Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.hs revision a3acfcfbd58cc5529becffcda29f7de49f9500a7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Paolo Torrini and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : All rights reserved.
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The embedding comorphism from Haskell to Isabelle-HOLCF.
{- todo
use hana to look at outcome of Haskell files
type is in: Haskell.Hatchet.MultiModuleBasics -- main datatype
Haskell.Hatchet.Representation - types, kinds, schemes
Haskell.Hatchet.Env -- environments
look at Isabelle.IsaSign.hs
write function transSignature below,
test it with
hets -g file.hs
click at node, select "Translate theory" or "Prove"
select Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF
write function transSentence below
module Comorphisms.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
-- import Common.Id
import Common.Result as Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
-- import qualified Haskell.Hatchet.AnnotatedHsSyn as Annotated
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named)
-- import Debug.Trace
-- Haskell
-- import Haskell.Hatchet.HsSyn
import Haskell.Hatchet.MultiModuleBasics as MMB
--import qualified Haskell.Hatchet.MultiModuleBasics as MMB (ModuleInfo,
-- emptyModuleInfo,
-- joinModuleInfo)
import Haskell.Hatchet.AnnotatedHsSyn (AHsDecl,AHsName)
import Haskell.Hatchet.HsSyn (HsDecl)
import Haskell.Hatchet.FiniteMaps as FiniteMaps
import Haskell.Hatchet.Representation as Rep
import Haskell.Logic_Haskell as LH
--import Haskell.HatParser (HsDecls,
-- hatParser)
-- Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaPrint
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF = Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF deriving (Show)
type HsDecls = [HsDecl]
instance Language Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF -- default definition is okay
class (Language cid,
Logic lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
Logic lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2) =>
Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
| cid -> lid1, cid -> lid2
sourceSublogic _ = Haskell_SL
{ has_sub = False, -- subsorting
has_part = True, -- partiality
has_eq = True, -- equality
has_pred = True, -- predicates
has_ho = True, -- higher order
has_type_classes = False,
has_polymorphism = False
has_type_constructors = False, which_logic = HOL
instance Sentences Haskell Sentence () Sign Morphism Symbol where
map_sen Haskell _m s = return s
print_named Haskell ga (NamedSen lab sen) = printText0 ga sen <>
if null lab then empty
else space <> text "{-" <+> text lab <+> text "-}"
provers Haskell = []
cons_checkers Haskell = []
instance Logic Haskell Haskell_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ()
instance Comorphism Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF -- multi-parameter class Com.
Haskell ()
HsDecls AHsDecl () ()
ModuleInfo ()
() () ()
Isabelle () () IsaSign.Sentence () ()
() () () () where
sourceLogic _ = Haskell
sourceSublogic _ = ()
targetLogic _ = Isabelle
targetSublogic _ = ()
map_sign _ = transSignature
--map_morphism _ morphism1 -> Maybe morphism2
-- map_sentence _ sign phi =
-- Just $ Sentence {senTerm = (transSentence sign phi)}
--map_symbol :: cid -> symbol1 -> Set symbol2
---------------------------- Signature -----------------------------
-- The args of Sign can be accessed by selector functions,
-- defined for each object.
-- data Sign = Sign { baseSig :: String, -- like Pure, HOL etc.
-- tsig :: TypeSig,
-- constTab :: Map.Map String Typ,
-- syn :: Syntax
-- }
-- Check the MultiModuleBasics.hs where ModuleInfo is defined.
-- There is an import of AnnotatedHsSyn, containing the actual Haskell abstract
-- syntax.
-- (the translation functions here refer to HasCASL.Le via
-- parameters such as typeInfo and typeDefn. This reference is ok for HasCASL,
-- not for Haskell)
-- see Common/Result.hs.
-- needs to be done! Below, just the HasCASL code!!!
-- transSignature, from sign::ModuleInfo -MultiModuleBasics-,
-- returns a Just(Sign,[])::Result(Sign, [Named Sentence]) -Result-
-- emptyTypeSig
-- {tycons = Map.fromList (fm2map . kinds sign))},
-- emptyTypeSig
-- {tycons = Map.fromList (extractMap (tyconsMembers sign))},
-- tycons:: Map String Int -IsaSign-
-- Map.foldWithKey (insertOps datatypeList)
-- Map.empty
-- (fm2map . varAssumps sign),
-- type AHsName =
fm2map :: Ord k => FiniteMaps.FiniteMap k a -> Map.Map k a
fm2map f = Map.fromList $ FiniteMaps.toListFM f
-- maybe better using envToList instead of fmToList, see Env.hs
mychr :: Int -> Char
mychr n = 'n'
transSignature :: MMB.ModuleInfo
-> Maybe(IsaSign.Sign,[Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transSignature sign = transSignature1 ["var"++ [mychr n] | n <- [1 ..] ] sign
type NewNames = [String]
transSignature1 :: NewNames -> MMB.ModuleInfo
-> Maybe(IsaSign.Sign,[Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transSignature1 ns sign = let datatypeList = transDatatype ns (tyconsMembers sign) (FiniteMaps.toListFM $ dconsAssumps sign) in
(Just ( IsaSign.emptySign{
baseSig = "MainHC",
tsig = emptyTypeSig
{arities = Map.empty},
{- Map.foldWithKey (extractTypeName (tyconsMembers sign))
(fm2map $ kinds sign) -}
constTab = Map.fromList $ extractConsts datatypeList,
domainTab = inDearrowize datatypeList},
[] )) -- for now, no sentences
extractTypeName list name kind m =
let n = show name
ls = [show x | (x,_) <- list]
if (elem n ls) then Map.insert n (arity kind) m
else m
arity k = case k of
Rep.Star -> 0
(Rep.Kfun _ k2) -> 1 + arity k2
(Rep.KVar _) -> 0
-- insertOps dtlist name scheme m = Map.insert (show name) (findType dtlist scheme) m
s1Datatype :: [(AHsName, [AHsName])] -> [(AHsName,Scheme)] -> [[(String, Type)]]
s1Datatype list1 list2 = [[(show a, extractType b) | (a,b) <- list2, elem a ls] | (_,ls) <- list1]
-- equivalent !!!
-- pDatatype :: [(AHsName, [AHsName])] -> [(AHsName,Scheme)] -> [[(String, Type)]]
-- pDatatype list1 list2 = [[(show a, extractType b) | (a,b) <- list2, extractType b = TArrow c d, show d = show dtName] | (dtName,_) <- list1]
s2Datatype :: [(String, Type)] -> (Type, [(String, Type)])
s2Datatype ls =
case ls of ((a,TArrow b c):rest) -> (c,(a,TArrow b c):rest)
s3Datatype :: [[(String, Type)]] -> [(Type, [(String, Type)])]
s3Datatype list = map s2Datatype list
s4Datatype :: [(AHsName, [AHsName])] -> [(AHsName,Scheme)] -> [(Type,[(String, Type)])]
s4Datatype list1 list2 = s3Datatype (s1Datatype list1 list2)
checkDep1 :: Type -> [Type] -> Bool
checkDep1 a ls = case ls of b:bs -> if subTypeFormula a b then True else checkDep1 a bs
[] -> False
-- symmetric
checkDep2 :: (Type,[(String, Type)]) -> (Type,[(String, Type)]) -> Bool
checkDep2 a b = if checkDep1 (fst a) (map snd (snd b)) || checkDep1 (fst b) (map snd (snd a)) then True else False
checkDep3 :: (Type,[(String, Type)]) -> [(Type,[(String, Type)])] -> Bool
checkDep3 a ls = case ls of b:bs -> if checkDep2 a b then True else checkDep3 a bs
[] -> False
-- symmetric, by def of checkDep2
checkDep4 :: [(Type,[(String, Type)])] -> [(Type,[(String, Type)])] -> Bool
checkDep4 ls bs = case ls of a:as -> if checkDep3 a bs then True else checkDep4 as bs
[] -> False
--checkDep5 :: ([[(Type,[(String, Type)])]], [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]]) -> [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]]
--checkDep5 ls cs = case ls of (a:as,b:bs) -> if (checkDep4 a b) then (checkDep5 ((a ++ b):as, bs) cs) else checkDep5 (a:as, bs) (b:cs)
-- (_:as,[]) -> checkDep5 (as,cs) []
-- ([],_) -> snd ls
checkDep5 :: [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]] -> [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]] -> [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]] -> [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]]
checkDep5 ls ms cs = case ls of
a:as -> case ms of
b:bs -> if checkDep4 a b then checkDep5 ((a ++ b):as) bs cs else checkDep5 (a:as) bs (b:cs)
[] -> checkDep5 as cs []
[] -> ms
--checkDep5 :: [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]] -> [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]] -> [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]]
--checkDep5 ls ms cs = case ls of
-- a:as -> if ms == [] then checkDep5 as cs [] else
-- let b = head $ tail ms
-- bs = tail ms in
-- if checkDep4 a b then checkDep5 ((a ++ b):as) bs cs else checkDep5 (a:as) bs (b:cs)
-- [] -> ms
--checkDep5 a:as b:bs cs = if checkDep4 a b then checkDep6 (join a b):as bs cs else checkDep5 a:as bs b:cs
--checkDep5 a:as [] cs = checkDep5 as cs []
--checkDep5 [] bs cs = bs
checkDep6 :: [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]] -> [[(Type,[(String, Type)])]]
checkDep6 a = checkDep5 (tail a) [head a] []
singList :: [a] -> [[a]]
singList list = [[a] | a <- list]
prepDatatype :: [(AHsName, [AHsName])] -> [(AHsName,Scheme)] -> [[(Type, [(String, Type)])]]
prepDatatype a b = checkDep6 $ singList $ s4Datatype a b
subTypeFormula :: Type -> Type -> Bool
subTypeFormula t1 t2 = if t1 == t2 then True else
case t2 of Rep.TVar _ -> False
Rep.TCon _ -> False
Rep.TGen _ -> False
Rep.TAp u v -> subTypeFormula t1 u || subTypeFormula t1 v
Rep.TArrow u v -> subTypeFormula t1 u || subTypeFormula t1 v
Rep.TTuple (a:rest) -> subTypeFormula t1 a || subTypeFormula t1 (TTuple rest)
extractType :: Scheme -> Type
extractType (Forall _ (_ :=> t)) = t
-- extractType (Forall kindList (predList :=> t)) = t
--extractPreds :: Scheme -> [Pred]
--extractPreds (Forall kindList (predList :=> t)) = predList
gDomProduct :: [Typ] -> Typ
gDomProduct as = case as of a:rest -> mkDomProduct a (gDomProduct rest)
[a] -> a
[] -> voidDom
trType :: Type -> VarName Typ
trType t
= case t of
Rep.TVar _ -> do findResult <- lookupInMap t
case findResult of
Nothing -> do nm <- nextName
updateVMap (t, nm)
return $ IsaSign.TFree nm domain
Just v -> return $ IsaSign.TFree v domain
Rep.TCon tycon -> return $ IsaSign.Type (show tycon) [] domain []
-- implement translation from Kind to IsaClass
Rep.TAp t1 t2 -> do a1 <- trType t1
a2 <- trType t2
return $ mkDomAppl a1 a2
Rep.TGen _ -> do findResult <- lookupInMap t
case findResult of
Nothing -> do nm <- nextName
updateVMap (t, nm)
return $ IsaSign.TFree nm domain
Just v -> return $ IsaSign.TFree v domain
Rep.TArrow t1 t2 -> do a1 <- trType t1
a2 <- trType t2
return $ mkContFun a1 a2
Rep.TTuple ts -> do nts <- mapM trType ts
return $ gDomProduct nts
transT10 :: [(String, Type)] -> VarName [(String, Typ)]
transT10 xs = case xs of (n,a):rs -> do b <- trType a
ls <- transT10 rs
return ((n,b) : ls)
[] -> return []
transT11 :: (Type, [(String, Type)]) -> VarName (Typ, [(String, Typ)])
transT11 xs = case xs of (a,ls) -> do t <- trType a
ms <- transT10 ls
return (t,ms)
-- (_,[]) -> return []
transT12 :: [(Type, [(String, Type)])] -> VarName [(Typ, [(String, Typ)])]
transT12 xs = case xs of (a:ls) -> do t <- transT11 a
ms <- transT12 ls
return (t:ms)
[] -> return []
transT13 :: [[(Type, [(String, Type)])]] -> VarName [[(Typ, [(String, Typ)])]]
transT13 xs = case xs of (a:ls) -> do t <- transT12 a
ms <- transT13 ls
return (t:ms)
[] -> return []
transDatatype :: [String] -> [(AHsName, [AHsName])] -> [(AHsName,Scheme)] -> [[(Typ, [(String, Typ)])]]
transDatatype ns a b = let (VarName s) = transT13 $ prepDatatype a b in (fst $ s (State [] ns))
dearrowize :: Typ -> [Typ]
--dearrowize (Type ("dFun" _ [b,c])) = b:(dearrowize c)
--dearrowize a = [a]
dearrowize a = case a of (Type "dFun" _ _ [b,c]) -> b:(dearrowize c)
_ -> [a]
inDearrowize :: [[(Typ, [(String, Typ)])]] -> [[(Typ, [(String, [Typ])])]]
inDearrowize ls = map (\x -> map (\y -> (fst y, map (\z -> (fst z, dearrowize $ snd z)) (snd y))) x) ls
remove_duplicates :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
remove_duplicates ls = remove_dupes ls []
remove_dupes :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
remove_dupes ls ms = case ls of x:rs -> if (elem x (rs ++ ms)) then remove_dupes rs ms
else remove_dupes rs (x:ms)
[] -> ms
extractConsts :: [[(Typ, [(String, Typ)])]] -> [(String, Typ)]
extractConsts ls = remove_duplicates $ concat $ concat (map (map snd) ls)
data PType = PTVar (Type,String)
| PTCon (Type,String)
| PTAp PType PType
| PTArrow PType PType
| PTTuple [PType]
deriving (Eq, Show)
prettyType :: Type -> VarName PType
prettyType t
= case t of
TVar tyvar -> do findResult <- lookupInMap t
case findResult of
Nothing -> do nm <- nextName
updateVMap (t, nm)
return $ PTVar (t, nm)
Just v -> return $ PTVar (t, v)
TCon tycon -> return $ PTCon (t, show tycon)
TAp t1 t2 -> return $ PTAp (prettyType t1) (prettyType t2)
TGen i -> do findResult <- lookupInMap t
case findResult of
Nothing -> do nm <- nextName
updateVMap (t, nm)
return $ PTVar (t, nm)
Just v -> return $ PTVar (t, v)
TArrow t1 t2 -> return PTArrow (prettyType t1) (prettyType t2)
TTuple ts -> do nts <- mapM prettyType ts
return $ PTTuple nts
trType :: Type -> Typ
trType t = case t of TVar a -> TFree (show a, dom)
TCon a -> Type (show a, dom, [])
TAp a b -> mkTypeAppl (trType a) (trType b))
TGen a -> TFree (show a, dom)
TArrow a b -> mkContFun (trType a) (trType b)
TTuple as -> gDomProduct as
-- ... go on. possible problem: the assumptions that must be derived from
-- the predicates. Care: the Haskell classes must be mapped into IsaClasses.
-- As it is now, all the class information in Haskell goes lost !!!
-- and the problem is more in transType than in trType.
-- Need to translate infomration about classes, ie the output of extractPreds.
-- or maybe relying on class hierarchy is enough??
-- extractMap m = map extractNA m
-- extractNA a = (show . fst a, length . snd a)
-- showIsa::Id->String -IsaPrint-
-- insertOps::OpName->OpInfos->Map->Map
-- opInfos::OpInfos->[OpInfo] -Le-
-- ...
-- filters types that are not datatypes
-- isDatatypeDefn t = case typeDefn t of
-- DatatypeDefn _ -> True
-- _ -> False
insertOps opName opInfs m =
let opIs = opInfos opInfs
in if (length opIs) == 1 then
let transOp = transOpInfo (head opIs) --transOp
in case transOp of
Just op -> Map.insert (showIsa opName) op m
Nothing -> m
let transOps = map transOpInfo opIs -- transOps
in foldl (\m1 (transOp,i) ->
case transOp of
Just typ -> Map.insert (showIsaI opName i)
typ m1
Nothing -> m1)
(zip transOps [1..length transOps])
-- NoOpDefn is for the case when the operator is just declared, not defined
transOpInfo :: OpInfo -> Maybe Typ
transOpInfo (OpInfo opT _ opDef) =
case opDef of
NoOpDefn Pred -> Just (transPredType opT) -- ??
NoOpDefn _ -> Just (transOpType opT) -- ??
ConstructData _ -> Nothing -- ??
_ -> error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported operation declaration and/or definition"
transOpType :: TypeScheme -> Typ
transOpType (TypeScheme _ op _) = transType op
transPredType :: TypeScheme -> Typ
transPredType (TypeScheme _ pre _) =
case pre of
FunType tp _ _ _ -> (transType tp) --> boolType -- see IsaSign
_ ->
error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Wrong predicate type"
transType :: Type -> Typ
transType (Tvar tyvar) =
case tyvar of
Tyvar (_ _ AHsSymbol string) Kind -> TFree (string, transKind Kind)
_ -> error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] not a variable"
transType (TCon tycon) =
case tycon of
-- As.Type HasCASL types
-- Representation.Type Haskell types
-- IsaSign.Typ Isabelle types
transType :: Type -> Typ
transType (TypeName typeId _ i) = if i == 0 then Type(showIsa typeId,[])
else TVar((showIsa typeId,0),[])
transType (ProductType types _) = foldl1 IsaSign.mkProductType
(map transType types)
transType (FunType type1 arr type2 _) =
case arr of
PFunArr -> (transType type1) --> (mkOptionType (transType type2))
FunArr -> (transType type1) --> (transType type2)
_ ->
error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported function type"
transType (TypeAppl type1 type2) = Type("typeAppl", [transType type1] ++ [transType type2])
transType _ = error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported type"
transDatatype :: TypeMap -> DataTypeTab
transDatatype tm = map transDataEntry (Map.fold extractDataypes [] tm)
extractDataypes :: TypeInfo -> [DataEntry] -> [DataEntry]
extractDataypes ti des = case typeDefn ti of
DatatypeDefn de -> des++[de]
_ -> des
transDataEntry :: DataEntry -> DataTypeTabEntry
transDataEntry (DataEntry _ tyId Le.Free tyArgs alts) =
[((mkDName tyId tyArgs), (map mkAltDefn alts))]
transDataEntry _ =
error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported datatype definition"
mkDName :: TypeId -> [TypeArg] -> Typ
mkDName tyId tyArgs = Type(showIsa tyId,(map transTypeArg tyArgs)) --Type("typeAppl",(Type(showIsa tyId,[])):(map transTypeArg tyArgs)) --
transTypeArg :: TypeArg -> Typ
transTypeArg (TypeArg tyId _ _ _) = TVar((showIsa tyId,0),[])
mkAltDefn :: AltDefn -> DataTypeAlt
mkAltDefn (Construct opId types Total _) =
let typs = map transType types
in case opId of
Just opI -> (showIsa opI, typs)
Nothing -> ("", typs)
mkAltDefn (Construct _ _ Partial _) = error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported alternative definition in (free) datatype"
------------------------------ Formulas ------------------------------
transVar :: Var -> String
transVar = showIsa
transSentence :: Env -> Le.Sentence -> IsaSign.Term
transSentence e s = case s of
Le.Formula t -> transTerm e t
DatatypeSen l -> con "Ich bin gar kein richtiges Axiom..." -- transDataEntryAx (head l)
ProgEqSen _ _ _pe ->
error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] transSentence: program"
transTerm :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transTerm _ (QualVar (VarDecl var typ _ _)) =
let tp = transType typ
otp = tp --> mkOptionType tp
in (conSomeT otp) `App` IsaSign.Free(transVar var, tp)
transTerm _ (QualOp _ (InstOpId opId _ _) _ _)
| opId == trueId = con "True"
| opId == falseId = con "False"
| otherwise = conSome `App` con (getNameOfOpId opId)
transTerm sign (ApplTerm term1 term2 _) =
testTerm term1
-- trace ("Constructors?? "++ show (ApplTerm term1 term2 p) ++ "\n")
testTerm t =
case t of
QualOp Fun (InstOpId opId _ _) _ _ -> transLog sign opId term1 term2
QualOp Pred _ _ _ -> con "pApp"
`App` (transTerm sign term1)
`App` (transTerm sign term2)
QualOp Op _ typeScheme _ -> if isPart typeScheme then mkApp "app"
else mkApp "apt"
ApplTerm t1 _ _ -> testTerm t1
_ -> mkApp "app"
where mkApp s = con s
`App` (transTerm sign term1)
`App` (transTerm sign term2)
isPart (TypeScheme _ op _) =
case op of
FunType _ PFunArr _ _ -> True
FunType _ FunArr _ _ -> False
_ ->
error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Wrong operation type"
transTerm sign (QuantifiedTerm quan varDecls phi _) =
foldr (quantify quan)
(transTerm sign phi)
(map toPair varDecls)
transTerm sign (TypedTerm term _ _ _) = transTerm sign term
transTerm sign (LambdaTerm pats part body _) =
case part of
Partial -> lambdaAbs transTerm
Total -> lambdaAbs transTotalLambda
lambdaAbs f =
if (null pats) then conSome
`App` Abs(IsaSign.Free("dummyVar",dummyT),
(f sign body))
else conSome `App` (foldr (abstraction sign)
(f sign body)
transTerm sign (LetTerm Let eqs body _) =
transTerm sign (foldr let2lambda body eqs)
transTerm sign (TupleTerm terms _) =
foldl1 (binConst pairC) (map (transTerm sign) terms)
transTerm sign (CaseTerm term pEqs _) =
-- trace ("pEqs " ++ show pEqs ++ "\n")
let alts = arangeCaseAlts sign pEqs
case term of
QualVar (VarDecl decl _ _ _) -> Case (IsaSign.Free(transVar decl, dummyT), alts)
_ ->
Case (transTerm sign term,
(con "None", con "None"):
[(conSome `App` IsaSign.Free("caseVar", dummyT),
Case (IsaSign.Free("caseVar", dummyT), alts))])
transTerm _ _ =
error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported (abstract) syntax."
transTotalLambda :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transTotalLambda _ (QualVar (VarDecl var typ _ _)) =
IsaSign.Free(transVar var, transType typ)
transTotalLambda _ (QualOp _ (InstOpId opId _ _) _ _)
| opId == trueId = con "True"
| opId == falseId = con "False"
| otherwise = con (getNameOfOpId opId)
transTotalLambda sign (ApplTerm term1 term2 _) = (transTotalLambda sign term1) `App` (transTotalLambda sign term2)
-- testTerm term1
-- where
-- -- trace ("Constructors?? "++ show (ApplTerm term1 term2 p) ++ "\n")
-- testTerm t =
-- case t of
-- QualOp Fun (InstOpId opId _ _) _ _ -> transLog sign opId term1 term2
-- QualOp Pred _ _ _ -> con "pApp"
-- `App` (transTerm sign term1)
-- `App` (transTerm sign term2)
-- QualOp Op _ typeScheme _ -> if isPart typeScheme then mkApp "app"
-- else mkApp "apt"
-- ApplTerm t1 _ _ -> testTerm t1
-- _ -> mkApp "app"
-- where mkApp s = con s
-- `App` (transTerm sign term1)
-- `App` (transTerm sign term2)
-- isPart (TypeScheme _ op _) =
-- case op of
-- FunType _ PFunArr _ _ -> True
-- FunType _ FunArr _ _ -> False
-- _ ->
-- error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Wrong operation type"
-- transTerm sign (QuantifiedTerm quan varDecls phi _) =
-- foldr (quantify quan)
-- (transTerm sign phi)
-- (map toPair varDecls)
transTotalLambda sign (TypedTerm term _ _ _) = transTotalLambda sign term
transTotalLambda sign (LambdaTerm pats part body _) =
case part of
Partial -> lambdaAbs transTerm
Total -> lambdaAbs transTotalLambda
lambdaAbs f =
if (null pats) then Abs(IsaSign.Free("dummyVar",dummyT),
(f sign body))
else (foldr (abstraction sign)
(f sign body)
transTotalLambda sign (LetTerm Let eqs body _) =
transTotalLambda sign (foldr let2lambda body eqs)
transTotalLambda sign (TupleTerm terms _) =
foldl1 (binConst isaPair) (map (transTotalLambda sign) terms)
transTotalLambda sign (CaseTerm term pEqs _) =
-- trace ("pEqs " ++ show pEqs ++ "\n")
Case (transTotalLambda sign term, map transCaseAltTotal pEqs)
where transCaseAltTotal (ProgEq pat term _) =
(transPat sign pat, transTotalLambda sign term)
transTotalLambda _ _ =
error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported (abstract) syntax."
transCaseEx :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transCaseEx sign term =
case term of
QualVar (VarDecl decl _ _ _) -> IsaSign.Free(transVar decl, dummyT)
_ -> transTerm sign term
arangeCaseAlts :: Env -> [ProgEq]-> [(IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)]
arangeCaseAlts sign pEqs =
let pats = map stripProgEq pEqs
case pats of
(QualVar _):[] -> map (transCaseAlt sign) pEqs
_ -> sortCaseAlts sign pEqs
sortCaseAlts :: Env -> [ProgEq]-> [(IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)]
sortCaseAlts sign pEqs =
concat (map (unfoldCons sign) (map (groupCons pEqs)
(getCons sign (getName (head pEqs)))))
getName :: ProgEq -> TypeId
getName (ProgEq pat _ _) =
getTypeName pat
where getTypeName pat = case pat of
QualVar (VarDecl _ typ _ _) -> name typ
QualOp _ _ (TypeScheme _ typ _) _ -> name typ
TypedTerm _ _ typ _ -> name typ
ApplTerm t _ _ -> getTypeName t
-- TupleTerm
name t = case t of
TypeName tyId _ 0 -> tyId
TypeAppl t _ -> name t
-- FunType t1 _ t2 ->
-- ProductType
_ ->
error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported type"
getCons :: Env -> TypeId -> [UninstOpId]
getCons sign tId =
sld (typeDefn (Map.find tId (typeMap sign)))
where sld (DatatypeDefn (DataEntry _ _ _ _ altDefns)) =
catMaybes (map ll altDefns)
ll (Construct i _ _ _) = i
groupCons :: [ProgEq] -> UninstOpId -> [ProgEq]
groupCons pEqs name = filter hasSameName pEqs
where hasSameName (ProgEq pat _ _) =
hsn pat
hsn pat =
case pat of
QualOp _ (InstOpId n _ _) _ _ -> n == name
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> hsn t1
TypedTerm t _ _ _ -> hsn t
-- TupleTerm
_ -> False
unfoldCons :: Env -> [ProgEq] -> [(IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)]
unfoldCons sign pEqs =
let pats = map stripProgEq pEqs
if and (map noArgs pats) || and (map argIsVar pats)
then map (transCaseAlt sign) pEqs
else substArg sign pEqs
where noArgs t = case t of
QualOp _ _ _ _ -> True
QualVar _ -> True
_ -> False
argIsVar pat = case pat of
ApplTerm _ t _ -> case t of
QualVar _ -> True
ApplTerm _ t _ -> argIsVar t
_ -> False
QualVar _ -> True
TypedTerm t _ _ _ -> argIsVar t
-- TupleTerm
_ -> False
substArg :: Env -> [ProgEq] -> [(IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)]
substArg sign pEqs =
let frontCons = transPat sign (getFrontCons pEqs)
varName = "consVar" ++ show (length pEqs)
newPat = frontCons `App` IsaSign.Free(varName, dummyT)
varId = (mkId [(mkSimpleId varName)])
newVar = QualVar (VarDecl varId (TypeName varId MissingKind 1) Other [])
newTerm = transTerm sign (CaseTerm newVar newPEqs [])
newPEqs = map getNewPEqs pEqs
[(newPat, newTerm)]
where getFrontCons ((ProgEq pat _ _):pEqs) =
case pat of
ApplTerm t _ _ -> t
_ -> pat
getNewPEqs (ProgEq pat term p) =
case pat of
ApplTerm _ t _ -> ProgEq t term p
_ -> ProgEq pat term p
-- VarDecl Var Type SeparatorKind [Pos]
stripProgEq :: ProgEq -> Pattern
stripProgEq (ProgEq pat t pos) = case pat of
TypedTerm p _ _ _ -> stripProgEq (ProgEq p t pos)
-- TupleTerm ->
_ -> pat
-- -- grep the names of all constructors
-- grepCons :: [Pattern] -> [InstOpId]
-- grepCons pats =
-- nub (catMaybes (map allCons pats))
-- where allCons pat =
-- case pat of
-- QualOp _ name _ _ -> Just (name)
-- ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> allCons t1
-- TypedTerm t _ _ _ -> allCons t
-- QualVar _ -> Nothing
-- -- TupleTerm
-- _ ->
-- error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Illegal case pattern."
{- todo
nested case patterns:
1. check if set of patterns is
1a. one pattern consisting of a variable => we are done
1b. set of constructor patterns
1b1. sort patterns according to leading constructor
1b2. for each group of patterns with the same leading constructor
1b2a. for each argument position, call 1. recursively
transCaseAlt :: Env -> ProgEq -> (IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)
transCaseAlt sign (ProgEq pat term _) =
(transPat sign pat, transTerm sign term)
--Abs (transTerm sign pat, dummyT, transTerm sign term)
transPat :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transPat _ (QualVar (VarDecl var _ _ _)) = IsaSign.Free(transVar var, dummyT)
transPat sign (ApplTerm term1 term2 _) =
(transPat sign term1) `App` (transPat sign term2)
transPat sign (TypedTerm term _ _ _) = transPat sign term
-- transPat sign (LambdaTerm pats Partial body _) =
-- if (null pats) then Abs(IsaSign.Free("dummyVar",dummyT),
-- dummyT,
-- (transPat sign body))
-- else foldr (abstraction sign)
-- (transPat sign body)
-- pats
-- transPat sign (LetTerm Let eqs body _) =
-- transPat sign (foldr let2lambda body eqs)
transPat sign (TupleTerm terms _) =
foldl1 (binConst isaPair) (map (transPat sign) terms)
transPat _ (QualOp _ (InstOpId id _ _) _ _) = con (getNameOfOpId id)
transPat _ _ = error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported (abstract) syntax."
let2lambda :: ProgEq -> As.Term -> As.Term
let2lambda (ProgEq pat term _) body =
ApplTerm (LambdaTerm [pat] Partial body [nullPos]) term [nullPos]
getType :: As.Term -> Typ
getType term = case term of
QualVar (VarDecl _ typ _ _) -> transType typ
TypedTerm _ _ typ _ -> transType typ
TupleTerm terms _ -> evalTupleType terms
_ -> error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Illegal pattern in lambda abstraction"
where evalTupleType t = foldr1 IsaSign.mkProductType
(map getType t)
transLog :: Env -> Id -> As.Term -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transLog sign opId opTerm term
| opId == andId = foldl1 (binConst conj)
(map (transTerm sign) ts)
| opId == orId = foldl1 (binConst disj)
(map (transTerm sign) ts)
| opId == implId = binConst impl (transTerm sign t1)
(transTerm sign t2)
| opId == eqvId = binConst eqv (transTerm sign t1)
(transTerm sign t2)
| opId == notId = (con "Not") `App` (transTerm sign term)
| opId == defId = defOp `App` (transTerm sign term)
| opId == exEq =
binConst conj
(binConst conj
(binConst eq (transTerm sign t1)
(transTerm sign t2))
(defOp `App` (transTerm sign t1)))
(defOp `App` (transTerm sign t2))
| opId == eqId = binConst eq (transTerm sign t1)
(transTerm sign t2)
| otherwise = (transTerm sign opTerm) `App` (transTerm sign term)
where ts = getTerms term
t1 = head ts
t2 = last ts
getTerms (TupleTerm terms _) = terms
getTerms _ = error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Incorrect formula coding in abstract syntax"
quantify :: Quantifier -> (Var,Type) -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term
quantify q (v,t) phi =
con (qname q) `App` Abs (con (transVar v), transType t, phi)
qname Universal = "All"
qname Existential = "Ex"
qname Unique = "Ex1"
abstraction :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term
abstraction sign pat body = Abs((transTermAbs sign pat), getType pat, body)
transTermAbs :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transTermAbs _ (QualVar (VarDecl var typ _ _)) =
IsaSign.Free(transVar var, transType typ)
transTermAbs sign (TupleTerm terms _) = foldl1 (binConst isaPair)
(map (transTermAbs sign) terms)
transTermAbs _ (QualOp _ (InstOpId opId _ _) _ _) = con (getNameOfOpId opId)
transTermAbs sign term = transTerm sign term
getNameOfOpId :: Id -> String
getNameOfOpId (Id [] _ _) = error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Operation without name"
getNameOfOpId (Id (tok:toks) a b) =
if (tokStr tok) == "__" then getNameOfOpId (Id toks a b)
else tokStr tok
-- isLogId :: Id -> Bool
-- isLogId i = (i == andId)
-- || (i == orId)
-- || (i == implId)
-- || (i == eqvId)
-- || (i == notId)
-- || (i == defId)
-- || (i == exEq)
-- || (i == eqId)
toPair :: GenVarDecl -> (Var,Type)
toPair (GenVarDecl (VarDecl var typ _ _)) = (var,typ)
toPair _ = error "[Comorphims.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF] Not supported GenVarDecl"
binConst :: String -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term
binConst s t1 t2 = termAppl (termAppl (con s) t1) t2
termAppl :: IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term
termAppl t1 t2 = t1 `App` t2
con :: String -> IsaSign.Term
con s = Const(s, dummyT)
conSome :: IsaSign.Term
conSome = con "Some"
conSomeT :: Typ -> IsaSign.Term
conSomeT t = Const("Some", t)
defOp :: IsaSign.Term
defOp = con "defOp"
conj :: String
conj = "op &"
disj :: String
disj = "op |"
impl :: String
impl = "op -->"
eqv :: String
eqv = "op <=>"
eq :: String
eq = "op ="
pairC :: String
pairC = "pair"
isaPair :: String
isaPair = "Pair"
some :: String
some = "Some"