OWL2DL.hs revision 4485d1c9ef1ff5a45c3ac3f76b7e952099625678
1060N/A{- |
1060N/AModule : $Header$
1060N/ADescription : Comorphism from OWL 1.1 to DL
1060N/ACopyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2007
1060N/ALicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt
1060N/AMaintainer : luecke@informatik.uni-bremen.de
1060N/AStability : provisional
1060N/APortability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
1060N/Aa not yet implemented comorphism
1060N/Amodule Comorphisms.OWL2DL where
1060N/Aimport Logic.Logic
1060N/Aimport Logic.Comorphism
1060N/A--OWL = domain
1060N/Aimport OWL.Logic_OWL
1060N/Aimport OWL.AS
1060N/Aimport OWL.Sign as OWL
1060N/A--DL = codomain
1060N/Aimport DL.Logic_DL
4495N/Aimport DL.AS
5636N/Aimport DL.Sign as DL
1060N/Aimport Common.AS_Annotation
1060N/Aimport Common.DocUtils
3831N/Aimport Common.Id
3831N/Aimport Common.ProofTree
3831N/Aimport Common.Result
3831N/Aimport qualified Data.Set as Set
3831N/Adata OWL2DL = OWL2DL deriving Show
3831N/Ainstance Language OWL2DL
3831N/Ainstance Comorphism
3842N/A OWL2DL -- comorphism
3831N/A OWL -- lid domain
3831N/A () -- sublogics domain
3831N/A OntologyFile -- Basic spec domain
3831N/A Sentence -- sentence domain
3831N/A () -- symbol items domain
3831N/A () -- symbol map items domain
3842N/A OWL.Sign -- signature domain
3842N/A OWL_Morphism -- morphism domain
3831N/A () -- symbol domain
3842N/A () -- rawsymbol domain
3831N/A ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
5636N/A DL -- lid codomain
2976N/A () -- Sublogics
3831N/A DLBasic -- basic_spec
1060N/A DLBasicItem -- sentence
() -- symb_items
() -- symb_map_items
DL.Sign -- sign
DLMorphism -- morphism
DLSymbol -- symbol
RawDLSymbol -- raw_symbol
() -- proof_tree
sourceLogic OWL2DL = OWL
sourceSublogic OWL2DL = ()
targetLogic OWL2DL = DL
mapSublogic OWL2DL _ = Just ()
map_theory OWL2DL = mapTheory
map_morphism = mapDefaultMorphism
qNameToId :: QName -> Id
qNameToId = stringToId . localPart
mapTheory :: (OWL.Sign, [Named Sentence])
-> Result (DL.Sign, [Named DLBasicItem])
mapTheory (osign, sens) = do
cs = Set.map qNameToId $ concepts osign
ps = Set.map qNameToId $ datatypes osign
ds = Set.map (QualDataProp . qNameToId) $ dataValuedRoles osign
os = Set.map (QualObjProp . qNameToId) $ indValuedRoles osign
is = Set.map (flip QualIndiv [] . qNameToId) $ OWL.individuals osign
ns <- mapM (mapNamedM mapSenM) sens
return (emptyDLSig
{ classes = Set.union cs $ classes emptyDLSig
, pData = Set.union ps $ pData emptyDLSig
, dataProps = ds
, objectProps = Set.union os $ objectProps emptyDLSig
, DL.individuals = is}, ns)
getAxiom :: Sentence -> Axiom
getAxiom s = case s of
OWLAxiom a -> a
OWLFact a -> a
toDLJunction :: JunctionType -> DLConcept -> DLConcept -> Range -> DLConcept
toDLJunction ty = case ty of
UnionOf -> DLOr
IntersectionOf -> DLAnd
toConcept :: Description -> Result DLConcept
toConcept des = let err = fail $ "OWL2DL.toConcept " ++ showDoc des "" in
case des of
OWLClass curi -> return $ DLClassId (qNameToId curi) nullRange
ObjectJunction ty ds | not $ null ds -> do
cs <- mapM toConcept ds
return $ foldr1 (\ c1 c2 -> toDLJunction ty c1 c2 nullRange) cs
ObjectComplementOf d -> do
c <- toConcept d
return $ DLNot c nullRange
ObjectOneOf is -> return $ DLOneOf (map qNameToId is) nullRange
_ -> err
ObjectAllValuesFrom ope d
ObjectSomeValuesFrom ope d
ObjectExistsSelf ope
ObjectHasValue ope i
ObjectMinCardinality c ope md
ObjectMaxCardinality c ope md
ObjectExactCardinality c ope md
DataAllValuesFrom dpe dpes dr
DataSomeValuesFrom dpe dpes dr
DataHasValue dpe con
DataMinCardinality c dpe mdr
DataMaxCardinality c dpe mdr
DataExactCardinality c dpe mdr
mapSenM :: Sentence -> Result DLBasicItem
mapSenM sen = let err = fail $ "OWL2DL.mapSenM " ++ showDoc sen "" in
case getAxiom sen of
PlainAxiom _ paxiom -> case paxiom of
SubClassOf sub super -> case sub of
OWLClass curi -> do
c <- toConcept super
return $ DLClass (qNameToId curi)
[DLSubClassof [c] nullRange] Nothing nullRange
_ -> err
EquivOrDisjointClasses ty (cl : cs) -> case cl of
OWLClass curi -> do
es <- mapM toConcept cs
return $ DLClass (qNameToId curi)
[(case ty of
Equivalent -> DLEquivalentTo
Disjoint -> DLDisjointWith) es nullRange] Nothing nullRange
_ -> err
_ -> err
_ -> err
DisjointUnion _as OwlClassURI ds ->
SubObjectPropertyOf _as subOpe ope ->
EquivalentObjectProperties _as opes ->
DisjointObjectProperties _as opes ->
ObjectPropertyDomain _as ope d ->
ObjectPropertyRange _as ope d ->
InverseObjectProperties _as ope ope ->
FunctionalObjectProperty _as ope ->
InverseFunctionalObjectProperty _as ope ->
ReflexiveObjectProperty _as ope ->
IrreflexiveObjectProperty _as ope ->
SymmetricObjectProperty _as ope ->
AntisymmetricObjectProperty _as ope ->
TransitiveObjectProperty _as ope ->
-- DataPropertyAxiom
SubDataPropertyOf _as dpe dpe ->
EquivalentDataProperties _as dpes ->
DisjointDataProperties _as dpes ->
DataPropertyDomain _as dpe d ->
DataPropertyRange _as dpe dr ->
FunctionalDataProperty _as dpe ->
-- Fact
SameIndividual _as is ->
DifferentIndividuals _as is ->
ClassAssertion _as i d ->
ObjectPropertyAssertion _as ope si ti ->
NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion _as ope si ti ->
DataPropertyAssertion _as dpe si tv ->
NegativeDataPropertyAssertion _as dpe si tv ->
Declaration _as e ->
EntityAnno ea ->