HolLight2Isabelle.hs revision 55cf6e01272ec475edea32aa9b7923de2d36cb42
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : translating from HolLight to Isabelle
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder and M. Codescu, DFKI 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : jonathan.von_schroeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
module Comorphisms.HolLight2Isabelle where
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Logic
import qualified Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaConsts as IsaConsts
import Isabelle.Translate
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List ((\\))
import HolLight.Sign
import HolLight.Sentence
import HolLight.Term
import HolLight.Logic_HolLight
import HolLight.Sublogic
import HolLight.Helper
data HolLight2Isabelle = HolLight2Isabelle deriving Show
instance Language HolLight2Isabelle
instance Comorphism HolLight2Isabelle
HolLightSL -- sublogic
() -- basic_spec
Sentence -- sentence
() -- symb_items
() -- symb_map_items
Sign -- sign
HolLightMorphism -- morphism
() -- symbol
() -- raw_symbol
() -- proof_tree
Isabelle () () IsaSign.Sentence () ()
IsabelleMorphism () () () where
sourceLogic _ = HolLight
sourceSublogic _ = Top
targetLogic _ = Isabelle
mapSublogic _ _ = Just ()
map_theory HolLight2Isabelle = mapTheory
map_morphism = error "nyi"
map_sentence HolLight2Isabelle = mapSentence
-- mapping sentences
mapSentence :: Sign -> Sentence -> Result IsaSign.Sentence
mapSentence _ s = return $ mapHolSen s
mapHolSen :: Sentence -> IsaSign.Sentence
mapHolSen (Sentence t _) = IsaSign.Sentence {
IsaSign.isSimp = False
, IsaSign.isRefuteAux = False
, IsaSign.metaTerm =
IsaSign.Term $ translateTerm t
, IsaSign.thmProof = Nothing
tp2DTyp :: HolType -> IsaSign.DTyp
tp2DTyp tp = IsaSign.Hide {
IsaSign.typ = tp2Typ tp,
IsaSign.kon = IsaSign.TCon,
IsaSign.arit = Nothing
constMap :: Map.Map String IsaSign.VName
constMap = Map.fromList [("+", IsaConsts.plusV)
, ("-", IsaConsts.minusV)
, ("*", IsaConsts.timesV)
, ("!", IsaSign.mkVName IsaConsts.allS)
, ("?", IsaSign.mkVName IsaConsts.exS)
, ("?!", IsaSign.mkVName IsaConsts.ex1S)
, ("=", IsaConsts.eqV)
, ("<=>", IsaConsts.eqV)
, ("/\\", IsaConsts.conjV)
, ("\\/", IsaConsts.disjV)
, ("==>", IsaConsts.implV)
, ("~", IsaConsts.notV)
, ("F", IsaSign.mkVName IsaConsts.cTrue)
, ("T", IsaSign.mkVName IsaConsts.cFalse)
notIgnore :: [String]
notIgnore = ["+", "-", "*"]
ignore :: [String]
ignore = (map fst $ Map.toList constMap) \\ notIgnore
transConstS :: String -> HolType -> IsaSign.VName
transConstS s t = case (Map.lookup s constMap, elem s notIgnore) of
(Just v, False) -> v
(_, _) -> IsaSign.mkVName $ typedName s t
typedName :: String -> HolType -> String
typedName s t = transConstStringT bs $ s ++ "_" ++ (show $ pp_print_type t)
unpack_gabs :: Term -> (IsaSign.Term, [IsaSign.Term], IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)
unpack_gabs t = case unpack_gabs' t [] of
Just (q, vs, tm) ->
let (pat, res) = case tm of
Comb (Comb (Const "GEQ" _ _)
(Comb (Var "f" _ _) pat1)) res1 -> (pat1, res1)
_ -> error "unpack_gabs failed"
in (q, vs, translateTerm pat, translateTerm res)
Nothing -> error "unpack_gabs' failed"
unpack_gabs' :: Term -> [IsaSign.Term] -> Maybe (IsaSign.Term, [IsaSign.Term], Term)
unpack_gabs' (Comb c@(Const "!" _ _) (Abs v@(Var _ _ _) tm)) vs =
case unpack_gabs' tm ((translateTerm v) : vs) of
Just r -> Just r
Nothing -> Just (translateTerm c, (translateTerm v) : vs, tm)
unpack_gabs' _ _ = Nothing
makeForAll :: IsaSign.Term -> [IsaSign.Term] -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term
makeForAll _ [] t = t
makeForAll q (v : vs) t = IsaSign.App q
(IsaSign.Abs v
(makeForAll q vs t)
handleGabs :: Bool -> Term -> IsaSign.Term
handleGabs b t = case t of
(Comb (Const "GABS" _ _) (Abs (Var "f" _ _) tm)) ->
let (q, vars, pat, res) = unpack_gabs tm in
let n = IsaSign.Free $ IsaSign.mkVName "p" in
let t1 = IsaSign.Abs n
(IsaSign.Case n [(pat, res)])
in if b then makeForAll q vars (IsaSign.App q t1
else t1
_ -> error "handleGabs failed"
mkAbs :: Term -> IsaSign.Term
mkAbs t = IsaSign.Abs
(IsaSign.Free (IsaSign.mkVName "y"))
(IsaSign.App (translateTerm t)
(IsaSign.Free (IsaSign.mkVName "y"))
mkQuantifier :: Term -> IsaSign.Term
mkQuantifier t = IsaSign.Abs
(IsaSign.Free (IsaSign.mkVName "y"))
(IsaSign.App (translateTerm t)
(IsaSign.Free (IsaSign.mkVName "y"))
(IsaSign.Free (IsaSign.mkVName "y"))
isAppT :: HolType -> Bool
isAppT (TyApp _ _) = True
isAppT _ = False
isQuantifier :: Term -> Bool
isQuantifier (Const c _ _) = elem c ["!", "?", "?!"]
isQuantifier _ = False
translateTerm :: Term -> IsaSign.Term
translateTerm (Comb (Comb (Const "," _ _) a) b) = IsaSign.Tuplex [translateTerm a, translateTerm b] IsaSign.NotCont
translateTerm (Var s tp _) = IsaSign.Free $ (transConstS s tp)
translateTerm (Const s tp _) = IsaSign.Const (transConstS s tp) $ tp2DTyp tp
translateTerm (Comb (Const "!" _ _) t@(Comb (Const "GABS" _ _) _)) = handleGabs True t
translateTerm t@(Comb (Const "GABS" _ _) (Abs (Var "f" _ _) _)) = handleGabs False t
translateTerm (Comb (Comb (Comb (Const "COND" _ _) i) t) e) = IsaSign.If
(translateTerm i)
(translateTerm t)
(translateTerm e)
translateTerm (Comb c1@(Const c tp _) t) = if (is_abs t) || ((isAppT tp) && not (isQuantifier t) && not (isQuantifier c1) && c /= "@")
then IsaSign.App
(translateTerm c1)
(translateTerm t)
else IsaSign.App (translateTerm c1)
(if isQuantifier t
then (mkQuantifier t)
else (mkAbs t))
translateTerm (Comb tm1 tm2) = IsaSign.App (translateTerm tm1)
(translateTerm tm2)
translateTerm (Abs tm1 tm2) = IsaSign.Abs (translateTerm tm1)
(translateTerm tm2)
-- mapping theories
mapTheory :: (Sign, [Named Sentence]) ->
Result (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
mapTheory (sig, n_sens) = let
sig' = mapSign sig
n_sens' = map mapNamedSen n_sens
in return (sig', n_sens')
bs :: IsaSign.BaseSig
bs = IsaSign.MainHC_thy
mapSign :: Sign -> IsaSign.Sign
mapSign (Sign t o) = IsaSign.emptySign {
IsaSign.baseSig = IsaSign.MainHC_thy,
IsaSign.constTab = mapOps o,
IsaSign.tsig = mapTypes t
mapOps :: Map.Map String (Set.Set HolType) -> IsaSign.ConstTab
mapOps f = Map.fromList
$ map (\ (x, y) -> (transConstS x y, tp2Typ y))
$ concatMap (\ (x, s) -> Set.toList $ Set.map (\ a -> (x, a)) s)
$ Map.toList (foldl (\ m i -> Map.delete i m) f ignore)
tp2Typ :: HolType -> IsaSign.Typ
tp2Typ (TyVar s) = IsaSign.Type (transTypeStringT bs s) holType []
tp2Typ (TyApp s tps) = case tps of
[a1, a2] | s == "fun" -> mkFunType (tp2Typ a1) (tp2Typ a2)
[] | s == "bool" -> boolType
_ -> IsaSign.Type (transTypeStringT bs s) holType $ map tp2Typ tps
arity2tp :: Int -> [(IsaSign.IsaClass, [(IsaSign.Typ, IsaSign.Sort)])]
arity2tp i = [(isaTerm, map (\ k -> (IsaSign.TFree ("'a" ++ show (k)) [], [isaTerm]))
[1 .. i])]
mapTypes :: Map.Map String Int -> IsaSign.TypeSig
mapTypes tps = IsaSign.emptyTypeSig {
IsaSign.arities = Map.fromList $ map extractTypeName
$ Map.toList $ foldr Map.delete tps
["bool", "fun", "prod"] }
extractTypeName (s, arity) = (transTypeStringT bs s, arity2tp arity)
mapNamedSen :: Named Sentence -> Named IsaSign.Sentence
mapNamedSen n_sen = let
sen = sentence n_sen
trans = mapHolSen sen
n_sen {sentence = trans}