Modal2CASL.inline.hs revision d5fe06af711a6912ae028ebf873eada4ee8733f8
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich and Uni Bremen 2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The possible world encoding comorphism from ModalCASL to CASL.
We use the Relational Translation by adding one extra parameter of
type world to each predicate.
module Comorphisms.Modal2CASL (Modal2CASL(..)) where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.Sublogic as SL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Utils
-- ModalCASL
import Modal.Logic_Modal
import Modal.AS_Modal
import Modal.ModalSign
import Modal.Utils
-- generated function
import Modal.ModalSystems
import Data.Maybe
-- Debugging
import Control.Exception (assert)
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data Modal2CASL = Modal2CASL deriving (Show)
instance Language Modal2CASL -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism Modal2CASL
Modal ()
Symbol RawSymbol ()
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol Q_ProofTree where
sourceLogic Modal2CASL = Modal
sourceSublogic Modal2CASL = ()
targetLogic Modal2CASL = CASL
mapSublogic Modal2CASL _ = Just SL.caslTop
map_theory (Modal2CASL) (sig, sens) = case transSig sig of
mme -> return (caslSign mme, relFormulas mme
++ map (mapNamed $ transSen sig) sens)
map_morphism Modal2CASL = return . mapMor
map_sentence Modal2CASL sig = return . transSen sig
map_symbol Modal2CASL = Set.singleton . mapSym
has_model_expansion Modal2CASL = True
is_weakly_amalgamable Modal2CASL = True
data ModName = SimpleM SIMPLE_ID
| SortM SORT
deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)
type ModalityRelMap = Map.Map ModName PRED_NAME
data ModMapEnv = MME { caslSign :: CASLSign,
worldSort :: SORT,
modalityRelMap :: ModalityRelMap,
flexOps :: Map.Map OP_NAME (Set.Set OpType),
-- rigOps :: Map.Map OP_NAME (Set.Set OpType),
flexPreds :: Map.Map PRED_NAME (Set.Set PredType),
-- rigPreds :: Map.Map PRED_NAME (Set.Set PredType),
relFormulas :: [Named CASLFORMULA]
-- (CASL signature,World sort introduced,[introduced relations on possible worlds],)
transSig :: MSign -> ModMapEnv
transSig sign =
{- trace ("Flexible Ops: " ++ show flexibleOps ++
"\nRigid Ops: " ++ show rigOps' ++
"\nOriginal Ops: " ++ show (opMap sign) ++ "\n" ++
"Flexible Preds: " ++ show flexiblePreds ++
"\nRigid Preds: " ++ show rigPreds' ++
"\nOriginal Preds: " ++ show (predMap sign) ++ "\n"
) -}
let sorSet = sortSet sign
fws = freshWorldSort sorSet
flexOps' = Map.foldWithKey (addWorld_OP fws)
Map.empty $ flexibleOps
flexPreds' = addWorldRels True relsTermMod $
addWorldRels False relsMod $
Map.foldWithKey (addWorld_PRED fws)
Map.empty $ flexiblePreds
rigOps' = rigidOps $ extendedInfo sign
rigPreds' = rigidPreds $ extendedInfo sign
flexibleOps = diffMapSet (opMap sign) rigOps'
flexiblePreds = diffMapSet (predMap sign) rigPreds'
relations = Map.union relsMod relsTermMod
genRels f mp = Map.foldWithKey (\me _ nm -> f me nm) Map.empty mp
genModFrms f mp = Map.foldWithKey f [] mp
relSymbS me = Id [mkSimpleId "g_R"] [mkId [me]] nullRange
relSymbT me = Id [mkSimpleId "g_R_t"] [me] nullRange
relsMod = genRels (\ me nm -> Map.insert (SimpleM me) (relSymbS me) nm)
(modies $ extendedInfo sign)
relsTermMod = genRels (\ me nm ->
Map.insert (SortM me) (relSymbT me) nm)
(termModies $ extendedInfo sign)
relModFrms = genModFrms (\ me frms trFrms -> trFrms ++
transSchemaMFormulas partMME
fws (relSymbS me) frms)
(modies $ extendedInfo sign)
relTermModFrms = genModFrms (\ me frms trFrms -> trFrms ++
transSchemaMFormulas partMME
fws (relSymbT me) frms)
(termModies $ extendedInfo sign)
addWorldRels isTermMod rels mp =
let argSorts rs = if isTermMod
then [getModTermSort rs,fws,fws]
else [fws,fws] in
Map.fold (\rs nm -> Map.insert rs
(Set.singleton $
PredType $ argSorts rs)
mp rels
partMME = MME {caslSign =
(emptySign ())
{sortSet = Set.insert fws sorSet
, sortRel = sortRel sign
, opMap = Map.unionWith Set.union flexOps' rigOps'
, assocOps = diffMapSet (assocOps sign) flexibleOps
, predMap = Map.unionWith Set.union flexPreds' rigPreds'},
worldSort = fws,
modalityRelMap = relations,
flexOps = flexibleOps,
-- rigOps = rigOps',
flexPreds = flexiblePreds,
-- rigPreds = rigPreds',
relFormulas = []}
in partMME { relFormulas = relModFrms++relTermModFrms}
{- ModalSign { rigidOps :: Map.Map Id (Set.Set OpType)
, rigidPreds :: Map.Map Id (Set.Set PredType)
, modies :: Set.Set SIMPLE_ID
, termModies :: Set.Set Id --SORT
mapMor :: ModalMor -> CASLMor
mapMor m = (embedMorphism ()
(caslSign $ transSig $ msource m)
$ caslSign $ transSig $ mtarget m)
{ sort_map = sort_map m
, fun_map = fun_map m
, pred_map = pred_map m }
mapSym :: Symbol -> Symbol
mapSym = id -- needs to be changed once modal symbols are added
transSchemaMFormulas :: ModMapEnv -> SORT -> PRED_NAME
-> [AnModFORM] -> [Named CASLFORMULA]
transSchemaMFormulas mapEnv fws relSymb =
mapMaybe (transSchemaMFormula (mapTERM mapEnv) fws relSymb worldVars)
transSen :: MSign -> ModalFORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
transSen msig = mapSenTop (transSig msig)
mapSenTop :: ModMapEnv -> ModalFORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
mapSenTop mapEnv@(MME{worldSort = fws}) f =
case f of
Quantification q@(Universal) vs frm ps ->
Quantification q (qwv:vs) (mapSen mapEnv wvs frm) ps
f1 -> Quantification Universal [qwv] (mapSen mapEnv wvs f1) nullRange
where qwv = Var_decl wvs fws nullRange
wvs = [head worldVars]
-- head [VAR] is always the current world variable (for predication)
mapSen :: ModMapEnv -> [VAR] -> ModalFORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
mapSen mapEnv@(MME{worldSort = fws,flexPreds=fPreds}) vars
f = case f of
Quantification q vs frm ps ->
Quantification q vs (mapSen mapEnv vars frm) ps
Conjunction fs ps ->
Conjunction (map (mapSen mapEnv vars) fs) ps
Disjunction fs ps ->
Disjunction (map (mapSen mapEnv vars) fs) ps
Implication f1 f2 b ps ->
Implication (mapSen mapEnv vars f1) (mapSen mapEnv vars f2) b ps
Equivalence f1 f2 ps ->
Equivalence (mapSen mapEnv vars f1) (mapSen mapEnv vars f2) ps
Negation frm ps -> Negation (mapSen mapEnv vars frm) ps
True_atom ps -> True_atom ps
False_atom ps -> False_atom ps
Existl_equation t1 t2 ps ->
Existl_equation (mapTERM mapEnv vars t1) (mapTERM mapEnv vars t2) ps
Strong_equation t1 t2 ps ->
Strong_equation (mapTERM mapEnv vars t1) (mapTERM mapEnv vars t2) ps
Predication pn as qs ->
let as' = map (mapTERM mapEnv vars) as
fwsTerm = sortedWorldTerm fws (head vars)
(pn',as'') =
case pn of
Pred_name _ -> error "Modal2CASL: untyped predication"
Qual_pred_name prn pType@(Pred_type sorts pps) ps ->
let addTup = (Qual_pred_name (addPlace prn)
(Pred_type (fws:sorts) pps) ps,
defTup = (pn,as') in
maybe defTup
(\ ts -> assert (not $ Set.null ts)
(if Set.member (toPredType pType) ts
then addTup
else defTup))
(Map.lookup prn fPreds)
in Predication pn' as'' qs
Definedness t ps -> Definedness (mapTERM mapEnv vars t) ps
Membership t ty ps -> Membership (mapTERM mapEnv vars t) ty ps
Sort_gen_ax constrs isFree -> Sort_gen_ax constrs isFree
ExtFORMULA mf -> mapMSen mapEnv vars mf
_ -> error "Modal2CASL.transSen->mapSen"
mapMSen :: ModMapEnv -> [VAR] -> M_FORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
mapMSen mapEnv@(MME{worldSort=fws,modalityRelMap=pwRelMap}) vars f
= let trans_f1 = mkId [mkSimpleId "Placeholder for Formula"]
t_var = mkSimpleId "Placeholder for Modality Term"
(w1,w2,newVars) = assert (not (null vars))
(let nVars =
freshWorldVar (vars) : vars
in (head vars, head nVars, nVars))
getRel mo map' =
(error ("Modal2CASL: Undefined modality " ++ show mo))
(modalityToModName mo)
trans' mTerm propSymb trForm nvs f1 =
replacePropPredication mTerm
propSymb (mapSen mapEnv nvs f1) trForm
mapT = mapTERM mapEnv newVars
case f of
BoxOrDiamond True moda f1 _ ->
let rel = getRel moda pwRelMap in
case moda of
Simple_mod _ ->
case map sentence
$ concat [inlineAxioms CASL
" sort fws \n\
\ pred rel : fws * fws; \n\
\ trans_f1 : () \n\
\ vars w1 : fws \n\
\ . forall w2 : fws . rel(w1,w2) => \n\
\ trans_f1"] of
[newFormula] -> trans' Nothing
trans_f1 newFormula newVars f1
_ -> error "Modal2CASL: mapMSen: impossible error"
Term_mod t ->
let tt = getModTermSort rel in
case map sentence
$ concat [inlineAxioms CASL
" sort fws,tt \n\
\ pred rel : tt * fws * fws; \n\
\ trans_f1 : () \n\
\ vars w1 : fws; t_var : tt \n\
\ . forall w2 : fws . rel(t_var,w1,w2) => \n\
\ trans_f1"] of
[newFormula] -> trans' (Just (rel,t_var,mapT t))
trans_f1 newFormula
newVars f1
_ -> error "Modal2CASL: mapMSen: impossible error"
BoxOrDiamond False moda f1 _ ->
let rel = getRel moda pwRelMap in
case moda of
Simple_mod _ ->
case map sentence
$ concat [inlineAxioms CASL
" sort fws \n\
\ pred rel : fws * fws; \n\
\ trans_f1 : () \n\
\ vars w1 : fws \n\
\ . exists w2 : fws . rel(w1,w2) /\\ \n\
\ trans_f1"] of
[newFormula] -> trans' Nothing
trans_f1 newFormula newVars f1
_ -> error "Modal2CASL: mapMSen: impossible error"
Term_mod t ->
let tt = getModTermSort rel in
case map sentence
$ concat [inlineAxioms CASL
" sort fws,tt \n\
\ pred rel : tt * fws * fws; \n\
\ trans_f1 : () \n\
\ vars w1 : fws; t_var:tt \n\
\ . exists w2 : fws . rel(t_var,w1,w2) /\\ \n\
\ trans_f1"] of
[newFormula] -> trans' (Just (rel,t_var,mapT t))
trans_f1 newFormula newVars f1
_ -> error "Modal2CASL: mapMSen: impossible error"
-- head [VAR] is always the current world variable (for Application)
mapTERM :: ModMapEnv -> [VAR] -> TERM M_FORMULA -> TERM ()
mapTERM mapEnv@(MME{worldSort=fws,flexOps=fOps}) vars t = case t of
Qual_var v ty ps -> Qual_var v ty ps
Application opsym as qs ->
let as' = map (mapTERM mapEnv vars) as
fwsTerm = sortedWorldTerm fws (head vars)
addFws (Op_type k sorts res pps) =
Op_type k (fws:sorts) res pps
(opsym',as'') =
case opsym of
Op_name _ -> error "Modal2CASL: untyped prdication"
Qual_op_name on opType ps ->
let addTup = (Qual_op_name (addPlace on)
(addFws opType) ps,
defTup = (opsym,as') in
maybe defTup
(\ ts -> assert (not $ Set.null ts)
(if Set.member (toOpType opType) ts
then addTup
else defTup))
(Map.lookup on fOps)
in Application opsym' as'' qs
Sorted_term trm ty ps -> Sorted_term (mapTERM mapEnv vars trm) ty ps
Cast trm ty ps -> Cast (mapTERM mapEnv vars trm) ty ps
Conditional t1 f t2 ps ->
Conditional (mapTERM mapEnv vars t1)
(mapSen mapEnv vars f)
(mapTERM mapEnv vars t2) ps
_ -> error "Modal2CASL.mapTERM"
addPlace :: Id -> Id
addPlace i@(Id ts ids ps)
| isMixfix i = Id ((\ (x,y) -> x++mkSimpleId place:y)
(span (not . isPlace) ts)) ids ps
| otherwise = i
modalityToModName :: MODALITY -> ModName
modalityToModName (Simple_mod sid) = SimpleM sid
modalityToModName (Term_mod t) =
case t of
Sorted_term _ srt _ -> SortM srt
_ -> error ("Modal2CASL: modalityToModName: Wrong term: " ++ show t)
sortedWorldTerm :: SORT -> VAR -> TERM ()
sortedWorldTerm fws v = Sorted_term (Qual_var v fws nullRange) fws nullRange
addWorld_OP :: SORT -> OP_NAME -> Set.Set OpType
-> Map.Map OP_NAME (Set.Set OpType)
-> Map.Map OP_NAME (Set.Set OpType)
addWorld_OP = addWorld_ (\ws t -> t { opArgs = ws : opArgs t})
addWorld_PRED :: SORT -> PRED_NAME -> Set.Set PredType
-> Map.Map PRED_NAME (Set.Set PredType)
-> Map.Map PRED_NAME (Set.Set PredType)
addWorld_PRED = addWorld_ (\ws t -> t {predArgs = ws : predArgs t})
addWorld_ :: (Ord a) => (SORT -> a -> a)
-> SORT -> Id -> Set.Set a
-> Map.Map OP_NAME (Set.Set a)
-> Map.Map OP_NAME (Set.Set a)
addWorld_ f fws k set mp = Map.insert (addPlace k) ( (f fws) set) mp
-- List of sort ids for possible Worlds
worldSorts :: [SORT]
worldSorts = map mkSORT ("World":map (\x -> "World" ++ show x) [(1::Int)..])
where mkSORT s = mkId [mkSimpleId s]
freshWorldSort :: Set.Set SORT -> SORT
freshWorldSort _sorSet = mkId [mkSimpleId "g_World"]
-- head . filter notKnown worldSorts
-- where notKnown s = not $ s `Set.member` sorSet
-- List of variables for worlds
worldVars :: [SIMPLE_ID]
worldVars = map mkSimpleId $ map (\ x -> "g_w" ++ show x) [(1::Int)..]
freshWorldVar :: [SIMPLE_ID] -> SIMPLE_ID
freshWorldVar vs = head . (filter notKnown) $ worldVars
where notKnown v = not $ elem v vs
-- construct a relation from a given modality symbol which is new
consRelation :: Pred_map -- ^ map of allready known predicate symbols