CCKeywords.hs revision d64c27888613a81c9634cd939dd05618175465ef
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Daniel Pratsch and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CSP-CASL keywords defined as strings to provide consistent keyword
module CspCASL.CCKeywords where
ccspecS, dataS, channelS, processS, letS, skipS, stopS, intChoiceS, synParaS
, interParaS, hidingS, prefixS, sendS, receiveS, chanRenS :: String
oRBracketS, cRBracketS, oSBracketS, cSBracketS, multiPreS, extChoiceS
, oRenamingS, cRenamingS, oAlPaS, cAlPaS, oGenPaS, mGenPaS, cGenPaS :: String
-- AMGQ: Looks like putting an "S" on the end is a convention
-- throughout Hets, certainly it's used in Common/Keywords.hs
ccspecS = "ccspec"
dataS = "data"
channelS = "channel"
processS = "process"
letS = "let"
skipS = "skip"
stopS = "stop"
-- "[" is a separator and cannot be excluded from identifiers
oRBracketS = "("
cRBracketS = ")"
oSBracketS = "["
cSBracketS = "]"
multiPreS = "[]"
extChoiceS = "[]"
oAlPaS = "[|"
cAlPaS = "|]"
oGenPaS = "["
mGenPaS = "||"
cGenPaS = "]"
oRenamingS = "[["
cRenamingS = "]]"
synParaS = "||"
intChoiceS = "|~|"
interParaS = "|||"
hidingS = "\\"
prefixS = "->"
sendS = "!"
receiveS = "?"
chanRenS = "<-"
csp_casl_keywords :: [String]
csp_casl_keywords =
[ccspecS, dataS, channelS, processS, letS, skipS, stopS, intChoiceS, synParaS
, interParaS, hidingS, prefixS, sendS, receiveS, chanRenS]