SoftFOL2CommonLogic.hs revision 1ea7fb6b0f66210bc0d3cb995f1b655277b33884
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Coding of SoftFOL into CommonLogic
Copyright : (c) Eugen Kuksa and Uni Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The translating comorphism from SoftFOL to CommonLogic.
module Comorphisms.SoftFOL2CommonLogic
SoftFOL2CommonLogic (..)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.DefaultMorphism as DefaultMorphism
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- SoftFOL
import qualified SoftFOL.Logic_SoftFOL as FOLLogic
import qualified SoftFOL.Sign as FOLSign
-- CommonLogic
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic
import qualified CommonLogic.Logic_CommonLogic as ClLogic
import qualified CommonLogic.Sign as ClSign
import qualified CommonLogic.Symbol as ClSymbol
import qualified CommonLogic.Morphism as ClMor
import qualified CommonLogic.Sublogic as ClSL
-- | lid of the morphism
data SoftFOL2CommonLogic = SoftFOL2CommonLogic deriving Show
instance Language SoftFOL2CommonLogic where
language_name SoftFOL2CommonLogic = "SoftFOL2CommonLogic"
instance Comorphism SoftFOL2CommonLogic
FOLLogic.SoftFOL -- lid domain
() -- sublogics codomain
() -- Basic spec domain
FOLSign.Sentence -- sentence domain
() -- symbol items domain
() -- symbol map items domain
FOLSign.Sign -- signature domain
FOLSign.SoftFOLMorphism -- morphism domain
FOLSign.SFSymbol -- symbol domain
() -- rawsymbol domain
ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
ClLogic.CommonLogic -- lid domain
ClSL.CommonLogicSL -- sublogics codomain
BASIC_SPEC -- Basic spec domain
TEXT_META -- sentence domain
SYMB_ITEMS -- symb_items
SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items domain
ClSign.Sign -- signature domain
ClMor.Morphism -- morphism domain
ClSymbol.Symbol -- symbol domain
ClSymbol.Symbol -- rawsymbol domain
ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
sourceLogic SoftFOL2CommonLogic = FOLLogic.SoftFOL
sourceSublogic SoftFOL2CommonLogic = ()
targetLogic SoftFOL2CommonLogic = ClLogic.CommonLogic
mapSublogic SoftFOL2CommonLogic = Just . mapSub
map_theory SoftFOL2CommonLogic = mapTheory
map_sentence SoftFOL2CommonLogic = mapSentence
map_morphism SoftFOL2CommonLogic = mapMor
mapSub :: () -> ClSL.CommonLogicSL
mapSub _ = ClSL.folsl
mapMor :: FOLSign.SoftFOLMorphism -> Result ClMor.Morphism
mapMor mor =
let src = mapSign $ DefaultMorphism.domOfDefaultMorphism mor
tgt = mapSign $ DefaultMorphism.codOfDefaultMorphism mor
pmp = Map.empty
in return $ ClMor.Morphism src tgt pmp
mapSentence :: FOLSign.Sign -> FOLSign.Sentence -> Result TEXT_META
mapSentence s f = return $ translate s f
mapSign :: FOLSign.Sign -> ClSign.Sign
mapSign sig =
let items = (\t -> mkId [t]) $ Set.fromList $ concat
[ Map.keys $ FOLSign.sortMap sig
, Map.keys $ FOLSign.funcMap sig
, Map.keys $ FOLSign.predMap sig
in ClSign.Sign items items
-- | translates SoftFOL-theories to CL-theories keeping their names
mapTheory :: (FOLSign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named FOLSign.Sentence])
-> Result (ClSign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named TEXT_META])
mapTheory (srcSign, srcFormulas) =
return (mapSign srcSign, signToTexts srcSign
++ map ((uncurry AS_Anno.makeNamed) . transSnd . senAndName) srcFormulas)
where senAndName :: AS_Anno.Named FOLSign.Sentence -> (String, FOLSign.Sentence)
senAndName f = (AS_Anno.senAttr f, AS_Anno.sentence f)
transSnd :: (String, FOLSign.Sentence) -> (String, TEXT_META)
transSnd (s, f) = (s, translate srcSign f)
-- translates a SoftFOL-theory to a CL-Text
translate :: FOLSign.Sign -> FOLSign.Sentence -> TEXT_META
translate s f =
Text_meta { getText = Text
[ Importation $ Imp_name $ mkSimpleId $ softFOLSignTr
, Sentence $ trmToSen s f
] nullRange
, metarelation = Set.empty
, discourseNames = Nothing
signToTexts :: FOLSign.Sign -> [AS_Anno.Named TEXT_META]
signToTexts srcSign =
let sr = sortRelText $ Rel.toMap $ FOLSign.sortRel srcSign
fm = funcMapText $ FOLSign.funcMap srcSign
pm = predMapText $ FOLSign.predMap srcSign
imps = map snd $ concat $ zip (maybeToList sr) [sortRelTrS]
: zip (maybeToList fm) [funcMapTrS]
: zip (maybeToList pm) [predMapTrS] : []
phrs = if null imps then [Sentence clTrue]
else map (Importation . Imp_name . mkSimpleId) imps
in concat $
map (AS_Anno.makeNamed sortRelTrS) (maybeToList sr)
: map (AS_Anno.makeNamed funcMapTrS) (maybeToList fm)
: map (AS_Anno.makeNamed predMapTrS) (maybeToList pm)
: [[AS_Anno.makeNamed softFOLSignTr $ Text_meta {
getText = Named_text softFOLSignTr (Text phrs nullRange) nullRange
, metarelation = Set.empty
, discourseNames = Nothing }]]
-- creates one-sentence-phrases: forall x. (subSort x) => (superSort x)
sortRelText :: Map.Map FOLSign.SPIdentifier (Set.Set FOLSign.SPIdentifier)
-> Maybe TEXT_META
sortRelText m =
let ps = Map.foldrWithKey (\subSrt set phrs -> (
Set.fold (\superSrt phrs2 ->
Sentence (Quant_sent (Universal [Name xName] (Bool_sent (Implication
(predicateNames subSrt [xName]) (predicateNames superSrt [xName])
) nullRange)) nullRange)
: phrs2) [] set
) ++ phrs) [] m
in if null ps
then Nothing
else Just $ Text_meta { getText = Named_text sortRelTrS
(Text ps nullRange) nullRange
, metarelation = Set.empty
, discourseNames = Nothing
typesWithIndv :: [Token] -> [(Token, NAME)] -- (type, individual)
typesWithIndv args =
foldr (\(a, i) resArg -> (a, indv a i) : resArg) [] $ zip args [0..]
-- creates one-sentence-phrases:
-- forall x y z. (if (and (T1 x) (T2 y) (T3 z)) (T4 f[x,y,z]))
funcMapText :: Map.Map Token (Set.Set ([Token], Token)) -> Maybe TEXT_META
funcMapText m =
let ps = Map.foldrWithKey (\f set phrs -> (
Set.fold (\(args, res) phrs2 ->
let argsAndNames = typesWithIndv args
in Sentence (
if null args
then predicateNames res [f]
Quant_sent (Universal (map (Name . snd) argsAndNames) (
Bool_sent (Implication
(Bool_sent (Conjunction $
map (\(p, x) -> predicateNames p [x]) argsAndNames
) nullRange)
(Atom_sent (Atom
(Name_term res)
[Term_seq $ Funct_term (Name_term f) (
map (Term_seq . Name_term . snd) argsAndNames
) nullRange]
) nullRange)
) nullRange
)) nullRange)
: phrs2) [] set
) ++ phrs) [] m
in if null ps
then Nothing
else Just $ Text_meta { getText = Named_text funcMapTrS
(Text ps nullRange) nullRange
, metarelation = Set.empty
, discourseNames = Nothing
-- creates one-sentence-phrases:
-- forall x y z. (P[x,y,z]) => (and (T1 x) (T2 y) (T3 z))
predMapText :: Map.Map Token (Set.Set [Token]) -> Maybe TEXT_META
predMapText m =
let ps = Map.foldrWithKey (\prd set phrs -> (
Set.fold (\args phrs2 ->
let argsAndNames = typesWithIndv args
in Sentence (Quant_sent (Universal (map (Name . snd) argsAndNames) (
Bool_sent (Implication
(predicateNames prd (map snd argsAndNames))
(Bool_sent (Conjunction $
map (\(p, x) -> predicateNames p [x]) argsAndNames
) nullRange)
) nullRange
)) nullRange)
: phrs2) [] set
) ++ phrs) [] m
in if null ps
then Nothing
else Just $ Text_meta { getText = Named_text predMapTrS
(Text ps nullRange) nullRange
, metarelation = Set.empty
, discourseNames = Nothing
trmToSen :: FOLSign.Sign -> FOLSign.SPTerm -> SENTENCE
trmToSen s t = case t of
FOLSign.SPQuantTerm qsym vl f -> quantTrm s qsym vl f
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm sym args -> case sym of
FOLSign.SPEqual -> case args of
[x,y] -> toEquation (x,y)
l@(_:_:_) -> Bool_sent (
Conjunction $ map toEquation $ zip l $ tail l
) nullRange
x -> error $ "equation needs at least two arguments, but found: " ++ show x
FOLSign.SPTrue -> clTrue
FOLSign.SPFalse -> clFalse
FOLSign.SPOr -> Bool_sent (Disjunction $ map (trmToSen s) args) nullRange
FOLSign.SPAnd -> Bool_sent (Conjunction $ map (trmToSen s) args) nullRange
FOLSign.SPNot -> case args of
[x] -> Bool_sent (Negation $ trmToSen s x) nullRange
_ -> error $
"negation can only be applied to a single argument, but found: "
++ show t
FOLSign.SPImplies -> case args of
[x,y] -> Bool_sent (Implication (trmToSen s x) (trmToSen s y)) nullRange
_ -> error $
"implication can only be applied to two arguments, but found: "
++ show t
FOLSign.SPImplied -> case args of
[x,y] -> Bool_sent (Implication (trmToSen s y) (trmToSen s x)) nullRange
_ -> error $
"implication can only be applied to two arguments, but found: "
++ show t
FOLSign.SPEquiv -> case args of
[x,y] -> Bool_sent (Biconditional (trmToSen s x) (trmToSen s y)) nullRange
_ -> error $
"equivalence can only be applied to two arguments, but found: "
++ show t
_ -> predicateSPTerms (symToTerm sym) args
-- | converts SPEquation to a CL-Equation
toEquation :: (FOLSign.SPTerm, FOLSign.SPTerm) -> SENTENCE
toEquation (x,y) =
Atom_sent (Equation (trmToTerm x) (trmToTerm y)) nullRange
predicateSPTerms :: TERM -> [FOLSign.SPTerm] -> SENTENCE
predicateSPTerms t args = Atom_sent (Atom t (map trmToTermSeq args)) nullRange
predicateNames :: NAME -> [NAME] -> SENTENCE
predicateNames p xs =
Atom_sent (Atom (Name_term p) (map (Term_seq . Name_term) xs)) nullRange
predicateTerm :: NAME -> TERM -> SENTENCE
predicateTerm p xs = Atom_sent (Atom (Name_term p) [Term_seq xs]) nullRange
-- Converts a quantified FOL-term to a CL-Quant_sent. Quantifier arguments
-- contain only the inner-most arguments of the SoftFOL Quantifier in order to
-- convert sentences like
-- @forall s(Y1), t(u(Y2)) . Y1 /= Y2@
-- to
-- @forall Y1, Y2 . S(Y1) & T(u(Y2)) & U(Y2) => Y1 /= Y2@
-- where S, T and U are the types that Y1, u(Y2) and Y2 must have
-- in order to apply functions/predicates s, t and u to them (defined in
-- funcMap and predMap).
quantTrm :: FOLSign.Sign -> FOLSign.SPQuantSym
-> [FOLSign.SPTerm] -> FOLSign.SPTerm -> SENTENCE
quantTrm sig qsymm vs f =
let functions_quant = filter (not . isNullary) vs
trans_vs = concatMap trmToNameSeq vs
trans_f = if null functions_quant
then trmToSen sig f
else Bool_sent (Implication
(typeSentence sig functions_quant)
(trmToSen sig f)
) nullRange
quantifier = case qsymm of
FOLSign.SPForall -> Universal
FOLSign.SPExists -> Existential
_ -> error "custom quantifiers not allowed"
in Quant_sent (quantifier trans_vs trans_f) nullRange
typeSentence :: FOLSign.Sign -> [FOLSign.SPTerm] -> SENTENCE
typeSentence sig vs = case vs of
[] -> clTrue
[v] -> typeSentence1 sig v -- v = f(x,y,z)
_ -> Bool_sent (Conjunction $ map (typeSentence1 sig) vs) nullRange
typeSentence1 :: FOLSign.Sign -> FOLSign.SPTerm -> SENTENCE
typeSentence1 sig v = case v of
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ [] ->
error "bug (typeSentence1): nullary functions should not occur here"
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm sym args -> typeSentenceGetTypes sig (symToName sym) args
FOLSign.SPQuantTerm _ _ _ ->
error "quantification not allowed in quantifier-argument list"
typeSentenceGetTypes :: FOLSign.Sign -> FOLSign.SPIdentifier -> [FOLSign.SPTerm]
typeSentenceGetTypes sig symN args =
case (Map.lookup symN $ FOLSign.funcMap sig) of
Nothing -> case (Map.lookup symN $ FOLSign.predMap sig) of
Nothing -> case (Map.lookup symN $ FOLSign.sortMap sig) of
Nothing -> error $ "symbol has no type: " ++ show symN
Just _ -> typeSentencesSort args symN
Just ts -> typeSentencesDisjPred sig args $ Set.elems ts
Just ts -> typeSentencesDisjFunc sig args $ Set.elems ts
typeSentencesSort :: [FOLSign.SPTerm] -> FOLSign.SPIdentifier
typeSentencesSort args srt = case args of
[] -> error $ "no arguments for sort " ++ show srt
[arg] -> predicateTerm srt (trmToFunctTrm arg)
_ -> Bool_sent (Conjunction $
map (\arg -> predicateTerm srt (trmToFunctTrm arg)) args
) nullRange
typeSentencesDisjPred :: FOLSign.Sign -> [FOLSign.SPTerm]
-> [[FOLSign.SPIdentifier]]
typeSentencesDisjPred sig args typeSet = case typeSet of
[t] -> tsdp1 t
_ -> Bool_sent (Disjunction $ map tsdp1 typeSet) nullRange
where tsdp1 :: [FOLSign.SPIdentifier] -> SENTENCE
tsdp1 t = Bool_sent (Conjunction $
map (\(arg, argType) -> case arg of
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ [] ->
predicateNames argType [trmToName arg]
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ _ ->
typeSentence1 sig arg
FOLSign.SPQuantTerm _ _ _ ->
error "quantification not allowed in quantifier-argument list"
) $ zip args t
) nullRange
typeSentencesDisjFunc :: FOLSign.Sign -> [FOLSign.SPTerm]
-> [([FOLSign.SPIdentifier], FOLSign.SPIdentifier)]
typeSentencesDisjFunc sig args typeSet = case typeSet of
[t] -> tsdf1 t
_ -> Bool_sent (Disjunction $ map tsdf1 typeSet) nullRange
where tsdf1 :: ([FOLSign.SPIdentifier], FOLSign.SPIdentifier) -> SENTENCE
tsdf1 (t, resType) = Bool_sent (Conjunction $
concatMap (\(arg, argType) -> case arg of
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ [] ->
[predicateNames argType [trmToName arg]]
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ _ ->
[ predicateTerm resType (trmToFunctTrm arg)
, typeSentence1 sig arg]
FOLSign.SPQuantTerm _ _ _ ->
error "quantification not allowed in quantifier-argument list"
) $ zip args t
) nullRange
trmToName :: FOLSign.SPTerm -> NAME
trmToName t = case t of
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm sym _ -> symToName sym
x -> error $ "quantification not convertible to a name: " ++ show x
-- converts an @SPTerm@ to @[NAME_OR_SEQMARK]@ as an argument for a quantifier
-- using only the inner-most arguments
trmToNameSeq :: FOLSign.SPTerm -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK]
trmToNameSeq t = case t of
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm sym [] -> [Name $ symToName sym]
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ args -> concatMap trmToNameSeq args
FOLSign.SPQuantTerm _ _ _ ->
error "quantification not allowed in quantifier-argument list"
-- converts an SPTerm to a TERM, i.e. for the arguments of an equation
trmToTerm :: FOLSign.SPTerm -> TERM
trmToTerm t = case t of
FOLSign.SPQuantTerm _ _ _ -> error "quantification not allowed for a term"
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ [] -> Name_term $ trmToName t
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ _ -> trmToFunctTrm t
-- Converts an SPTerm to TERM_SEQ as an argument for a quantifier
trmToTermSeq :: FOLSign.SPTerm -> TERM_SEQ
trmToTermSeq t = Term_seq $ case t of
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ _ -> trmToTerm t
FOLSign.SPQuantTerm _ _ _ ->
error "quantification not allowed in argument list"
trmToFunctTrm :: FOLSign.SPTerm -> TERM
trmToFunctTrm t = case t of
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm sym args ->
if null args
then symToTerm sym
else Funct_term (symToTerm sym) (map trmToTermSeq args) nullRange
FOLSign.SPQuantTerm _ _ _ ->
error "quantification not allowed in quantifier-argument list"
-- | converts a custom symbol to a NAME, used in
symToName :: FOLSign.SPSymbol -> NAME
symToName s = case s of
FOLSign.SPCustomSymbol i -> i
FOLSign.SPID -> idName
FOLSign.SPDiv -> divName
FOLSign.SPComp -> compName
FOLSign.SPSum -> sumName
FOLSign.SPConv -> convName
x -> error $ "symbol not convertible to a name: " ++ show x
symToTerm :: FOLSign.SPSymbol -> TERM
symToTerm s = Name_term $ symToName s
isNullary :: FOLSign.SPTerm -> Bool
isNullary t = case t of
FOLSign.SPComplexTerm _ [] -> True
_ -> False
-- representation for true in CL
clTrue :: SENTENCE --forall x. x=x
clTrue = Quant_sent (Universal [Name xName]
$ Atom_sent (Equation (Name_term xName) (Name_term xName)) nullRange
) nullRange
-- representation for false in CL
clFalse :: SENTENCE
clFalse = Bool_sent (Negation clTrue) nullRange
-- creates an individual-name out of a NAME by appending "_i" to it
indv :: NAME -> Int -> NAME
indv n i = mkSimpleId (tokStr n ++ "_item_" ++ show i)
-- simple names
xName :: NAME
xName = mkSimpleId "x"
idName :: NAME
idName = mkSimpleId "ID"
divName :: NAME
divName = mkSimpleId "DIV"
compName :: NAME
compName = mkSimpleId "COMP"
sumName :: NAME
sumName = mkSimpleId "SUM"
convName :: NAME
convName = mkSimpleId "CONV"
-- Text-Names
sortRelTrS :: String
sortRelTrS = "SoftFOL_SubsortRelations"
funcMapTrS :: String
funcMapTrS = "SoftFOL_FunctionMaps"
predMapTrS :: String
predMapTrS = "SoftFOL_PredicateMaps"
softFOLSignTr :: String
softFOLSignTr = "SoftFOL_SignatureTranslation"