> State CspCASLSign ProcVarList
anaProcVar old (v, s) = do
if v `elem` (map fst old)
then do addDiags [mkDiag Error
"process argument declared more than once" v]
return old
else return ((v,s) : old)
-- Static analysis of process terms
-- BUG in fucntion below
-- not returing FQProcesses
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL process term.
-- The process that is returned is a fully qualified process.
anaProcTerm :: PROCESS -> ProcVarMap -> ProcVarMap ->
State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, PROCESS)
anaProcTerm proc gVars lVars = case proc of
NamedProcess name args r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Named process" proc]
(al, fqArgs) <- anaNamedProc proc name args (lVars `Map.union` gVars)
let fqProc = FQProcess (NamedProcess name fqArgs r) al r
return (al, fqProc)
Skip r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Skip" proc]
let fqProc = FQProcess (Skip r) S.empty r
return (S.empty, fqProc)
Stop r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Stop" proc]
let fqProc = FQProcess (Stop r) S.empty r
return (S.empty, fqProc)
Div r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Div" proc]
let fqProc = FQProcess (Div r) S.empty r
return (S.empty, fqProc)
Run es r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Run" proc]
(comms, fqEs) <- anaEventSet es
let fqProc = FQProcess (Run fqEs r) comms r
return (comms, fqProc)
Chaos es r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Chaos" proc]
(comms, fqEs) <- anaEventSet es
let fqProc = FQProcess (Chaos fqEs r) comms r
return (comms, fqProc)
PrefixProcess e p r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Prefix" proc]
(evComms, rcvMap, fqEvent) <- anaEvent e (lVars `Map.union` gVars)
(comms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars (rcvMap `Map.union` lVars)
let newAlpha = comms `S.union` evComms
let fqProc = FQProcess (PrefixProcess fqEvent pFQTerm r) newAlpha r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
Sequential p q r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Sequential" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(qComms, qFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm q gVars Map.empty
let newAlpha = pComms `S.union` qComms
let fqProc = FQProcess (Sequential pFQTerm qFQTerm r) newAlpha r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
InternalChoice p q r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "InternalChoice" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(qComms, qFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm q gVars lVars
let newAlpha = pComms `S.union` qComms
let fqProc = FQProcess (InternalChoice pFQTerm qFQTerm r) newAlpha r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
ExternalChoice p q r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "ExternalChoice" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(qComms, qFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm q gVars lVars
let newAlpha = pComms `S.union` qComms
let fqProc = FQProcess (ExternalChoice pFQTerm qFQTerm r) newAlpha r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
Interleaving p q r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Interleaving" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(qComms, qFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm q gVars lVars
let newAlpha = pComms `S.union` qComms
let fqProc = FQProcess (Interleaving pFQTerm qFQTerm r) newAlpha r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
SynchronousParallel p q r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Synchronous" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(qComms, qFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm q gVars lVars
let newAlpha = pComms `S.union` qComms
let fqProc = FQProcess (SynchronousParallel pFQTerm
qFQTerm r) newAlpha r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
GeneralisedParallel p es q r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Generalised parallel" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(synComms, fqEs) <- anaEventSet es
(qComms, qFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm q gVars lVars
let newAlpha = S.unions [pComms, qComms, synComms]
let fqProc = FQProcess (GeneralisedParallel pFQTerm fqEs qFQTerm r)
newAlpha r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
AlphabetisedParallel p esp esq q r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Alphabetised parallel" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(pSynComms, fqEsp) <- anaEventSet esp
checkCommAlphaSub pSynComms pComms proc "alphabetised parallel, left"
(qSynComms, fqEsq) <- anaEventSet esq
(qComms, qFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm q gVars lVars
checkCommAlphaSub qSynComms qComms proc
"alphabetised parallel, right"
let newAlpha = pComms `S.union` qComms
let fqProc = FQProcess (AlphabetisedParallel pFQTerm fqEsp fqEsq
qFQTerm r) newAlpha r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
Hiding p es r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Hiding" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(hidComms, fqEs) <- anaEventSet es
return (pComms `S.union` hidComms, FQProcess (Hiding pFQTerm fqEs r)
(pComms `S.union` hidComms) r)
RenamingProcess p renaming r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Renaming" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(renAlpha, fqRenaming) <- anaRenaming renaming
let newAlpha = pComms `S.union` renAlpha
let fqProc = FQProcess (RenamingProcess pFQTerm fqRenaming r)
(pComms `S.union` renAlpha) r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
ConditionalProcess f p q r ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Conditional" proc]
(pComms, pFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm p gVars lVars
(qComms, qFQTerm) <- anaProcTerm q gVars lVars
-- mfs is the fully qualified formula version of f
mfs <- anaFormulaCspCASL (gVars `Map.union` lVars) f
let fFQ = case mfs of
Nothing -> f -- use old formula as the fully
-- qualified version - there is a
-- error in the spec anyway as the
-- formula could not be fully
-- qualified.
Just fs -> fs -- use the real fully qualified formula
let fComms = case mfs of
Nothing -> S.empty
Just fs -> formulaComms fs
let newAlpha = S.unions [pComms, qComms, fComms]
let fqProc = FQProcess (ConditionalProcess
(fFQ) pFQTerm qFQTerm r)
newAlpha r
return (newAlpha, fqProc)
FQProcess _ _ _ ->
error "CspCASL.StatAnaCSP.anaProcTerm: Unexpected FQProcess"
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL "named process" term. Return the
-- permitted alphabet of the process and also a list of the fully qualified
-- version of the inputted terms.
anaNamedProc :: PROCESS -> PROCESS_NAME -> [TERM ()] -> ProcVarMap ->
State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, [TERM ()])
anaNamedProc proc pn terms procVars = do
sig <- get
let ext = extendedInfo sig
procDecls = procSet ext
prof = pn `Map.lookup` procDecls
case prof of
Just (ProcProfile varSorts permAlpha) ->
if (length terms) == (length varSorts)
then do fqTerms <-
mapM (anaNamedProcTerm procVars) (zip terms varSorts)
-- Return the permitted alphabet of the process and
-- the fully qualifed terms
return (permAlpha, fqTerms)
else do let err = "wrong number of arguments in named process"
addDiags [mkDiag Error err proc]
-- Return the empty alphabet and the original
-- terms. There is an error in the spec.
return (S.empty, terms)
Nothing ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Error "unknown process name" proc]
-- Return the empty alphabet and the original
-- terms. There is an error in the spec.
return (S.empty, terms)
-- | Statically analysis a CASL term occurring in a CspCASL "named
-- process" term.
anaNamedProcTerm :: ProcVarMap -> ((TERM ()), SORT) ->
State CspCASLSign (TERM ())
anaNamedProcTerm pm (t, expSort) = do
mt <- anaTermCspCASL pm t
case mt of
Nothing -> return t -- CASL term analysis failed. Use old term
-- as the fully qualified term, there is a
-- error in the spec anyway.
(Just at) -> do at' <- ccTermCast at expSort -- attempt cast;
case at' of
Nothing -> -- Use old term as the fully
-- qualified term, there is a error
-- in the spec anyway.
return t
(Just at'') -> return at'' -- Use the fully
-- qualified
-- (possibly cast)
-- term
-- Static analysis of event sets and communication types
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL event set. Returns the alphabet of
-- the event set and a fully qualified version of the event set.
anaEventSet :: EVENT_SET -> State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, EVENT_SET)
anaEventSet eventSet =
case eventSet of
EventSet es r ->
do sig <- get
-- fqEsElems is built the reversed order for efficiency.
(comms, fqEsElems) <- Monad.foldM (anaCommType sig)
(S.empty, []) es
vds <- gets envDiags
put sig { envDiags = vds }
-- reverse the list inside the event set
return (comms, FQEventSet (reverse fqEsElems) r)
FQEventSet _ _ ->
error "CspCASL.StatAnaCSP.anaEventSet: Unexpected FQEventSet"
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL communication type. Returns the
-- extended alphabet and the extended list of fully qualified event
-- set elements - [CommType].
anaCommType :: CspCASLSign -> (CommAlpha, [CommType]) -> COMM_TYPE ->
State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, [CommType])
anaCommType sig (alpha, fqEsElems) ct =
if ctSort `S.member` (sortSet sig)
then -- ct is a sort name; insert sort into alpha and add a sort
-- to the fully qualified event set elements.
do let newAlpha = S.insert (CommTypeSort ctSort) alpha
let newFqEsElems = (CommTypeSort ctSort) : fqEsElems
return (newAlpha, newFqEsElems)
else -- ct not a sort name, so should be a channel name
case Map.lookup ct (chans $ extendedInfo sig) of
Just s -> -- ct is a channel name; insert typed chan name
-- into alpha and add typed channel to the fully
-- qualified event set elemenets.
let newAlpha = S.insert (mkTypedChan ct s) alpha
newFqEsElems = (mkTypedChan ct s) : fqEsElems
in return (newAlpha, newFqEsElems)
Nothing -> do let err = "not a sort or channel name"
addDiags [mkDiag Error err ct]
-- failed, thus error in spec, return the
-- unmodified alphabet and the unmodifled
-- fully qualified event set elements.
return (alpha, fqEsElems)
where ctSort = simpleIdToId ct
mkTypedChan c s = CommTypeChan $ TypedChanName c s
-- Static analysis of events
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL event. Returns a constituent
-- communication alphabet of the event, mapping for any new
-- locally bound variables and a fully qualified version of the event.
anaEvent :: EVENT -> ProcVarMap ->
State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, ProcVarMap, EVENT)
anaEvent e vars =
case e of
TermEvent t range ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Term event" e]
(alpha, newVars, fqTerm) <- anaTermEvent t vars
let fqEvent = FQEvent e Nothing fqTerm range
return (alpha, newVars, fqEvent)
InternalPrefixChoice v s range ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Internal prefix event" e]
(alpha, newVars, fqVar) <- anaPrefixChoice v s
let fqEvent = FQEvent e Nothing fqVar range
return (alpha, newVars, fqEvent)
ExternalPrefixChoice v s range ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "External prefix event" e]
(alpha, newVars, fqVar) <- anaPrefixChoice v s
let fqEvent = FQEvent e Nothing fqVar range
return (alpha, newVars, fqEvent)
ChanSend c t range ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Channel send event" e]
-- mfqChan is a maybe fully qualified
-- channel. It will be Nothing if
-- annChanSend failed - i.e. we forget
-- about the channel.
(alpha, newVars, mfqChan, fqTerm) <- anaChanSend c t vars
let fqEvent = FQEvent e mfqChan fqTerm range
return (alpha, newVars, fqEvent)
ChanNonDetSend c v s range ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Channel nondeterministic send event" e]
-- mfqChan is the same as in chanSend case.
-- fqVar is the fully qualfied version of the variable.
(alpha, newVars, mfqChan, fqVar) <- anaChanBinding c v s
let fqEvent = FQEvent e mfqChan fqVar range
return (alpha, newVars, fqEvent)
ChanRecv c v s range ->
do addDiags [mkDiag Debug "Channel receive event" e]
-- mfqChan is the same as in chanSend case.
-- fqVar is the fully qualfied version of the variable.
(alpha, newVars, mfqChan, fqVar) <- anaChanBinding c v s
let fqEvent = FQEvent e mfqChan fqVar range
return (alpha, newVars, fqEvent)
FQEvent _ _ _ _ ->
error "CspCASL.StatAnaCSP.anaEvent: Unexpected FQEvent"
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL term event. Returns a constituent
-- communication alphabet of the event and a mapping for any new
-- locally bound variables and the fully qualified version of the
-- term.
anaTermEvent :: (TERM ()) -> ProcVarMap ->
State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, ProcVarMap, TERM ())
anaTermEvent t vars = do
mt <- anaTermCspCASL vars t
let (alpha, t') = case mt of
-- return the alphabet and the fully qualified term
Just at -> ([(CommTypeSort (sortOfTerm at))], at)
-- return the empty alphabet and the original term
Nothing -> ([], t)
return (S.fromList alpha, Map.empty, t')
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL internal or external prefix choice
-- event. Returns a constituent communication alphabet of the event
-- and a mapping for any new locally bound variables and the fully
-- qualified version of the variable.
anaPrefixChoice :: VAR -> SORT ->
State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, ProcVarMap, TERM ())
anaPrefixChoice v s = do
checkSorts [s] -- check sort is known
let alpha = S.singleton $ CommTypeSort s
let binding = Map.singleton v s
let fqVar = Qual_var v s nullRange
return (alpha, binding, fqVar)
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL channel send event. Returns a
-- constituent communication alphabet of the event, a mapping for
-- any new locally bound variables, a fully qualified channel (if
-- possible) and the fully qualified version of the term.
anaChanSend :: CHANNEL_NAME -> (TERM ()) -> ProcVarMap ->
State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, ProcVarMap,
anaChanSend c t vars = do
sig <- get
let ext = extendedInfo sig
case c `Map.lookup` (chans ext) of
Nothing -> do
addDiags [mkDiag Error "unknown channel" c]
-- Use old term as the fully qualified term and forget about the
-- channel, there is an error in the spec
return (S.empty, Map.empty, Nothing, t)
Just chanSort -> do
mt <- anaTermCspCASL vars t
case mt of
Nothing -> -- CASL analysis failed. Use old term as the fully
-- qualified term and forget about the channel,
-- there is an error in the spec.
return (S.empty, Map.empty, Nothing, t)
(Just at) ->
do mc <- ccTermCast at chanSort
case mc of
Nothing -> -- cast failed. Use old term as the fully
-- qualified term, and forget about the
-- channel there is an error in the spec.
return (S.empty, Map.empty, Nothing, t)
(Just ct) ->
do let castSort = sortOfTerm ct
alpha = [CommTypeSort castSort
,CommTypeChan $ TypedChanName c castSort
-- Use the real fully qualified term. We do
-- not want to use a cast term here. A cast
-- must be possible, but we do not want to
-- force it!
return (S.fromList alpha, Map.empty,
Just (c, chanSort), at)
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL "binding" channel event (which is
-- either a channel nondeterministic send event or a channel receive
-- event). Returns a constituent communication alphabet of the event,
-- a mapping for any new locally bound variables, a fully qualified
-- channel (if possible) and the fully qualified version of the
-- variable.
anaChanBinding :: CHANNEL_NAME -> VAR -> SORT ->
State CspCASLSign( CommAlpha,
anaChanBinding c v s = do
checkSorts [s] -- check sort is known
sig <- get
let ext = extendedInfo sig
case c `Map.lookup` (chans ext) of
Nothing -> do
addDiags [mkDiag Error "unknown channel" c]
-- No fully qualified channel, use Nothing - there is a error in
-- the spec anyway. Use the real fully qualified variable
-- version with a nullRange.
return (S.empty, Map.empty, Nothing, (Qual_var v s nullRange))
Just chanSort -> do
if s `S.member` (chanSort `S.insert` (subsorts chanSort))
then do let alpha = [CommTypeSort s
,CommTypeChan (TypedChanName c s)]
let binding = [(v, s)]
-- Return the alphabet, var mapping, the fully
-- qualfied channel and fully qualfied
-- variable. Notice that the fully qualified
-- channel's sort should be the lowest sort we can
-- communicate in i.e. the sort of the variable.
return (S.fromList alpha, Map.fromList binding,
(Just (c,s)), (Qual_var v s nullRange))
else do let err = "sort not a subsort of channel's sort"
addDiags [mkDiag Error err s]
-- There is a error in the spec, but return
-- the alphabet, var mapping, the fully
-- qualfied channel and fully qualfied
-- variable - as we can.
return (S.empty, Map.empty, (Just (c,s)),
(Qual_var v s nullRange))
where subsorts = Rel.predecessors (sortRel sig)
-- Static analysis of renaming and renaming items
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL renaming. Returns the alphabet and
-- | the fully qualified renaming.
anaRenaming :: RENAMING -> State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, RENAMING)
anaRenaming renaming = case renaming of
Renaming r -> do
(al, fqRenamingTermsMaybes) <- Monad.foldM anaRenamingItem (S.empty, []) r
return (al, FQRenaming fqRenamingTermsMaybes)
FQRenaming _ ->
error "CspCASL.StatAnaCSP.anaRenaming: Unexpected FQRenaming"
-- | Statically analyse a CspCASL renaming item. Return the alphabet
-- | and the fully qualified list of renaming functions and predicates.
anaRenamingItem :: (CommAlpha, [TERM ()]) -> Id ->
State CspCASLSign (CommAlpha, [TERM ()])
anaRenamingItem (inAl, fqRenamingTerms) ri = do
-- BUG -- too many nothings - should only be one
totOps <- getUnaryOpsById ri Total
if (not $ S.null totOps)
then return (inAl `S.union` totOps, fqRenamingTerms)
else do
parOps <- getUnaryOpsById ri Partial
if not (S.null parOps)
then return (inAl `S.union` parOps, fqRenamingTerms)
else do
preds <- getBinPredsById ri
if not (S.null preds)
then return (inAl `S.union` preds, fqRenamingTerms)
else do
let err = "renaming item not a binary "
++ "operation or predicate name"
addDiags [mkDiag Error err ri]
-- return the original alphabet and the original fully
-- qualified terms (renamings) with out any modification
-- as there is an error in the spec.
return (inAl, fqRenamingTerms)
-- | Given a CASL identifier and a `function kind' (total or partial),
-- find all unary operations of that kind with that name in the CASL
-- signature, and return a set of corresponding communication types
-- for those operations.
getUnaryOpsById :: Id -> OpKind -> State CspCASLSign (S.Set CommType)
getUnaryOpsById ri kind = do
sig <- get
let opsWithId = Map.findWithDefault S.empty ri (opMap sig)
binOpsKind = S.filter (isBin kind) opsWithId
cts = CommTypeSort $ S.fold opSorts S.empty binOpsKind
return cts
where isBin k ot = (k == opKind ot) && (1 == (length (opArgs ot)))
opSorts o inS = inS `S.union` (S.fromList ((opArgs o) ++ [opRes o]))
-- | Given a CASL identifier find all binary predicates with that name
-- in the CASL signature, and return a set of corresponding
-- communication types for those predicates.
getBinPredsById :: Id -> State CspCASLSign (S.Set CommType)
getBinPredsById ri = do
sig <- get
let predsWithId = Map.findWithDefault S.empty ri (predMap sig)
binPreds = S.filter isBin predsWithId
cts = CommTypeSort $ S.fold predSorts S.empty binPreds
return cts
where isBin ot = (2 == (length (predArgs ot)))
predSorts p inS = inS `S.union` (S.fromList (predArgs p))
-- | Given two CspCASL communication alphabets, check that the first's
-- subsort closure is a subset of the second's subsort closure.
checkCommAlphaSub :: CommAlpha -> CommAlpha -> PROCESS -> String ->
State CspCASLSign ()
checkCommAlphaSub sub super proc context = do
sig <- get
let extras = ((closeCspCommAlpha sig sub) `S.difference`
(closeCspCommAlpha sig super))
if S.null extras
then do return ()
else do let err = ("Communication alphabet subset violations (" ++
context ++ "): " ++ (show $ S.toList extras))
addDiags [mkDiag Error err proc]
return ()
-- Static analysis of CASL terms occurring in CspCASL process terms.
-- | Statically analyse a CASL term appearing in a CspCASL process;
-- any in-scope process variables are added to the signature before
-- performing the analysis.
anaTermCspCASL :: ProcVarMap -> (TERM ()) ->
State CspCASLSign (Maybe (TERM ()))
anaTermCspCASL pm t = do
sig <- get
let newVars = Map.union pm (varMap sig)
sigext = sig { varMap = newVars }
Result ds mt = anaTermCspCASL' sigext t
addDiags ds
return mt
-- | Statically analyse a CASL term in the context of a CspCASL
-- signature. If successful, returns a fully-qualified term.
anaTermCspCASL' :: CspCASLSign -> TERM () -> Result (TERM ())
anaTermCspCASL' sig trm = do
let allIds = unite [mkIdSets (allOpIds sig) $ allPredIds sig]
ga = globAnnos sig
mix = emptyMix { mixRules = makeRules ga allIds }
resT <- resolveMixfix (putParen mix) (mixResolve mix)
ga (mixRules mix) trm
oneExpTerm (const return) sig resT
-- | Attempt to cast a CASL term to a particular CASL sort.
ccTermCast :: (TERM ()) -> SORT -> State CspCASLSign (Maybe (TERM ()))
ccTermCast t cSort =
if termSort == (cSort)
then return (Just t)
else do sig <- get
if Rel.member termSort cSort (sortRel sig)
then do let err = "upcast term to " ++ (show cSort)
addDiags [mkDiag Debug err t]
return (Just (Sorted_term t cSort (getRange t)))
else if Rel.member cSort termSort (sortRel sig)
then do let err = "downcast term to " ++ (show cSort)
addDiags [mkDiag Debug err t]
return (Just (Cast t cSort (getRange t)))
else do let err = "can't cast term to sort " ++
(show cSort)
addDiags [mkDiag Error err t]
return Nothing
where termSort = (sortOfTerm t)
-- Static analysis of CASL formulae occurring in CspCASL process
-- terms.
-- | Statically analyse a CASL formula appearing in a CspCASL process;
-- any in-scope process variables are added to the signature before
-- performing the analysis.
anaFormulaCspCASL :: ProcVarMap -> (FORMULA ()) ->
State CspCASLSign (Maybe (FORMULA ()))
anaFormulaCspCASL pm f = do
addDiags [mkDiag Debug "anaFormulaCspCASL" f]
sig <- get
let newVars = Map.union pm (varMap sig)
sigext = sig { varMap = newVars }
Result ds mt = anaFormulaCspCASL' sigext f
addDiags ds
return mt
-- | Statically analyse a CASL formula in the context of a CspCASL
-- signature. If successful, returns a fully-qualified formula.
anaFormulaCspCASL' :: CspCASLSign -> FORMULA () -> Result (FORMULA ())
anaFormulaCspCASL' sig frm = do
let allIds = unite [mkIdSets (allOpIds sig) $ allPredIds sig]
ga = globAnnos sig
mix = emptyMix { mixRules = makeRules ga allIds }
resF <- resolveFormula (putParen mix) (mixResolve mix) ga (mixRules mix) frm
minExpFORMULA (const return) sig resF
-- | Compute the communication alphabet arising from a formula
-- occurring in a CspCASL process term.
formulaComms :: (FORMULA ()) -> CommAlpha
formulaComms f = case f of
Quantification _ varDecls f' _ ->
(formulaComms f') `S.union` S.fromList vdSorts
where vdSorts = (map (CommTypeSort . vdSort) varDecls)
vdSort (Var_decl _ s _) = s
Conjunction fs _ -> S.unions (map formulaComms fs)
Disjunction fs _ -> S.unions (map formulaComms fs)
Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> (formulaComms f1) `S.union` (formulaComms f2)
Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> (formulaComms f1) `S.union` (formulaComms f2)
Negation f' _ -> formulaComms f'
Definedness t _ -> S.singleton (CommTypeSort (sortOfTerm t))
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ -> S.fromList [CommTypeSort (sortOfTerm t1),
CommTypeSort (sortOfTerm t2)]
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ -> S.fromList [CommTypeSort (sortOfTerm t1),
CommTypeSort (sortOfTerm t2)]
Membership t s _ -> S.fromList [CommTypeSort (sortOfTerm t),
CommTypeSort s]
Mixfix_formula t -> S.singleton (CommTypeSort (sortOfTerm t))
_ -> S.empty