HetLogicGraph.hs revision 80c2d23821d095b55d9a547f48fc3fcdc27df405
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Compute graph with logics and interesting sublogics
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich and Uni Bremen 2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : till@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : unstable
Portability : non-portable
Assembles the computation of or the pre-computed het Sublogic Graph.
module Comorphisms.HetLogicGraph
( HetSublogicGraph (..)
, hetSublogicGraph
, hsg_union
) where
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.Utils (keepMins)
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover (proverSublogic)
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Coerce
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.List
-- | Heterogenous Sublogic Graph
-- this graph only contains interesting Sublogics plus comorphisms relating
-- these sublogics; a comorphism might be mentioned multiple times
data HetSublogicGraph = HetSublogicGraph
{ sublogicNodes :: Map.Map String G_sublogics
, comorphismEdges :: Map.Map (String,String) [AnyComorphism]}
emptyHetSublogicGraph :: HetSublogicGraph
{- |
initial version of a logic graph based on ticket #336
hetSublogicGraph :: HetSublogicGraph
hetSublogicGraph = removeDuplicateComorphisms $
addHomogeneousInclusions $
reduceToWellSupported $
removeLoops $
addComorphismEdges $
{ sublogicNodes =
Map.union initialInterestingSublogics
where initialInterestingSublogics = Map.union
logics logicGraph)
(foldr srcSubl Map.empty comorphismList)
toTopSublogicAndProverSupported al mp =
case al of
Logic lid ->
let toGSLPair sl = let gsl = G_sublogics lid sl
in (show gsl,gsl)
top_gsl = toGSLPair $ top_sublogic lid
getPrvSL = map proverSublogic
prv_sls = getPrvSL (provers lid)
in Map.union mp $
Map.fromList (top_gsl :
map toGSLPair prv_sls)
insP = uncurry Map.insert
toGsl lid sl = G_sublogics lid sl
toPair gsl = (show gsl,gsl)
srcSubl acm nmp =
case acm of
Comorphism cm ->
let srcSL = sourceSublogic cm
srcLid = sourceLogic cm
srcGsl = toGsl srcLid srcSL
in insP (toPair srcGsl) nmp
-- | adds the interesting comorphisms without adding new nodes;
-- considering as start and end points only existing nodes
addComorphismEdges :: HetSublogicGraph -> HetSublogicGraph
addComorphismEdges hsg = Map.fold insComs hsg $ sublogicNodes hsg
where insComs gsl h = foldr (insCom gsl) h comorphismList
insCom gsl acm hsg' =
case acm of
Comorphism cm ->
case gsl of
G_sublogics g_lid sl ->
if language_name (sourceLogic cm) /= language_name g_lid
then hsg'
else maybe hsg' (addEdge hsg' gsl acm .
G_sublogics (targetLogic cm))
(coerceSublogic g_lid (sourceLogic cm) "aCE" sl
>>= mapSublogic cm)
addEdge hsg' srcGsl acm trgGsl =
foldr (\x -> maybe (error ("insertion of "++
show acm++" failed!")) id .
insertEdge srcGsl x acm) hsg' $
minimalSuperGsl trgGsl
minimalSuperGsl gsl =
if Map.member (show gsl) $ sublogicNodes hsg
then [gsl]
else case filter (\ x -> (Set.size $
Set.filter (sameLogic gsl) x) > 0) $
partSetSameLogic $ sublogicNodes hsg of
[] -> error "no appropiate superlogics"
[x] -> keepMins isProperSublogic $
filter (isProperSublogic gsl) $
_ -> error "to many sets"
-- | compute all the pre-images of the list of G_sublogics
-- under all suitable comorphisms
compute_preImageOfG_sublogics :: Map.Map String G_sublogics
-- ^ initial interesting sublogics
-> Map.Map String G_sublogics
compute_preImageOfG_sublogics initialInterSubl =
where iterComor newSublMap alreadyTried queue
| Map.null queue = newSublMap
| otherwise =
case Map.deleteFindMin queue of
((k,gsl),q') ->
case calcPreImage gsl Map.empty of
nMap -> let alreadyTried' =
(Map.insert k gsl alreadyTried)
newInter = foldr Map.delete nMap
(Map.keys alreadyTried')
in iterComor (Map.union nMap newSublMap)
(Map.union newInter q')
calcPreImage gsl sublMap =
foldl (preImageOf gsl) sublMap $ comorphismList
preImageOf gsl sublMap acm =
case acm of
Comorphism cm ->
case gsl of
G_sublogics g_lid _ ->
if language_name (sourceLogic cm) /= language_name g_lid
then sublMap
else (foldr (\preImg -> Map.insert (show preImg)
preImg )
sublMap (lookupPreImage acm gsl))
removeDuplicateComorphisms :: HetSublogicGraph
-> HetSublogicGraph
removeDuplicateComorphisms hsg =
hsg {comorphismEdges = Map.filter (not . null) $
Map.map nub $ comorphismEdges hsg }
hsg_union :: HetSublogicGraph
-> HetSublogicGraph
-> HetSublogicGraph
hsg_union hsg1 hsg2 =
HetSublogicGraph { sublogicNodes = Map.union (sublogicNodes hsg1)
(sublogicNodes hsg2)
, comorphismEdges =
Map.unionWith (++) (comorphismEdges hsg1)
(comorphismEdges hsg2)
compute_mapSublogic_preImage :: AnyComorphism
-> (AnyComorphism,
compute_mapSublogic_preImage (Comorphism cid) =
case onlyMaximal_preImage $ mapSublogic_preImage cid of
preImageMap -> (Comorphism cid, preImageMap)
comorPreImages = map compute_mapSublogic_preImage $ comorphismList
lookupPreImage :: AnyComorphism -> G_sublogics -> [G_sublogics]
lookupPreImage acm gsl =
case lookup acm comorPreImages of
Nothing -> error "unknown Comorphism"
Just preImageMap -> maybe [] Set.toList $ Map.lookup gsl preImageMap
-- | pre-image of a function relative to the list values
preImage func = foldl ins Map.empty
preImageMaybe :: (Ord a, Ord b) =>
(a -> Maybe b) -> [a]
preImageMaybe f vs =
(Map.mapKeysMonotonic fromJust . Map.delete Nothing) $ preImage f vs
mapSublogic_preImage :: (Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2)
mapSublogic_preImage cid =
Map.foldWithKey toG_sublogics Map.empty $
preImageMaybe (mapSublogic cid) $ all_sublogics $ sourceLogic cid
where toG_sublogics s2 set_s1 =
Map.insert (G_sublogics (targetLogic cid) s2)
(Set.map (G_sublogics (sourceLogic cid)) set_s1)
onlyMaximal_preImage preImageMap = Map.map shrink preImageMap
where shrink st = Set.fromList $ shrink' [] $ Set.elems st
shrink' acc [] = acc
shrink' acc (x:xs) = if any (isProperSublogic x) (xs++acc)
then shrink' acc xs
else shrink' (x:acc) xs
-- | inserts an edge into the graph without checking if the
-- sublogic pair is compatible with the comorphism;
-- but both nodes must be already present in the graph
insertEdge :: (Monad m) =>
G_sublogics -> G_sublogics
-> AnyComorphism -> HetSublogicGraph
-> m HetSublogicGraph
insertEdge src trg acm hsg =
if (Map.member (show src) $ sublogicNodes hsg) &&
(Map.member (show src) $ sublogicNodes hsg)
then return $
hsg { comorphismEdges = Map.insertWith (++)
(show src,show trg) [acm] $
comorphismEdges hsg }
else fail ("Comorphisms.HetLogicGraph: insertEdge: both nodes need "++
"to be present")
removeLoops :: HetSublogicGraph -> HetSublogicGraph
removeLoops hsg = hsg { comorphismEdges =
Map.filterWithKey (\ (s,t) _ -> s/=t) $
comorphismEdges hsg}
reduceToWellSupported :: HetSublogicGraph -> HetSublogicGraph
reduceToWellSupported hsg =
hsg { sublogicNodes = wellSupN
, comorphismEdges = wellSupE }
where wellSupN = Map.filter isWellSupN $ sublogicNodes hsg
wellSupE = Map.filterWithKey isWellSupE $ comorphismEdges hsg
isWellSupN (G_sublogics lid _) =
(hasProver lid) || (case stability lid of
Stable -> True
Testing -> True
_ -> False)
isWellSupE (s,t) _ = Map.member s wellSupN && Map.member t wellSupN
hasProver lid = not $ null $ provers lid
sameLogic :: G_sublogics -> G_sublogics -> Bool
sameLogic (G_sublogics lid1 _) (G_sublogics lid2 _) =
Logic lid1 == Logic lid2
partSetSameLogic :: Map.Map String G_sublogics
-> [Set.Set G_sublogics]
addHomogeneousInclusions :: HetSublogicGraph -> HetSublogicGraph
addHomogeneousInclusions hsg =
hsg {comorphismEdges = Map.unionWith (++) homogeneousIncls $
comorphismEdges hsg}
where homogeneousIncls = Map.unionsWith (++) $
map toMap $ partSetSameLogic $ sublogicNodes hsg
toMap s = Map.fromList $ map toIncComor $
[ (x,y) | x <- Set.toList s
, y <- Set.toList s
, isProperSublogic x y ]
toIncComor (x@(G_sublogics lid1 sub1)
,y@(G_sublogics lid2 sub2)) =
( (show x,show y)
, [maybe (error $ "addHomogeneousInclusions: "++
"should be an inclusion")
Comorphism $
mkInclComorphism lid1 sub1 $
forceCoerceSublogic lid2 lid1 sub2])