Morphism.hs revision 648fe1220044aac847acbdfbc4155af5556063eb
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Symbols and signature morphisms for the CspCASL logic
Copyright : (c) Liam O'Reilly, Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Symbols and signature morphisms for the CspCASL logic
module CspCASL.Morphism
( CspCASLMorphism
, CspAddMorphism (..)
, cspSubsigInclusion
, emptyCspAddMorphism
, cspAddMorphismUnion
, composeCspAddMorphism
, cspAddMorphismToSymbMap
, mapSen
) where
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process
import CspCASL.SignCSP
import CASL.Sign as CASL_Sign
import CASL.Morphism as CASL_Morphism
import qualified CASL.MapSentence as CASL_MapSen
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils (composeMap)
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- Morphisms
{- | This is the second component of a CspCASL signature moprhism, the process
name map. We map process name with a profile into new names and
communications alphabet. We follow CASL here and instread of mapping to a new
name and a new profile, we map just to the new name and the new
communications alphabet of the profile. This is because the argument sorts of
the profile have no chocie they have to be the sorts resultsing from maping
the original sorts in the profile with the data part map. Note: the
communications alphabet of the source profile must be downward closed with
respect to the CASL signature sub-sort relation (at source) and also the
target communications alphabet must be downward closed with respect to the
CASL signature sub-sort relation (at target). -}
type ProcessMap =
-- | CspAddMorphism - This is just the extended part
data CspAddMorphism = CspAddMorphism
{- Note that when applying the CspAddMorphism to process names or channel
names, if the name is not in the map in the morphism, then the
application is the identity function. Thus empty maps are used to form
the empty morphism and the identity morphism. -}
{ channelMap :: ChanMap
, processMap :: ProcessMap
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
{- | Given two signatures (the first being a sub signature of the second
according to CspCASL.SignCSP.isCspCASLSubSig) compute the inclusion morphism. -}
cspSubsigInclusion :: CspCASLSign -> CspCASLSign -> Result CspCASLMorphism
cspSubsigInclusion = CASL_Morphism.sigInclusion
{- We use the empty morphism as it also represents the
identity, thus this will embed chanel names and process
names properly. -}
-- | lookup a typed channel
mapChan :: Sort_map -> ChanMap -> (CHANNEL_NAME, SORT) -> (CHANNEL_NAME, SORT)
mapChan sm cm (c, s) = (Map.findWithDefault c (c, s) cm, mapSort sm s)
-- | Apply a signature morphism to a channel name
mapChannel :: Morphism f CspSign CspAddMorphism -> (CHANNEL_NAME, SORT)
mapChannel mor = mapChan (sort_map mor) $ channelMap $ extended_map mor
mapCommTypeAux :: Sort_map -> ChanMap -> CommType -> CommType
mapCommTypeAux sm cm ct = case ct of
CommTypeSort s -> CommTypeSort $ mapSort sm s
CommTypeChan (TypedChanName c s) -> let (d, t) = mapChan sm cm (c, s) in
CommTypeChan $ TypedChanName d t
mapProcProfile :: Sort_map -> ChanMap -> ProcProfile -> ProcProfile
mapProcProfile sm cm (ProcProfile sl cs) =
ProcProfile (map (mapSort sm) sl) $ (mapCommTypeAux sm cm) cs
mapProcId :: Sort_map -> ChanMap -> ProcessMap
mapProcId sm cm pm (i, p) = let
n@(ProcProfile args _) = mapProcProfile sm cm p
in case Map.lookup (i, p) pm of
Nothing -> (i, n)
Just (j, alpha) -> (j, ProcProfile args alpha)
mapProcess :: Morphism f CspSign CspAddMorphism
mapProcess mor = let em = extended_map mor in
mapProcId (sort_map mor) (channelMap em) $ processMap em
-- | Compose two CspAddMorphisms
composeCspAddMorphism :: Morphism f CspSign CspAddMorphism
-> Morphism f CspSign CspAddMorphism -> Result CspAddMorphism
composeCspAddMorphism m1 m2 = let
sMap1 = sort_map m1
sMap2 = sort_map m2
sMap = composeMap (Rel.setToMap $ sortSet src) sMap1 sMap2
src = msource m1
cSrc = extendedInfo src
cMap = Map.foldWithKey ( \ c ts m ->
Set.fold ( \ s ->
let ni = fst $ mapChannel m2
$ mapChannel m1 (c, s)
in if c == ni then id else Map.insert (c, s) ni) m ts)
Map.empty $ chans cSrc
pMap = Map.foldWithKey ( \ p ps m ->
Set.fold ( \ pr ->
let (ni, ProcProfile _ na) =
mapProcess m2 $ mapProcess m1 (p, pr)
ProcProfile _ oa = mapProcProfile sMap cMap pr
in if p == ni && oa == na then id else
Map.insert (p, pr) (ni, na)) m ps)
Map.empty $ procSet cSrc
in return emptyCspAddMorphism
{ channelMap = cMap
, processMap = pMap }
{- | A CspCASLMorphism is a CASL Morphism with the extended_map to be a
CspAddMorphism. -}
type CspCASLMorphism = CASL_Morphism.Morphism () CspSign CspAddMorphism
-- | The empty CspAddMorphism.
emptyCspAddMorphism :: CspAddMorphism
emptyCspAddMorphism =
{- Note that when applying the CspAddMorphism to process names or
channel names, if the name is not in the map in the morphism,
then the application is the identity function. Thus empty maps
are used to form the empty morphism. -}
CspAddMorphism { channelMap = Map.empty
, processMap = Map.empty
{- | Dont know if this is implemented correctly. If m1 and m2 have the same
channel or process maps then m1's are taken. BUG? -}
cspAddMorphismUnion :: CspAddMorphism -> CspAddMorphism -> CspAddMorphism
cspAddMorphismUnion _ _ = error
"NYI: CspCASL.Morphism.cspAddMorphismUnion for new signature morphisms"
-- | create a symbol map from the additional csp entities.
cspAddMorphismToSymbMap :: CspSign -> CspAddMorphism -> SymbolMap
cspAddMorphismToSymbMap _ _ = error
"CspCASL/Morphism.cspAddMorphismToSymbMap: NYI for new notion of signatures"
-- | Pretty printing for Csp morphisms
instance Pretty CspAddMorphism where
pretty _ = error
"CspCASL/Morphism.Pretty CspAddMorphism: NYI for new notion of signatures"
-- | Instance for CspCASL signature extension
instance SignExtension CspSign where
isSubSignExtension = isCspSubSign
-- | Instance for CspCASL morphism extension (used for Category)
instance CASL_Morphism.MorphismExtension CspSign CspAddMorphism
ideMorphismExtension _ = emptyCspAddMorphism
composeMorphismExtension = composeCspAddMorphism
-- we omit inverses here
isInclusionMorphismExtension m =
Map.null (channelMap m) && Map.null (processMap m)
-- Application of morhisms to sentences
-- | Apply a Signature Morphism to a CspCASL Sentence
mapSen :: CspCASLMorphism -> CspCASLSen -> Result CspCASLSen
mapSen mor sen =
if CASL_Morphism.isInclusionMorphism
CASL_Morphism.isInclusionMorphismExtension mor
then return sen
else case sen of
CASLSen caslSen ->
return $ CASLSen (mapCASLFormula mor caslSen)
ProcessEq _ fqVarList commAlpha proc ->
let {- Map the morphism over all the parts of the process
equation -}
newProcName = error
"CspCASL.Morphism.mapSen NYI with new signatures yet"
-- mapProcessName mor procName
newFqVarList = mapFQProcVarList mor fqVarList
newCommAlpha = mapCommAlpha mor commAlpha
newProc = mapProc mor proc
in return (ProcessEq newProcName newFqVarList
newCommAlpha newProc)
-- | Apply a signature morphism to a Fully Qualified Process Variable List
mapFQProcVarList :: CspCASLMorphism -> FQProcVarList -> FQProcVarList
mapFQProcVarList mor =
-- As these are terms, just map the morphism over CASL TERMs
map (mapCASLTerm mor)
-- | Apply a signature morphism to a CommAlpha
mapCommAlpha :: CspCASLMorphism -> CommAlpha -> CommAlpha
mapCommAlpha mor = (mapCommType mor)
-- | Apply a signature morphism to a CommType
mapCommType :: CspCASLMorphism -> CommType -> CommType
mapCommType mor = mapCommTypeAux (sort_map mor) (channelMap $ extended_map mor)
-- | Apply a signature morphism to a process
mapProc :: CspCASLMorphism -> PROCESS -> PROCESS
mapProc mor proc =
let mapProc' = mapProc mor
mapProcessName' = mapProcessName mor
mapEvent' = mapEvent mor
mapEventSet' = mapEventSet mor
mapRenaming' = mapRenaming mor
mapCommAlpha' = mapCommAlpha mor
mapCASLTerm' = mapCASLTerm mor
mapCASLFormula' = mapCASLFormula mor
in case proc of
Skip r -> Skip r
Stop r -> Stop r
Div r -> Div r
Run es r -> Run (mapEventSet' es) r
Chaos ev r -> Chaos (mapEventSet' ev) r
PrefixProcess e p r ->
PrefixProcess (mapEvent' e) (mapProc' p) r
Sequential p q r -> Sequential (mapProc' p) (mapProc' q) r
ExternalChoice p q r -> ExternalChoice (mapProc' p) (mapProc' q) r
InternalChoice p q r -> InternalChoice (mapProc' p) (mapProc' q) r
Interleaving p q r -> Interleaving (mapProc' p) (mapProc' q) r
SynchronousParallel p q r ->
SynchronousParallel (mapProc' p) (mapProc' q) r
GeneralisedParallel p es q r ->
GeneralisedParallel (mapProc' p) (mapEventSet' es) (mapProc' q) r
AlphabetisedParallel p les res q r ->
AlphabetisedParallel (mapProc' p) (mapEventSet' les)
(mapEventSet' res) (mapProc' q) r
Hiding p es r ->
Hiding (mapProc' p) (mapEventSet' es) r
RenamingProcess p re r ->
RenamingProcess (mapProc' p) (mapRenaming' re) r
ConditionalProcess f p q r ->
ConditionalProcess (mapCASLFormula' f)
(mapProc' p) (mapProc' q) r
NamedProcess pn fqParams r ->
NamedProcess (mapProcessName' pn) (map mapCASLTerm' fqParams) r
FQProcess p commAlpha r ->
FQProcess (mapProc' p) (mapCommAlpha' commAlpha) r
-- | Apply a signature morphism to an event set
mapEventSet :: CspCASLMorphism -> EVENT_SET -> EVENT_SET
mapEventSet mor evs =
case evs of
EventSet _ _ ->
{- There should be no EventSets (only FQEventSets) as the static
analysis should have transformed EventSets into FQEventSets -}
error "CspCASL.Morphism.mapEventSet: Unexpected EventSet"
FQEventSet fqComms r -> FQEventSet (map (mapCommType mor) fqComms) r
-- | Apply a signature morphism to an event
mapEvent :: CspCASLMorphism -> EVENT -> EVENT
mapEvent mor e =
let mapEvent' = mapEvent mor
mapCASLTerm' = mapCASLTerm mor
mapSort' = CASL_MapSen.mapSrt mor
mapChannelName' = mapChannel mor
in case e of
TermEvent t r ->
-- Just map the morphism over the event (a term)
TermEvent (mapCASLTerm' t) r
InternalPrefixChoice v s r ->
-- Just map the morphism over the sort, we keep the variable name
InternalPrefixChoice v (mapSort' s) r
ExternalPrefixChoice v s r ->
-- Just map the morphism over the sort, we keep the variable name
ExternalPrefixChoice v (mapSort' s) r
ChanSend c t r ->
-- Just map the morphism over the event (a term) and the channel name
ChanSend (fst $ mapChannelName' (c, sortOfTerm t)) (mapCASLTerm' t) r
ChanNonDetSend c v s r ->
{- Just map the morphism over the sort and the channel name, we keep
the variable name -}
ChanNonDetSend (fst $ mapChannelName' (c, s)) v (mapSort' s) r
ChanRecv c v s r ->
{- Just map the morphism over the sort and the channel name, we keep
the variable name -}
ChanRecv (fst $ mapChannelName' (c, s)) v (mapSort' s) r
FQEvent ev mfqc fqTerm r ->
-- Map the morphism over each part of the FQEvent
FQEvent (mapEvent' ev) (fmap mapChannelName' mfqc)
(mapCASLTerm' fqTerm) r
mapRenaming :: CspCASLMorphism -> RENAMING -> RENAMING
mapRenaming mor re =
case re of
Renaming _ ->
{- There should be no (non fully qualified) Renamings (only
FQRenamings) as the static analysis should have transformed
EventSets into FQEventSets -}
error "CspCASL.Morphism.mapRenaming: Unexpected Renaming"
FQRenaming rs -> FQRenaming $ map (mapCASLTerm mor) rs
{- | Apply a signature morphism to a CASL TERM (for CspCASL only, i.e. a CASL
TERM that appears in CspCASL). -}
mapCASLTerm :: CspCASLMorphism -> TERM () -> TERM ()
mapCASLTerm =
{- The error here is not used. It is a function to map over the morphism,
CspCASL does not use this functionality. -}
CASL_MapSen.mapTerm (error "CspCASL.Morphism.mapCASLTerm")
{- | Apply a signature morphism to a CASL FORMULA (for CspCASL only, i.e. a CASL
FORMULA that appears in CspCASL). -}
mapCASLFormula :: CspCASLMorphism -> FORMULA () -> FORMULA ()
mapCASLFormula =
{- The error here is not used. It is a function to map over the morphism,
CspCASL does not use this functionality. -}
CASL_MapSen.mapSen (error "CspCASL.Morphism.mapCASLFormula")
-- | Apply a signature morphism to a process name
mapProcessName :: CspCASLMorphism -> FQ_PROCESS_NAME -> FQ_PROCESS_NAME
mapProcessName _ _ = error
"NYI: CspCASL.Morphism.mapProcessName for new signature moprhism"