HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.hs revision f4e79d7d5894e092c6ca5887dde3f7e6f75d8dc0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : All rights reserved.
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The embedding comorphism from HasCASL to Isabelle-HOL.
module Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named(..))
-- HasCASL
import HasCASL.Logic_HasCASL
import HasCASL.Sublogic
import HasCASL.Le as Le
import HasCASL.As as As
import HasCASL.Builtin
import HasCASL.Morphism
-- Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Isabelle.Translate
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data HasCASL2IsabelleHOL = HasCASL2IsabelleHOL deriving (Show)
instance Language HasCASL2IsabelleHOL -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism HasCASL2IsabelleHOL
HasCASL HasCASL_Sublogics
BasicSpec Le.Sentence SymbItems SymbMapItems
Env Morphism
Symbol RawSymbol ()
Isabelle () () IsaSign.Sentence () ()
() () () () where
sourceLogic _ = HasCASL
sourceSublogic _ = HasCASL_SL
{ has_sub = False, -- subsorting
has_part = True, -- partiality
has_eq = True, -- equality
has_pred = True, -- predicates
has_ho = True, -- higher order
has_type_classes = False,
has_polymorphism = True,
has_type_constructors = True,
which_logic = HOL
targetLogic _ = Isabelle
targetSublogic _ = ()
map_sign _ = transSignature
-- map_morphism _ morphism1 -> Maybe morphism2
map_sentence _ sign phi =
case transSentence sign phi of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (ts) -> Just $ Sentence {senTerm = ts}
-- map_symbol :: cid -> symbol1 -> Set symbol2
-- ============================ Signature ================================== --
transSignature :: Env
-> Maybe (IsaSign.Sign,[Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transSignature sign =
Just (IsaSign.emptySign {
baseSig = "MainHC",
-- translation of typeconstructors
tsig = emptyTypeSig
{ arities = Map.foldWithKey extractTypeName
(typeMap sign) },
-- translation of operation declarations
constTab = Map.foldWithKey insertOps
(assumps sign),
-- translation of datatype declarations
dataTypeTab = transDatatype (typeMap sign),
showLemmas = True },
[] )
extractTypeName tyId typeInfo m =
if isDatatypeDefn typeInfo then m
else Map.insert (showIsa tyId) [(isaTerm, [])] m
-- translate the kind here!
isDatatypeDefn t = case typeDefn t of
DatatypeDefn _ -> True
_ -> False
insertOps name ops m =
let infos = opInfos ops
in if isSingle infos then
let transOp = transOpInfo (head infos)
in case transOp of
Just op -> Map.insert (showIsa name) op m
Nothing -> m
let transOps = map transOpInfo infos
in foldl (\ m' (transOp,i) ->
case transOp of
Just typ -> Map.insert (showIsaI name i)
typ m'
Nothing -> m')
(zip transOps [1..length transOps])
---------- translation of a type in an operation declaration ----------
-- extract type from OpInfo
-- omit datatype constructors
transOpInfo :: OpInfo -> Maybe Typ
transOpInfo (OpInfo t _ opDef) =
case opDef of
NoOpDefn Pred -> Just (transPredType t)
NoOpDefn _ -> Just (transOpType t)
ConstructData _ -> Nothing
Definition _ _ -> Just (transOpType t)
_ ->
error ("[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Not supported"
++ "operation declaration and/or definition")
-- operation type
transOpType :: TypeScheme -> Typ
transOpType (TypeScheme _ op _) = transType op
-- predicate type
transPredType :: TypeScheme -> Typ
transPredType (TypeScheme _ pre _) =
case pre of
FunType t _ _ _ -> mkFunType (transType t) boolType
_ ->
error "[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Wrong predicate type"
-- types
transType :: Type -> Typ
-- type name
transType (TypeName tyId _ i) =
if i == 0 then Type (showIsa tyId) [] [] [] -- translate kind here!!
else TFree (showIsa tyId) []
-- product type
transType (ProductType ts _) =
foldl1 IsaSign.prodType (map transType ts)
-- function type
transType (FunType t arr t' _) =
case arr of
PFunArr -> mkFunType (transType t) (mkOptionType (transType t'))
FunArr -> mkFunType (transType t) (transType t')
_ ->
error "[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Not supported function type"
-- type application
transType (TypeAppl t t') =
mkTypeAppl c (ts ++ [transType t'])
where (c, ts) = stripAppl t "" []
stripAppl ty c ts =
case ty of
TypeAppl ty ty' -> stripAppl ty c ((transType ty'):ts)
TypeName i _ _ -> (showIsa i, ts)
_ -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.transType"
transType _ = error "[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Not supported type"
---------- translation of a datatype declaration ----------
transDatatype :: TypeMap -> DataTypeTab
transDatatype tm = map transDataEntry (Map.fold extractDataypes [] tm)
where extractDataypes ti des = case typeDefn ti of
DatatypeDefn de -> des++[de]
_ -> des
-- datatype with name (tyId) + args (tyArgs) and alternatives
transDataEntry :: DataEntry -> DataTypeTabEntry
transDataEntry (DataEntry _ tyId Le.Free tyArgs alts) =
[((transDName tyId tyArgs), (map transAltDefn alts))]
where transDName ti ta = Type (showIsa ti) [] [] (map transTypeArg ta)
transDataEntry _ =
error "[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Not supported datatype definition"
-- arguments of datatype's typeconstructor
transTypeArg :: TypeArg -> Typ
transTypeArg (TypeArg tyId _ _ _) = TFree (showIsa tyId) []
-- datatype alternatives/constructors
transAltDefn :: AltDefn -> DataTypeAlt
transAltDefn (Construct opId ts Total _) =
let ts' = map transType ts
in case opId of
Just opId' -> (showIsa opId', ts')
Nothing -> ("", ts')
transAltDefn _ =
error ("[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Not supported"
++ "alternative definition in (free) datatype")
------------------------------ Formulas ------------------------------
-- simple variables
transVar :: Var -> String
transVar = showIsa
transSentence :: Env -> Le.Sentence -> Maybe IsaSign.Term
transSentence sign s = case s of
Le.Formula t -> Just (transTerm sign t)
DatatypeSen _ -> Nothing
ProgEqSen _ _ _pe -> Nothing
-- disambiguate operation names
transOpId :: Env -> UninstOpId -> TypeScheme -> String
transOpId sign op ts =
case (do ops <- Map.lookup op (assumps sign)
if isSingle (opInfos ops) then return $ showIsa op
else do i <- elemIndex ts (map opType (opInfos ops))
return $ showIsaI op (i+1)) of
Just str -> str
Nothing -> showIsa op
-- terms
transTerm :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transTerm _ (QualVar (VarDecl var t _ _)) =
let t' = transType t
ot = mkFunType t' $ mkOptionType t'
in termAppl (conSomeT ot) (IsaSign.Free (transVar var) t' isaTerm)
transTerm sign (QualOp _ (InstOpId opId _ _) ts _)
| opId == trueId = con "True"
| opId == falseId = con "False"
| otherwise = termAppl conSome (con (transOpId sign opId ts))
-- term application
transTerm sign (ApplTerm term term' _) =
transApplTerm term
transApplTerm t =
case t of
QualOp Fun (InstOpId opId _ _) _ _ ->
-- logical formulas are translated seperatly (transLog)
if opId == whenElse then transWhenElse sign term'
else transLog sign opId term term'
-- predicates
QualOp Pred _ _ _ ->
termAppl (termAppl (con "pApp") (transTerm sign term))
(transTerm sign term')
-- distinguishes between partial and total term application
QualOp Op _ typeScheme _ ->
if isPart typeScheme then mkApp "app"
else mkApp "apt"
-- seeks for determining inner term
ApplTerm t' _ _ -> transApplTerm t'
-- strips TypedTerm
TypedTerm t' _ _ _ -> transApplTerm t'
_ -> mkApp "app"
mkApp s = termAppl (termAppl (con s) (transTerm sign term))
(transTerm sign term')
isPart (TypeScheme _ op _) =
case op of
FunType _ PFunArr _ _ -> True
FunType _ FunArr _ _ -> False
_ ->
error "[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Wrong operation type"
-- quantified formulas
transTerm sign (QuantifiedTerm quan varDecls phi _) =
foldr (quantify quan) (transTerm sign phi) varDecls
quantify q gvd phi' =
case gvd of
(GenVarDecl (VarDecl var typ _ _)) ->
termAppl (con $ qname q) (Abs (con $ transVar var)
(transType typ) phi' NotCont)
(GenTypeVarDecl (TypeArg _ _ _ _)) -> phi'
qname Universal = allS
qname Existential = exS
qname Unique = ex1S
-- strip TypedTerm
transTerm sign (TypedTerm t _ _ _) = transTerm sign t
-- lambda abstraction
transTerm sign (LambdaTerm pats p body _) =
-- distinguishes between partial and total lambda abstraction
-- total lambda bodies are of type 'a' instead of type 'a option'
case p of
Partial -> lambdaAbs transTerm
Total -> lambdaAbs transTotalLambda
lambdaAbs f =
if (null pats) then termAppl conSome
(Abs (IsaSign.Free "dummyVar" noType isaTerm)
noType (f sign body) IsCont)
else termAppl conSome (foldr (abstraction sign)
(f sign body)
-- let statement
transTerm sign (LetTerm As.Let peqs body _) =
IsaSign.Let (map transProgEq peqs) (transTerm sign body) IsCont
transProgEq (ProgEq pat t _) =
(transPattern sign pat, transPattern sign t)
-- tuple
transTerm sign (TupleTerm ts _) =
foldl1 (binConst pairC) (map (transTerm sign) ts)
-- case statement
transTerm sign (CaseTerm t peqs _) =
-- flatten case alternatives
let alts = arangeCaseAlts sign peqs
-- introduces new case statement if case variable is
-- a term application that may evaluate to 'Some x' or 'None'
case t of
QualVar (VarDecl decl _ _ _) ->
Case (IsaSign.Free (transVar decl) noType isaTerm) alts IsCont
_ ->
Case (transTerm sign t)
((con "None", con "None"):
[(App conSome (IsaSign.Free "caseVar" noType isaTerm) IsCont,
Case (IsaSign.Free "caseVar" noType isaTerm) alts IsCont)])
transTerm _ _ =
error "[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Not supported (abstract) syntax."
-- translation formulas with logical connectives
transLog :: Env -> Id -> As.Term -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transLog sign opId opTerm t
| opId == andId = foldl1 (binConst conj)
(map (transTerm sign) ts)
| opId == orId = foldl1 (binConst disj)
(map (transTerm sign) ts)
| opId == implId = binConst impl (transTerm sign t')
(transTerm sign t'')
| opId == eqvId = binConst eqv (transTerm sign t')
(transTerm sign t'')
| opId == notId = termAppl notOp (transTerm sign t)
| opId == defId = termAppl defOp (transTerm sign t)
| opId == exEq =
binConst conj
(binConst conj
(binConst eq (transTerm sign t')
(transTerm sign t''))
(termAppl defOp (transTerm sign t')))
(termAppl defOp (transTerm sign t''))
| opId == eqId = binConst eq (transTerm sign t')
(transTerm sign t'')
| otherwise = termAppl (transTerm sign opTerm) (transTerm sign t)
where ts = getTerms t
t' = head ts
t'' = last ts
getTerms (TupleTerm terms _) = terms
getTerms _ =
error ("[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Incorrect"
++ "formula coding in abstract syntax")
-- when else statement
transWhenElse :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transWhenElse sign t =
case t of
TupleTerm terms _ ->
let ts = (map (transTerm sign) terms)
if (length ts) == 3
then If (head $ tail ts) (head ts) (last ts) NotCont
else error
"[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Wrong when-else definition"
_ ->
error "[Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL] Wrong when-else definition"
--translation of lambda abstractions
-- form Abs(pattern term)
abstraction :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term
abstraction sign pat body =
Abs (transPattern sign pat) (getType pat) body IsCont where
getType t =
case t of
QualVar (VarDecl _ typ _ _) -> transType typ
TypedTerm _ _ typ _ -> transType typ
TupleTerm terms _ -> evalTupleType terms
_ ->
error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.abstraction"
evalTupleType t = foldr1 IsaSign.prodType (map getType t)
-- translation of lambda patterns
-- a pattern keeps his type 't', isn't translated to 't option'
transPattern :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transPattern _ (QualVar (VarDecl var typ _ _)) =
IsaSign.Free (transVar var) (transType typ) isaTerm
transPattern sign (TupleTerm terms _) = foldl1 (binConst isaPair)
(map (transPattern sign) terms)
transPattern _ (QualOp _ (InstOpId opId _ _) _ _) = con (showIsa opId)
transPattern sign (TypedTerm t _ _ _) = transPattern sign t
transPattern sign (ApplTerm t1 t2 _) = App (transPattern sign t1) (transPattern sign t2) IsCont
transPattern sign t = transTerm sign t
-- translation of total lambda abstraction bodies
transTotalLambda :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transTotalLambda _ (QualVar (VarDecl var typ _ _)) =
IsaSign.Free(transVar var) (transType typ) isaTerm
transTotalLambda sign t@(QualOp _ (InstOpId opId _ _) _ _) =
if (opId == trueId) || (opId == falseId) then transTerm sign t
else con (showIsa opId)
transTotalLambda sign (ApplTerm term1 term2 _) =
termAppl (transTotalLambda sign term1) (transTotalLambda sign term2)
transTotalLambda sign (TypedTerm t _ _ _) = transTotalLambda sign t
transTotalLambda sign (LambdaTerm pats part body _) =
case part of
Partial -> lambdaAbs transTerm
Total -> lambdaAbs transTotalLambda
lambdaAbs f =
if (null pats) then Abs(IsaSign.Free "dummyVar" noType isaTerm)
noType (f sign body) IsCont
else (foldr (abstraction sign)
(f sign body)
transTotalLambda sign (TupleTerm terms _) =
foldl1 (binConst isaPair) (map (transTotalLambda sign) terms)
transTotalLambda sign (CaseTerm t pEqs _) =
Case (transTotalLambda sign t) (map transCaseAltTotal pEqs) IsCont
where transCaseAltTotal (ProgEq pat trm _) =
(transPat sign pat, transTotalLambda sign trm)
transTotalLambda sign t = transTerm sign t
----------------- translation of case alternatives ------------------
{- todo
nested case patterns:
1. check if set of patterns is
1a. one pattern consisting of a variable => we are done
1b. set of constructor patterns
1b1. sort patterns according to leading constructor
1b2. for each group of patterns with the same leading constructor
1b2a. for each argument position, call 1. recursively
{- Annotation concerning Patterns:
Following the HasCASL-Summary and the limits of this encoding
patterns may take the form:
QualVar, QualOp, ApplTerm, TupleTerm and TypedTerm
-- Input: List of case alternative one pattern per term
-- Functionality: Tests wheter pattern is a variable -> case alternative are
-- translated
arangeCaseAlts :: Env -> [ProgEq]-> [(IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)]
arangeCaseAlts sign peqs
| and (map patIsVar peqs) = map (transCaseAlt sign) peqs
| otherwise = sortCaseAlts sign peqs
-- Input: List of case alternatives, that patterns does consist of datatype constructors
-- (with arguments) or tupels
-- Functionality: Groups case alternatives by leading pattern-constructor
-- each pattern group is 'unfolded'
-- !! Von hier an hat man es nur mit EINER Art von leading constructor zu tun!!
sortCaseAlts :: Env -> [ProgEq]-> [(IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)]
sortCaseAlts sign peqs =
let consList
| null peqs = error "No case alternatives."
| otherwise = getCons sign (getName (head peqs))
groupedByCons = Data.List.nub (map (groupCons peqs) consList)
in map (flattenPattern sign) groupedByCons
-- Returns a list of the constructors of the used datatype
getCons :: Env -> TypeId -> [UninstOpId]
getCons sign tyId =
extractIds (typeDefn (Map.find tyId (typeMap sign)))
where extractIds (DatatypeDefn (DataEntry _ _ _ _ altDefns)) =
catMaybes (map stripConstruct altDefns)
extractIds _ = error "HasCASL2Isabelle.extractIds"
stripConstruct (Construct i _ _ _) = i
-- Extracts the type of the used datatype in case patterns
getName :: ProgEq -> TypeId
getName (ProgEq pat _ _) = (getTypeName pat)
getTypeName p =
case p of
QualVar (VarDecl _ typ _ _) -> name typ
QualOp _ _ (TypeScheme _ typ _) _ -> name typ
TypedTerm _ _ typ _ -> name typ
ApplTerm t _ _ -> getTypeName t
TupleTerm ts _ -> getTypeName (head ts)
_ -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.getTypeName"
where name tp = case tp of
TypeName tyId _ 0 -> tyId
TypeAppl tp' _ -> name tp'
FunType _ _ tp' _ -> name tp'
ProductType (tp':tps) _ -> name tp'
_ ->
error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.name (of type)"
-- Input: Case alternatives and name of one constructor
-- Functionality: Filters case alternatives by constructor's name
groupCons :: [ProgEq] -> UninstOpId -> [ProgEq]
groupCons peqs name = filter hasSameName peqs
where hasSameName (ProgEq pat _ _) =
hsn pat
hsn pat =
case pat of
QualOp _ (InstOpId n _ _) _ _ -> n == name
ApplTerm t1 _ _ -> hsn t1
TypedTerm t _ _ _ -> hsn t
TupleTerm _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- Input: List of case alternatives with same leading constructor
-- Functionality: Tests whether the constructor has no arguments, if so
-- translates case alternatives
-- if not
flattenPattern :: Env -> [ProgEq] -> (IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)
flattenPattern sign peqs
| null peqs = error "Missing constructor alternative in case pattern."
| isSingle peqs = (transCaseAlt sign) (head peqs)
-- at this stage there are patterns left which use 'ApplTerm' or 'TupleTerm'
-- or the 'TypedTerm' variant of one of them
| otherwise = let m = concentrate (matricize peqs) sign
transCaseAlt sign (ProgEq (shrinkPat m) (term m) nullPos)
{- First of all a matrix is allocated (matriArg) with the arguments of a
constructor resp. of a tuple. They're binded with the term, that would
be executed if the pattern matched. Then the resulting list of
matrices is grouped by the leading argument. (groupArgs) Afterwards -
if a list of grouped arguments has more than one element - the last
pattern argument (in the list 'patterns') is ... -}
data CaseMatrix = CaseMatrix { patBrand :: PatBrand,
cons :: Maybe As.Term,
args :: [Pattern],
newArgs :: [Pattern],
term :: As.Term } deriving (Show)
data PatBrand = Appl | Tuple | QuOp | QuVar deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Eq CaseMatrix where
(==) cmx cmx' = (patBrand cmx == patBrand cmx')
&& (args cmx == args cmx')
&& (term cmx == term cmx')
&& (cons cmx == cons cmx')
&& (newArgs cmx == newArgs cmx')
-- Input: List with CaseMatrix of same leading constructor pattern
-- Functionality: First: Groups CMs so that these CMs are in one list
-- that only differ in their last argument
-- then: reduces list of every CMslist to one CM
-- if there's only one CM left ->
concentrate :: [CaseMatrix] -> Env -> CaseMatrix
concentrate cmxs sign
| isSingle cmsWithSubstitutedLastArg = head cmsWithSubstitutedLastArg
| otherwise = concentrate cmsWithSubstitutedLastArg sign
where cmll = Data.List.nub (map (groupByArgs cmxs) [0..(length cmxs-1)])
cmsWithSubstitutedLastArg = map (redArgs sign) cmll
groupByArgs :: [CaseMatrix] -> Int -> [CaseMatrix]
groupByArgs cmxs i
| and (map null (map args cmxs)) = cmxs
| otherwise = (filter equalPat cmxs)
where patE = init (args (cmxs !! i))
equalPat cmx = isSingle (args cmx) || init (args cmx) == patE
-- Functionality: turns ProgEq into CaseMatrix
matricize :: [ProgEq] -> [CaseMatrix]
matricize = map matriPEq
matriPEq :: ProgEq -> CaseMatrix
matriPEq (ProgEq pat altTerm _) = matriArg pat altTerm
matriArg :: Pattern -> As.Term -> CaseMatrix
matriArg pat cTerm =
case pat of
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> let (c, p) = stripAppl t1 (Nothing, [])
CaseMatrix { patBrand = Appl,
cons = c,
args = p ++ [t2],
newArgs = [],
term = cTerm }
TupleTerm ts _ -> CaseMatrix { patBrand = Tuple,
cons = Nothing,
args = ts,
newArgs = [],
term = cTerm }
TypedTerm t _ _ _ -> matriArg t cTerm
qv@(QualVar _) -> CaseMatrix { patBrand = QuVar,
cons = Nothing,
args = [qv],
newArgs = [],
term = cTerm }
qo@(QualOp _ _ _ _) -> CaseMatrix { patBrand = QuOp,
cons = Nothing,
args = [qo],
newArgs = [],
term = cTerm }
_ -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.matriArg"
-- Assumption: The innermost term of a case-pattern consisting of a ApplTerm
-- is a QualOp, that is a datatype constructor
where stripAppl ct tp =
(case ct of
TypedTerm (ApplTerm q@(QualOp _ _ _ _) t' _) _ _ _ -> (Just q, [t'] ++ snd tp)
TypedTerm (ApplTerm (TypedTerm
q@(QualOp _ _ _ _) _ _ _) t' _) _ _ _ -> (Just q, [t'] ++ snd tp)
TypedTerm (ApplTerm t' t'' _) _ _ _ ->
stripAppl t' (fst tp, [t''] ++ snd tp)
ApplTerm q@(QualOp _ _ _ _) t' _ -> (Just q, [t'] ++ snd tp)
ApplTerm (TypedTerm
q@(QualOp _ _ _ _) _ _ _) t' _ -> (Just q, [t'])
ApplTerm t' t'' _ ->
stripAppl t' (fst tp, [t''] ++ snd tp)
-- TypedTerm t' _ _ _ -> stripAppl t' tp
q@(QualOp _ _ _ _) -> (Just q, snd tp)
_ -> (Nothing, [ct] ++ snd tp))
redArgs :: Env -> [CaseMatrix] -> CaseMatrix
redArgs sign cmxs
| and (map (testPatBrand Appl) cmxs) = redAppl cmxs sign
| and (map (testPatBrand Tuple) cmxs) = redAppl cmxs sign
| isSingle cmxs = head cmxs
| otherwise = head cmxs
where testPatBrand pb cmx = pb == patBrand cmx
-- Input: List of CMs thats leading constructor and arguments except the last one are equal
-- Functionality: Reduces n CMs to one with same last argument in pattern
redAppl :: [CaseMatrix] -> Env -> CaseMatrix
redAppl cmxs sign
| and (map null (map args cmxs)) = head cmxs
| isSingle cmxs =
(head cmxs) { args = init (args (head cmxs)),
newArgs = (last (args (head cmxs))):(newArgs (head cmxs)) }
| and (map termIsVar lastArgs) = substVar (head cmxs)
| otherwise = substTerm (head cmxs)
where terms = map term cmxs
lastArgs = map last (map args cmxs)
varName = "caseVar" ++ show (length (args (head cmxs)))
varId = (mkId [(mkSimpleId varName)])
newVar = QualVar (VarDecl varId (TypeName varId MissingKind 1) Other [])
newPeqs = (map newProgEq (zip lastArgs terms))
newPeqs' = recArgs sign newPeqs
substVar cmx
| null (args cmx) = cmx
| isSingle (args cmx) =
cmx { args = [],
newArgs = last(args cmx) : (newArgs cmx) }
| otherwise =
cmx { args = init (args cmx),
newArgs = last(args cmx) : (newArgs cmx) }
substTerm cmx
| null (args cmx) = cmx
| isSingle (args cmx) =
cmx { args = [],
newArgs = newVar : (newArgs cmx),
term = CaseTerm newVar newPeqs' [] }
| otherwise =
cmx { args = init(args cmx),
newArgs = newVar : (newArgs cmx),
term = CaseTerm newVar newPeqs' [] }
recArgs :: Env -> [ProgEq] -> [ProgEq]
recArgs sign peqs
| isSingle groupedByCons
|| null groupedByCons = []
| otherwise = doPEQ groupedByCons []
where consList
| null peqs = error "No case alternatives."
| otherwise = getCons sign (getName (head peqs))
groupedByCons = map (groupCons peqs) consList
doPEQ [] res = res
doPEQ (g:gByCs) res
| isSingle g = doPEQ gByCs (res ++ g)
| otherwise = doPEQ gByCs (res ++ [(toPEQ (testPEQs sign g))])
toPEQ cmx = ProgEq (shrinkPat cmx) (term cmx) nullPos
testPEQs :: Env -> [ProgEq] -> CaseMatrix
testPEQs sign peqs
| null peqs = error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.testPEQs"
| otherwise = concentrate (matricize peqs) sign
newProgEq (p, t) = ProgEq p t nullPos
shrinkPat :: CaseMatrix -> As.Term
shrinkPat cmx =
case patBrand cmx of
Appl -> case cons cmx of
Just c -> foldl mkApplT c ((args cmx) ++ (newArgs cmx))
Nothing -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.shrinkPat"
Tuple -> TupleTerm ((args cmx) ++ (newArgs cmx)) []
QuOp -> head (args cmx)
_ -> head (newArgs cmx)
where mkApplT t1 t2 = ApplTerm t1 t2 []
patIsVar :: ProgEq -> Bool
patIsVar (ProgEq pat _ _) = termIsVar pat
termIsVar :: As.Term -> Bool
termIsVar t = case t of
QualVar _ -> True
TypedTerm tr _ _ _ -> termIsVar tr
TupleTerm ts _ -> and (map termIsVar ts)
_ -> False
patHasNoArg :: ProgEq -> Bool
patHasNoArg (ProgEq pat _ _) = termHasNoArg pat
termHasNoArg :: As.Term -> Bool
termHasNoArg t = case t of
QualOp _ _ _ _ -> True
TypedTerm tr _ _ _ -> termHasNoArg tr
_ -> False
transCaseAlt :: Env -> ProgEq -> (IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)
transCaseAlt sign (ProgEq pat trm _) =
(transPat sign pat, (transTerm sign trm))
transPat :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transPat _ (QualVar (VarDecl var _ _ _)) =
IsaSign.Free (transVar var) noType isaTerm
transPat sign (ApplTerm term1 term2 _) =
termAppl (transPat sign term1) (transPat sign term2)
transPat sign (TypedTerm trm _ _ _) = transPat sign trm
transPat sign (TupleTerm terms _) =
foldl1 (binConst isaPair) (map (transPat sign) terms)
transPat _ (QualOp _ (InstOpId i _ _) _ _) = con (showIsa i)
transPat _ _ = error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.transPat"
-- showPEQ peqs = "PEQ-Liste: "++show (map spe peqs) ++"\n\n"
-- spe (ProgEq pat term _) = "PEQ Pattern: " ++ sT pat++" "++"Term: "++sT term++"\n"
-- sT (QualVar (VarDecl v _ _ _)) = show v
-- sT (QualOp _ (InstOpId i _ _) _ _) = show i
-- sT (ApplTerm t1 t2 _) = "ApplT ("++sT t1++") ("++sT t2++")"
-- sT (TupleTerm ts _) = "TupleT "++concat (map sT ts)
-- sT (TypedTerm t _ _ _) = "Typed "++sT t
-- sT (CaseTerm t peqs _) = "Case "++sT t++" "-- ++showPEQ peqs
-- sT t = show t
-- showCM cm = "MATRIX -+- Cons: PB: "++show (patBrand cm)++" Pats: "++concat (map sT (args cm))++" newArgs: "++concat (map sT (newArgs cm))++" term: "++sT (term cm)