PCFOL2FOL.inline.hs revision 97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47
{- |
Module: $Header$
Copyright : (c) Zicheng Wang, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Comorphisms.PCFOL2FOL where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Data.List
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Sublogic hiding (bottom)
import CASL.Overload
import CASL.Simplify
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data PCFOL2FOL = PCFOL2FOL deriving (Show)
instance Language PCFOL2FOL -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism PCFOL2FOL
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ()
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol () where
sourceLogic PCFOL2FOL = CASL
sourceSublogic PCFOL2FOL = CASL_SL
{ has_sub = False,
has_part = True,
has_cons = True,
has_eq = True,
has_pred = True,
which_logic = FOL
targetLogic PCFOL2FOL = CASL
targetSublogic PCFOL2FOL = CASL_SL
{ has_sub = False,
has_part = False, -- partiality is coded out
has_cons = True,
has_eq = True,
has_pred = True,
which_logic = FOL
map_theory PCFOL2FOL = mkTheoryMapping ( \ sig ->
let e = sig2FOL sig in return (e, generateFOLAxioms sig))
(map_sentence PCFOL2FOL)
map_morphism PCFOL2FOL m = return m
{ msource = sig2FOL $ msource m
, mtarget = sig2FOL $ mtarget m
, fun_map = Map.map (\ (i, _) -> (i, Total)) $
fun_map m }
map_sentence PCFOL2FOL sig =
return . simplifyFormula id . totalizeFormula (sortsWithBottom sig) id
map_symbol PCFOL2FOL s =
Set.singleton s { symbType = totalizeSymbType $ symbType s }
totalizeSymbType :: SymbType -> SymbType
totalizeSymbType t = case t of
OpAsItemType ot -> OpAsItemType ot { opKind = Total }
_ -> t
sortsWithBottom :: Sign f e -> Set.Set SORT
sortsWithBottom sign =
let ops = Map.elems $ opMap sign
resSortsOfPartialFcts =
Set.unions $ map (Set.map opRes .
Set.filter ( \ t -> opKind t == Partial))
collect given =
let more = Set.unions $ map (Set.map opRes .
Set.filter ( \ t -> any
(flip Set.member given) $ opArgs t)) ops
in if Set.isSubsetOf more given then given
else collect $ Set.union more given
in collect resSortsOfPartialFcts
sig2FOL :: Sign f e -> Sign f e
sig2FOL sig = sig { opMap=newOpMap, predMap = newpredMap }
newTotalMap = Map.map (Set.map $ makeTotal Total) $ opMap sig
botType x = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs=[], opRes=x }
bsorts = sortsWithBottom sig
botTypes = Set.map botType bsorts
newOpMap = Map.insert bottom botTypes newTotalMap
defType x = PredType{predArgs=[x]}
defTypes = Set.map defType bsorts
newpredMap = Map.insert defPred defTypes $ predMap sig
bottom :: Id
bottom = mkId[mkSimpleId "g__bottom"]
defPred :: Id
defPred = mkId[mkSimpleId "g__defined"]
generateFOLAxioms :: Eq f => Sign f e -> [Named(FORMULA f)]
generateFOLAxioms sig = filter ((/= True_atom []) . sentence) $ map
(mapNamed (simplifyFormula id .
rmDefs bsorts id)) $
([inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s \
\ pred d:s \
\ . exists x:s.d(x) %(ga_nonEmpty)%" ++
inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s \
\ op bottom:s \
\ pred d:s \
\ forall x:s . not d(x) <=> x=bottom %(ga_notDefBottom)%"
| s <- sortList ] ++
[inlineAxioms CASL
" sort t \
\ sorts s_i \
\ sorts s_k \
\ op f:s_i->t \
\ var y_k:s_k \
\ forall y_i:s_i . def f(y_i) <=> def y_k /\\ def y_k %(ga_totality)%"
| (f,typ) <- opList, opKind typ == Total,
let s=opArgs typ; t=opRes typ; y= mkVars (length s) ] ++
[inlineAxioms CASL
" sort t \
\ sorts s_i \
\ sorts s_k \
\ op f:s_i->t \
\ var y_k:s_k \
\ forall y_i:s_i . def f(y_i) => def y_k /\\ def y_k %(ga_stricntess)%"
| (f,typ) <- opList, opKind typ == Partial,
let s=opArgs typ; t=opRes typ; y= mkVars (length s) ] ++
[inlineAxioms CASL
" sorts s_i \
\ sorts s_k \
\ pred p:s_i \
\ var y_k:s_k \
\ forall y_i:s_i . p(y_i) => def y_k /\\ def y_k \
\ %(ga_predicate_strictness)%"
| (p,typ) <- predList, let s=predArgs typ; y=mkVars (length s) ] )
d = defPred
bsorts = sortsWithBottom sig
sortList = Set.toList bsorts
opList = [(f,t) | (f,types) <- Map.assocs $ opMap sig,
t <- Set.toList types ]
predList = [(p,t) | (p,types) <- Map.assocs $ predMap sig,
t <- Set.toList types ]
x = mkSimpleId "x"
mkVars n = [mkSimpleId ("x_"++show i) | i<-[1..n]]
defined :: Set.Set SORT -> TERM f -> SORT -> [Pos] -> FORMULA f
defined bsorts t s ps =
if Set.member s bsorts then
Predication (Qual_pred_name defPred (Pred_type [s] []) []) [t] ps
else True_atom ps
defVards :: Set.Set SORT -> [VAR_DECL] -> FORMULA f
defVards bs [vs@(Var_decl [_] _ _)] = head $ defVars bs vs
defVards bs vs = Conjunction (concatMap (defVars bs) vs) []
defVars :: Set.Set SORT -> VAR_DECL -> [FORMULA f]
defVars bs (Var_decl vns s _) = map (defVar bs s) vns
defVar :: Set.Set SORT -> SORT -> Token -> FORMULA f
defVar bs s v = defined bs (Qual_var v s []) s []
totalizeTerm :: Set.Set SORT -> (f -> f) -> TERM f -> TERM f
totalizeTerm bsrts mf t = case t of
Application o args ps ->
Application (totalizeOpSymb o) (map (totalizeTerm bsrts mf) args) ps
Conditional t1 f t2 ps -> let
t3 = totalizeTerm bsrts mf t1
newF = totalizeFormula bsrts mf f
t4 = totalizeTerm bsrts mf t2
in Conditional t3 newF t4 ps
Sorted_term tr s _ | term_sort tr == s -> totalizeTerm bsrts mf tr
Cast tr s _ | term_sort tr == s -> totalizeTerm bsrts mf tr
Qual_var _ _ _ -> t
_ -> error "PCFOL2CFOL.totalizeTerm"
where totalizeOpSymb o = case o of
Qual_op_name i (Op_type _ args res ps) qs ->
Qual_op_name i (Op_type Total args res ps) qs
_ -> o
totalizeFormula :: Set.Set SORT -> (f -> f) -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
totalizeFormula bsrts mf form = case form of
Quantification q vs qf ps -> Quantification q vs
(Implication (defVards bsrts vs) (totalizeFormula bsrts mf qf)
False ps) ps
Conjunction fs ps -> Conjunction (map (totalizeFormula bsrts mf) fs) ps
Disjunction fs ps -> Disjunction (map (totalizeFormula bsrts mf) fs) ps
Implication f1 f2 b ps -> let
f3 = totalizeFormula bsrts mf f1
f4 = totalizeFormula bsrts mf f2
in Implication f3 f4 b ps
Equivalence f1 f2 ps -> let
f3 = totalizeFormula bsrts mf f1
f4 = totalizeFormula bsrts mf f2
in Equivalence f3 f4 ps
Negation nf ps -> let
newF = totalizeFormula bsrts mf nf
in Negation newF ps
Predication p args ps ->
let newArgs = map (totalizeTerm bsrts mf) args in
Predication p newArgs ps
Definedness t ps -> let
newT = totalizeTerm bsrts mf t
srt = term_sort newT
in defined bsrts newT srt ps
Existl_equation t1 t2 ps -> let
t3 = totalizeTerm bsrts mf t1
t4 = totalizeTerm bsrts mf t2
in Conjunction[Strong_equation t3 t4 ps,
defined bsrts t3 (term_sort t3) ps] ps
Strong_equation t1 t2 ps -> let
t3 = totalizeTerm bsrts mf t1
t4 = totalizeTerm bsrts mf t2
in Strong_equation t3 t4 ps
ExtFORMULA ef -> ExtFORMULA $ mf ef
Membership t s ps | term_sort t == s -> True_atom ps
Sort_gen_ax _ _ -> form
True_atom _ -> form
False_atom _ -> form
_ -> error "PCFOL2CFOL.totalizeFormula"
rmDefs :: Set.Set SORT -> (f -> f) -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
rmDefs bsrts mf form = case form of
Quantification q vs qf ps -> Quantification q vs (rmDefs bsrts mf qf) ps
Conjunction fs ps -> Conjunction (map (rmDefs bsrts mf) fs) ps
Disjunction fs ps -> Disjunction (map (rmDefs bsrts mf) fs) ps
Implication f1 f2 b ps -> let
f3 = rmDefs bsrts mf f1
f4 = rmDefs bsrts mf f2
in Implication f3 f4 b ps
Equivalence f1 f2 ps -> let
f3 = rmDefs bsrts mf f1
f4 = rmDefs bsrts mf f2
in Equivalence f3 f4 ps
Negation nf ps -> let
newF = rmDefs bsrts mf nf
in Negation newF ps
Definedness t ps -> defined bsrts t (term_sort t) ps
ExtFORMULA ef -> ExtFORMULA $ mf ef
_ -> form