THFP_ST2THF0_ST.hs revision 55dfa79a16e5f0ddb60bceab3717c07e62e65846
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Comorphism from THFP to THF0
Copyright : (c) J. von Schroeder, DFKI Bremen 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : J. von Schroeder <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The comorphism from THFP to THF0.
module Comorphisms.THFP_ST2THF0_ST where
import Logic.Logic as Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Result
import Common.Id (Token(..),nullRange)
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named,SenAttr(..))
import THF.Logic_THF
import THF.Cons
import THF.Sign
import qualified THF.Sublogic as SL
import THF.As
import THF.StaticAnalysisTHF (thfTopLevelTypeToType)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data THFP_ST2THF0_ST = THFP_ST2THF0_ST deriving Show
instance Language THFP_ST2THF0_ST
instance Comorphism THFP_ST2THF0_ST
BasicSpecTHF SentenceTHF () ()
SignTHF MorphismTHF SymbolTHF () ProofTree
BasicSpecTHF SentenceTHF () ()
SignTHF MorphismTHF SymbolTHF () ProofTree where
sourceLogic THFP_ST2THF0_ST = THF
sourceSublogic THFP_ST2THF0_ST = SL.tHFP_ST
targetLogic THFP_ST2THF0_ST = THF
mapSublogic THFP_ST2THF0_ST _ = Just SL.tHF0_ST
map_theory THFP_ST2THF0_ST = trans_theory
has_model_expansion THFP_ST2THF0_ST = True
trans_theory :: (SignTHF,[Named SentenceTHF])
-> Result (SignTHF,[Named SentenceTHF])
trans_theory (sig, sentences1) = do
let (tp_trans,cs_trans,sig1) = head . filter (\(tp_t,_,Sign tps cs _) ->
not (any hasProdK $ Map.elems tps)
&& not (any (hasProdT tp_t) $ Map.elems cs)) $
iterate makeExplicitProducts (Map.empty, Map.empty, sig)
sig2 = sig1 {consts = (\c -> c {constType = curryConstType tp_trans
(constType c)}) $ consts sig1}
sentences = rewriteSen tp_trans cs_trans sentences1
return (recreateSymbols sig2,sentences)
recreateSymbols :: SignTHF -> SignTHF
recreateSymbols (Sign tps cs _) =
let name = N_Atomic_Word
symbs1 = foldl (\m (c,t) -> Map.insert c
(Symbol c (name c) (ST_Type $ typeKind t)) m)
Map.empty $ Map.toList tps
symbs = foldl (\m (c,k) -> Map.insert c
(Symbol c (name c) (ST_Const $ constType k)) m)
symbs1 $ Map.toList cs
in Sign tps cs symbs
type TransMap = Map.Map Constant [Constant]
-- note: does not do anything on non-map-types
curryConstType :: TransMap -> Type -> Type
curryConstType m (MapType t1 t2) = prodToMapType m t1 t2
curryConstType m (ParType t) = ParType (curryConstType m t)
curryConstType _ t = t
prodToMapType :: TransMap -> Type -> Type -> Type
prodToMapType m t1 t2 = case t1 of
MapType _ _ -> MapType (curryConstType m t1) t2
ProdType ts -> let ts' = map (curryConstType m) ts
in foldl (\t1' t2' -> MapType t2' t1') t2 ts'
CType c -> let cs = map CType $ curryConst m c
in foldl (\t1' t2' -> MapType t2' t1') t2 cs
ParType t -> prodToMapType m t t2
_ -> MapType t1 t2
curryConst :: TransMap -> Constant -> [Constant]
curryConst m c = case Map.lookup c m of
Just cs -> concat $ map (curryConst m) cs
Nothing -> [c]
rewriteSen :: TransMap -> TransMap -> [Named SentenceTHF] -> [Named SentenceTHF]
rewriteSen tp_trans cs_trans = concat . map (rewriteSen' tp_trans cs_trans)
rewriteSen' :: TransMap -> TransMap -> Named SentenceTHF -> [Named SentenceTHF]
rewriteSen' tp_trans cs_trans sen =
let sen_ = sentence sen
sen' = case senFormula . sentence $ sen of
TF_THF_Logic_Formula lf -> TF_THF_Logic_Formula $
rewriteLogicFormula tp_trans cs_trans lf
T0F_THF_Typed_Const tc -> T0F_THF_Typed_Const $
rewriteTypedConst tp_trans cs_trans tc
TF_THF_Sequent _ ->
error "THFP2THF0.rewriteSen: Sequents are not in THF0!"
in [sen { sentence = sen_ { senFormula = sen' } }]
rewriteLogicFormula :: TransMap -> TransMap
-> THFLogicFormula -> THFLogicFormula
rewriteLogicFormula tp_trans cs_trans lf = case lf of
TLF_THF_Binary_Formula bf ->
case rewriteBinaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans bf of
Left bf' -> TLF_THF_Binary_Formula bf'
Right uf -> TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula uf
TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula uf -> TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula $
rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans uf
TLF_THF_Type_Formula _ ->
error "THFP2THF0.rewriteLogicFormula: TLF_THF_Type_Formula is not in THF0!"
TLF_THF_Sub_Type _ ->
error "THFP2THF0.rewriteLogicFormula: TLF_THF_Sub_Type is not in THF0!"
rewriteTypedConst :: TransMap -> TransMap
-> THFTypedConst -> THFTypedConst
rewriteTypedConst tp_trans cs_trans tc = case tc of
T0TC_Typed_Const c tlf ->
case thfTopLevelTypeToType tlf of
Just _ -> error "THFP2THF0.rewriteTypedConst: Not yet implemented!"
Nothing ->
error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteTypedConst: Couldn't interpret type for " ++
"Constant " ++ show c
T0TC_THF_TypedConst_Par tc' ->
T0TC_THF_TypedConst_Par $ rewriteTypedConst tp_trans cs_trans tc'
rewriteBinaryFormula :: TransMap -> TransMap -> THFBinaryFormula
-> Either THFBinaryFormula THFUnitaryFormula
rewriteBinaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans bf = case bf of
TBF_THF_Binary_Type _ ->
error "THFP2THF0.rewriteBinaryFormula: TBF_THF_Binary_Type is not in THF0!"
TBF_THF_Binary_Pair uf1 cn uf2 ->
let uf1' = rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans uf1
uf2' = rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans uf2
in case (toTuple uf1',cn,toTuple uf2') of
(Just (TUF_THF_Tuple t1), Infix_Equality,
Just (TUF_THF_Tuple t2)) -> if length t1 == length t2
then Left $ TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple $ TBT_THF_And_Formula $
map (\(t1',t2') ->
TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par $ TLF_THF_Binary_Formula $
TBF_THF_Binary_Pair (logicFormula2UnitaryFormula t1')
cn (logicFormula2UnitaryFormula t2')) (zip t1 t2)
else error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteBinaryFormula: Equality on tuples of " ++
"different size!"
_ -> Left $ TBF_THF_Binary_Pair uf1' cn uf2'
TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple bt -> rewriteBinaryTuple tp_trans cs_trans bt
toTuple :: THFUnitaryFormula -> Maybe THFUnitaryFormula
toTuple u@(TUF_THF_Tuple _) = Just u
toTuple (TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par
(TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula u)) = Just u
toTuple _ = Nothing
logicFormula2UnitaryFormula :: THFLogicFormula -> THFUnitaryFormula
logicFormula2UnitaryFormula l = case l of
TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula uf -> uf
_ -> TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par l
rewriteBinaryTuple :: TransMap -> TransMap -> THFBinaryTuple
-> Either THFBinaryFormula THFUnitaryFormula
rewriteBinaryTuple tp_trans cs_trans bt = case bt of
TBT_THF_Or_Formula ufs -> Left $ TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple $ TBT_THF_Or_Formula $
map (rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans) ufs
TBT_THF_And_Formula ufs -> Left $ TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple $ TBT_THF_And_Formula $
map (rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans) ufs
TBT_THF_Apply_Formula ufs ->
let ufs' = map (rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans) ufs
in case ufs' of
[] -> error "THFP2THF0.rewriteBinaryTuple: Illegal Application!"
_:[] -> error "THFP2THF0.rewriteBinaryTuple: Illegal Application!"
fn:args -> case removeParensUnitaryFormula fn of
(TUF_THF_Atom (T0A_Constant c)) ->
case show . toToken $ c of
'p':'r':'_':i ->
case args of
tuple:[] ->
let i' = read i :: Int
in unpack_tuple tuple i'
_ -> error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteBinaryTuple: Invalid argument " ++
"for projection: " ++ show args
_ -> Left $ TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple $ TBT_THF_Apply_Formula $
fn:(flattenTuples args)
TUF_THF_Tuple lfs -> Right . rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans .
TUF_THF_Tuple $
map (\l -> case rewriteBinaryTuple tp_trans cs_trans .
TBT_THF_Apply_Formula $
(TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par l):args of
Left bf -> TLF_THF_Binary_Formula bf
Right uf -> TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula uf) lfs
_ -> Left $ TBF_THF_Binary_Tuple $ TBT_THF_Apply_Formula $
fn:(flattenTuples args)
flattenTuples :: [THFUnitaryFormula] -> [THFUnitaryFormula]
flattenTuples ufs = concat . map flattenTuple $ ufs
flattenTuple :: THFUnitaryFormula -> [THFUnitaryFormula]
flattenTuple u = case removeParensUnitaryFormula u of
TUF_THF_Tuple lfs ->
concat . map (flattenTuple . TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par) $ lfs
_ -> [u]
unpack_tuple :: THFUnitaryFormula -> Int
-> Either THFBinaryFormula THFUnitaryFormula
unpack_tuple uf i = case removeParensUnitaryFormula uf of
TUF_THF_Tuple lfs -> if i > length lfs
then error "THFP2THF0.unpack_tuple: Tuple has too few elements!"
else case lfs!!(i-1) of
TLF_THF_Binary_Formula bf -> Left bf
TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula uf' -> Right uf'
lf -> error $ "THFP2THF0.unpack_tuple: " ++ show lf ++ " is not in THF0!"
_ -> error $ "THFP2THF0.unpack_tuple: " ++ show uf ++ " is not a tuple!"
removeParensUnitaryFormula :: THFUnitaryFormula -> THFUnitaryFormula
removeParensUnitaryFormula (TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par
(TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula uf)) = uf
removeParensUnitaryFormula uf = uf
rewriteUnitaryFormula :: TransMap -> TransMap
-> THFUnitaryFormula -> THFUnitaryFormula
rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans uf = case uf of
TUF_THF_Conditional _ _ _ ->
error "THFP2THF0.rewriteUnitaryFormula: TUF_THF_Conditional is not in THF0!"
TUF_THF_Quantified_Formula qf -> case qf of
TQF_THF_Quantified_Formula q vs uf' -> TUF_THF_Quantified_Formula $
TQF_THF_Quantified_Formula q
(rewriteVariableList tp_trans cs_trans vs)
(rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans uf')
T0QF_THF_Quantified_Var q vs uf' -> TUF_THF_Quantified_Formula $
T0QF_THF_Quantified_Var q
(rewriteVariableList tp_trans cs_trans vs)
(rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans uf')
T0QF_THF_Quantified_Novar _ _ ->
error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteUnitaryFormula: T0QF_THF_Quantified_Novar not " ++
"yet implemented!"
TUF_THF_Unary_Formula c lf -> TUF_THF_Unary_Formula c $
rewriteLogicFormula tp_trans cs_trans lf
TUF_THF_Atom a -> rewriteAtom tp_trans cs_trans a
TUF_THF_Tuple t -> TUF_THF_Tuple $
map (rewriteLogicFormula tp_trans cs_trans) t
TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par lf -> TUF_THF_Logic_Formula_Par $
rewriteLogicFormula tp_trans cs_trans lf
T0UF_THF_Abstraction vs uf' -> T0UF_THF_Abstraction
(rewriteVariableList tp_trans cs_trans vs)
(rewriteUnitaryFormula tp_trans cs_trans uf')
rewriteVariableList :: TransMap -> TransMap
-> [THFVariable] -> [THFVariable]
rewriteVariableList tp_trans cs_trans vs = concat $
map (\v -> case v of
TV_THF_Typed_Variable t tp ->
case thfTopLevelTypeToType tp of
Just tp' -> let cs = constMakeExplicitProduct tp_trans
(A_Lower_Word t) tp'
in map (\(c,tp'') ->
TV_THF_Typed_Variable (toToken c)
(curryConstType tp_trans tp''))) cs
Nothing -> error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteVariableList: Couldn't " ++
"type " ++ show tp
TV_Variable t -> case transToken cs_trans t of
[_] -> [v]
t' -> map TV_Variable t') vs
rewriteAtom :: TransMap -> TransMap
-> THFAtom -> THFUnitaryFormula
rewriteAtom _ cs_trans a = case a of
TA_Term _ -> error "THFP2THF0.rewriteAtom: TA_Term is not in THF0!"
TA_THF_Conn_Term c -> case c of
TCT_THF_Pair_Connective _ -> error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteAtom: " ++
"TC_THF_Pair_Connective is not in THF0!"
TCT_Assoc_Connective _ -> TUF_THF_Atom a
TCT_THF_Unary_Connective _ -> TUF_THF_Atom a
T0CT_THF_Quantifier _ -> TUF_THF_Atom a
TA_Defined_Type _ -> error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteAtom: TA_Defined_Type " ++
"is not in THF0!"
TA_Defined_Plain_Formula _ -> error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteAtom: " ++
"TA_Defined_Plain_Formula is not in THF0!"
TA_System_Type _ -> error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteAtom: TA_System_Type " ++
"is not in THF0!"
TA_System_Atomic_Formula _ -> error $ "THFP2THF0.rewriteAtom: " ++
"TA_System_Atomic_Formula " ++
"is not in THF0!"
T0A_Constant c -> transConst cs_trans c
T0A_Defined_Constant _ -> TUF_THF_Atom a
T0A_System_Constant _ -> TUF_THF_Atom a
T0A_Variable _ -> TUF_THF_Atom a
typeToTopLevelType :: Type -> THFTopLevelType
typeToTopLevelType t = case t of
TType -> T0TLT_Defined_Type (DT_tType)
OType -> T0TLT_Defined_Type (DT_oType)
IType -> T0TLT_Defined_Type (DT_iType)
MapType t1 t2 -> T0TLT_THF_Binary_Type (TBT_THF_Mapping_Type
[typeToUnitaryType t1,typeToUnitaryType t2])
ProdType ts -> T0TLT_THF_Binary_Type (TBT_THF_Xprod_Type $
map typeToUnitaryType ts)
CType c -> T0TLT_Constant c
SType t' -> T0TLT_System_Type t'
VType t' -> T0TLT_Variable t'
ParType t' -> T0TLT_THF_Binary_Type $ T0BT_THF_Binary_Type_Par $
typeToBinaryType t'
typeToUnitaryType :: Type -> THFUnitaryType
typeToUnitaryType t = case typeToTopLevelType t of
T0TLT_Constant c -> T0UT_Constant c
T0TLT_Variable t' -> T0UT_Variable t'
T0TLT_Defined_Type d -> T0UT_Defined_Type d
T0TLT_System_Type t' -> T0UT_System_Type t'
T0TLT_THF_Binary_Type b -> T0UT_THF_Binary_Type_Par b
TTLT_THF_Logic_Formula _ ->
error "This shouldn't happen!"
typeToBinaryType :: Type -> THFBinaryType
typeToBinaryType t = case typeToTopLevelType t of
T0TLT_THF_Binary_Type b -> b
_ -> error $ "Cannot represent type " ++ show t ++
"as THFBinaryType!"
toToken :: Constant -> Token
toToken (A_Lower_Word t) = t
toToken (A_Single_Quoted t) = t
transToken :: TransMap -> Token -> [Token]
transToken m t = case Map.toList $
Map.filterWithKey (\c _ -> (toToken c) == t) m of
(_,cs):_ -> concat $ map (transToken m . toToken) cs
[] -> [t]
transConst :: TransMap -> Constant -> THFUnitaryFormula
transConst m c = case transConst' m c of
[] -> TUF_THF_Atom (T0A_Constant c)
lfs -> TUF_THF_Tuple lfs
transConst' :: TransMap -> Constant -> [THFLogicFormula]
transConst' m c = case Map.toList $
Map.filterWithKey (\c' _ -> c == c') m of
(_,cs):_ -> map (\c' -> case transConst' m c' of
[] -> TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula .
TUF_THF_Atom . T0A_Constant $ c'
lfs -> TLF_THF_Unitary_Formula .
TUF_THF_Tuple $ lfs) cs
[] -> []
constMakeExplicitProduct :: TransMap -> Constant -> Type -> [(Constant,Type)]
constMakeExplicitProduct tp_trans c t =
let (_,_,Sign _ cs _) = head . filter (\(tp_t,_,Sign _ cs' _) ->
not (any (hasProdT tp_t) $ Map.elems cs')) $
iterate makeExplicitProducts
(tp_trans,Map.empty, Sign Map.empty (Map.fromList [(c,
ConstInfo {constId = c, constName = N_Atomic_Word c,
constType = t, constAnno = Null})]) Map.empty)
in map (\i -> (constId i,constType i)) $ Map.elems cs
{- Note: Type definitions are non-recursive -}
makeExplicitProducts :: (TransMap, TransMap, SignTHF) ->
(TransMap, TransMap, SignTHF)
makeExplicitProducts (tp_trans1, cs_trans1, sig) =
let (tp_trans,tps) = mkExplicitProductsK tp_trans1 (types sig)
(cs_trans,cs) = mkExplicitProductsT cs_trans1 tp_trans (consts sig)
in (tp_trans, cs_trans, sig {types = tps, consts = cs})
mkExplicitProductsT :: TransMap -> TransMap -> Map.Map Constant ConstInfo
-> (TransMap,Map.Map Constant ConstInfo)
mkExplicitProductsT cs_trans1 tp_trans cs1 = Map.fold
(\c (trans,cs) -> prodTToTuple trans tp_trans cs (constId c) (constName c)
(constType c)) (cs_trans1,cs1) cs1
prodTToTuple :: TransMap -> TransMap -> Map.Map Constant ConstInfo -> Constant
-> Name -> Type -> (TransMap, Map.Map Constant ConstInfo)
prodTToTuple trans tp_trans cs c n t = case t of
MapType t1 t2 ->
let (_,cs') = prodTToTuple Map.empty tp_trans Map.empty c n t2
cs'' = Map.delete c cs
tuple = Map.elems cs'
names = mkNames c n $ length tuple
in if length tuple == 0 then (trans,cs) else
(Map.insert c (map fst names) trans,
foldr (\((n1,n2),ci) cs''' -> Map.insert n1
ci {constName = n2,
constId = n1,
constType = MapType t1 (constType ci)} cs''')
cs'' (zip names tuple))
ProdType ts -> let cs' = Map.delete c cs
names = mkNames c n $ length ts
in (Map.insert c (map fst names) trans,
foldr (\((n1,n2),tp) cs'' -> Map.insert n1
ConstInfo {constType = tp,
constName = n2,
constId = n1,
constAnno = Null} cs'')
cs' (zip names ts))
CType c' -> case Map.lookup c' tp_trans of
Just cs_ -> let names = mkNames c n $ length cs_
cs' = Map.delete c cs
in (Map.insert c (map fst names) trans,
foldr (\((n1,n2),c'') cs'' -> Map.insert n1
ConstInfo {constType = CType c'',
constName = n2,
constId = n1,
constAnno = Null} cs'')
cs' (zip names cs_))
Nothing -> (trans,cs)
ParType tp -> prodTToTuple trans tp_trans cs c n tp
_ -> (trans,cs)
mkExplicitProductsK :: TransMap -> Map.Map Constant TypeInfo
-> (TransMap,Map.Map Constant TypeInfo)
mkExplicitProductsK tp_trans1 tps1 = Map.fold
(\tp (trans,tps) -> if hasProdK tp
then prodKToTuple trans tps (typeId tp) (typeName tp)
(typeKind tp)
else (trans,tps))
(tp_trans1,tps1) tps1
prodKToTuple :: TransMap -> Map.Map Constant TypeInfo -> Constant -> Name
-> Kind -> (TransMap, Map.Map Constant TypeInfo)
prodKToTuple trans tps c n k = case k of
ParKind k1 -> prodKToTuple trans tps c n k1
ProdKind ks -> let tps' = Map.delete c tps
names = mkNames c n $ length ks
in (Map.insert c (map fst names) trans,
foldr (\((n1,n2),kd) tps'' -> Map.insert n1
TypeInfo {typeKind = kd,
typeName = n2,
typeId = n1,
typeAnno = Null} tps'')
tps' (zip names ks))
MapKind k1 k2 ->
let (_, tps') = prodKToTuple Map.empty Map.empty c n k2
tps'' = Map.delete c tps
tuple = Map.elems tps'
names = mkNames c n $ length tuple
in (Map.insert c (map fst names) trans,
foldr (\((n1,n2),tpi) tps''' -> Map.insert n1
tpi {typeName = n2,
typeId = n1,
typeKind = MapKind k1 (typeKind tpi)} tps''')
tps'' (zip names tuple))
_ -> error "Invalid call to prodKToTuple"
mkNames :: Constant -> Name -> Int -> [(Constant,Name)]
mkNames c n i =
let (mkC,t1) = case c of
A_Lower_Word t -> (A_Lower_Word,t)
A_Single_Quoted t -> (A_Single_Quoted,t)
(mkN,t2) = case n of
N_Atomic_Word a -> case a of
A_Lower_Word t -> (N_Atomic_Word . A_Lower_Word,t)
A_Single_Quoted t -> (N_Atomic_Word . A_Single_Quoted,t)
N_Integer t -> (N_Atomic_Word . A_Lower_Word,
Token ("i"++show t) nullRange)
T0N_Unsigned_Integer t ->
(N_Atomic_Word . A_Lower_Word,Token ("i"++show t) nullRange)
in zip (map (\i' -> mkC $ Token (show t1 ++ "_" ++ show i') nullRange) [1..i])
(map (\i' -> mkN $ Token (show t2 ++ "_" ++ show i') nullRange) [1..i])
hasProdK :: TypeInfo -> Bool
hasProdK = isProdK . typeKind
isProdK :: Kind -> Bool
isProdK Kind = False
isProdK (MapKind _ k2) = isProdK k2
isProdK (ProdKind _) = True
isProdK (SysType _) = False
isProdK (VKind _) = False
isProdK (ParKind k) = isProdK k
hasProdT :: TransMap -> ConstInfo -> Bool
hasProdT t = isProdT t . constType
isProdT :: TransMap -> Type -> Bool
isProdT _ TType = False
isProdT _ OType = False
isProdT _ IType = False
isProdT m (MapType _ t2) = isProdT m t2
isProdT _ (ProdType _) = True
isProdT m (CType c) = case Map.lookup c m of
Just _ -> True
Nothing -> False
isProdT _ (SType _) = False
isProdT _ (VType _) = False
isProdT m (ParType t) = isProdT m t