SimplifySen.hs revision 33bdce26495121cdbce30331ef90a1969126a840
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : simplification of CspCASL sentences for output after analysis
Copyright : (c) Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Simplification of CspCASL sentences for output after analysis
module CspCASL.SimplifySen(simplifySen) where
import CASL.SimplifySen (simplifyCASLSen, simplifyCASLTerm)
-- import Common.Id(genToken, Range)
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process
import CspCASL.SignCSP
-- | Simplify a CspCASL sentence for before pretty printing, e.g. for
-- "show theory". Typically this replaces fully quallified CASL by
-- non fully qualified CASL so that it is readable.
simplifySen :: CspCASLSign -> CspCASLSen -> CspCASLSen
simplifySen sigma sen = sen
simplifySen' :: CspCASLSign -> CspCASLSen -> CspCASLSen
simplifySen' sigma sen =
case sen of
CASLSen f ->
-- Use the CASL simplifySen function
let caslSign = ccSig2CASLSign sigma
in CASLSen $ simplifyCASLSen caslSign f
ProcessEq pn var alpha p ->
-- Simpliy the process
let simpVar = simplifyFQProcVarList sigma var
simpP = simplifyProc sigma p
in ProcessEq pn simpVar alpha simpP
simplifyFQProcVarList :: CspCASLSign -> FQProcVarList -> FQProcVarList
simplifyFQProcVarList sigma fqvars =
let caslSign = ccSig2CASLSign sigma
in map (simplifyCASLTerm caslSign) fqvars
-- | Simplifies the fully qualified CASL data and simplifies the fully
-- qualified processes down to non-fully qualified processes.
simplifyProc :: CspCASLSign -> PROCESS -> PROCESS
simplifyProc sigma proc =
let caslSign = ccSig2CASLSign sigma
in case proc of
Skip range ->
Skip range
Stop range ->
Stop range
Div range ->
Div range
Run es range ->
Run (simplifyEventSet es) range
Chaos es range ->
Chaos (simplifyEventSet es) range
PrefixProcess e p range ->
PrefixProcess (simplifyEvent sigma e) (simplifyProc sigma p) range
Sequential p q range ->
Sequential (simplifyProc sigma p) (simplifyProc sigma q) range
ExternalChoice p q range ->
ExternalChoice (simplifyProc sigma p) (simplifyProc sigma q) range
InternalChoice p q range ->
InternalChoice (simplifyProc sigma p) (simplifyProc sigma q) range
Interleaving p q range ->
Interleaving (simplifyProc sigma p) (simplifyProc sigma q) range
SynchronousParallel p q range ->
SynchronousParallel (simplifyProc sigma p)
(simplifyProc sigma q) range
GeneralisedParallel p es q range ->
GeneralisedParallel (simplifyProc sigma p)
(simplifyEventSet es)
(simplifyProc sigma q) range
AlphabetisedParallel p esp esq q range ->
AlphabetisedParallel (simplifyProc sigma p)
(simplifyEventSet esp)
(simplifyEventSet esq)
(simplifyProc sigma q) range
Hiding p es range ->
Hiding (simplifyProc sigma p) (simplifyEventSet es) range
RenamingProcess p r range ->
RenamingProcess (simplifyProc sigma p) r range
ConditionalProcess f p q range ->
ConditionalProcess (simplifyCASLSen caslSign f)
(simplifyProc sigma p)
(simplifyProc sigma q) range
NamedProcess name args range ->
NamedProcess name (simplifyFQProcVarList sigma args) range
-- Throw away the FQProccess and just take the simplified inner
-- process. The inner rocesses range will be equal to this
-- processes range by construction.
FQProcess p _ _ ->
simplifyProc sigma p
-- | Simplifies the fully qualified events but using the casl
-- simplification of data and removed channel qualification.
simplifyEvent :: CspCASLSign -> EVENT -> EVENT
simplifyEvent sigma event =
case event of
-- This is a non-fully qualified event anyway.
TermEvent t r -> TermEvent t r
-- This is a non-fully qualified event anyway.
ExternalPrefixChoice v s r -> ExternalPrefixChoice v s r
-- This is a non-fully qualified event anyway.
InternalPrefixChoice v s r -> InternalPrefixChoice v s r
-- This is a non-fully qualified event anyway.
ChanSend cn t r -> ChanSend cn t r
-- This is a non-fully qualified event anyway.
ChanNonDetSend cn v s r -> ChanNonDetSend cn v s r
-- This is a non-fully qualified event anyway.
ChanRecv cn v s r -> ChanRecv cn v s r
-- All the fully qualified data is in the parameters here that
-- we don't use. e is an non-fully qualified event (which
-- may contain fully qualfied processes), so we simpliy just e.
FQEvent e _ _ _ -> simplifyEvent sigma e
-- I am not really sure what to do with the sorts at the moment, can they be
-- compound sorts
-- | Simplifies the fully qualified event sets but using the casl
-- simplification of data and removed channel qualification.
simplifyEventSet :: EVENT_SET -> EVENT_SET
simplifyEventSet eventSet = eventSet
-- case eventSet of
-- -- This is a non-fully qualified event set anyway.
-- EventSet es r -> EventSet es r
-- FQEventSet fqEr r -> simplifyCommTypes fqEr r
-- | Simplify a list of comm types. This is basically undoing the
-- static analysis and chaning sorts and typed channel names back to
-- just a list of identifiers containing mixed channels and
-- sorts. This is why we return an EVENT_SET.
-- simplifyCommTypes :: [CommType] -> Range -> EVENT_SET
-- simplifyCommTypes commTypes r =
-- EventSet (map simplifyCommType commTypes) r
-- where
-- simplifyCommType ct =
-- case ct of
-- CommTypeSort s -> genToken $ show s
-- CommTypeChan (TypedChanName chanName _) -> chanName