Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.hs revision 03e51be42df5d70ecc31615ecb6da85068a00bed
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Paolo Torrini and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : All rights reserved.
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The embedding comorphism from Haskell to Isabelle-HOLCF.
relevant files:
This one translates directly from OrigTiMonad. Problems with constants that are not exported by Programatica.
module Comorphisms.Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.Result as Result
import Common.Id as Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named)
-- Haskell
import Haskell.Logic_Haskell as LH
import Haskell.HatParser as HatParser hiding (HsType)
import Haskell.HatAna as HatAna
-- Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaConsts as IsaConsts
-- import Isabelle.IsaPrint
-- New imports
import Isabelle.Translate as Translate
-- import Translate
import FiniteMap
import HsTypeStruct
import HsKindStruct
import HsTypeMaps
import HsName
import HsIdent
import TypedIds
import OrigTiMonad
import TiTypes
import TiKinds
import TiInstanceDB -- as TiInst
import TiTEnv
import TiKEnv
import TiEnvFM
import PNT
import UniqueNames
-- import Programatica.property.PropSyntaxRec as PropSyn
import PropSyntaxRec
import HsExpStruct
import HsPatStruct
import HsExpMaps
import HsPatMaps
import SyntaxRec
import TiPropDecorate
import PropSyntaxStruct
import HsDeclStruct
import HsGuardsStruct
import TiDecorate
-- The identity of the comorphism
data Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF = Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF deriving (Show)
instance Language Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF -- default definition is okay
------------------------------- Type synonims --------------------------------------
-- type PNT = PNT.PNT
type HsInstance = TiInstanceDB.Instance PNT
type HsInstances = [TiInstanceDB.Instance PNT]
type HsIClause = TiTypes.Pred PNT
type HsType = TiTypes.Type PNT
type HsClass = TiTypes.Type PNT
-- type IsaClass = IsaSign.IsaClass
type IsaSort = IsaSign.Sort
type IsaType = IsaSign.Typ
type IsaTerm = IsaSign.Term
type IsaPattern = IsaSign.Term
type IsaTypeInsts = (TName, [(IsaClass, [(IsaType, [IsaClass])])])
type VaMap = Map.Map (HsIdentI PNT) (Scheme PNT)
type TyMap = Map.Map (HsIdentI PNT) (Kind, TiTypes.TypeInfo PNT)
-- type FiMap = Map.Map (HsIdentI (SN Id)) HsFixity
type Dec = TiPropDecorate.TiDecl
------------------------------ Comorphism -----------------------------------------
instance Comorphism Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF -- multi-parameter class Com.
Haskell ()
HatParser.HsDecls (HatAna.TiDecl PNT) () ()
HatAna.Sign HaskellMorphism
() () ()
Isabelle () () IsaSign.Sentence () ()
() () () () where
sourceLogic _ = Haskell
sourceSublogic _ = ()
targetLogic _ = Isabelle
targetSublogic _ = ()
map_sign _ = transSignature
map_sentence _ = transSentence
map_morphism _ _ = return ()
-- map_theory _ = transTheory
------------------------------ Isa auxiliaries ----------------------------------
-- multiCApp :: Term [IsaTerm] -> IsaTerm
-- multiCApp t ls = case ls of
-- [] -> t
-- x:xs -> multiCApp (App t x IsCont) xs
------------------------------ Theory translation -------------------------------
transSentence :: HatAna.Sign -> TiPropDecorate.TiDecl PNT -> Result IsaSign.Sentence
transSentence sign (TiPropDecorate.Dec d) = case d of
PropSyntaxStruct.Base p -> case p of
HsDeclStruct.HsFunBind _ ls -> Result [] (Just (Sentence $ transMatchList ls))
-- HsDeclStruct.HsTypeSig _ ls c t -> Result [] (Just (Sentence (functionDeclList ls c t)))
-- _ -> Result [(Diag Hint "problem" (Id.SourcePos "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transSentence" 137 1))] (Nothing)
_ -> warning (Sentence true) "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transSentence 2, not yet supported" nullPos
-- _ -> Result [(Diag Hint "problem" (Id.SourcePos "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transSentence" 136 1))] (Nothing)
_ -> warning (Sentence true) "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transSentence 1, case not yet supported" nullPos
-- fuctionDecl :: PNT -> [HsTypeI PNT] -> HsTypeI PNT -> IsaTerm
-- functionDecl n c t =
transMatch ::
HsDeclStruct.HsMatchI PNT (TiPropDecorate.TiExp PNT) p ds -> IsaTerm
transMatch t = case t of
(HsDeclStruct.HsMatch _ nm _ (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody x) _) ->
App (App (Const "IsaEq" noType) (Const (showIsaS nm) noType) IsCont) (transExp x) IsCont
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transMatch, case not yet supported"
transMatchList :: [HsDeclStruct.HsMatchI PNT (TiPropDecorate.TiExp PNT) p ds] -> IsaTerm
transMatchList ls = case ls of
[] -> Bottom
x:xs -> Fix (IsaConsts.mkIsaOr (transMatch x) (transMatchList xs))
-- transTheory :: (HatAna.Sign, [TiPropDecorate.TiDecls PNT] ->
-- Result (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
--transTheory (sign, decls) = do x <- transSignature sign
-- y <- maybeResult x
-- return [] (y, transDeclsL decls)
transDeclsL :: [TiPropDecorate.TiDecls PNT] -> [Named IsaSign.Sentence]
transDeclsL ds = concat (map transDecl ds)
transDecls :: TiPropDecorate.TiDecls PNT -> [Named IsaSign.Sentence]
transDecls ds = case Decs x _ -> transDecl x
transDecl :: TiPropDecorate.TiDecl PNT -> Named IsaSign.Sentence
transDecl (Dec d) = case d of
Base p -> case p of
HsFunBind _ ls -> NamedSen [] (map transMatch ls)
transMatch ::
HsMatch PNT (HsRhs (PropSyntaxRec.HsExpI PNT)) p ds ->IsaSign.Definition
transMatch (HsMatch _ nm _ x _) -> transDef nm x
-- Prop p ->
transDef :: PNT -> HsRhs (PropSyntaxRec.HsExpI PNT) -> IsaSign.Definition
transDef l r = case r of HsBody e -> (showIsaS l, transExp r)
------------------------------ Signature translation -----------------------------
transSignature :: HatAna.Sign -> Result (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transSignature sign = Result []
(Just (IsaSign.Sign{
baseSig = "MainHC",
tsig = emptyTypeSig
classrel = Map.union Map.empty $ getClassrel (HatAna.types sign),
abbrs = Map.union Map.empty $ getAbbrs (HatAna.types sign),
arities = Map.union Map.empty $ getArities (HatAna.instances sign)
constTab = Map.union Map.empty $ getConstTab (HatAna.values sign),
-- constTab = Map.foldWithKey insertOps
-- Map.empty
-- (assumps sign),
dataTypeTab = [],
domainTab = getDomainTab (HatAna.types sign) (HatAna.values sign),
showLemmas = False },
[] )) -- for now, no sentences
------------------------------- Signature --------------------------------------
-------------------------------- Name translation -----------------------------
-- Translating to strings compatible with Isabelle-HOLCF
showIsaS :: Show i => i -> IsaSign.IName
-- showIsaS x = (Translate.transString) (show x)
showIsaS x = (show x)
showIsaPNT :: PNT -> IsaSign.IName
showIsaPNT t = case t of
PNT (PN p _) _ _ -> case p of
Qual (PlainModule x) y -> ((showIsaS x)++"."++(showIsaS y))
Qual (MainModule x) y -> ((showIsaS x)++"."++(showIsaS y))
UnQual w -> showIsaS w
-- showIsaHs :: TiTypes.Type PNT -> IsaSign.IName
showIsaH :: HsIdent.HsIdentI PNT -> IsaSign.IName
showIsaH t = case t of
HsVar x -> showIsaPNT x
HsCon x -> showIsaPNT x
-------------------------------- Identifier translation -----------------------
idTrans :: HsIdent.HsIdentI PNT -> IsaSign.Term
idTrans t = case t of
HsVar x -> Free (showIsaPNT x) noType
HsCon x -> Const (showIsaPNT x) noType
------------------------------- Kind translation ------------------------------
simpleKind :: TiKinds.Kind -> Bool
simpleKind x = case x of
K HsKindStruct.Kstar -> True
K (HsKindStruct.Kfun a b) -> (simpleKind a) && (simpleKind b)
_ -> False
kindTrans :: TiKinds.Kind -> IsaSign.IsaKind
kindTrans x = case x of
K HsKindStruct.Kstar -> IsaSign.Star
K (HsKindStruct.Kfun a b) -> IsaSign.Kfun (kindTrans a) (kindTrans b)
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.kindTrans,"
kindExTrans :: TiKinds.Kind -> IsaSign.ExKind
kindExTrans x = case x of
K HsKindStruct.Kstar -> IKind IsaSign.Star
K (HsKindStruct.Kfun a b) -> IKind (IsaSign.Kfun (kindTrans a) (kindTrans b))
K HsKindStruct.Kpred -> IClass
K HsKindStruct.Kprop -> PLogic
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.kindExTrans, kind variables not supported"
------------------------------ Type translation -------------------------------
{- This signature translation takes after the one to Stratego, and relies on
Isabelle.Translation to solve naming conflicts. -}
transT :: Show d => (PNT -> IsaType) -> (PNT -> IsaType) -> (d -> IsaType) ->
HsTypeStruct.TI PNT d -> IsaType
transT trIdV trIdC trT t =
case HsTypeMaps.mapTI2 trIdV trIdC trT t of
HsTyFun t1 t2 -> IsaSign.mkContFun t1 t2
HsTyApp t1 t2 -> IsaSign.typeAppl t1 [t2]
HsTyVar a -> a
HsTyCon c -> c
_ -> not_supported "Type" t
-- error :: forall a. [Char] -> a
not_supported :: (Show t, Show i) => String -> HsTypeStruct.TI i t -> a
not_supported s x = error $ s++" not supported (yet): "++show x
transIdV :: PNT -> IsaType
transIdV t = TFree (showIsaPNT t) IsaSign.dom
transIdC :: PNT -> IsaType
transIdC t =
case (UniqueNames.orig t) of
UniqueNames.G (PlainModule m) n _ ->
IsaSign.Type ((showIsaS m)++"."++(showIsaS n)) IsaSign.dom (transFields t)
UniqueNames.G (MainModule m) n _ ->
IsaSign.Type ((showIsaS m)++"."++(showIsaS n)) IsaSign.dom (transFields t)
_ -> IsaSign.Type (showIsaPNT t) IsaSign.dom (transFields t)
transFields :: PNT -> [IsaType]
transFields t = case t of
PNT _ (TypedIds.Type q) _ -> [TFree (showIsaS x) IsaSign.dom | (PN x _) <- TypedIds.fields q]
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transFields"
transType :: HsType -> IsaType
transType (Typ t) = transT transIdV transIdC transType t
------------------------------ Class translation ------------------------------
mkIsaClass :: CName -> IsaClass
mkIsaClass n = IsaClass n
transClass :: HsType -> IsaClass
transClass x = case x of
Typ (HsTyCon c) -> IsaClass (showIsaPNT c)
Typ _ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transClass"
-- maybe need check for parameters?
----------------------------- auxiliary lift function ------------------------
liftMapByList :: (x -> [(a,b)]) -> ([(c,d)] -> y) -> (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> x -> y
liftMapByList ma mb h k f = mb [(h a, k b) | (a, b) <- ma f]
liftMapByListF :: (x -> [(a,b)]) -> ([(c,d)] -> y) -> (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (a -> Bool) -> x -> y
liftMapByListF ma mb h k cs f = mb [(h a, k b) | (a, b) <- ma f, cs a]
------------------------------- getting ConstTab ------------------------------
getConstTab :: VaMap -> IsaSign.ConstTab
getConstTab f =
liftMapByList Map.toList Map.fromList showIsaH transFromScheme f
transFromScheme :: TiTypes.Scheme PNT -> IsaType
transFromScheme s = case s of
Forall _ _ (_ TiTypes.:=> t) -> transType t
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transFromScheme"
----------------------------- getting Classrel (from KEnv) -----------------------
getClassrel :: TyMap -> IsaSign.Classrel
getClassrel f =
liftMapByList Map.toList Map.fromList (mkIsaClass . showIsaS) transClassInfo f
transClassInfo :: (Kind, TiTypes.TypeInfo PNT) -> [IsaClass]
transClassInfo p = map transClass (extClassInfo $ snd p)
extClassInfo :: TiTypes.TypeInfo PNT -> [HsClass]
extClassInfo p = case p of
TiTypes.Class a _ _ _ -> map getInstType a -- ?? error ???
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.extClassInfo"
---------------------------- getting Abbrs (from KEnv) -----------------------------
getAbbrs :: TyMap -> IsaSign.Abbrs
getAbbrs f =
liftMapByList Map.toList Map.fromList showIsaS transAbbrsInfo f
transAbbrsInfo :: (Kind, TiTypes.TypeInfo PNT) -> ([IsaSign.TName], IsaType)
transAbbrsInfo p = let x = extAbbrsInfo (snd p) in (map showIsaPNT (fst x), transType (snd x))
extAbbrsInfo :: TiTypes.TypeInfo PNT -> ([PNT], HsType)
extAbbrsInfo p = case p of
TiTypes.Synonym ls t -> (ls, t)
_ -> error "extAbbrsInfo"
------------------------------ getting Arities ------------------------------------
getArities :: HsInstances -> IsaSign.Arities
getArities db = Map.fromList $ getIsaInsts db
getIsaInsts :: HsInstances -> [IsaTypeInsts]
getIsaInsts db = map transTypeInsts (getTypeInsts db)
getTypeInsts :: HsInstances -> [(HsType, HsInstances)]
getTypeInsts db =
[(t, [x | x <- db, getMainInstType x == t])
| t <- remove_duplicates (map getMainInstType db)]
transTypeInsts :: (HsType, HsInstances) -> IsaTypeInsts
transTypeInsts (a,b) = (showIsaS a, map transInst b)
getArities :: TiInstanceDB.IDB PNT -> IsaSign.Arities
getArities db = case db of
(Idb f) ->
liftMapByList FiniteMap.fmToList Map.fromList showIsaS (map transInst) f
------------------------------ auxiliaries ----------------------------------------
remove_duplicates :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
remove_duplicates ls = remove_dupes ls []
remove_dupes :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
remove_dupes ls ms = case ls of x:rs -> if (elem x (rs ++ ms)) then remove_dupes rs ms
else remove_dupes rs (x:ms)
[] -> ms
getMainInstType :: HsInstance -> HsType
getMainInstType i = case i of (Typ (HsTyApp _ t), _) -> t
getMainInstClass :: HsInstance -> HsClass
getMainInstClass i = case i of (Typ (HsTyApp c _), _) -> c
getInstType :: HsIClause -> HsType
getInstType i = case i of (Typ (HsTyApp _ t)) -> t
getInstClass :: HsIClause -> HsType
getInstClass i = case i of (Typ (HsTyApp c _)) -> c
getInstPrems :: HsInstance -> [HsIClause]
getInstPrems i = case i of (_, (_, ls)) -> ls
-------------- corresponding change in IsaSign
transInst :: HsInstance -> (IsaClass, [(IsaType, [IsaClass])])
transInst i = let x = prepInst i in
(transClass $ fst x, [(transType a, map transClass b) | (a,b) <- snd x])
prepInst :: HsInstance -> (HsClass, [(HsType, [HsClass])])
prepInst i = (getMainInstClass i, prepInst1 i)
prepInst1 :: HsInstance -> [(HsType, [HsClass])]
prepInst1 i = [(x, [getInstClass y | y <- getInstPrems i, getInstType y == x])
| x <- map getInstType (getInstPrems i)]
-- prepInst1 :: HsInstance -> [(HsType, [HsClass])]
-- prepInst1 i = [(transType x, [transClass $ getInstClass y | y <- getInstPrems i, getInstType y == x])
-- | x <- map getInstType (getInstPrems i)]
{------ old version
transInst :: HsInstance -> (IsaClass, [[IsaClass]])
transInst i = let x = prepInst i in
(transClass $ fst x, map (map transClass) (snd x))
prepInst :: HsInstance -> (HsClass, [[HsClass]])
prepInst i =
(getMainInstClass i, map snd (prepInst1 i))
prepInst1 :: HsInstance -> [(HsType, [HsClass])]
prepInst1 i = prepInst2 (getTypeVars $ getMainInstType i) (getInstPrems i)
prepInst2 :: [HsType] -> [HsIClause] -> [(HsType, [HsClass])]
prepInst2 vs cs = (prepInstR (reverse vs) cs [])
prepInstR :: [HsType] -> [HsIClause] -> [(HsType, [HsClass])]
prepInstR vs ca cb = case vs of
[] -> cb
x:xs -> prepInstR xs
[y | <- ca, getInstType y \= x]
(x, [getInstClass y | y <- ca, getInstType y = x]):cb
getTypeVars :: HsType -> [HsType]
getTypeVars t = remove_duplicates (getTypeVarsR [t] [])
getTypeVarsR :: [HsType] -> [HsType] -> [HsType]
getTypeVarsR as ls = case as of
[] -> ls
x:xs -> case x of
(_ t1 t2) -> getTypeVarsR t1:t2:xs ls
HsTyVar v -> getTypeVarsR xs (append ls [v])
HsTyCon c -> getTypevarsR xs ls
------------------------------- getting Type Constructors ---------------------
getTyCons :: TyMap -> VaMap -> Map.Map IsaSign.TName IsaType
getTyCons g f =
liftMapByListF Map.toList Map.fromList showIsaH transFromScheme (checkTyCons g) f
checkTyCons :: TyMap -> HsIdent.HsIdentI PNT -> Bool
checkTyCons f n = case Map.lookup n f of
Just (_, d) -> if d == TiTypes.Data || d == TiTypes.Newtype then True else False
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.checkTyCons"
---------------------------- checking mutual dependencies -----------------------
-- type DomainTab = [DomainTabEntry]
-- type DomainTabEntry = [DomainEntry] -- (type,[value cons])
-- type DomainEntry = (Typ,[DomainAlt])
-- type DomainAlt = (VName,[Typ])
getDepDoms :: [[IsaSign.DomainEntry]] -> IsaSign.DomainTab
getDepDoms ls = checkDep (abCheckDep mutDep) (tail ls) [head ls] []
abCheckDep :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
abCheckDep f as bs = genOr (\x -> genOr (f x) bs) as
checkDep :: ([x] -> [x] -> Bool) -> [[x]] -> [[x]] -> [[x]] -> [[x]]
checkDep f ls ms cs = case ls of
a:as -> case ms of
b:bs -> if (f a b) then checkDep f ((a ++ b):as) bs cs else checkDep f (a:as) bs (b:cs)
[] -> checkDep f as cs []
[] -> ms
mutDep :: DomainEntry -> DomainEntry -> Bool
mutDep a b = depOn a b || depOn b a
depOn :: DomainEntry -> DomainEntry -> Bool
depOn x y = case (x,y) of
((a,_),(_,bs)) -> genOr (subTypForm a) (concat (map snd bs))
genOr :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
genOr f ys = case ys of
[] -> False
x:xs -> if (f x) then True
else (genOr f xs)
subTypForm :: Typ -> Typ -> Bool
subTypForm t1 t2 = case t2 of
IsaSign.Type a b cs ->
if a == IsaSign.typeId t1 &&
b == IsaSign.typeSort t1 then True
else genOr (subTypForm t1) cs
_ -> False
singList :: [a] -> [[a]]
singList list = [[a] | a <- list]
------------------------------- getting DomainTab -----------------------------
-- assuming kind has already been checked...
getDomainTab :: TyMap -> VaMap -> IsaSign.DomainTab
getDomainTab g f =
getDepDoms $ singList [getDomainEntry (getConstTab f) (getHsType f x) | x <- Map.keys f, checkTyCons g x]
getHsType :: VaMap -> HsIdent.HsIdentI PNT -> HsType
getHsType f n = case Map.lookup n f of
Just (Forall _ _ (_ TiTypes.:=> t)) -> t
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.getHsType"
getDomainEntry :: IsaSign.ConstTab -> HsType -> IsaSign.DomainEntry
getDomainEntry ctab t =
case t of
Typ (HsTyCon (PNT _ (TypedIds.Type d) _)) ->
(transType t, [(b, getFieldTypes ctab b) | b <- [showIsaS c | (PN c _) <- map conName (constructors d)]])
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.getDomainEntry"
-- (transType t, [(showIsaS $ conName c, getFieldTypes ctab (showIsaS $ conName c))
-- | c <- constructors d])
getFieldTypes :: IsaSign.ConstTab -> IsaSign.VName -> [IsaType]
getFieldTypes ctab c = let x = Map.lookup c ctab in
case x of
Nothing -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.getFieldTypes"
Just y -> argTypes y
argTypes :: IsaType -> [IsaType]
argTypes a = case a of
IsaSign.Type "dFun" _ [b,c] -> b:argTypes c
_ -> []
----------------------------------- Expressions -------------------------------
-- id :: i -> i
-- id x = x
mapEI5 :: (i1 -> i2) ->
(e1 -> e2) ->
(p1 -> p2) ->
EI i1 e1 p1 d t c ->
EI i2 e2 p2 d t c
mapEI5 a b c e = HsExpMaps.mapEI a b c id id id e
transE :: (PNT -> IsaSign.VName) -> (e -> IsaTerm) -> (p -> IsaPattern) ->
(HsExpStruct.EI PNT e p j h k) -> IsaTerm
transE trId trE trP e =
case (mapEI5 trId trE trP e) of
HsId (HsVar x) -> Free x noType
HsId (HsCon c) -> Const c noType
HsApp x y -> App x y IsCont
-- HsLambda ps e -> IsaSign.Abs [(x, noType) | x <- ps] e IsCont
-- HsLet ds e -> Let ds e
HsIf x y z -> If x y z
-- HsCase e ds -> Case e ds
HsTuple es -> Tuples es IsCont
HsParen e -> Paren e
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transE, not supported"
transP :: (PNT -> IsaSign.VName) -> (p -> IsaPattern) ->
(HsPatStruct.PI PNT p) -> IsaPattern
transP trId trP p =
case HsPatMaps.mapPI trId trP p of
HsPId (HsVar x) -> Free x noType
HsPId (HsCon c) -> Const c noType
-- HsPLit _ lit -> litPat (transL lit) -- new
-- HsPApp c ps -> App x y IsCont
HsPTuple ps -> Tuples ps IsCont
-- HsPList ps -> plist ps
HsPParen p -> Paren p
-- HsPRec
-- HsPAsPat x p -> AsPattern (x,p)
HsPWildCard -> Wildcard
-- HsPIrrPat p -> twiddlePat p
-- _ -> not_supported "Pattern" p
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transP, not supported"
transPat :: TiDecorate.TiPat PNT -> IsaPattern
transPat x = case x of
(TiDecorate.Pat p) -> transP showIsaPNT transPat p
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transPat"
-- transPat :: SyntaxRec.HsPatI PNT -> IsaPattern
-- transPat (Pat p) = transP showIsaS transPat p
extVars :: IsaPattern -> VName
extVars p = case p of
Free x _ -> x
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.extVars"
transExp :: TiPropDecorate.TiExp PNT -> IsaTerm
transExp t = case t of
(TiPropDecorate.Exp e) -> transE showIsaPNT transExp transPat e
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transExp"
-- transExp :: PropSyntaxRec.HsExpI PNT -> IsaTerm
-- transExp t = case t of
-- (PropSyntaxRec.Exp e) -> transE showIsaS transExp transPat e
-- transE showIsaS transExp transE transLocalDecs e
-- where
-- transLocalDecs (a,b) = (transE a, transE b)