HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.hs revision 55cf6e01272ec475edea32aa9b7923de2d36cb42
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : old translation that is only better for case terms
Copyright : (c) Sonja Groening, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2003-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
This embedding comorphism from HasCASL to Isabelle-HOL is an old
version that can be deleted as soon as case terms are implemented elsewhere
module Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL where
import Logic.Logic as Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import HasCASL.Logic_HasCASL
import HasCASL.Sublogic
import HasCASL.Le as Le
import HasCASL.As as As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Builtin
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Isabelle.Translate
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data HasCASL2IsabelleHOL = HasCASL2IsabelleHOL deriving Show
instance Language HasCASL2IsabelleHOL where
language_name HasCASL2IsabelleHOL = "HasCASL2IsabelleDeprecated"
instance Comorphism HasCASL2IsabelleHOL
HasCASL Sublogic
BasicSpec Le.Sentence SymbItems SymbMapItems
Env Morphism
Symbol RawSymbol ()
Isabelle () () IsaSign.Sentence () ()
IsabelleMorphism () () () where
sourceLogic HasCASL2IsabelleHOL = HasCASL
sourceSublogic HasCASL2IsabelleHOL = sublogic_min noSubtypes noClasses
targetLogic HasCASL2IsabelleHOL = Isabelle
mapSublogic cid sl = if sl `isSubElem` sourceSublogic cid
then Just () else Nothing
map_theory HasCASL2IsabelleHOL = mkTheoryMapping transSignature
(map_sentence HasCASL2IsabelleHOL)
map_morphism = mapDefaultMorphism
map_sentence HasCASL2IsabelleHOL sign phi =
case transSentence sign phi of
Nothing -> warning (mkSen true)
"translation of sentence not implemented" nullRange
Just (ts) -> return $ mkSen ts
isInclusionComorphism HasCASL2IsabelleHOL = True
-- * Signature
baseSign :: BaseSig
baseSign = MainHC_thy
transSignature :: Env -> Result (IsaSign.Sign,[Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transSignature sign =
return (IsaSign.emptySign {
baseSig = baseSign,
-- translation of typeconstructors
tsig = emptyTypeSig
{ arities = Map.foldWithKey extractTypeName
(typeMap sign) },
-- translation of operation declarations
constTab = Map.foldWithKey insertOps
(assumps sign),
-- translation of datatype declarations
domainTab = transDatatype (typeMap sign),
showLemmas = True },
[] )
extractTypeName tyId typeInfo m =
if isDatatypeDefn typeInfo then m
else Map.insert (showIsaTypeT tyId baseSign) [(isaTerm, [])] m
-- translate the kind here!
isDatatypeDefn t = case typeDefn t of
DatatypeDefn _ -> True
_ -> False
insertOps name ops m =
if isSingleton ops then
let transOp = transOpInfo (Set.findMin ops)
in case transOp of
Just op ->
Map.insert (mkVName $ showIsaConstT name baseSign) op m
Nothing -> m
let transOps = map transOpInfo $ Set.toList ops
in foldl (\ m' (transOp,i) ->
case transOp of
Just ty -> Map.insert
(mkVName $ showIsaConstIT name i baseSign)
ty m'
Nothing -> m')
m $ number transOps
-- * translation of a type in an operation declaration
-- extract type from OpInfo
-- omit datatype constructors
transOpInfo :: OpInfo -> Maybe Typ
transOpInfo (OpInfo t _ opDef) =
case opDef of
ConstructData _ -> Nothing
_ -> Just (transOpType t)
-- operation type
transOpType :: TypeScheme -> Typ
transOpType (TypeScheme _ op _) = transType op
-- types
transType :: Type -> Typ
transType t = case getTypeAppl t of
(TypeName tid _ n, tyArgs) -> let num = length tyArgs in
if n == 0 then
if tid == unitTypeId && null tyArgs then boolType
else if tid == lazyTypeId && num == 1 then
transType $ head tyArgs
else if isArrow tid && num == 2 then
let [t1, t2] = tyArgs
tr = transType t2
in mkFunType (transType t1) $
if isPartialArrow tid && not (isPredType t)
then mkOptionType tr else tr
else if isProductId tid && num > 1 then
foldl1 prodType $ map transType tyArgs
else Type (showIsaTypeT tid baseSign) [] $ map transType tyArgs
else TFree (showIsaTypeT tid baseSign) []
-- type arguments are not allowed here!
_ -> error $ "transType " ++ showDoc t "\n" ++ show t
-- * translation of a datatype declaration
transDatatype :: TypeMap -> DomainTab
transDatatype tm = map transDataEntry (Map.fold extractDataypes [] tm)
where extractDataypes ti des = case typeDefn ti of
DatatypeDefn de -> des++[de]
_ -> des
-- datatype with name (tyId) + args (tyArgs) and alternatives
transDataEntry :: DataEntry -> [DomainEntry]
transDataEntry (DataEntry _ tyId Le.Free tyArgs _ alts) =
[(transDName tyId tyArgs, map transAltDefn $ Set.toList alts)]
where transDName ti ta = Type (showIsaTypeT ti baseSign) []
$ map transTypeArg ta
transDataEntry _ = error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.transDataEntry"
-- arguments of datatype's typeconstructor
transTypeArg :: TypeArg -> Typ
transTypeArg ta = TFree (showIsaTypeT (getTypeVar ta) baseSign) []
-- datatype alternatives/constructors
transAltDefn :: AltDefn -> (VName, [Typ])
transAltDefn (Construct opId ts Total _) =
let ts' = map transType ts
in case opId of
Just opId' -> (mkVName $ showIsaConstT opId' baseSign, ts')
Nothing -> (mkVName "", ts')
transAltDefn _ = error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.transAltDefn"
-- * Formulas
-- simple variables
transVar :: Id -> VName
transVar v = mkVName $ showIsaConstT v baseSign
transSentence :: Env -> Le.Sentence -> Maybe IsaSign.Term
transSentence sign s = case s of
Le.Formula t -> Just (transTerm sign t)
DatatypeSen _ -> Nothing
ProgEqSen _ _ _pe -> Nothing
-- disambiguate operation names
transOpId :: Env -> Id -> TypeScheme -> String
transOpId sign op ts =
case (do ops <- Map.lookup op (assumps sign)
if isSingleton ops then return $ showIsaConstT op baseSign
else do i <- elemIndex ts $ map opType $ Set.toList ops
return $ showIsaConstIT op (i+1) baseSign) of
Just str -> str
Nothing -> showIsaConstT op baseSign
transProgEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> (IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)
transProgEq sign (ProgEq pat t _) =
(transPattern sign pat, transPattern sign t)
-- terms
transTerm :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transTerm sign trm = case trm of
QualVar (VarDecl var _ _ _) ->
termAppl conSome $ IsaSign.Free (transVar var)
QualOp _ (PolyId opId _ _) ts _ _ _ ->
if opId == trueId then true
else if opId == falseId then false
else termAppl conSome (conDouble (transOpId sign opId ts))
QuantifiedTerm quan varDecls phi _ ->
let quantify q gvd phi' = case gvd of
GenVarDecl (VarDecl var _ _ _) ->
termAppl (conDouble $ qname q)
$ Abs (IsaSign.Free $ transVar var) phi' NotCont
GenTypeVarDecl _ -> phi'
qname Universal = allS
qname Existential = exS
qname Unique = ex1S
in foldr (quantify quan) (transTerm sign phi) varDecls
TypedTerm t _ _ _ -> transTerm sign t
LambdaTerm pats p body _ ->
let lambdaAbs f = if null pats then termAppl conSome
(Abs (IsaSign.Free $ mkVName "dummyVar")
(f sign body) NotCont)
else termAppl conSome (foldr (abstraction sign)
(f sign body)
in case p of
-- distinguishes between partial and total lambda abstraction
-- total lambda bodies are of type 'a' instead of type 'a option'
Partial -> lambdaAbs transTerm
Total -> lambdaAbs transTotalLambda
LetTerm As.Let peqs body _ ->
IsaSign.Let (map (transProgEq sign) peqs) $ transTerm sign body
TupleTerm ts@(_ : _) _ ->
foldl1 (binConst pairC) (map (transTerm sign) ts)
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> transAppl sign Nothing t1 t2
CaseTerm t peqs _ ->
-- flatten case alternatives
let alts = arangeCaseAlts sign peqs
in case t of
-- introduces new case statement if case variable is
-- a term application that may evaluate to 'Some x' or 'None'
QualVar (VarDecl decl _ _ _) ->
Case (IsaSign.Free (transVar decl)) alts
_ -> Case (transTerm sign t)
[(conDouble "None", conDouble "None"),
(App conSome (IsaSign.Free (mkVName "caseVar")) NotCont,
Case (IsaSign.Free (mkVName "caseVar")) alts)]
_ -> error $ "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.transTerm " ++ showDoc trm "\n"
++ show trm
transAppl :: Env -> Maybe As.Type -> As.Term -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transAppl s ty' t' t'' = case t'' of
TupleTerm [] _ -> transTerm s t'
_ -> case t' of
QualVar (VarDecl _ ty _ _) -> transApplOp s ty t' t''
QualOp _ (PolyId opId _ _) (TypeScheme _ ty _) _ _ _ ->
if elem opId $ map fst bList then
-- logical formulas are translated seperatly (transLog)
if opId == whenElse then transWhenElse s t''
else transLog s opId t' t''
else transApplOp s ty t' t''
-- distinguishes between partial and total term application
TypedTerm tt' _ typ' _ -> transAppl s (Just typ') tt' t''
_ -> maybe (mkApp "app" s t' t'')
( \ ty -> transApplOp s ty t' t'') ty'
mkApp :: String -> Env -> As.Term -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
mkApp s sg tt tt' = termAppl (termAppl (conDouble s) (transTerm sg tt))
(transTerm sg tt')
transApplOp :: Env -> As.Type -> As.Term -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transApplOp s ty tt tt' = if isPredType ty then mkApp "pApp" s tt tt'
else case getTypeAppl ty of
(TypeName tid _ 0, [_, _]) | isArrow tid ->
if isPartialArrow tid then mkApp "app" s tt tt'
else mkApp "apt" s tt tt'
_ -> mkApp "app" s tt tt'
-- translation formulas with logical connectives
transLog :: Env -> Id -> As.Term -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transLog sign opId opTerm t = case t of
TupleTerm [l' , r'] _
| opId == andId -> binConj l r
| opId == orId -> binDisj l r
| opId == implId -> binImpl l r
| opId == infixIf -> binImpl r l
| opId == eqvId -> binEq l r
| opId == exEq -> binConj (binEq l r) $
binConj (termAppl defOp l) $
termAppl defOp r
| opId == eqId -> binEq l r
where l = transTerm sign l'
r = transTerm sign r'
_ | opId == notId -> termAppl notOp (transTerm sign t)
| opId == defId -> termAppl defOp (transTerm sign t)
| otherwise -> termAppl (transTerm sign opTerm) (transTerm sign t)
-- | when else statement
transWhenElse :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transWhenElse sign t =
case t of
TupleTerm terms _ ->
let ts = (map (transTerm sign) terms)
in case ts of
[i, c, e] -> If c i e NotCont
_ -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.transWhenElse.tuple"
_ -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.transWhenElse"
-- * translation of lambda abstractions
-- form Abs(pattern term)
abstraction :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term
abstraction sign pat body =
Abs (transPattern sign pat) body NotCont
-- translation of lambda patterns
-- a pattern keeps his type 't', isn't translated to 't option'
transPattern :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transPattern _ (QualVar (VarDecl var _ _ _)) =
IsaSign.Free (transVar var)
transPattern sign (TupleTerm terms@(_ : _) _) =
foldl1 (binConst isaPair) $ map (transPattern sign) terms
transPattern _ (QualOp _ (PolyId opId _ _) _ _ _ _) =
conDouble $ showIsaConstT opId baseSign
transPattern sign (TypedTerm t _ _ _) = transPattern sign t
transPattern sign (ApplTerm t1 t2 _) =
App (transPattern sign t1) (transPattern sign t2) NotCont
transPattern sign t = transTerm sign t
-- translation of total lambda abstraction bodies
transTotalLambda :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transTotalLambda _ (QualVar (VarDecl var _ _ _)) =
IsaSign.Free (transVar var)
transTotalLambda sign t@(QualOp _ (PolyId opId _ _) _ _ _ _) =
if opId == trueId || opId == falseId then transTerm sign t
else conDouble $ showIsaConstT opId baseSign
transTotalLambda sign (ApplTerm term1 term2 _) =
termAppl (transTotalLambda sign term1) $ transTotalLambda sign term2
transTotalLambda sign (TypedTerm t _ _ _) = transTotalLambda sign t
transTotalLambda sign (LambdaTerm pats part body _) =
case part of
Partial -> lambdaAbs transTerm
Total -> lambdaAbs transTotalLambda
lambdaAbs f =
if (null pats) then Abs (IsaSign.Free (mkVName "dummyVar"))
(f sign body) NotCont
-- if (null pats) then Abs [("dummyVar", noType)]
else foldr (abstraction sign) (f sign body) pats
transTotalLambda sign (TupleTerm terms@(_ : _) _) =
foldl1 (binConst isaPair) $ map (transTotalLambda sign) terms
transTotalLambda sign (CaseTerm t pEqs _) =
Case (transTotalLambda sign t) $ map transCaseAltTotal pEqs
where transCaseAltTotal (ProgEq pat trm _) =
(transPat sign pat, transTotalLambda sign trm)
transTotalLambda sign t = transTerm sign t
-- * translation of case alternatives
{- Annotation concerning Patterns:
Following the HasCASL-Summary and the limits of the encoding
from HasCASL to Isabelle/HOL patterns may take the form:
QualVar, QualOp, ApplTerm, TupleTerm and TypedTerm
-- Input: List of case alternative (one pattern per term)
-- Functionality: Tests wheter pattern is a variable -> case alternative is
-- translated
arangeCaseAlts :: Env -> [ProgEq]-> [(IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)]
arangeCaseAlts sign peqs
| and (map patIsVar peqs) = map (transCaseAlt sign) peqs
| otherwise = sortCaseAlts sign peqs
{- Input: List of case alternatives, that patterns does consist of
datatype constructors (with arguments) or tupels
Functionality: Groups case alternatives by leading
pattern-constructor each pattern group is flattened
sortCaseAlts :: Env -> [ProgEq]-> [(IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)]
sortCaseAlts sign peqs =
let consList
| null peqs = error "No case alternatives."
| otherwise = getCons sign (getName (head peqs))
groupedByCons = nubOrd (map (groupCons peqs) consList)
in map (flattenPattern sign) groupedByCons
-- Returns a list of the constructors of the used datatype
getCons :: Env -> Id -> [Id]
getCons sign tyId =
extractIds (typeDefn (findInMap tyId (typeMap sign)))
where extractIds (DatatypeDefn (DataEntry _ _ _ _ _ altDefns)) =
catMaybes $ map stripConstruct $ Set.toList altDefns
extractIds _ = error "HasCASL2Isabelle.extractIds"
stripConstruct (Construct i _ _ _) = i
findInMap :: Ord k => k -> Map.Map k a -> a
findInMap k m = maybe (error "HasCASL2isabelleHOL.findInMap") id $
Map.lookup k m
-- Extracts the type of the used datatype in case patterns
getName :: ProgEq -> Id
getName (ProgEq pat _ _) = (getTypeName pat)
getTypeName :: As.Term -> Id
getTypeName p =
case p of
QualVar (VarDecl _ ty _ _) -> name ty
QualOp _ _ (TypeScheme _ ty _) _ _ _ -> name ty
TypedTerm _ _ ty _ -> name ty
ApplTerm t _ _ -> getTypeName t
TupleTerm (t : _) _ -> getTypeName t
_ -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.getTypeName"
where name tp = case getTypeAppl tp of
(TypeName tyId _ 0, tyArgs) -> let num = length tyArgs in
if isArrow tyId && num == 2 then
name $ head $ tail tyArgs
else if isProductId tyId && num > 1 then
name $ head tyArgs
else tyId
_ -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.name (of type)"
-- Input: Case alternatives and name of one constructor
-- Functionality: Filters case alternatives by constructor's name
groupCons :: [ProgEq] -> Id -> [ProgEq]
groupCons peqs name = filter hasSameName peqs
where hasSameName (ProgEq pat _ _) =
hsn pat
hsn pat =
case pat of
QualOp _ (PolyId n _ _) _ _ _ _ -> n == name
ApplTerm t1 _ _ -> hsn t1
TypedTerm t _ _ _ -> hsn t
TupleTerm _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- Input: List of case alternatives with same leading constructor
-- Functionality: Tests whether the constructor has no arguments, if so
-- translates case alternatives
flattenPattern :: Env -> [ProgEq] -> (IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)
flattenPattern sign peqs = case peqs of
[] -> error "Missing constructor alternative in case pattern."
[h] -> transCaseAlt sign h
-- at this stage there are patterns left which use 'ApplTerm' or 'TupleTerm'
-- or the 'TypedTerm' variant of one of them
_ -> let m = concentrate (matricize peqs) sign in
transCaseAlt sign (ProgEq (shrinkPat m) (term m) nullRange)
data CaseMatrix = CaseMatrix
{ patBrand :: PatBrand
, cons :: Maybe As.Term
, args :: [As.Term]
, newArgs :: [As.Term]
, term :: As.Term
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data PatBrand = Appl | Tuple | QuOp | QuVar deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- First of all a matrix is allocated (matriArg) with the arguments of a
constructor resp. of a tuple. They're binded with the term, that would
be executed if the pattern matched. Then the resulting list of
matrices is grouped by the leading argument. (groupArgs) Afterwards -
if a list of grouped arguments has more than one element - the last
pattern argument (in the list 'patterns') is replaced by a new variable.
n patterns are reduced to one pattern.
This procedure is repeated until there's only one case alternative
for each constructor.
-- Functionality: turns ProgEq into CaseMatrix
matricize :: [ProgEq] -> [CaseMatrix]
matricize = map matriPEq
matriPEq :: ProgEq -> CaseMatrix
matriPEq (ProgEq pat altTerm _) = matriArg pat altTerm
matriArg :: As.Term -> As.Term -> CaseMatrix
matriArg pat cTerm =
case pat of
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> let (c, p) = stripAppl t1 (Nothing, []) in CaseMatrix
{ patBrand = Appl,
cons = c,
args = p ++ [t2],
newArgs = [],
term = cTerm }
TupleTerm ts _ -> CaseMatrix
{ patBrand = Tuple,
cons = Nothing,
args = ts,
newArgs = [],
term = cTerm }
TypedTerm t _ _ _ -> matriArg t cTerm
qv@(QualVar _) -> CaseMatrix
{ patBrand = QuVar,
cons = Nothing,
args = [qv],
newArgs = [],
term = cTerm }
qo@(QualOp _ _ _ _ _ _) -> CaseMatrix
{ patBrand = QuOp,
cons = Nothing,
args = [qo],
newArgs = [],
term = cTerm }
_ -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.matriArg"
-- Assumption: The innermost term of a case-pattern consisting of a ApplTerm
-- is a QualOp, that is a datatype constructor
where stripAppl ct tp = case ct of
TypedTerm (ApplTerm q@(QualOp _ _ _ _ _ _) t' _) _ _ _ ->
(Just q, [t'] ++ snd tp)
TypedTerm (ApplTerm (TypedTerm
q@(QualOp _ _ _ _ _ _) _ _ _) t' _) _ _ _ ->
(Just q, [t'] ++ snd tp)
TypedTerm (ApplTerm t' t'' _) _ _ _ ->
stripAppl t' (fst tp, [t''] ++ snd tp)
ApplTerm q@(QualOp _ _ _ _ _ _) t' _ -> (Just q, [t'] ++ snd tp)
ApplTerm (TypedTerm
q@(QualOp _ _ _ _ _ _) _ _ _) t' _ -> (Just q, [t'])
ApplTerm t' t'' _ -> stripAppl t' (fst tp, [t''] ++ snd tp)
q@(QualOp _ _ _ _ _ _) -> (Just q, snd tp)
_ -> (Nothing, [ct] ++ snd tp)
-- Input: List with CaseMatrix of same leading constructor pattern
-- Functionality: First: Groups CMs so that these CMs are in one list
-- that only differ in their last argument
-- then: reduces list of every CMslist to one CM
concentrate :: [CaseMatrix] -> Env -> CaseMatrix
concentrate cmxs sign = case map (redArgs sign) $ nubOrd
$ map (groupByArgs cmxs) [0..(length cmxs-1)] of
[h] -> h
l -> concentrate l sign
groupByArgs :: [CaseMatrix] -> Int -> [CaseMatrix]
groupByArgs cmxs i
| and (map null (map args cmxs)) = cmxs
| otherwise = (filter equalPat cmxs)
where patE = init (args (cmxs !! i))
equalPat cmx = isSingle (args cmx) || init (args cmx) == patE
redArgs :: Env -> [CaseMatrix] -> CaseMatrix
redArgs sign cmxs
| and (map (testPatBrand Appl) cmxs) = redAppl cmxs sign
| and (map (testPatBrand Tuple) cmxs) = redAppl cmxs sign
| isSingle cmxs = head cmxs
| otherwise = head cmxs
where testPatBrand pb cmx = pb == patBrand cmx
{- Input: List of CMs thats leading constructor and arguments except
the last one are equal
Functionality: Reduces n CMs to one with same last argument in
pattern (perhaps a new variable
redAppl :: [CaseMatrix] -> Env -> CaseMatrix
redAppl cmxs sign
| and (map null (map args cmxs)) = head cmxs
| isSingle cmxs =
(head cmxs) { args = init $ args $ head cmxs,
newArgs = last (args $ head cmxs) : newArgs (head cmxs) }
| and (map termIsVar lastArgs) = substVar (head cmxs)
| otherwise = substTerm (head cmxs)
where terms = map term cmxs
lastArgs = map last (map args cmxs)
varName = "caseVar" ++ show (length (args (head cmxs)))
varId = (mkId [(mkSimpleId varName)])
newVar = QualVar (VarDecl varId (TypeName varId rStar 1)
As.Other nullRange)
newPeqs = (map newProgEq (zip lastArgs terms))
newPeqs' = recArgs sign newPeqs
substVar cmx
| null (args cmx) = cmx
| isSingle (args cmx) =
cmx { args = [],
newArgs = last(args cmx) : (newArgs cmx) }
| otherwise =
cmx { args = init (args cmx),
newArgs = last(args cmx) : (newArgs cmx) }
substTerm cmx
| null (args cmx) = cmx
| isSingle (args cmx) =
cmx { args = [],
newArgs = newVar : (newArgs cmx),
term = CaseTerm newVar newPeqs' nullRange }
| otherwise =
cmx { args = init(args cmx),
newArgs = newVar : (newArgs cmx),
term = CaseTerm newVar newPeqs' nullRange }
newProgEq (p, t) = ProgEq p t nullRange
-- Input: ProgEqs that were build to replace an argument
-- with a case statement
-- Functionality:
recArgs :: Env -> [ProgEq] -> [ProgEq]
recArgs sign peqs
| isSingle groupedByCons
|| null groupedByCons = []
| otherwise = doPEQ groupedByCons []
where consList
| null peqs = error "No case alternatives."
| otherwise = getCons sign (getName (head peqs))
groupedByCons = map (groupCons peqs) consList
doPEQ [] res = res
doPEQ (g:gByCs) res
| isSingle g = doPEQ gByCs (res ++ g)
| otherwise = doPEQ gByCs (res ++ [(toPEQ (testPEQs sign g))])
toPEQ cmx = ProgEq (shrinkPat cmx) (term cmx) nullRange
testPEQs sig ps
| null peqs = error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.testPEQs"
| otherwise = concentrate (matricize ps) sig
-- accumulates arguments of caseMatrix to one pattern
shrinkPat :: CaseMatrix -> As.Term
shrinkPat cmx =
case patBrand cmx of
Appl -> case cons cmx of
Just c -> foldl mkApplT c ((args cmx) ++ (newArgs cmx))
Nothing -> error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.shrinkPat"
Tuple -> TupleTerm (args cmx ++ newArgs cmx) nullRange
QuOp -> head (args cmx)
_ -> head (newArgs cmx)
where mkApplT t1 t2 = ApplTerm t1 t2 nullRange
patIsVar :: ProgEq -> Bool
patIsVar (ProgEq pat _ _) = termIsVar pat
termIsVar :: As.Term -> Bool
termIsVar t = case t of
QualVar _ -> True
TypedTerm tr _ _ _ -> termIsVar tr
TupleTerm ts _ -> and (map termIsVar ts)
_ -> False
patHasNoArg :: ProgEq -> Bool
patHasNoArg (ProgEq pat _ _) = termHasNoArg pat
termHasNoArg :: As.Term -> Bool
termHasNoArg t = case t of
QualOp _ _ _ _ _ _ -> True
TypedTerm tr _ _ _ -> termHasNoArg tr
_ -> False
transCaseAlt :: Env -> ProgEq -> (IsaSign.Term, IsaSign.Term)
transCaseAlt sign (ProgEq pat trm _) =
(transPat sign pat, (transTerm sign trm))
transPat :: Env -> As.Term -> IsaSign.Term
transPat _ (QualVar (VarDecl var _ _ _)) =
IsaSign.Free (transVar var)
transPat sign (ApplTerm term1 term2 _) =
termAppl (transPat sign term1) (transPat sign term2)
transPat sign (TypedTerm trm _ _ _) = transPat sign trm
transPat sign (TupleTerm terms@(_ : _) _) =
foldl1 (binConst isaPair) (map (transPat sign) terms)
transPat _ (QualOp _ (PolyId i _ _) _ _ _ _) =
conDouble (showIsaConstT i baseSign)
transPat _ _ = error "HasCASL2IsabelleHOL.transPat"
-- | apply binary operation to arguments
binConst :: String -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term -> IsaSign.Term
binConst s = binVNameAppl $ mkVName s
-- | upper case curried pair constructor
isaPair :: String
isaPair = "Pair"