Main.hs revision 07d80975ff3d7aab39aa3956d498220cebdf9094
{- **********************************************************************
Author: Daniel Pratsch (Last modification by $Author$)
testing file for CSP-CASL semantics
module Main where
import CspCASL.Parse_AS_CSP_CASL
import CspCASL.SignCSP
import CspCASL.StatAnaCSP
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Result
--parseFile :: Show a => AParser a -> String -> IO ()
parseFile parser input filename
-- = case (runParser parser emptyAnnos "" input) of
= case (runParser parser (emptyAnnos ()) "" input) of
Left err -> do { putStr (filename ++ ": ")
; putStr "parse error at "
; print err
-- AMGQ: There must be a nicer way to print
-- a blank line than the following?
; putStr "\n"
Right x -> do let Result diags sig = statAna x
sequence $ map (putStrLn . show) diags
print x
print sig
-- parseFiles: Given a list of filenames, parse each file in turn.
chosenParser :: AParser () C3PO
chosenParser = interim
parseFiles :: [String] -> IO()
parseFiles [] = do putStr ""
parseFiles (filename:others) = do { input <- readFile filename
; parseFile chosenParser input filename
; parseFiles others
-- printArgs: Test function for printing arguments - just mucking
-- around, really.
printArgs :: [String] -> IO()
printArgs [] = do putStr ""
printArgs (first:rest) = do {
; print first
; printArgs rest
-- Main: - calls parser for each file passed in.
main :: IO ()
main = do { filenames <- getArgs
; parseFiles filenames
-- ; fi les
-- ; c <- readFile (head les)
-- ; run cspCaslCSpec c