SignCSP.hs revision d3c9318c22fcf44d9135a3b2c64f880b9a785bab
{- |
Module : $Id$
Description : CspCASL signatures
Copyright : (c) Markus Roggenbach and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
signatures for CSP-CASL
-- todo: implement isInclusion, computeExt
module CspCASL.SignCSP where
PROCESS(..), CommAlpha, CommType(..), TypedChanName(..))
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL ()
import CspCASL.CspCASL_Keywords
import CspCASL.Print_CspCASL ()
import CASL.Sign (CASLSign, emptySign, Sign, extendedInfo, sortRel)
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named)
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Rel (predecessors)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | A process has zero or more parameter sorts, and a communication
-- alphabet.
data ProcProfile = ProcProfile [SORT] CommAlpha
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type ChanNameMap = Map.Map CHANNEL_NAME SORT
type ProcNameMap = Map.Map PROCESS_NAME ProcProfile
type ProcVarMap = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID SORT
type ProcVarList = [(SIMPLE_ID, SORT)]
-- Close a communication alphabet under CASL subsort
closeCspCommAlpha :: CspCASLSign -> CommAlpha -> CommAlpha
closeCspCommAlpha sig =
-- Close one CommType under CASL subsort
closeOneCspComm :: CspCASLSign -> CommType -> CommAlpha
closeOneCspComm sig x = let
mkTypedChan c s = CommTypeChan $ TypedChanName c s
subsorts s' =
Set.singleton s' `Set.union` predecessors (sortRel sig) s'
in case x of
CommTypeSort s -> CommTypeSort (subsorts s)
CommTypeChan (TypedChanName c s) -> CommTypeSort (subsorts s)
{- Will probably be useful, but doesn't appear to be right now.
-- Extract the sorts from a process alphabet
procAlphaSorts :: CommAlpha -> Set.Set SORT
procAlphaSorts a = stripMaybe $ justSort a
where justSort n = case n of
(CommTypeSort s) -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
-- Extract the typed channel names from a process alphabet
procAlphaChans :: CommAlpha -> Set.Set TypedChanName
procAlphaChans a = stripMaybe $ justChan a
where justChan n = case n of
(CommTypeChan c) -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
-- Given a set of Maybes, filter to keep only the Justs
-- Close a set of sorts under a subsort relation
cspSubsortCloseSorts sig sorts =
Set.unions subsort_sets
where subsort_sets =
Set.toList $ (cspSubsortPreds sig) sorts
-- | CSP process signature.
data CspSign = CspSign
{ chans :: ChanNameMap
, procSet :: ProcNameMap
-- | Added for uniformity to the CASL static analysis. After
-- static analysis this is the empty list.
, ccSentences :: [Named CspCASLSen]
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A CspCASL signature is a CASL signature with a CSP process
-- signature in the extendedInfo part.
type CspCASLSign = Sign () CspSign
ccSig2CASLSign :: CspCASLSign -> CASLSign
ccSig2CASLSign sigma = sigma { extendedInfo = () }
-- | Projection from CspCASL signature to Csp signature
ccSig2CspSign :: CspCASLSign -> CspSign
ccSig2CspSign sigma = extendedInfo sigma
-- | Empty CspCASL signature.
emptyCspCASLSign :: CspCASLSign
emptyCspCASLSign = emptySign emptyCspSign
-- | Empty CSP process signature.
emptyCspSign :: CspSign
emptyCspSign = CspSign
{ chans = Map.empty
, procSet = Map.empty
, ccSentences =[]
-- | Compute union of two CSP process signatures.
addCspProcSig :: CspSign -> CspSign -> CspSign
addCspProcSig a b =
a { chans = chans a `Map.union` chans b
, procSet = procSet a `Map.union` procSet b
-- | Compute difference of two CSP process signatures.
diffCspProcSig :: CspSign -> CspSign -> CspSign
diffCspProcSig a b =
a { chans = chans a `Map.difference` chans b
, procSet = procSet a `Map.difference` procSet b
-- XXX looks incomplete!
isInclusion :: CspSign -> CspSign -> Bool
isInclusion _ _ = True
-- | Pretty printing for CspCASL signatures
instance Pretty CspSign where
pretty = printCspSign
printCspSign :: CspSign -> Doc
printCspSign sigma =
chan_part $+$ proc_part
where chan_part =
case (Map.size $ chans sigma) of
0 -> empty
1 -> (keyword channelS) <+> printChanNameMap (chans sigma)
_ -> (keyword channelsS) <+> printChanNameMap (chans sigma)
proc_part = (keyword processS) <+> printProcNameMap (procSet sigma)
-- | Pretty printing for channel name maps
instance Pretty ChanNameMap where
pretty = printChanNameMap
printChanNameMap :: ChanNameMap -> Doc
printChanNameMap chanMap =
vcat $ punctuate semi $ map printChan $ Map.toList chanMap
where printChan (chanName, sort) =
(pretty chanName) <+> colon <+> (pretty sort)
-- | Pretty printing for process name maps
instance Pretty ProcNameMap where
pretty = printProcNameMap
printProcNameMap :: ProcNameMap -> Doc
printProcNameMap procNameMap =
vcat $ punctuate semi $ map printProcName $ Map.toList procNameMap
where printProcName (procName, procProfile) =
(pretty procName) <+> pretty procProfile
-- | Pretty printing for process profiles
instance Pretty ProcProfile where
pretty = printProcProfile
printProcProfile :: ProcProfile -> Doc
printProcProfile (ProcProfile sorts commAlpha) =
printArgs sorts <+> colon <+> (ppWithCommas $ Set.toList commAlpha)
where printArgs [] = empty
printArgs args = parens $ ppWithCommas args
-- Sentences
-- | FQProcVarList should only contain fully qualified CASL variables
-- which are TERMs i.e. constructed via the TERM constructor
-- Qual_var.
type FQProcVarList = [TERM ()]
-- | A CspCASl senetence is either a CASL formula or a Procsses
-- equation. A process equation has on the LHS a process name, a
-- list of parameters which are qualified variables (which are
-- terms), a constituent( or is it permitted ?) communication
-- alphabet and finally on the RHS a fully qualified process.
data CspCASLSen
| ProcessEq PROCESS_NAME FQProcVarList CommAlpha PROCESS
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange CspCASLSen
instance Pretty CspCASLSen where
pretty(CASLSen f) = pretty f
pretty(ProcessEq pn varList commAlpha proc) =
let varDoc = if (null varList)
then empty
else parens $ sepByCommas $ map pretty varList
commAlphaDoc = brackets ((text "CommAlpha:") <+>
(text $ show commAlpha))
in pretty pn <+> varDoc <+> commAlphaDoc <+>
equals <+> pretty proc
-- | Empty CspCASL sentence
emptyCCSen :: CspCASLSen
emptyCCSen =
let emptyProcName = mkSimpleId "empty"
emptyVarList = []
emptyAlphabet = Set.empty
emptyProc = Skip nullRange
in ProcessEq emptyProcName emptyVarList emptyAlphabet emptyProc -- BUG - this is incorrect
-- | Test if a CspCASL sentence is a CASL sentence
isCASLSen :: CspCASLSen -> Bool
isCASLSen (CASLSen _) = True
isCASLSen _ = False
-- | Test if a CspCASL sentence is a Process Equation.
isProcessEq :: CspCASLSen -> Bool
isProcessEq (ProcessEq _ _ _ _) = True
isProcessEq _ = False