PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL.hs revision 5d82a5bdf5c77a69445524e96bae8f38da71a750
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The embedding comorphism from HasCASL to Isabelle-HOL.
module Comorphisms.PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL
(PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL(..)) where
import Logic.Logic as Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named(..))
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import HasCASL.Logic_HasCASL
import HasCASL.Sublogic
import HasCASL.Le as Le
import HasCASL.As as As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Builtin
import Isabelle.IsaSign as Isa
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Isabelle.Translate
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL = PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL deriving Show
instance Language PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL
HasCASL Sublogic
BasicSpec Le.Sentence SymbItems SymbMapItems
Env Morphism
Symbol RawSymbol ()
Isabelle () () Isa.Sentence () ()
IsabelleMorphism () () () where
sourceLogic PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL = HasCASL
sourceSublogic PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL = noSubtypes
targetLogic PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL = Isabelle
mapSublogic PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL _ = ()
map_theory PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL = mkTheoryMapping transSignature
(map_sentence PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL)
map_morphism = mapDefaultMorphism
map_sentence PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL sign phi =
case transSentence sign phi of
Nothing -> warning (mkSen true)
"translation of sentence not implemented" nullRange
Just (ts) -> return $ mkSen ts
map_symbol = errMapSymbol
-- * Signature
baseSign :: BaseSig
baseSign = MainHC_thy
transSignature :: Env -> Result (Isa.Sign,[Named Isa.Sentence])
transSignature sign =
return (Isa.emptySign {
baseSig = baseSign,
-- translation of typeconstructors
tsig = emptyTypeSig
{ arities = Map.foldWithKey extractTypeName
(typeMap sign) },
-- translation of operation declarations
constTab = Map.foldWithKey insertOps
(assumps sign),
-- translation of datatype declarations
domainTab = transDatatype (typeMap sign),
showLemmas = True },
[] )
extractTypeName tyId typeInfo m =
if isDatatypeDefn typeInfo then m
else let getTypeArgs n k = case k of
ClassKind _ -> []
FunKind _ _ r _ ->
(TFree ("'a" ++ show n) [], [isaTerm])
: getTypeArgs (n + 1) r
in Map.insert (showIsaTypeT tyId baseSign)
[(isaTerm, getTypeArgs (1 :: Int) $ typeKind typeInfo)] m
isDatatypeDefn t = case typeDefn t of
DatatypeDefn _ -> True
_ -> False
insertOps name ops m =
let infos = opInfos ops
in if isSingle infos then
let transOp = transOpInfo (head infos)
in case transOp of
Just op ->
Map.insert (mkVName $ showIsaConstT name baseSign) op m
Nothing -> m
let transOps = map transOpInfo infos
in foldl (\ m' (transOp,i) ->
case transOp of
Just typ -> Map.insert
(mkVName $ showIsaConstIT name i baseSign) typ m'
Nothing -> m')
m (zip transOps [1::Int ..])
-- * translation of a type in an operation declaration
-- extract type from OpInfo
-- omit datatype constructors
transOpInfo :: OpInfo -> Maybe Typ
transOpInfo (OpInfo t _ opDef) = case opDef of
ConstructData _ -> Nothing
_ -> Just (transOpType t)
-- operation type
transOpType :: TypeScheme -> Typ
transOpType (TypeScheme _ op _) = transType op
unitTyp :: Typ
unitTyp = Type "unit" holType []
-- types
transType :: Type -> Typ
transType = transFunType . funType
transFunType :: FunType -> Typ
transFunType fty = case fty of
UnitType -> unitTyp
BoolType -> boolType
FunType f a -> mkFunType (transFunType f) $ transFunType a
PartialVal a -> mkOptionType $ transFunType a
PairType a b -> prodType (transFunType a) $ transFunType b
ApplType tid args -> Type (showIsaTypeT tid baseSign) []
$ map transFunType args
TypeVar tid -> TFree (showIsaTypeT tid baseSign) []
data FunType = UnitType | BoolType | FunType FunType FunType
| PartialVal FunType | PairType FunType FunType
| ApplType Id [FunType] | TypeVar Id
deriving Eq
mkPairType :: FunType -> FunType -> FunType
mkPairType a b = case (a, b) of
(PartialVal c, PartialVal d) -> PartialVal $ PairType c d
(PartialVal c, _) -> PartialVal $ PairType c b
(_, PartialVal d) -> PartialVal $ PairType a d
_ -> PairType a b
makeFunType :: FunType -> FunType -> FunType
makeFunType a b = case a of
PartialVal e@(FunType _ (PartialVal _)) -> FunType e b
PartialVal (FunType c d) -> FunType (FunType c (PartialVal d)) b
FunType _ (PartialVal _) -> FunType a b
FunType c d -> FunType (FunType c (PartialVal d)) b
_ -> FunType a b
isPartialVal :: FunType -> Bool
isPartialVal t = case t of
PartialVal _ -> True
BoolType -> True
_ -> False
makePartialVal :: FunType -> FunType
makePartialVal t = if isPartialVal t then t else
case t of
UnitType -> BoolType
_ -> PartialVal t
funType :: Type -> FunType
funType t = case getTypeAppl t of
(TypeName tid _ n, tys) ->
if n == 0 then
case map funType tys of
[] | tid == unitTypeId -> UnitType
[ty] | tid == lazyTypeId -> makePartialVal ty
[t1, t2] | isArrow tid -> FunType (case t1 of
FunType t3 t4 -> FunType t3 $ makePartialVal t4
PartialVal (FunType t3 t4) -> FunType t3 $ makePartialVal t4
_ -> t1) $
(if isPartialArrow tid then makePartialVal else id) t2
ftys@(_ : _ : _) | isProductId tid -> foldl1 PairType ftys
ftys -> ApplType tid ftys
else if null tys then TypeVar tid
else error "funType: no higher kinds"
_ -> error "funType: no type appl"
-- * translation of a datatype declaration
transDatatype :: TypeMap -> DomainTab
transDatatype tm = map transDataEntry (Map.fold extractDataypes [] tm)
where extractDataypes ti des = case typeDefn ti of
DatatypeDefn de -> des++[de]
_ -> des
-- datatype with name (tyId) + args (tyArgs) and alternatives
transDataEntry :: DataEntry -> [DomainEntry]
transDataEntry (DataEntry _ tyId _ tyArgs _ alts) =
-- only free types are allowed
[(transDName tyId tyArgs, map transAltDefn alts)]
where transDName ti ta = Type (showIsaTypeT ti baseSign) []
$ map transTypeArg ta
-- arguments of datatype's typeconstructor
transTypeArg :: TypeArg -> Typ
transTypeArg ta = TFree (showIsaTypeT (getTypeVar ta) baseSign) []
-- datatype alternatives/constructors
transAltDefn :: AltDefn -> (VName, [Typ])
transAltDefn (Construct opId ts Total _) =
let ts' = map transType ts
in case opId of
Just opId' -> (mkVName $ showIsaConstT opId' baseSign, ts')
Nothing -> (mkVName "", ts')
transAltDefn _ = error "PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL.transAltDefn"
-- * Formulas
option2bool :: Isa.Term
option2bool = conDouble "option2bool"
-- simple variables
transVar :: Var -> VName
transVar v = mkVName $ showIsaConstT v baseSign
transSentence :: Env -> Le.Sentence -> Maybe Isa.Term
transSentence sign s = case s of
Le.Formula t -> Just $ case transTerm sign t of
(UnitType, _) -> true
(BoolType, t) -> t
_ -> error "transSentence"
DatatypeSen _ -> Nothing
ProgEqSen _ _ _pe -> Nothing
-- disambiguate operation names
transOpId :: Env -> UninstOpId -> TypeScheme -> String
transOpId sign op ts =
case (do ops <- Map.lookup op (assumps sign)
if isSingle (opInfos ops) then return $ showIsaConstT op baseSign
else do i <- elemIndex ts (map opType (opInfos ops))
return $ showIsaConstIT op (i+1) baseSign) of
Just str -> str
Nothing -> error $ "transOpId " ++ showIsaConstT op baseSign
transProgEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> (Isa.Term, Isa.Term)
transProgEq sign (ProgEq pat trm _) =
let op = transTerm sign pat
ot = transTerm sign trm
in {- if isPartial op || isPartial ot then
(someTerm op, someTerm ot)
else -} (snd op, snd ot)
ifImplOp :: Isa.Term
ifImplOp = conDouble "ifImplOp"
unitOp :: Isa.Term
unitOp = Tuplex [] NotCont
exEqualOp :: Isa.Term
exEqualOp = conDouble "exEqualOp"
ifThenElseOp :: Isa.Term
ifThenElseOp = conDouble "ifThenElseOp"
uncurryOp :: Isa.Term
uncurryOp = conDouble "uncurryOp"
wrapLogOp :: Isa.Term
wrapLogOp = conDouble "wrapLogOp"
defOp1 :: Isa.Term
defOp1 = conDouble "defOp1"
notOp1 :: Isa.Term
notOp1 = conDouble "notOp1"
-- terms
transTerm :: Env -> As.Term -> (FunType, Isa.Term)
transTerm sign trm = case trm of
QualVar (VarDecl var t _ _) -> (funType t,
Isa.Free (transVar var) $ transType t)
QualOp _ (InstOpId opId _ _) ts@(TypeScheme _ ty _) _
| opId == trueId -> (fTy, true)
| opId == falseId -> (fTy, false)
| opId == botId -> (fTy, conDouble "None")
| opId == andId -> unCurry conjV
| opId == orId -> unCurry disjV
| opId == implId -> unCurry implV
| opId == infixIf -> (fTy, ifImplOp)
| opId == eqvId -> unCurry eqV
| opId == exEq -> (fTy, exEqualOp)
| opId == eqId -> unCurry eqV
| opId == notId -> (fTy, notOp)
| opId == defId -> (fTy, defOp)
| opId == whenElse -> (fTy, ifThenElseOp)
| otherwise -> (fTy, conDouble $ transOpId sign opId ts)
where fTy = funType ty
unCurry f = (fTy, termAppl uncurryOp $ con f)
QuantifiedTerm quan varDecls phi _ ->
let quantify q gvd phi' = case gvd of
GenVarDecl (VarDecl var typ _ _) ->
termAppl (conDouble $ qname q)
$ Abs (con $ transVar var)
(transType typ) phi' NotCont
GenTypeVarDecl _ -> phi'
qname Universal = allS
qname Existential = exS
qname Unique = ex1S
(_, psi) = transTerm sign phi
in (BoolType, foldr (quantify quan) psi varDecls)
TypedTerm t _ _ _ -> transTerm sign t
LambdaTerm pats _ body _ ->
let tPats = map (fst . transTerm sign) pats
(bodyTy, bodyTrm) = transTerm sign body
in ( foldr FunType bodyTy tPats
, foldr (abstraction sign) bodyTrm pats )
LetTerm As.Let peqs body _ ->
let (bTy, bTrm) = transTerm sign body
in (bTy, Isa.Let (map (transProgEq sign) peqs) bTrm)
TupleTerm ts@(_ : _) _ ->
foldl1 ( \ (s, p) (t, e) -> (PairType s t, {- case (s, t) of
(PartialVal _, PartialVal _) -> binConst pairC p e
(PartialVal _, _) -> binConst "pairL" p e
(_, PartialVal _) -> binConst "pairR" p e
_ -> -} Tuplex [p, e] NotCont)) $ map (transTerm sign) ts
TupleTerm [] _ -> (UnitType, unitOp)
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> mkApp sign t1 t2 -- transAppl sign Nothing t1 t2
_ -> error $ "PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL.transTerm " ++ showPretty trm "\n"
++ show trm
data MapFun = MapFst | MapSnd | MapSome
data LiftFun = Lift | LiftFst | LiftSnd
data ConvFun = IdOp | CompFun ConvFun ConvFun | ConstNil | ConstTrue | SomeOp
| MapFun MapFun ConvFun | LiftFun LiftFun ConvFun | LiftUnit
| ResFun ConvFun | ArgFun ConvFun | Bool2Option | Option2Bool
liftFun :: LiftFun -> Isa.Term
liftFun lf = case lf of
Lift -> liftToSome
LiftFst -> liftFst
LiftSnd -> liftSnd
mapFun :: MapFun -> Isa.Term
mapFun mf = case mf of
MapFst -> mapFst
MapSnd -> mapSnd
MapSome -> mapSome
convFun :: ConvFun -> Isa.Term
convFun cvf = case cvf of
IdOp -> idOp
Bool2Option -> bool2option
Option2Bool -> option2bool
LiftUnit -> liftUnit
CompFun IdOp f2 -> convFun f2
CompFun f1 IdOp -> convFun f1
CompFun f1 f2 -> termAppl (termAppl compFun $ convFun f1) $ convFun f2
ConstNil -> constNil
ConstTrue -> constTrue
SomeOp -> conSome
MapFun mf IdOp -> idOp
MapFun mf cv -> termAppl (mapFun mf) $ convFun cv
LiftFun lf cv -> termAppl (liftFun lf) $ convFun cv
ArgFun cv -> termAppl argFunOp $ convFun cv
ResFun cv -> termAppl resFunOp $ convFun cv
liftToSome = conDouble "liftToSome"
liftFst = conDouble "liftFst"
liftSnd = conDouble "liftSnd"
mapFst = conDouble "mapFst"
mapSnd = conDouble "mapSnd"
mapSome = conDouble "mapSome"
idOp = conDouble "idOp"
bool2option = conDouble "bool2option"
liftUnit = conDouble "liftUnit"
compFun = conDouble "compFun"
constNil = conDouble "constNil"
constTrue = conDouble "constTrue"
argFunOp = conDouble "argFunOp"
resFunOp = conDouble "resFunOp"
adjustTypes :: FunType -> FunType -> (ConvFun, ConvFun)
adjustTypes aTy ty = case (aTy, ty) of
(BoolType, BoolType) -> (IdOp, IdOp)
(UnitType, UnitType) -> (IdOp, IdOp)
(PartialVal _, BoolType) -> (IdOp, Bool2Option)
(BoolType, PartialVal _) -> (IdOp, Option2Bool)
(UnitType, BoolType) -> (LiftUnit, IdOp)
(BoolType, UnitType) -> (IdOp, ConstTrue)
(PartialVal a, PartialVal b) -> case adjustTypes a b of
(fTrm, aTrm) -> (fTrm, MapFun MapSome aTrm)
(PartialVal a, b) -> case adjustTypes a b of
(fTrm, aTrm) -> (fTrm, CompFun SomeOp aTrm)
(a, PartialVal b) -> case adjustTypes a b of
(fTrm, aTrm) -> (LiftFun Lift fTrm, aTrm)
(PairType a c, PairType b d) ->
let (aC, bC) = adjustTypes a b
(cC, dC) = adjustTypes c d
in (case (aC, cC) of
(IdOp, IdOp) -> IdOp
(IdOp, _) -> LiftFun LiftSnd cC
(_, IdOp) -> LiftFun LiftFst aC
_ -> CompFun (LiftFun LiftSnd cC) $ LiftFun LiftFst aC,
CompFun (MapFun MapSnd dC) $ MapFun MapFst bC)
(FunType a c, FunType b d) ->
let (_, aC) = adjustTypes b a
(_, dC) = adjustTypes c d
in (IdOp, CompFun (ResFun dC) (ArgFun aC))
_ -> (IdOp, IdOp)
mkApp :: Env -> As.Term -> As.Term -> (FunType, Isa.Term)
mkApp sg f arg =
let (fTy, fTrm) = transTerm sg f
(aTy, aTrm) = transTerm sg arg
in case fTy of
FunType a r -> let (fConv, aConv) = adjustTypes a aTy
in (case fConv of
IdOp -> r
_ -> makePartialVal r,
termAppl (termAppl (convFun fConv) fTrm)
$ termAppl (convFun aConv) aTrm)
PartialVal (FunType a r) -> let (fConv, aConv) = adjustTypes a aTy
in (makePartialVal r,
termAppl (termAppl (termAppl unpackOp $ convFun fConv) fTrm)
$ termAppl (convFun aConv) aTrm)
_ -> error "not a function type"
unpackOp = conDouble "unpackOp"
-- * translation of lambda abstractions
-- form Abs(pattern term)
abstraction :: Env -> As.Term -> Isa.Term -> Isa.Term
abstraction sign pat body =
Abs (snd $ transTerm sign pat) (getType pat) body NotCont
getType t =
case t of
QualVar (VarDecl _ typ _ _) -> transType typ
TypedTerm _ _ typ _ -> transType typ
TupleTerm terms _ -> evalTupleType terms
_ ->
error "PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL.abstraction"
evalTupleType t = foldr1 prodType (map getType t)