LogicList.hs revision 904efdc72d29946a966c65fcc624068f38127c84
fdbad18e66c0e293f94694458d47df305f050c71Christian Maeder{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
fdbad18e66c0e293f94694458d47df305f050c71Christian Maeder{- |
fdbad18e66c0e293f94694458d47df305f050c71Christian MaederModule : $Header$
fdbad18e66c0e293f94694458d47df305f050c71Christian MaederDescription : Assembles all the logics into a list, as a prerequisite for the logic graph
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian MaederCopyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2003
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian MaederLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
b96b500ba4430269d97a08f07de87838278e9c5dChristian Maeder
b96b500ba4430269d97a08f07de87838278e9c5dChristian MaederMaintainer : till@informatik.uni-bremen.de
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian MaederStability : provisional
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian MaederPortability : non-portable (existential types)
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian Maeder
5214cf3742dc626a7efc5ec851db09bf0ff1f579Christian MaederAssembles all the logics into a list, as a prerequisite for the logic graph.
The modules for the Grothendieck logic are logic graph indepdenent,
and here is the logic graph that is used to instantiate these.
Since the logic graph depends on a large number of modules for the
individual logics, this separation of concerns (and possibility for
separate compilation) is quite useful.
J. A. Goguen, R. M. Burstall: Institutions:
Abstract Model Theory for Specification and Programming,
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 39, p. 95-146.
J. Meseguer: General logics. Logic Colloquium 87, p. 275-329, North Holland.
Add many many logics.
module Comorphisms.LogicList
( logicList
, addLogicName
, defaultLogic
, lookupLogic_in_LG
) where
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import CASL.Logic_CASL -- also serves as default logic
import HasCASL.Logic_HasCASL
import Propositional.Logic_Propositional
import Haskell.Logic_Haskell
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import SoftFOL.Logic_SoftFOL
import Modal.Logic_Modal
import CoCASL.Logic_CoCASL
import CspCASL.Logic_CspCASL
import COL.Logic_COL ()
import OWL.Logic_OWL11
import CASL_DL.Logic_CASL_DL
import ConstraintCASL.Logic_ConstraintCASL
import DL.Logic_DL
import RelationalScheme.Logic_Rel
import VSE.Logic_VSE
logicList :: [AnyLogic]
logicList = [Logic CASL, Logic HasCASL,
Logic Haskell,
Logic CoCASL, Logic Modal, Logic CspCASL, -- Logic COL,
Logic OWL11, Logic CASL_DL, Logic ConstraintCASL, Logic DL,
Logic RelScheme, Logic VSE,
Logic Isabelle,Logic SoftFOL,
Logic Propositional]
addLogicName :: AnyLogic -> (String,AnyLogic)
addLogicName l@(Logic lid) = (language_name lid, l)
defaultLogic :: AnyLogic
defaultLogic = Logic CASL
preLogicGraph :: LogicGraph
preLogicGraph =
emptyLogicGraph { logics = Map.fromList $ map addLogicName logicList }
lookupLogic_in_LG :: String -> String -> AnyLogic
lookupLogic_in_LG errorPrefix logname =
propagateErrors $ lookupLogic errorPrefix logname preLogicGraph
-- currently only used in ATC/Grothendieck.hs
-- and indirectly in ATC/DevGraph.der.hs