SignCSP.hs revision b6e474220ddcf68a75ca3dc26093c5ac21e31747
{- |
Module : $Id$
Description : CspCASL signatures
Copyright : (c) Markus Roggenbach and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
signatures for CSP-CASL
-- todo: implement isInclusion, computeExt
module CspCASL.SignCSP where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL (SORT)
import CASL.Sign (emptySign, Sign, extendedInfo, sortRel)
import CASL.Morphism (Morphism)
import qualified Common.Doc as Doc
import qualified Common.DocUtils as DocUtils
import Common.Id (Id, SIMPLE_ID)
import Common.Lib.Rel (predecessors)
import Common.Result
import Control.Monad (unless)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | A process has zero or more parameter sorts, and a communication
-- alphabet.
data ProcProfile = ProcProfile [SORT] CommAlpha
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A process communication alphabet consists of a set of sort names
-- and typed channel names.
data TypedChanName = TypedChanName CHANNEL_NAME SORT
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data CommType = CommTypeSort SORT
| CommTypeChan TypedChanName
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show CommType where
show (CommTypeSort s) = show s
show (CommTypeChan (TypedChanName c s)) = show (c, s)
type CommAlpha = Set.Set CommType
type ChanNameMap = Map.Map CHANNEL_NAME SORT
type ProcNameMap = Map.Map PROCESS_NAME ProcProfile
type ProcVarMap = Map.Map SIMPLE_ID SORT
-- Close a communication alphabet under CASL subsort
closeCspCommAlpha :: CspCASLSign -> CommAlpha -> CommAlpha
closeCspCommAlpha sig = Set.unions . Set.toList . (closeOneCspComm sig)
-- Close one CommType under CASL subsort
closeOneCspComm :: CspCASLSign -> CommType -> CommAlpha
closeOneCspComm sig x = let
mkTypedChan c s = CommTypeChan $ TypedChanName c s
subsorts s' = Set.singleton s' `Set.union` predecessors (sortRel sig) s'
in case x of
CommTypeSort s -> CommTypeSort (subsorts s)
CommTypeChan (TypedChanName c s) -> CommTypeSort (subsorts s)
`Set.union` (mkTypedChan c) (subsorts s)
{- Will probably be useful, but doesn't appear to be right now.
-- Extract the sorts from a process alphabet
procAlphaSorts :: CommAlpha -> Set.Set SORT
procAlphaSorts a = stripMaybe $ justSort a
where justSort n = case n of
(CommTypeSort s) -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
-- Extract the typed channel names from a process alphabet
procAlphaChans :: CommAlpha -> Set.Set TypedChanName
procAlphaChans a = stripMaybe $ justChan a
where justChan n = case n of
(CommTypeChan c) -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
-- Given a set of Maybes, filter to keep only the Justs
stripMaybe :: Ord a => Set.Set (Maybe a) -> Set.Set a
stripMaybe x = Set.fromList $ Maybe.catMaybes $ Set.toList x
-- Close a set of sorts under a subsort relation
cspSubsortCloseSorts :: CspCASLSign -> Set.Set SORT -> Set.Set SORT
cspSubsortCloseSorts sig sorts =
Set.unions subsort_sets
where subsort_sets = Set.toList $ (cspSubsortPreds sig) sorts
-- | CSP process signature.
data CspSign = CspSign
{ chans :: ChanNameMap
, procSet :: ProcNameMap
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A CspCASL signature is a CASL signature with a CSP process
-- signature in the extendedInfo part.
type CspCASLSign = Sign () CspSign
ccSig2CASLSign :: CspCASLSign -> Sign () ()
ccSig2CASLSign sigma = sigma { extendedInfo = () }
-- | Empty CspCASL signature.
emptyCspCASLSign :: CspCASLSign
emptyCspCASLSign = emptySign emptyCspSign
-- | Empty CSP process signature.
emptyCspSign :: CspSign
emptyCspSign = CspSign
{ chans = Map.empty
, procSet = Map.empty
-- | Compute union of two CSP process signatures.
addCspProcSig :: CspSign -> CspSign -> CspSign
addCspProcSig a b =
a { chans = chans a `Map.union` chans b
, procSet = procSet a `Map.union` procSet b
-- XXX looks incomplete!
isInclusion :: CspSign -> CspSign -> Bool
isInclusion _ _ = True
-- XXX morphisms between CSP process signatures?
data CspAddMorphism = CspAddMorphism
{ channelMap :: Map.Map Id Id
, processMap :: Map.Map Id Id
} deriving (Eq, Show)
inverseCspAddMorphism :: CspAddMorphism -> Result CspAddMorphism
inverseCspAddMorphism cm = do
let chL = Map.toList $ channelMap cm
prL = Map.toList $ processMap cm
swap = map $ \ (a, b) -> (b, a)
isInj l = length l == Set.size (Set.fromList $ map snd l)
unless (isInj chL) $ fail "invertCspAddMorphism.channelMap"
unless (isInj prL) $ fail "invertCspAddMorphism.processMap"
return emptyCspAddMorphism
{ channelMap = Map.fromList $ swap chL
, processMap = Map.fromList $ swap prL }
type CspMorphism = Morphism () CspSign CspAddMorphism
emptyCspAddMorphism :: CspAddMorphism
emptyCspAddMorphism = CspAddMorphism
{ channelMap = Map.empty -- ???
, processMap = Map.empty
-- dummy instances, need to be elaborated!
instance DocUtils.Pretty CspSign where
pretty = Doc.text . show
instance DocUtils.Pretty CspAddMorphism where
pretty = Doc.text . show