Print_CspCASL.hs revision 29ac9ecacf0983a565b89f133ff2bdf2ac02b0c4
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Andy Gimblett and Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Printing abstract syntax of CSP-CASL
module CspCASL.Print_CspCASL where
import CASL.ToDoc
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Keywords (colonS, elseS, endS, ifS, thenS)
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process
import CspCASL.CspCASL_Keywords
instance Pretty BASIC_CSP_CASL_SPEC where
pretty = printBasic_Csp_Casl_Spec
printBasic_Csp_Casl_Spec :: BASIC_CSP_CASL_SPEC -> Doc
printBasic_Csp_Casl_Spec (Basic_Csp_Casl_Spec d p) =
keyword dataS <+> (pretty d) $+$
keyword processS <+> (pretty p) $+$
keyword endS
instance Pretty DATA_DEFN where
pretty = printDataDefn
printDataDefn :: DATA_DEFN -> Doc
printDataDefn (Spec bs) = printBASIC_SPEC pretty pretty pretty bs
instance Pretty PROCESS where
pretty = printProcess
printProcess :: PROCESS -> Doc
printProcess process = case process of
Skip -> text skipS
Stop -> text stopS
Div -> text divS
Run es -> (text runS) <+> (pretty es)
Chaos es -> (text chaosS) <+> (pretty es)
PrefixProcess ev p ->
(pretty ev) <+> (text prefixS) <+> (pretty p)
InternalPrefixProcess v es p ->
((text internal_prefixS) <+> (pretty v) <+>
(text colonS) <+> (pretty es) <+>
(text prefixS) <+> (pretty p)
ExternalPrefixProcess v es p ->
((text external_prefixS) <+> (pretty v) <+>
(text colonS) <+> (pretty es) <+>
(text prefixS) <+> (pretty p)
Sequential p q ->
(pretty p) <+> (text semicolonS) <+> (pretty q)
ExternalChoice p q ->
(pretty p) <+> (text external_choiceS) <+> (pretty q)
InternalChoice p q ->
(pretty p) <+> (text external_choiceS) <+> (pretty q)
Interleaving p q ->
(pretty p) <+> (text interleavingS) <+> (pretty q)
SynchronousParallel p q ->
(pretty p) <+> (text synchronousS) <+> (pretty q)
GeneralisedParallel p es q ->
((pretty p) <+> (text general_parallel_openS) <+>
(pretty es) <+>
(text general_parallel_closeS) <+> (pretty q))
AlphabetisedParallel p les res q ->
((pretty p) <+> (text alpha_parallel_openS) <+>
(pretty les) <+> (text alpha_parallel_sepS) <+> (pretty res) <+>
(text alpha_parallel_closeS) <+> (pretty q)
Hiding p es ->
(pretty p) <+> (text hidingS) <+> (pretty es)
Renaming p r ->
((pretty p) <+>
(text renaming_openS) <+> (pretty r) <+> (text renaming_closeS))
ConditionalProcess f p q ->
((text ifS) <+> (pretty f) <+>
(text thenS) <+> (pretty p) <+>
(text elseS) <+> (pretty q)
instance Pretty EVENT where
pretty = printEvent
printEvent :: EVENT -> Doc
printEvent (Event t) = pretty t
instance Pretty EVENT_SET where
pretty = printEventSet
printEventSet :: EVENT_SET -> Doc
printEventSet (EventSet s) = pretty s
instance Pretty CSP_FORMULA where
pretty = printCspFormula
printCspFormula :: CSP_FORMULA -> Doc
printCspFormula (Formula f) = pretty f