StatAnaCSP.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Markus Roggenbach, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
static analysis for CSP-CASL
{- todo:
most of the process and channel analysis missing
sentences are completely missing:
use equation systems of processes, like:
spec hugo =
data ...
channel ...
process A = a->A
process P = ...A...Q...
Q = ...P....
R = a->P
reveal R
reveal R should keep CASL data part, and reveal process R
module CspCASL.StatAnaCSP where
import CASL.Sign
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Lib.State
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process (PROCESS_DEFN(..),
import CspCASL.SignCSP
-- This is a very null analysis function, returning as it does
-- essentially unchanged data.
basicAnalysisCspCASL :: (BASIC_CSP_CASL_SPEC, CSPSign, GlobalAnnos)
-> Result (BASIC_CSP_CASL_SPEC, CSPSign, [Named ()])
basicAnalysisCspCASL (Basic_Csp_Casl_Spec dd p, sigma, _ga) =
do let ((ch',p'), accSig) = runState (ana_BASIC_CSP ((Channel_items []),(Process p))) sigma
ds = reverse $ envDiags accSig
Result ds (Just ()) -- insert diags
return (Basic_Csp_Casl_Spec dd p, accSig, [])
-- | the main CspCASL analysis function
ana_BASIC_CSP (ch, p) = do
ch' <- anaChannels ch
p' <- anaProcesses p
return (ch',p')
anaChannels :: CHANNEL_DECL -> State CSPSign CHANNEL_DECL
anaChannels (Channel_items cits) =
fmap Channel_items $ mapM (anaChannel) cits
anaChannel :: CHANNEL_ITEM -> State CSPSign CHANNEL_ITEM
anaChannel chdecl@(Channel_decl newnames s) = do
checkSorts [s]
sig <- get
let ext = extendedInfo sig
oldchn = channelNames ext
-- test for double declaration with different sorts should be added
let ins m n = Map.insert (mkId [n]) s m
put sig { extendedInfo = ext { channelNames = foldl ins oldchn newnames } }
return chdecl
anaProcesses :: PROCESS_DEFN -> State CSPSign PROCESS_DEFN
anaProcesses p = return p