{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : ./Comorphisms/RelScheme2CASL.hs
Description : Comorphism from RelScheme to CASL
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke and Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : luecke@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The translating comorphism from DL to CASL_DL basically this is an
identity comorphism from SROIQ(D) to SROIQ(D)
module Comorphisms.RelScheme2CASL
RelScheme2CASL (..)
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils (number)
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- RelScheme
import RelationalScheme.Logic_Rel as LRel
import RelationalScheme.AS as ARel
import qualified RelationalScheme.Sign as SRel
-- CASL = codomain
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sublogic as SL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
data RelScheme2CASL = RelScheme2CASL deriving (Show)
instance Language RelScheme2CASL
instance Comorphism
RelScheme2CASL -- comorphism
RelScheme -- lid domain
() -- sublogics domain
RSScheme -- Basic spec domain
Sentence -- sentence domain
() -- symbol items domain
() -- symbol map items domain
SRel.Sign -- signature domain
SRel.RSMorphism -- morphism domain
SRel.RSSymbol -- symbol domain
SRel.RSRawSymbol -- rawsymbol domain
() -- proof tree codomain
CASL -- lid codomain
CASL_Sublogics -- sublogics codomain
CASLBasicSpec -- Basic spec codomain
CASLFORMULA -- sentence codomain
SYMB_ITEMS -- symbol items codomain
SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items codomain
CASLSign -- signature codomain
CASLMor -- morphism codomain
Symbol -- symbol codomain
RawSymbol -- rawsymbol codomain
ProofTree -- proof tree domain
sourceLogic RelScheme2CASL = RelScheme
sourceSublogic RelScheme2CASL = ()
targetLogic RelScheme2CASL = CASL
mapSublogic RelScheme2CASL _ = Just SL.caslTop
map_theory RelScheme2CASL = map_RelScheme_theory
map_morphism RelScheme2CASL = return . mapMorphism
map_sentence RelScheme2CASL = mapSen
isInclusionComorphism RelScheme2CASL = True
map_RelScheme_theory :: (SRel.Sign, [Named Sentence])
-> Result (CASLSign, [Named CASLFORMULA])
map_RelScheme_theory (sig, n_sens) = do
let tsign = mapSign sig
tax <- mapM genAxioms $ Set.toList $ SRel.tables sig
tsens <- mapM (mapNamedSen sig) n_sens
return (tsign, concat (tsens : tax))
mapSign :: SRel.Sign -> CASLSign
mapSign sig = let
(sorts, ops, preds) = genCASLSig (Set.toList $ SRel.tables sig)
Set.empty MapSet.empty MapSet.empty
in (emptySign ()) {
sortRel = Rel.fromKeysSet sorts,
opMap = ops,
predMap = preds
mapMorphism :: SRel.RSMorphism -> CASLMor
mapMorphism phi = let
ssign = mapSign $ SRel.domain phi
Morphism {
msource = ssign,
mtarget = mapSign $ SRel.codomain phi,
sort_map = Map.empty,
op_map = Map.fromList $
map (\ (tab, (c1, c2)) -> let
t : _ = filter (\ tb -> SRel.t_name tb == tab) $
Set.toList $ SRel.tables $ SRel.domain phi
types = getTypes t
resType = stringToId $ show $ SRel.c_data $
head $ filter (\ col -> SRel.c_name col == c1) $
SRel.columns t
fname = stringToId $ show tab ++ '_' : show c1
ftype = mkTotOpType types resType
rname = stringToId $
show (SRel.table_map phi Map.! tab) ++ '_' : show c2
((fname, ftype), (rname, Partial))
$ concatMap (\ (x, f) -> map (\ y -> (x, y)) $ Map.toList $ SRel.col_map f)
$ Map.toList $ SRel.column_map phi,
pred_map = Map.fromList $ concatMap
(\ (i, pSet) ->
[((i, pt), SRel.table_map phi Map.! i)
| pt <- pSet]) $
MapSet.toList $ predMap ssign,
extended_map = ()
genCASLSig :: [SRel.RSTable] -> Set.Set SORT -> OpMap -> PredMap
-> (Set.Set SORT, OpMap, PredMap)
genCASLSig tabList sorts ops preds = case tabList of
[] -> (sorts, ops, preds)
t : tList -> let
arity = getTypes t
sorts' = Set.fromList arity
ops' =
MapSet.fromList $
map ( \ c -> (stringToId $ show (SRel.t_name t) ++ '_'
: show (SRel.c_name c),
[OpType Total arity $ stringToId $ show $ SRel.c_data c]))
$ SRel.columns t
preds' = MapSet.insert (SRel.t_name t)
(PredType arity) preds
in genCASLSig tList
(Set.union sorts sorts')
(MapSet.union ops ops')
genAxioms :: SRel.RSTable -> Result [Named CASLFORMULA]
genAxioms tab =
if Set.null $ SRel.t_keys tab then projections tab else do
axK <- axiomsForKeys tab
axP <- projections tab
return $ axK ++ axP
genTypedVars :: Char -> [Id] -> [(Token, Id)]
genTypedVars c = map (\ (t, n) -> (genToken (c : show n), t)) . number
axiomsForKeys :: SRel.RSTable -> Result [Named CASLFORMULA]
axiomsForKeys tab = do
types = getTypes tab
vars_x = genTypedVars 'x' types
vars_y = genTypedVars 'y' types
qual_vars = map (uncurry mkVarTerm)
qXs = qual_vars vars_x
qYs = qual_vars vars_y
conjuncts = zipWith mkStEq qXs qYs
keys = Set.toList $ SRel.t_keys tab
keysEqual = map (\ (cid, ctype) -> let
qualOp = mkQualOp
(stringToId $ show (SRel.t_name tab) ++ '_' : show cid)
(Op_type Total types (stringToId $ show ctype) nullRange)
in mkStEq
(mkAppl qualOp qXs)
(mkAppl qualOp qYs)
) keys
return [makeNamed "" $ mkForall
(map (uncurry mkVarDecl) $ vars_x ++ vars_y)
(let qualPred = mkQualPred
(SRel.t_name tab)
(Pred_type types nullRange)
in conjunct
([ mkPredication qualPred qXs
, mkPredication qualPred qYs ]
++ keysEqual)
(conjunct conjuncts)
getTypes :: SRel.RSTable -> [Id]
getTypes = map (stringToId . show . SRel.c_data) . SRel.columns
projections :: SRel.RSTable -> Result [Named CASLFORMULA]
projections tab = let
types = getTypes tab
vars_x = genTypedVars 'x' types
vardecls = map (uncurry mkVarDecl)
qual_vars = map (uncurry mkVarTerm)
fields = map (show . SRel.c_name) $ SRel.columns tab
projAx c (vRes, typeRes) = makeNamed "" $ mkForall
(vardecls vars_x)
(stringToId $ show (SRel.t_name tab) ++ '_' : c)
(Op_type Total types typeRes nullRange)
(qual_vars vars_x)
(mkVarTerm vRes typeRes)
in return $ zipWith projAx fields vars_x
mapNamedSen :: SRel.Sign -> Named Sentence -> Result (Named CASLFORMULA)
mapNamedSen sign n_sens =
s = sentence n_sens
ts <- mapSen sign s
return $ n_sens {sentence = ts}
mapSen :: SRel.Sign -> Sentence -> Result CASLFORMULA
mapSen sign sen = let
linkedcols = zip (map column $ r_lhs sen)
(map column $ r_rhs sen)
rtableName : _ = map table $ r_rhs sen
ltableName : _ = map table $ r_lhs sen
ltable : _ = filter (\ t -> SRel.t_name t == ltableName) $
Set.toList $ SRel.tables sign
rtable : _ = filter (\ t -> SRel.t_name t == rtableName) $
Set.toList $ SRel.tables sign
allRcols = number $ SRel.columns rtable
typesL = getTypes ltable
typesR = getTypes rtable
vars_x = genTypedVars 'x' typesL
vardecls = map (uncurry mkVarDecl)
qual_vars = map (uncurry mkVarTerm)
quantif = case r_type sen of
RSone_to_one -> Unique_existential
_ -> Existential
(decls, terms) = foldl (\ (dList, tList) (c, i) ->
if SRel.c_name c `elem` map snd linkedcols then let
ti = mkAppl
(stringToId $
show ltableName ++ "_" ++
show (fst $ head $
filter (\ (_, y) -> y == SRel.c_name c)
(stringToId $ show $ SRel.c_data c)
(qual_vars vars_x)
in (dList, ti : tList)
else let
di = mkVarDecl
(genToken $ 'y' : show i)
(stringToId $ show $ SRel.c_data c)
ti = toQualVar di
in (di : dList, ti : tList)
) ([], []) allRcols
in return $ mkForall (vardecls vars_x) $ mkImpl
(mkQualPred ltableName
(Pred_type typesL nullRange)
) (qual_vars vars_x)
$ Quantification quantif (reverse decls)
(mkQualPred rtableName
(Pred_type typesR nullRange)
(reverse terms)
) nullRange