OWL2CASL_DL.hs revision 08a9ed51994f61c84bbbd38650e446d491790859
{- |
Module : Comorphisms/OWL2CASL_DL.hs
Description : Comorphism from OWL 1.1 to CASL_Dl
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : luecke@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
module Comorphisms.OWL2CASL_DL where
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeTypes
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Data.List()
import Common.Result
import CASL_DL.PredefinedCASLAxioms()
import Common.GlobalAnnotations()
--OWL = domain
import OWL.Logic_OWL11
import OWL.AS
import qualified OWL.Sign as OS
import OWL.Sign
--CASL_DL = codomain
import CASL_DL.Logic_CASL_DL
import CASL_DL.Sign
import CASL_DL.StatAna -- DLSign
import CASL_DL.PredefinedSign
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign as CS
import CASL.Morphism
data OWL2CASL_DL = OWL2CASL_DL deriving Show
instance Language OWL2CASL_DL
instance Comorphism
OWL2CASL_DL -- comorphism
OWL11 -- lid domain
() -- sublogics domain
OntologyFile -- Basic spec domain
Sentence -- sentence domain
() -- symbol items domain
() -- symbol map items domain
OS.Sign -- signature domain
OWL11_Morphism -- morphism domain
() -- symbol domain
() -- rawsymbol domain
() -- proof tree codomain
CASL_DL -- lid codomain
() -- sublogics codomain
DL_BASIC_SPEC -- Basic spec codomain
DLFORMULA -- sentence codomain
SYMB_ITEMS -- symbol items codomain
SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items codomain
DLSign -- signature codomain
DLMor -- morphism codomain
Symbol -- symbol codomain
RawSymbol -- rawsymbol codomain
() -- proof tree domain
sourceLogic OWL2CASL_DL = OWL11
sourceSublogic OWL2CASL_DL = ()
targetLogic OWL2CASL_DL = CASL_DL
mapSublogic OWL2CASL_DL _ = Just ()
map_theory OWL2CASL_DL = trTheory
map_morphism OWL2CASL_DL = trMor
map_sentence OWL2CASL_DL = trSen
-- | Translation of a signature
trSign :: OS.Sign -> [Named Sentence] -> DLSign
trSign inSig inSens =
(CS.emptySign emptyCASL_DLSign)
{ sortSet = trPrimCons $ primaryConcepts inSig
, sortRel = makePrimSubs (primaryConcepts inSig) (axioms inSig)
, predMap = trNonPrimCons (concepts inSig) (primaryConcepts inSig) (axioms inSig)
-- | Collect all Functionality Axioms for Roles
getFuncAxioms :: [SenAttr Sentence a] -> Set.Set ObjectPropertyURI
getFuncAxioms inSens = Set.fromList $ map spitURI $ map (spitAxioms . sentence) $ filter (\x -> case sentence x of
OWLAxiom (FunctionalObjectProperty _ _) -> True
_ -> False) inSens
spitAxioms x = case x of
OWLAxiom (FunctionalObjectProperty _ y) -> y
_ -> error "If this happens everyting is wrong!"
spitURI x = case x of
OpURI y -> y
InverseOp y -> spitURI y
-- | Translation of concepts
makePrimSubs :: Set.Set URIreference ->
Set.Set SignAxiom ->
Rel.Rel SORT
makePrimSubs inPrims inAxs =
inAxRel = filter (\(x,y) -> Set.member x inPrims && Set.member y inPrims) $
Rel.toList $ makeSubconceptRel inAxs
foldl (\z (x,y)-> Rel.insert (mkId $ showURIreference x) (mkId $ showURIreference y) z)
Rel.empty inAxRel
-- | Translation of primary concepts
trPrimCons :: Set.Set URIreference -> Set.Set SORT
trPrimCons inSet = Set.map (\x -> mkId $ showURIreference x) inSet
trIndividual ind axs sig =
error ""
tpes = map (\x -> case x of
OWLClass ur -> ur
_ -> error "Big error"
) $
foldl (\y x -> case x of
Conceptmembership _ z -> z:y
_ -> y)
[] $
filter (\x -> case x of
Conceptmembership y _ -> (y == ind)
_ -> False) $ Set.toList axs
realRels = (map (\(_,y) -> y) $ filter (\(x,_) -> Set.member x (Set.fromList tpes)) $
Rel.toList $ makeSubconceptRel axs) ++ tpes
primTypes = filter (\x -> Set.member x (primaryConcepts sig)) realRels
trNonPrimCons :: Set.Set URIreference -> -- concepts
Set.Set URIreference -> -- primary concepts
Set.Set SignAxiom -> -- axioms to generate Subconcept relation
Map.Map Id (Set.Set PredType)
trNonPrimCons inCons inPrims inAxs =
inAxRel = filter (\(x,y) -> Set.member x inCons && Set.member y inPrims) $
Rel.toList $ makeSubconceptRel inAxs
Set.fold (\x y ->
goodRels = filter (\(z,_) -> (z == x)) inAxRel
outSet = map (\(_,z) -> PredType {predArgs = [mkId $ showURIreference z]}) goodRels
outSetR = case outSet of
[] -> Set.fromList [PredType {predArgs = [topSort]}]
_ -> Set.fromList outSet
Map.insert (mkId $ showURIreference x) outSetR y
) Map.empty inCons
-- | Conversion OWL-DL Reference to CASL_DL name
showURIreference :: URIreference -> [Token]
showURIreference (QN prefix localpart u)
| localpart == "_" = [mkSimpleId "_"]
| null prefix = if null u then
[mkSimpleId localpart]
else [mkSimpleId u, mkSimpleId localpart]
| otherwise = [mkSimpleId prefix, mkSimpleId localpart]
-- end translation of concepts
-- | Translation of a theorie
trTheory :: (OS.Sign, [Named Sentence]) -> Result (DLSign, [Named DLFORMULA])
trTheory (inSig, inSens) =
return (trSign inSig inSens, [])
trMor :: OWL11_Morphism -> Result DLMor
trMor _ = Result {
diags = []
, maybeResult = (Nothing)
-- | Translation of a sentence
trSen :: OS.Sign -> Sentence -> Result DLFORMULA
trSen _ = error "NYI"
makeSubconceptRel :: Set.Set SignAxiom -> Rel.Rel URIreference
makeSubconceptRel sigAx =
Rel.irreflex $ Rel.transClosure $
(\x y -> Rel.union
(case x of
Subconcept (OWLClass d1) (OWLClass d2) -> Rel.insert d1 d2 Rel.empty
_ -> Rel.empty
) y
) Rel.empty sigAx