Print_CspCASL.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Pretty printing for CspCASL
Copyright : (c) Andy Gimblett and Uni Bremen 2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Printing abstract syntax of CSP-CASL
module CspCASL.Print_CspCASL where
import CASL.Fold
import CASL.ToDoc
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Keywords (elseS, ifS, thenS, opS, predS)
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process
import CspCASL.CspCASL_Keywords
import qualified Data.Set as Set
instance Pretty CspBasicExt where
pretty = printCspBasicExt
instance ListCheck CHANNEL_DECL where
innerList (ChannelDecl l _) = innerList l
printCspBasicExt :: CspBasicExt -> Doc
printCspBasicExt ccs = case ccs of
Channels cs _ -> keyword (channelS ++ pluralS cs)
<+> semiAnnos printChanDecl cs
ProcItems ps _ -> keyword processS
<+> semiAnnos printProcItem ps
instance Pretty FQ_PROCESS_NAME where
pretty = printProcessName
-- | Pretty printing for process profiles
instance Pretty ProcProfile where
pretty = printProcProfile
printCommAlpha :: CommAlpha -> Doc
printCommAlpha = printProcAlphabet . ProcAlphabet . Set.toList
printProcProfile :: ProcProfile -> Doc
printProcProfile (ProcProfile sorts commAlpha) =
sep [printArgs sorts, printCommAlpha commAlpha]
printProcessName :: FQ_PROCESS_NAME -> Doc
printProcessName fqPn = case fqPn of
PROCESS_NAME pn -> pretty pn
FQ_PROCESS_NAME pn profile -> parens $ sep
[ keyword processS <+> pretty pn <> printProcProfile profile]
instance Pretty CHANNEL_DECL where
pretty = printChanDecl
printChanDecl :: CHANNEL_DECL -> Doc
printChanDecl (ChannelDecl ns s) =
ppWithCommas ns <+> colon <+> pretty s
instance Pretty PROC_ITEM where
pretty = printProcItem
printArgs :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc
printArgs a = if null a then empty else parens $ ppWithCommas a
printProcItem :: PROC_ITEM -> Doc
printProcItem (Proc_Decl pn args alpha) =
sep [pretty pn <> printArgs args, printProcAlphabet alpha]
printProcItem (Proc_Defn pn args alpha p) =
sep [ pretty pn <> printOptArgDecls args
, printProcAlphabet alpha
, equals <+> pretty p]
printProcItem (Proc_Eq pn p) = sep [pretty pn, equals <+> pretty p]
instance Pretty PARM_PROCNAME where
pretty = printParmProcname
printParmProcname :: PARM_PROCNAME -> Doc
printParmProcname (ParmProcname pn args) =
pretty pn <> printArgs args
printProcAlphabet :: PROC_ALPHABET -> Doc
printProcAlphabet (ProcAlphabet commTypes) = colon <+> case commTypes of
[CommTypeSort s] -> pretty s
_ -> braces $ ppWithCommas commTypes
instance Pretty PROCESS where
pretty = printProcess
printProcess :: PROCESS -> Doc
printProcess pr = case pr of
-- precedence 0
Skip _ -> text skipS
Stop _ -> text stopS
Div _ -> text divS
Run es _ -> text runS <+> parens (pretty es)
Chaos es _ -> text chaosS <+> parens (pretty es)
NamedProcess pn ts _ ->
pretty pn <+> printArgs ts
-- precedence 1
ConditionalProcess f p q _ -> fsep
[ keyword ifS <+> pretty f
, keyword thenS <+> pretty p
, keyword elseS <+> pretty q ]
-- precedence 2
Hiding p es _ -> sep
[ lglue pr p, hiding_proc <+> pretty es ]
RenamingProcess p r _ -> sep
[ lglue pr p, ren_proc_open <+> pretty r <+> ren_proc_close ]
-- precedence 3
Sequential p q _ -> sep
[ lglue pr p, sequential <+> glue pr q ]
PrefixProcess event p _ -> sep
[ pretty event <+> prefix_proc, glue pr p ]
-- precedence 4
InternalChoice p q _ -> sep
[ lglue pr p, internal_choice <+> glue pr q ]
ExternalChoice p q _ -> sep
[ lglue pr p, external_choice <+> glue pr q ]
-- precedence 5
Interleaving p q _ -> sep
[ lglue pr p, interleave <+> glue pr q ]
SynchronousParallel p q _ -> sep
[ lglue pr p, synchronous <+> glue pr q ]
GeneralisedParallel p es q _ -> fsep
[ lglue pr p
, genpar_open <+> pretty es <+> genpar_close
, glue pr q ]
AlphabetisedParallel p les res q _ -> fsep
[ lglue pr p
, alpar_open <+> pretty les
, alpar_sep <+> pretty res
, alpar_close <+> glue pr q ]
FQProcess p _ _ -> pretty p
instance Pretty CommType where
pretty (CommTypeSort s) = pretty s
pretty (CommTypeChan (TypedChanName c s)) =
pretty c <+> colon <+> pretty s
instance Pretty Rename where
pretty (Rename i mk) = let n = pretty i in case mk of
Nothing -> n
Just (k, ms) -> case ms of
Nothing -> case k of
BinPred -> keyword predS <+> n
_ -> keyword opS <+> n
Just (s1, s2) -> n <+> colon <+> pretty s1 <+> case k of
BinPred -> cross
TotOp -> funArrow
PartOp -> pfun
<+> pretty s2
instance Pretty RENAMING where
pretty (Renaming ids) = ppWithCommas ids
{- glue and lglue decide whether the child in the parse tree needs
to be parenthesised or not. -}
-- | the second argument is a right argument process of the first argument
glue :: PROCESS -> PROCESS -> Doc
glue x y = let
p = procPrio y
q = procPrio x in
(if p < Cond && (p > q || p == q && p > Pre) then parens else id) $ pretty y
-- | the second argument is a left argument process of the first argument
lglue :: PROCESS -> PROCESS -> Doc
lglue x y =
(if procPrio y > procPrio x || hasRightCond y then parens else id)
$ pretty y
hasRightCond :: PROCESS -> Bool
hasRightCond x = case x of
ConditionalProcess {} -> True
SynchronousParallel _ y _ -> hasRightCond y
GeneralisedParallel _ _ y _ -> hasRightCond y
AlphabetisedParallel _ _ _ y _ -> hasRightCond y
Interleaving _ y _ -> hasRightCond y
ExternalChoice _ y _ -> hasRightCond y
InternalChoice _ y _ -> hasRightCond y
Sequential _ y _ -> hasRightCond y
PrefixProcess _ y _ -> hasRightCond y
_ -> False
{- par binds weakest and is left associative. Then choice follows,
then sequence, then prefix and finally renaming or hiding. -}
data Prio = Prim | Post | Pre | Seq | Choice | Par | Cond deriving (Eq, Ord)
procPrio :: PROCESS -> Prio
procPrio x = case x of
ConditionalProcess {} -> Cond
SynchronousParallel {} -> Par
GeneralisedParallel {} -> Par
AlphabetisedParallel {} -> Par
Interleaving {} -> Par
ExternalChoice {} -> Choice
InternalChoice {} -> Choice
Sequential {} -> Seq
PrefixProcess {} -> Pre
Hiding {} -> Post
RenamingProcess {} -> Post
_ -> Prim
instance Pretty EVENT where
pretty = printEvent
-- | print an event.
printEvent :: EVENT -> Doc
printEvent ev =
let printRecord' = printRecord {
foldQual_var = \ _ v _ _ -> sidDoc v}
caslPrintTerm = foldTerm printRecord'
in case ev of
TermEvent t _ -> caslPrintTerm t
InternalPrefixChoice v s _ ->
internal_choice <+> pretty v <+> text svar_sortS <+> pretty s
ExternalPrefixChoice v s _ ->
external_choice <+> pretty v <+> text svar_sortS <+> pretty s
ChanSend cn t _ -> pretty cn <+> text chan_sendS <+> pretty t
ChanNonDetSend cn v s _ ->
pretty cn <+> text chan_sendS <+> pretty v
<+> text svar_sortS <+> pretty s
ChanRecv cn v s _ ->
pretty cn <+> text chan_receiveS <+> pretty v
<+> text svar_sortS <+> pretty s
FQTermEvent t _ -> caslPrintTerm t
FQExternalPrefixChoice t _ -> external_choice <+> pretty t
FQInternalPrefixChoice t _ -> internal_choice <+> pretty t
FQChanSend (cn, s) t _ -> pretty cn <> colon <> pretty s <+>
text chan_sendS <+> pretty t
FQChanNonDetSend (cn, s) v _ -> pretty cn <> colon <> pretty s <+>
text chan_sendS <+> pretty v
FQChanRecv (cn, s) v _ -> pretty cn <> colon <> pretty s <+>
text chan_receiveS <+> pretty v
instance Pretty EVENT_SET where
pretty = printEventSet
printEventSet :: EVENT_SET -> Doc
printEventSet (EventSet es _) = ppWithCommas es