CCKeywords.hs revision 75a6279dbae159d018ef812185416cf6df386c10
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Daniel Pratsch and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CSP-CASL keywords
module CspCASL.CCKeywords where
ccspecS, dataS, channelS, processS, endS, equalS, letS, inS, semicolonS,
commaS, colonS, skipS, stopS, ifS, thenS, elseS, whenS, varS, oRBracketS,
cRBracketS, oSBracketS, cSBracketS, multiPreS, extChoiceS, intChoiceS,
oAlPaS, cAlPaS, oGenPaS, mGenPaS, cGenPaS, synParaS, interParaS, hidingS,
oRenamingS, cRenamingS, prefixS, sendS, receiveS , chanRenS :: String
ccspecS = "ccspec"
dataS = "data"
channelS = "channel"
processS = "process"
endS = "end"
equalS = "="
letS = "let"
inS = "in"
semicolonS = ";"
commaS = ","
colonS = ":"
skipS = "skip"
stopS = "stop"
ifS = "if"
thenS = "then"
elseS = "else"
whenS = "when"
varS = "var"
oRBracketS = "("
cRBracketS = ")"
oSBracketS = "["
cSBracketS = "]"
multiPreS = "[]"
extChoiceS = "[]"
intChoiceS = "|~|"
oAlPaS = "[|"
cAlPaS = "|]"
oGenPaS = "["
mGenPaS = "||"
cGenPaS = "]"
synParaS = "||"
interParaS = "|||"
hidingS = "\\"
oRenamingS = "[["
cRenamingS = "]]"
prefixS = "->"
sendS = "!"
receiveS = "?"
chanRenS = "<-"
csp_casl_keywords :: [String]
csp_casl_keywords = [ccspecS, dataS, channelS, processS, endS, equalS, letS,
inS, semicolonS, commaS, colonS, skipS, stopS, ifS,
thenS, elseS, whenS, varS, oRBracketS, cRBracketS,
oSBracketS, cSBracketS, multiPreS, extChoiceS,
intChoiceS, oAlPaS, cAlPaS, oGenPaS, mGenPaS, cGenPaS,
synParaS, interParaS, hidingS, oRenamingS, cRenamingS,
prefixS, sendS, receiveS, chanRenS]