SignCSP.hs revision 842ae753ab848a8508c4832ab64296b929167a97
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Id$
Description : CspCASL signatures
Copyright : (c) Markus Roggenbach and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
signatures for CSP-CASL
module CspCASL.SignCSP where
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.ToDoc
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process
CommAlpha, CommType (..), TypedChanName (..), ProcProfile (..))
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL ()
import CspCASL.CspCASL_Keywords
import qualified CspCASL.LocalTop as LocalTop
import CspCASL.Print_CspCASL ()
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named)
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Rel (Rel, predecessors)
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type ChanNameMap = Map.Map CHANNEL_NAME (Set.Set SORT)
type ProcNameMap = Map.Map SIMPLE_PROCESS_NAME (Set.Set ProcProfile)
type ProcVarMap = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID SORT
type ProcVarList = [(SIMPLE_ID, SORT)]
-- | Add a process name and its profile to a process name map. exist.
addProcNameToProcNameMap :: SIMPLE_PROCESS_NAME -> ProcProfile ->
ProcNameMap -> ProcNameMap
addProcNameToProcNameMap name profile pm =
let l = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty name pm
in Map.insert name (Set.insert profile l) pm
-- | Test if a simple process name with a profile is in the process name map.
isNameInProcNameMap :: SIMPLE_PROCESS_NAME -> ProcProfile -> ProcNameMap -> Bool
isNameInProcNameMap name profile pm =
let l = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty name pm
in Set.member profile l
{- | Given a simple process name and a required number of parameters, find a
unqiue profile with that many parameters if possible. If this is not possible
(i.e., name does not exist, or no profile with the required number of
arguments or not unique profile for the required number of arguments), then
the functions returns a failed result with a helpful error message. failure. -}
getUniqueProfileInProcNameMap :: SIMPLE_PROCESS_NAME -> Int -> ProcNameMap ->
Result ProcProfile
getUniqueProfileInProcNameMap name numParams pm =
let profiles = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty name pm
isMatch (ProcProfile argSorts _) =
length argSorts == numParams
matchedProfiles = Set.filter isMatch profiles
in case Set.toList matchedProfiles of
[] -> mkError ("Process name not in signature with "
++ show numParams ++ " parameters:") name
[p] -> return p
_ -> mkError ("Process name not unique in signature with "
++ show numParams ++ " parameters:") name
{- | Close a proc name map under a sub-sort relation. Assumes all the proc
profile's comms are in the sub sort relation and simply makes the comms
downward closed under the sub-sort relation. -}
closeProcNameMapSortRel :: Rel SORT -> ProcNameMap -> ProcNameMap
closeProcNameMapSortRel sig = ( $ closeProcProfileSortRel sig)
{- | Close a profile under a sub-sort relation. Assumes the proc profile's
comms are in the sub sort relation and simply makes the comms downward closed
under the sub-sort relation. -}
closeProcProfileSortRel :: Rel SORT -> ProcProfile -> ProcProfile
closeProcProfileSortRel sig (ProcProfile argSorts comms) =
ProcProfile argSorts (closeCspCommAlpha sig comms)
-- Close a communication alphabet under CASL subsort
closeCspCommAlpha :: Rel SORT -> CommAlpha -> CommAlpha
closeCspCommAlpha sr =
Set.unions . Set.toList . (closeOneCspComm sr)
-- Close one CommType under CASL subsort
closeOneCspComm :: Rel SORT -> CommType -> CommAlpha
closeOneCspComm sr x = let
mkTypedChan c s = CommTypeChan $ TypedChanName c s
subsorts s' =
Set.singleton s' `Set.union` predecessors sr s'
in case x of
CommTypeSort s -> CommTypeSort (subsorts s)
CommTypeChan (TypedChanName c s) -> CommTypeSort (subsorts s)
`Set.union` (mkTypedChan c) (subsorts s)
{- Will probably be useful, but doesn't appear to be right now.
-- Extract the sorts from a process alphabet
procAlphaSorts :: CommAlpha -> Set.Set SORT
procAlphaSorts a = stripMaybe $ justSort a
where justSort n = case n of
(CommTypeSort s) -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
-- Extract the typed channel names from a process alphabet
procAlphaChans :: CommAlpha -> Set.Set TypedChanName
procAlphaChans a = stripMaybe $ justChan a
where justChan n = case n of
(CommTypeChan c) -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
-- Given a set of Maybes, filter to keep only the Justs
stripMaybe :: Ord a => Set.Set (Maybe a) -> Set.Set a
stripMaybe x = Set.fromList $ Maybe.catMaybes $ Set.toList x
-- Close a set of sorts under a subsort relation
cspSubsortCloseSorts :: CspCASLSign -> Set.Set SORT -> Set.Set SORT
cspSubsortCloseSorts sig sorts =
Set.unions subsort_sets
where subsort_sets =
Set.toList $ (cspSubsortPreds sig) sorts
-- | CSP process signature.
data CspSign = CspSign
{ chans :: ChanNameMap
, procSet :: ProcNameMap
{- | Added for uniformity to the CASL static analysis. After
static analysis this is the empty list. -}
, ccSentences :: [Named CspCASLSen]
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
{- | I dont know if this is implemented correctly. Always prefers sign1 if there
are clashes in chans or procSet. BUG? I guess this would be called once the
union of the data signatures has been computed. But this unioned data
signature may have changed the subsort structure, so the process map may have
to ben repaired to make the keys closed under subsort. -}
cspSignUnion :: CspSign -> CspSign -> CspSign
cspSignUnion _ _ = error "NYI: CspCASL.SignCSP.cspSignUnion"
{- CspSign { chans = Map.union (chans sign1) (chans sign2)
, procSet = Map.union (procSet sign1) (procSet sign2)
, ccSentences = ccSentences sign1 ++ ccSentences sign2
} -}
{- | A CspCASL signature is a CASL signature with a CSP process
signature in the extendedInfo part. -}
type CspCASLSign = Sign () CspSign
ccSig2CASLSign :: CspCASLSign -> CASLSign
ccSig2CASLSign sigma = sigma { extendedInfo = () }
-- | Projection from CspCASL signature to Csp signature
ccSig2CspSign :: CspCASLSign -> CspSign
ccSig2CspSign = extendedInfo
-- | Empty CspCASL signature.
emptyCspCASLSign :: CspCASLSign
emptyCspCASLSign = emptySign emptyCspSign
-- | Empty CSP process signature.
emptyCspSign :: CspSign
emptyCspSign = CspSign
{ chans = Map.empty
, procSet = Map.empty
, ccSentences = []
-- | Compute union of two CSP CASL signatures.
unionCspCASLSign :: CspCASLSign -> CspCASLSign -> Result CspCASLSign
unionCspCASLSign s1 s2 = do
-- Compute the unioned data signature ignoring the csp signatures
let newDataSig = uniteCASLSign (ccSig2CASLSign s1) (ccSig2CASLSign s2)
-- Check that the new data signature has local top elements
diags' = LocalTop.checkLocalTops $ sortRel newDataSig
-- Compute the unioned csp signature with respect to the new data signature
newCspSign = unionCspSign newDataSig (extendedInfo s1) (extendedInfo s2)
{- Only error will be added if there are any probelms. If there are no
problems no errors will be added and hets will continue as normal. -}
appendDiags diags'
-- put both the new data signature and the csp signature back together
return $ newDataSig {extendedInfo = newCspSign}
{- | Compute union of two CSP signatures assuming the new already computed data
signature. -}
unionCspSign :: Sign () () -> CspSign -> CspSign -> CspSign
unionCspSign dataSig a b =
let sr = sortRel dataSig
closedProcSetA = closeProcNameMapSortRel sr $ procSet a
closedProcSetB = closeProcNameMapSortRel sr $ procSet b
in emptyCspSign
{ chans = addMapSet (chans a) $ chans b
{- Union the maps, and where there is the same key in both maps take the
union of both of the process name sets for that key. -}
, procSet = addMapSet closedProcSetA closedProcSetB
-- | Compute difference of two CSP process signatures.
diffCspProcSig :: CspSign -> CspSign -> CspSign
diffCspProcSig a b = emptyCspSign
{ chans = diffMapSet (chans a) $ chans b
, procSet = diffMapSet (procSet a) $ procSet b
-- | Is one CspCASL Signature a sub signature of another
isCspCASLSubSig :: CspCASLSign -> CspCASLSign -> Bool
isCspCASLSubSig =
-- Normal casl subsignature and our extended csp part
isSubSig isCspSubSign
{- Also the sorts and sub-sort rels should be equal. If they are not then we
cannot just add the processes in as their profiles need to be donward closed
under the new sort-rels, but we do not check this here. -}
{- | Is one Csp Signature a sub signature of another assuming the same data
signature for now. -}
isCspSubSign :: CspSign -> CspSign -> Bool
isCspSubSign a b =
isSubMapSet (chans a) (chans b) &&
-- Check for each profile that the set of names are included.
isSubMapSet (procSet a) (procSet b)
-- | Pretty printing for CspCASL signatures
instance Pretty CspSign where
pretty = printCspSign
mapSetToList :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map.Map a (Set.Set b) -> [(a, b)]
mapSetToList = concatMap (\ (c, ts) -> map (\ t -> (c, t)) $ Set.toList ts)
. Map.toList
printCspSign :: CspSign -> Doc
printCspSign sigma =
case mapSetToList $ chans sigma of
[] -> empty
s -> keyword (channelS ++ appendS s) <+> printChanList s
$+$ case mapSetToList $ procSet sigma of
[] -> empty
ps -> keyword processS <+> printProcList ps
-- | Pretty printing for channels
printChanList :: [(CHANNEL_NAME, SORT)] -> Doc
printChanList =
vcat . punctuate semi . map printChan
where printChan (chanName, sort) =
pretty chanName <+> colon <+> pretty sort
-- | Pretty printing for processes
printProcList :: [(SIMPLE_PROCESS_NAME, ProcProfile)] -> Doc
printProcList =
vcat . punctuate semi . map printProc
where printProc (procName, procProfile) = pretty procName <+>
pretty procProfile
-- | Pretty printing for process profiles
instance Pretty ProcProfile where
pretty = printProcProfile
printProcProfile :: ProcProfile -> Doc
printProcProfile (ProcProfile sorts commAlpha) =
printArgs sorts <+> colon <+> ppWithCommas (Set.toList commAlpha)
where printArgs [] = empty
printArgs args = parens $ ppWithCommas args
-- Sentences
{- | FQProcVarList should only contain fully qualified CASL variables which are
TERMs i.e. constructed via the TERM constructor Qual_var. -}
type FQProcVarList = [TERM ()]
{- | A CspCASl senetence is either a CASL formula or a Procsses equation. A
process equation has on the LHS a process name, a list of parameters which
are qualified variables (which are terms), a constituent( or is it permitted
?) communication alphabet and finally on the RHS a fully qualified process. -}
data CspCASLSen
| ProcessEq FQ_PROCESS_NAME FQProcVarList CommAlpha PROCESS
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange CspCASLSen
instance Pretty CspCASLSen where
pretty (CASLSen f) = pretty f
pretty (ProcessEq pn varList _commAlpha proc) =
let varDoc = if null varList
then empty
else parens $ ppWithCommas varList
in pretty pn <+> varDoc <+> equals <+> pretty proc
-- | Test if a CspCASL sentence is a CASL sentence
isCASLSen :: CspCASLSen -> Bool
isCASLSen (CASLSen _) = True
isCASLSen _ = False
-- | Test if a CspCASL sentence is a Process Equation.
isProcessEq :: CspCASLSen -> Bool
isProcessEq (ProcessEq _ _ _ _) = True
isProcessEq _ = False